What is this craziness???
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Here I am again like a broken record but just don't know what to do. I woke up today nervous and jumpy. I was so nervous that I made my heart race and called the paramedics. I felt fine once they got to me which in turn made me feel like a crazy person yet again. I have called the paramedics or ran to the ER so many times that I'm scared they won't come when I really need them. I just can't help it. When these crazy feelings come on the anxiety just overwhelms me. The fluttering in my chest, the internal tremors, weird head feelings, the flu feelings, the fluctuating body temperatures is just all overwhelming. Today I just can't seem to shake this nervous and jittery feeling. I ended up turning around to come back home on my way to work. I just didn't want my coworkers to see me acting like a crazy lady today.
.......I really needed to get that off my chest. Hope you ladies are fairing ok out there. I just want to feel like me again....
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Sochima822 jamie50513
joanne05881 jamie50513
very slowly. Think of the caterpillar melting down like green slime going into the cocoon to turn into the butterfly. She has to change on her own terms, we cannot help her cut thru the crystallis to emerge, she has to do it on her own. With that said, I hate it, but love life and hope it ends for us soon and we can finally spread our wings and fly.
Thinking of you!!
jamie50513 joanne05881
gentleballads joanne05881
Today I saw a whole bunch of elderly women who have traveled to our city by bus for an outing. They were so happy and full off joy. I felt ashamed of my lot.
joanne05881 jamie50513
I'm a Realtor Associate so I always have to be "on" to other people. It's excruciatingly painful at times that I try to hide.
Here's to you and I getting our wings soon!! <3>3>
joanne05881 gentleballads
jamie50513 joanne05881
I am a customer service rep and it's been so hard lately. I used to love interacting with people. Now my work is suffering. I can barely sit still all day, and then I put the customers on hold unecessicarily because I feel an anxiety attack coming on. It's just so scary. When I finally do get home, I jump straight in the bed and stay there all night. That's the only time I seem to comfort for the crazy day. I go to sleep to try to get through until the symtpoms wake me up. I'm in the U.S. I fell asleep at about 10:30 and woke up at 3:45am. I been up ever since and it is now 7:21am. I seem to get about 5 to 6 hours of sleep. I'm so on edge sometimes I can't get a nap in. I just pray that I am ok today.
metamorphed joanne05881
Zigangie jamie50513
I don't think all women suffer as badly. Lucky you had an aunt who had been through it a bit.
One of my friends was awful for years, she's a bit older than me. My mum used to occasionally ask after her. I would just relay to mum what was going on in her life. I had obviously mentioned meno a few times over the years.
Mum said one day "there must be something wrong with her, this has been going on for years now. "
So obviously my mum didn't suffer too much. She's no longer with us so I can't ask her about it. But the only thing I can remember her complaining about at that sort of age was "I don't know what's going on with me today I feel like a drunk. "
I did ask her once when my friend was going through it, how it affected her.
She said she had no hot flushes and the only thing she had noticed was she wasn't quite as cold as she used to be.
I don't know who I take after but I seem to have had most symptoms and some!
jamie50513 Zigangie
debbie_18471 jamie50513
Hope you are having a better day today and hanging in there, I read your earlier post and I swear I could have written it myself. I don't discuss what is going on with my friends because none of them seem to be going through what I am experiencing. Just like you I use to be very outgoing and social. Now all I want to do is hide in my bedroom and watch TV. Everything else just seems completely overwhelming and causes me great anxiety. I have a dentist appointment in an hour and I'm having a massive panic attack that I'm trying to keep calm. Telling myself I am not going to die today and I will be just fine. I wish I could get my heart flutters, upset stomach and hyperventilating to listen to me. Like you as well I have lost 14 pounds since October. Have no real desire to eat at all during the day. I sometimes feel like there is a big piece of yellow police crime tape over my bedroom door saying DANGER leave at your own risk. Crazy crazy. It's just so comforting realizing I'm not alone all you wonderful and supportive ladies are dealing with the same thing. Thinking about you today and praying you are having a better day today
jamie50513 debbie_18471
debbie_18471 jamie50513
jamie50513 debbie_18471
Take care..
joanne05881 jamie50513
joanne05881 metamorphed
and trust me, even that HURTS!
joanne05881 Zigangie
debbie_18471 joanne05881
joanne05881 jamie50513
Maybe you can relate to this: I had to go inside an empty house to do an appraisal, I've done this all my life, when I got inside my car, I started to cry my eyes out saying "I can't go, I can't move", well.....I got inside the house, the inspection is done, but darn it hurt like heck. BTW-I curse like a truck driver but this site will not allow you.
jamie50513 joanne05881
I'm looking forward to it stopping. I was nervous and jittery this morning. I've been getting a few chills like im getting sick and these weird internal vibrations or tingling feelings. They bring on the heart palps. Then it goes away. I had these ever since I had my first expierence in October. I try to sit through them now though as this was one of the things I kept going to the ER for also. Of course it was nothing that they found wrong. So just learning to deal with it. I have a docs appointment tomorrow so hopefully he will listen to what I'm saying which I doubt it cause he has no clue about woman things.
joanne05881 debbie_18471
jamie50513 joanne05881
joanne05881 jamie50513
jamie50513 joanne05881
jamie50513 joanne05881