What negative/obsessional/irrational/ mental issue do you struggle with during peri or menopause?
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Have any of you had a hard time controlling paranoid, obsessive thoughts and suspicions about your partner and/or family that has damaged relationships during peri and meno?
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Cforce MoodyNoire
I've only been having these (millions of, as we all know) issues and symptoms of peri for about 4 months. When it first started, (with MAJOR health anxiety and every little thing making me feel like I was literally going to die in minutes) and I found this and many other boards, and I realized what it was....I was only dealing w/some physical symptoms (the weird eye "pressure" and a little dizziness, which caused anxiety and panic attacks) and had yet to experience the "mood swings"....now, a few months in I'm starting to see that my patience level is getting smaller and smaller. I've ALWAYS been the one to "fix it" for everyone, and just "keep on keepin on". Evidently, those of us who've always put ourselves on the backburner, hit peri and all of that pent up "irritation" that we've held in to make sure everything around us is copecetic, suddenly bubbles up and causes us to start having anxiety, which then leads to us finally cracking and getting irritated MUCH quicker. I'm trying to control it, because my whole circle of family and friends are so used to me being the one that "has it together emotionally", and I don't want to let them down, especially my kids! But dang is it ever hard.
My biggest "mental" thing is, the minute I get to that time of the month that the physical symptoms start to unravel (I haven't exactly pinpointed that time yet, but I THINK it's somewhere right before ovulation?? Anyone know?) that's when I start ti wish everyone would just realize the changes.
I'm getting ready to have to drive a band to another city in a few hours for a show (I drive the tour...yeah, it's not easy dealing w/the details like this!!) and I just started feeling the shaky, anxiety, and palpitations, and naseau, and minor dizziness, it's so worrisome and sucks so bad.
I forgot to take my vitamins yesterday, just took them, took my magnesiuma nd used some magnesium cream as well. Hopeing to ward this off in the next hour before I have to get behind the wheel :-(
Anyone get that "tight throat" feeling?? You know what I mean? Almost feels like you have a tight shirt around your neckline but not exactly? And not exactly like there's something "in" your throat, but hard to describe? Happens to me when the anxiety starts. Then when that starts, the bathroom starts, then the shakes again. And just general all around nervousness.
I hate this SO much. We all just want to feel normal. I LOVE my job, I LOVE traveling, I LOVE the craziness of it all, not many people get to do this type of thing and I feel like peri is going to ruin it for me. I can't let that happen because this is also my KIDS' career and I can't let them down.
MoodyNoire Cforce
It's disturbing when the funky peri symptoms manifest themselves mentally or physically, but I think I prefer the physical symptoms....at least then I wouldn't have the energy to argue and throw tantrums. Anyway, I get to experience both, but the mental is def. the toughest for me. I was also the "yes" person as well. It took a few years of peri before I introduced the word "no" into my vocabulary. No one else liked it and I dealt with a lot of guilt and pressure because I was no longer a super hero mom who was able to tackle and conquer tall lists of things to do, keep my house , laundry, bills, homeschool my kids, be a sunday and vacation bible school teacher, throw birthday parties for every Tom, Dick and Harry, etc.etc. My advice for anyone entering this phase is to prioritize your commitments by choosing the absolutely most important people in your life and allowing some down-time for yourself, (if you're like me you're going to need it.) then practice using the word "no" to other requests. I believe we end up suffering from adrenal gland burn-out when we force ourselves to keep pushing ouselves.
JCL1029 MoodyNoire
Hello Everyone,
After reading what in this discution, I feel like that my mom might be having the same issues. she is now 61 years old and she suffer though cancer (now cure) about 8-9 years ago. during and after her cancer treatment, her menstruation had stop. She had been moody and can be unreasonable that i know of all my life. in the past 3 years or so. she had been having so much mood changes, it feel like she is a different person. it get to the point where she seems to want to set up traps to have a argument/fight with my dad, there are times that after the fight she seems to be a little better. I been telling her that she should go see an obgyn for at least a check up since she hasn't seen one for over 5 years. any advise will be helpful and thank you in advance.
MoodyNoire JCL1029
Like I mentioned in an earlier post, I was never so emotional, paranoid and irrational until perimenopause began. I had never heard about perimenopause, let alone knew anyone going through it, so basically, I thought I was going crazy when it started. I was so afraid of any hrt because my mom died from breast cancer at the age of 62. But, I had NO quality of life, so neither did my family. I finally decided that it wouldn't matter if I lived to a hundred years old and cancer free but miserable, (physically and mentally) it wouldn't be worth it. So I started bioidentical hrt about a year and a half ago and bam! I had my life back, I've learned a lot since peri started, (7-8 years.ago) I encourage women struggling with peri and menopause symptoms to try the bioidentical (not synthetic) hormone replacement therapy and to be patient because sometimes you may need to adjust dosages or try different ones. I'm not where I was before peri (and probably never will be,) but it's so much better!
Azzumi MoodyNoire
I was slightly different. I suffered from PMS especially when I was younger and have had some depression on and off over the years but nothing could have prepared me for Peri menopause. I had the other usual symptoms like hot Flashes, nausea, fatigue and bad migraines but the mood problems were by far the worst for me. I could cry all day and then the obsessive thoughts would make me crazy and the anger was very hard to control. Then the day I went to buy kitty litter and sat in the car and cried my eyes out I actually started to get scared that I was becoming unhinged. I went home and immediately made a call and booked in to start bio identical Hormones. My boyfriend had told me about a doctor who only works with hormones and has a very good reputation, that was just over six months ago. It wasn't an instant fix and so far i'v had three adjustments made but I have my life back. I do have an off day or two through the month but its no where near as intense and it passes quite quickly. My mother was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in her sixties and the last few years of her life she suffered terrible psychosis and I now wonder if hormones played a part in her illness. I honestly don't know where id be if I hadn't started BHRT. I was finding it impossible to go to work and even though my boyfriend is amazing there's only so much he could handle. I can go to work now, my motivation is good and I'm actually painting the living room, I go to the gym most mornings and my boyfriend and I have a great future together..😃
JCL1029 Azzumi
Those are really good advise, i just need to have my mom go see a doctor. because this all happen like 5 years after her cancer treament and now it's just getting worst and worst. like you say, she is very paranoid and think everyone is lying to her. just recently, i went to the dentis and find out that i need to have my wisdom tooth pull cuz i just don't have enough space in my mouth, but she think the dentis is lying to me to get money. but yeah, now i know what this is and she's not going crazy.
again, thank you all for the advices.
Azzumi JCL1029
You know when something isn't right with your mum. I saw signs before anyone else when mum first became manic. Mum had been diagnosed with bone cancer and soon after the bipolar took hold. I believe the shock allowed the bipolar to final surface and i also believe mum had problems on and off for many years but managed to hide it. I know it's different with your mum but if the paranoia is that obvious and out of character then you do need to have her looked at. The mind is a very powerful thing as I learnt through my mother and my own experience and none of this regardless of the cause is easy to fix. I wish you the best and would be very interested knowing how things go for you. Good luck.
JCL1029 Azzumi
Thank you, and i would try my best to update if i could. as of right now my mom seem to want to pick fight with my dad. like she would set up traps for my dad to get him angry and they have a fight. and since my dad is a hot head, he get trick pretty easy. and even with that she would say my dad is the one that start the fight. when i try to reason with her she would not lisent and say i'm not on her side. i am hoping that she would go see a doctor soon and that if they give her med that can help her with this. because this is not just her anymore but stressing everyone out, and it might get worst...
dizzygirl1234 MoodyNoire
MoodyNoire dizzygirl1234
I'm happy it has passed for you, dizzy. Mine doesn't affect me as often as it used to, but when it strikes, it's as intense as it ever was.