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I just turned 50 in August. Since the very day of my birthday, I felt different. Not myself. I have always had anxiety and dizzyness, but now, it is off the charts! I am affraid to go for a walk becasue I am off balance or fear of fainting, I am affraid to exercise becasue I fear it will trigger palpitations.... I am HOT all the time!! It is awful! I havent had a period since Sept 3rd, even though I have the headaches and cramps! It feels as if an alien invaded my body and I am not who I once was! I dont want to go out socially becuase I am affraid of getting dizzy out in public. Going to a restaurant or to get my hair done is torture!! Can anybody relate to me?.... I take .5mg ativan oncce a day, which does not really seem to help any! [url=https://patient.info/health/rheumatoid-arthritis-leaflet]umatoid arthritis eart attack or faint, yet I dont! I walk and im going sideways, as if I am drunk! I am waking up at 2-3AM and cannot go back to sleep, which does not help with my symptoms. Am I alone in the world? It sure feels like it!
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silvana34208 jax827
I am 54 and havent have my period in almost 3 years now and I am going crazy.
Every 6 months my symptoms change and they are not ecxactly charming at all!!!!
I had dizziness in the past and I was walking sideways for months ,I also lost my balance quite often and still today I loose my balance and get caught on carpets , rugs or steps, I had headaches in the past and ear pain!!!,I have ringing in the ears for a long time now,I have palpitations , taquicardia and skip heart beats when I get a Hot flushes (which is about 15 a day).I have anxiety,panick attacks ,cry for no reason,I have to pee quite often ,I had electric shock sensations (like seizures) in my head for couple of seconds ,that I though I had epilepsy or something bad..... should I go on??
It is 12 midnight and I just went to bed and and this weird tremors or vibrations in my gut going up to my throat or my chest are so scary , it feels like is something wrong with my heart and this is my new symptom since June , so is about to expire soon and we'll see what is next.
Forgot to mention forgetfullness,confusion,mood swings,no sex drive at all for months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Got my heart checked and is perfectly allright,got an MRI in my brain and is perfect
You are not alone.
Do you relate to any of this symptoms??/
keep in touch
jax827 silvana34208
stel43725 jax827
jax827 stel43725
Thank you for reaching out. I am actually not feeling better. I will see a doctor today in women's health. I woke up with a brain fog, headache and unsteady. What else is new? I am just not myself. I feel like I'm dying. 😫😰😫
stel43725 jax827
chris14174 jax827
I am 49 and don't know if I'm depressed or menopausal but im actually scared to go out and palpitations etc I'm on anti ds but have tried Loads and still get all these symptoms sorry I have no answers I wish I did for both of us x
jax827 chris14174
I hope that your doctor can firgure out why you are having the palpitations. They are very scary! I get one and it ruins my entire day! My doctor assures me that "everybody" gets them and that they are safe if you have a healthy heart. Perhpas you should have a holter monitor and a echocardiogram just to make sure everything is okay!? I hope you feel better.... I hope "we" feel better
. xo
chris14174 jax827
Thanks again xx