What's wrong with me?!
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Hi guys,
I'm new to this. Apologies if I'm posting in the wrong place - just after some ideas/advice.
Since the beginning of December I've been feeling sick quite regularly, particularly after eating food. This became so severe that over Xmas I was off work for a week, spent the week in bed feeling excessively tired and feeling horribly sick. I barely ate anything and as soon as I did eat then I just felt even worse. I've seen my GP on 3 separate occasions now. She has prescribed Omeprazole 20mg and Metoclopramide 10mg, both of which I've been taking for 2.5 weeks now. GP has asked me to change my diet and is putting my symptoms down to Gastritis. I should add, whilst I don't eat unhealthy food, I do work 12 hour shifts which include nights so the times at which I eat and the food I choose to eat at these times can affect my stomach. Bloods have been taken, but nothing showed up so as far as the GP is concerned there is nothing to worry about. But.....as I'm sure you can appreciate, there is something to worry about because I still don't feel well, and this is six weeks later.
Making the situation a million times worse is I'm Emetophobic (fear of vomit) and so feeling sick stresses me out because I then worry that I might be sick and tend to avoid eating in case I am sick.
No diarrhoea, vomiting or passing of blood accompanies my symptoms. Just the feeling sick and overly tired. Does anyone know what could be causing this and if there is anything I can do to aid recovery?
Many thanks in advance for any help offered,
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Sorry to hear you're bad after dinner. I notice you had cheese - what are you like with other dairy products? You don't think you've got some sort of intolerance do you?
Lager sounds good!!! I had 2 pints for the first time in weeks on Sunday and it was fabulous. I was away and couldn't be bothered with keeping up with the 'diet'. Had the best night for weeks as it made me so relaxed. Ended up eating McDonalds an hour later.....bet that is why I was so bad at the beginning of the week.
Can't complain about today. Nervous about what tomorrow will bring, though. Will go and do some healthy shopping. Will look for some probiotic foods, too.
Hope you both sleep peacefully.
That sounds so good at the mo few pints followed by Mc D's. Funny you say about feeling relaxed tho. Do you find after couple beers the pain subsides and so feel you can eat what you like? I've noticed if I have a couple beers either I forget about it or alcohol numbs it slightly as I feel can eat anything. It's only over next couple of days I suffer. We might have to start liquid diet haha!!
Maybe it is linked to stress if when you feel relaxed your stomach feels better? They do say a lot of the time people that are stressed don't know they are stressed me it's only when the body has symptoms we realise?? Who knows mate.
Hopefully you will get some sleep 👍
I wish not to brag, but today has been the best day I've had for weeks! I woke up....wait for it.....NOT feeling sick. I've felt sick every morning for 8 weeks! So pleased. Eaten really well: porridge and apple for breakfast. Baked potato, mackerel and veg for lunch. Then chilli with guacamole and salad for dinner. Not felt sick at all. I really hope you both have had a good day too!
I think, Tel, you're right about the stress. Looking back, I've been working a full time job, having a 1.5 hour commute to work for every shift as I work in Liverpool (so my work day is 15 hours), and putting in over 100 hours a month of voluntary work. Was listening to Jeremy Vine on BBC Radio 2 this afternoon and there was an interesting discussion about giving too much until you make yourself unwell. I've definitely got something going on inside but maybe my body has just given up and needs a break before trying to repair itself.
I don't get much pain to be honest. When I do, it's lower abdomen so below the belly button. I've had that for years and although at times it can be unbearable I think that's just IBS playing up. I had no pain when I had the beer but, unusually, the nausea went. Strange that as alcohol tends to bring the nausea on! Haha.
Saturdays we always have a Chinese as a family. I wonder if I'll feel up for it tomorrow. I'm desperate for a beer tonight but gonna avoid it, just in case.
Hope you're both well.
Weekend seemed to get better and better for me. I've definitely got some sort of new anxiety problem because every time I even consider having to go out my stomach knots up. I decided last night that I felt so good I'd have a shot of whiskey. Then I woke up this morning feeling sick! Nowhere near as bad as I have been, but still. Evidently, alcohol is not for me.
I've still got my appointment on Wednesday. Will let you know the outcome. Val - did you purchase any of the Mastic Gum tablets?
Hope you're well,
I had an OK day Saturday and thought it was getting better but no...! Back yesterday and today...took a Lanzaprosol which made my lips and tongue like when I I tried them before...still makes them burn now but the acid is better...mind you Those drugs are not good in the long run as the problems come back when you stop them.
Someone told me Aloe Vera is very good for digestion so will try it..no I didn't get the mastic gum as it is not good for the liver so I read and I have a liver problem...nothing to do with this stomach pain though......hope all continues well.......
I also seem to feel better when eating all home cook meals - no dinners out of a jar or packet and staying away from takeaways but as you know with shift work easier said than done. Hopefully find out a bit more this time next week after having endoscopy.
Will keep you all updated. Again glad your feeling better mate and hope you feel better soon Val.
Hope the week is treating you kindly.
In answer to your question, Val, I am now beginning to wonder if that is why I haven't been eating - anxiety making me feel ill and then not feeling up to eating etc...all a vicious circle. Yesterday and today I have felt a bit delicate but eaten as normal. No stomach pain (not even the "normal IBS pain" I would usually get after eating). I just feel unwell and an overwhelming sense of dread at the thought of whatever I've had coming back. So I'm just trying to reduce stress levels and think positively. Got some annual leave from work and I'm off to Dublin on Saturday for 3 nights so I hope that will do me good.
I guess you're right about the whiskey. I was a bit stupid to have some - thought I could handle it! Haha.
Interesting thought about the chocolate, Tel. I had chocolate both Sunday night and Monday night and have felt not quite 100% the last couple of days. I've read the dark chocolate can be quite good for you, however.
I'm still eating good food. No microwave crap, ready made sandwiches etc. Trying to make everything from scratch. It's a good habit to get into.
I'm just off to bed now. Getting the test results tomorrow so I'll be back online to let you know what the outcome is.
Hope you're well,
All the best,
Been ok last couple days although quite acidy last night/this morning. Don't know if it was to do with eating at all strange times 23:39, 3:00 etc while working nights. Not so bad so far tonight and have been eating healthy also. Fingers crossed.
Speak soon
Glad you are getting a break Dec......re chocolate Terry, I find it is bad too for me.....and I also only want to have healthy food ...even homemade bread...well in a bread machine! Cant take a anything like quick meals for microwave......I am really limited in what i can eat....very boring. Doctor sending me back to consultant as it has been so long....not sure what will happen.
Good luck with the test results Dec...fingers crossed. Wait to hear from you.
She has prescribed me a book titled "Total Relaxation" which she wants me to read. All about understanding the mind and how to diffuse tension. Interesting reading. Never knew doctors prescribe books, though!
She's given me a follow up appointment in 2 weeks. In the meantime, she will phone when the other results come back.
How's everyone today? Well, I hope.
Not a great day for me today I'm affraid, no idea why though as not eaten anything unusual. I finished night shift this morning, and didn't get to bed til 9 am. Maybe being over tired doesn't help things but feel quite rough today and getting so unbelievably fed up with it all now. Just hope get some answers next week.
Hope you all have a good night. I'm hoping tomorrow will be a better day. 😞
Hope this helps with some of your questions. Will keep you updated.
Good luck everyone.