What is happening to the hair??
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This is just plain horrible, all of it. I'm 50 years old- as if the last four years were not hard enough- fatigue, achy joints, fibro, weight gain and no energy. I think this might be one of the hardest things yet - my hair texture and thickness is changing big time. My asset has always been my hair- thick, soft waves my entire life, (as probably many women). I think I am having major hormone crashes because the hair is breaking off, falling off and actually looking thin. The hot sweats don't help because I think it is drying it out further. My hair has gone from healthy, full and wavy to getting scraggly looking and thinner in just a matter of a few months. Just entered menopause this month because no period for last 12 months.
Ladies, this menopause is unbelieveable-- not only physically but mentally. It is bad enough to not feel good but now I have depression over the condition of the hair, as it drastically affects the way I look. I guess we end up letting go of everything we had- just so depressing. I should stop being so vain and think of those losing their hair totally with chemotherapy or other stuff. At least I have hair. Still...this menopause really strips your life.
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metamorphed sharon1984
i know how you feel Sharon. there was a post started here yesterday discussing the same. I have not entered menopause yet, i am late peri and have had hair issues this past year only. It went so thin since last june. I make sure I have a good diet and look after it but no. A lady here suggested taking more Vitamin D3 (look at the other post) and I am upping that to see if that helps. Its not encouraging to think that it will get worse once menopause it reached. I try to dry it with my head upside down and that adds volume, but I always had loads of hair and long and trying to hold onto the long hair for a while, but its hard. I was told that menopause is gradual, but its not really, is it, its rapid, the physical changes over a short space of time are cruel
sharon1984 metamorphed
Thank you. I appreciate you answering. It's funny I just entered menopause this month and it is the first month I have had issues with the hair. I had very full hair all the way up to about a month ago. I turn 51 in February. One of my colleagues had the same issue with her hair (at the same age!) and she is taking Premarin. Her hair is gorgeous because she is on synthetic hormones and she said it brought her hair back to life. I cannot do that because I have both blood clots AND breast cancer on both sides which are major risks for taking HRT. She has neither of those health concerns. Not fair. Oh I am being bitter.
I will try the Vitamin D3. Thanks so much- I guess it is all about coping.
paisleygirl sharon1984
sharon1984 paisleygirl
Thank you. I will try those suggestions. It's all about change and adapting isn't it...
gailannie sharon1984
Sharon, as you know you are not alone. As a younger woman, privately I would wonder what was wrong with older woman? It seemed their hair just looked so bad, and they all went to that very short style that looks good on NO ONE. Ok, so lesson learned the hard way. Now unfortunately I completely understand.
I couldn't agree with you more about these unbelievable physical and mental changes brought on by menopause. And darn it, it's not fair to any of us. And yes, if we want to play the "worst case senario" game, we can always find someone who has it worse than we do. But I say be honest with your feelings, and stop thinking it's just vain. You have every right to grieve of the loss of something that has been a part of you for as long as you can remember.
So here's one of mine. I always had fabulous legs. I loved my short skirts and shorts. And poof...........now I can't wait to cover them! I can't stand the crepe skin, and how they have changed shape. You know, that wondrful fat pad by your knees? What the heck is that all about? Seriously, the one thing I really liked and felt good about, nature has to take that away also? Totally not fair!!!
I guess the only thing we can do is complain and then laugh, cause this isn't going to get any better.
elizabeth38734 gailannie
You are me! I loved my legs and hair! I feel so unattractive now and honestly just invisible mostly. I'm only 52 but to have spent most of my life valuing how I looked and enjoying male attention etc it's very disheartening now to feel as if that's a thing of the past. Waaahh! 😭 Oh well, pity party over! I'm trying to see my value as a person in other ways and mostly it works but it's good for my soul to know I have sisters out there who can relate!
sharon1984 gailannie
Thanks for making me feel better. It has been such a long time since my legs looked good!- so I guess I forgot about them, but for you it is an asset and I'm sorry about that too. For my hair, my mother used to say to me - who has hair like that close to 50 years old, but now it is changing.
I think laughter is probably most important-we need to laugh at all these changes happening to us because it is quite comical in a way. Plus, laughter is really good medicine for the body and the soul.
debbie03785 sharon1984
please have your thyroid levels checked. Weight gain, hair loss, joint pain and lethargy are symptoms of hypothyroidism. Have a look on this site for symptoms of hypothyroidism and see if that perhaps makes sense. Its happened to me when in peri, I felt as if I was 80, but much better now with meds. Xx
sharon1984 debbie03785
Hi Debbie,
I did have them checked last June and they were fine. However, I wasn't having these problems just a few months ago! So, I need to get back in again. Amazing, how it can change in just a few months.
bobbysgirl sharon1984
Yes, it's a bugger ain't it. I agree with Debbie, perhaps you should get your thyroid checked out.
My problem is I never had good hair to start with. I have a high hair line and baby-fine hair - OK on a baby, not so good on a woman of 57! I do find coconut oil to be very good and also use coconut shampoo and conditioner (without parabens). I use coconut oil for my nails too. They have always been dry and flaky - not anymore.
sharon1984 bobbysgirl
I guess it's hard no matter if you had not so good hair to begin with or if you had nice hair and you have to give it up and let go!
I have used coconut oil on my skin, so maybe I will try the hair.
elizabeth38734 sharon1984
I am so sorry about your hair. It is depressing for sure. I can relate on so many levels to what you're saying. My hair used to get compliments all the time and I took pride in it. It was very much a huge part of my identity and I have always sworn to never have "mom hair" etc. But now I'm starting to feel like I'm just foolishly carrying around this scraggly mop for nothing! I am with you in spirit and right now I'm praying we both have an uplifting day.
sharon1984 elizabeth38734
You are so right about the identity thing. As I think about it, year after year goes by, and I get less compliments on everything, not just the hair!
I suppose we have to just keep trying to do our best to stay healthy and try to look our best. We will always have the good memories to look back on when we are feeling down. And thanks for the prayers- I pray for you too and all the other women going through all these symptoms.
It is life-changing.
metamorphed sharon1984
i've just been googling about hair and found a website with fabulous older women who have long hair. just look up 40+ and then hair it should come up. just don't want it to be moderated here if I put in the full name.
elizabeth38734 metamorphed
Thanks! I'm going to check it out!