What's wrong with me?!

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Hi guys,

I'm new to this. Apologies if I'm posting in the wrong place - just after some ideas/advice.

Since the beginning of December I've been feeling sick quite regularly, particularly after eating food. This became so severe that over Xmas I was off work for a week, spent the week in bed feeling excessively tired and feeling horribly sick. I barely ate anything and as soon as I did eat then I just felt even worse. I've seen my GP on 3 separate occasions now. She has prescribed Omeprazole 20mg and Metoclopramide 10mg, both of which I've been taking for 2.5 weeks now. GP has asked me to change my diet and is putting my symptoms down to Gastritis. I should add, whilst I don't eat unhealthy food, I do work 12 hour shifts which include nights so the times at which I eat and the food I choose to eat at these times can affect my stomach. Bloods have been taken, but nothing showed up so as far as the GP is concerned there is nothing to worry about. But.....as I'm sure you can appreciate, there is something to worry about because I still don't feel well, and this is six weeks later.

Making the situation a million times worse is I'm Emetophobic (fear of vomit) and so feeling sick stresses me out because I then worry that I might be sick and tend to avoid eating in case I am sick.

No diarrhoea, vomiting or passing of blood accompanies my symptoms. Just the feeling sick and overly tired. Does anyone know what could be causing this and if there is anything I can do to aid recovery?

Many thanks in advance for any help offered,


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    Glad you got some ......at least you know it is a Hiatus hernia....which explains a lot. what do they do for it?

    My news is no further along, being sent for an MRI now to check liver and gallstones..my fear is that they find nothing and then what! Still hurts a lot after I eat and consultant said that the indigestion pills would be no use for some reason. i am on a gluten free diet now but the difference is minimal but I will persist!

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    Yeah the Hiatus hernia explains the acid reflux and indegestion problems which I have suffered with for few years now but not confident with them just saying stomach problems I'm having is IBS. Don't know about you but it seems this IBS is a bit of a cop out for when they don't really know what's wrong with you they put it down to IBS. Felt ok today but since dinner time have had stomach ache and bloating feeling. So all in all nothing new!!! Hopefully doctor will have some more answers when I see her in a couple of weeks but won't hold my breath.

    Hope your liver results come back ok Val, and the new diet starts to help. I know how depressing it can be when you don't know what the cause is.

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    Glad the endoscopy went ahead for you, Tel. And if I was having one, I too would go for the sedation!

    It's good that you've got some news. They obviously haven't seen anything sinister going on which is great. I know what you mean about IBS, though - it is a cop-out. It's quite a controversial subject because there is little known about IBS when it comes to fact. I think when it reaches a stage where other things have been ruled out they just tend to diagnose IBS. It's still not know for sure what causes it, or even what it is! Ridiculous.

    I'm still awaiting my H.Pylori results. Getting a bit fed up of waiting. Read on some other forums that some poor people never even got their results for it!!

    Had an excellent weekend. Felt great through most of it. Still getting the occasional sickly feeling, like right now.

    Keep updating us. Val - I hope the gluten free diet begins to make more of a difference soon.

  • Posted

    Hi....Yes I do feel that IBS is used too often.....there seems to be so many symptoms that it is easy for the doctors to fix on that. Glad you felt well on your trip away Dec....You were probably relaxed and that helps.

    Me..well can eat a bit more....not much and my weight is way too low but I cant force eating..just wish I knew what it was....and am not looking forward to mri as will be in the tunnel.... Had one before but that was low back.....and your head is outside...........much better.

    I think the gluten diet might be helping....not sure but will continue on it and low fat diet....just eat little and often but it is a nuisance with my social life, have had to cancel a lot....just don't feel hungry and stomach feels dicey.

    Will let you both know if any more news.......

  • Posted

    Hello everyone!

    How are you doing?

    Just arrived back from my Doctor's appointment where I got my results. It turns out I don't have H.Pylori!! Considering I'm now feeling so much better, that is excellent news. The Doctor believes I've suffered with some bug or virus that was exacerbated by stress. I hope that's all it is and that nothing comes back to haunt me!

    I'm eating a good three meals a day now. My portions are much smaller but I know my stomach would have shrunk after all those weeks of barely eating. I've been given a repeat prescription for Omeprazole because I was starting to get very aggressive heartburn again. And now I'm eating I'm getting the good old IBS pain more often so I've been prescribed some Buscopan which I've never had before. I'm also getting referred to a counsellor to assist with my Emetophobia. Haha. Looking forward to that! Although there is about an 8-week waiting list for that.

    I hope everyone is doing well. I'm just off to bed now in preparation for my night shift tonight....happy days!!

    Best regards,


  • Posted

    That's good news you don't have H pylori especially now your feeling better. I seem to be having good days and bad days. Good day today. Still woke up with belly ache this morning but might be down to eating late last night after long day shift. Been getting bit more acid reflux lately at least I know what that's from now (Hiatus hernia) so maybe get some pills off doc when isee her next week.

    Hopefully you can keep on top of it all now Dec and you will be on the mend.

    I'm still not convinced about this IBS but will see how it goes got nights off for few weeks now so might help with my eating pattern.

    Hope you all have good week.

  • Posted

    Hi Everyone, thought i'd pop in my experience with you's as it could be useful to someone.

    I have had these symptoms for a long time. And i don't know if anyone would agree but it always seemed to get worse at winter time. And i understand how frustrating it is. Last year was the worst ive ever been with it and just gave up trying to eat because i couldn't keep it down. I ended up dropping 3st in 2 months. Which freaked me out alot but as time went on i started getting an appetite again. That was a year ago now, but the more i think about it i think it was psychological. I always had a bit of issues with my weight and although i felt ok about my weight then, i think i still had some underlying issues with food. Although the fact that it peaked at winter, i suppose thats when most people worry about weight gain. since losing weight and eating normally, ive tried to get a healthier mindset with food and exercise and since then ive not had much trouble with this since. In the past year i think i went a bit funny in October but not as bad this time. I know this probably isnt the case for some of you's. But it's worth a ponder?

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    I'd like to add my experiences too since some of the posts relate to mine:

    Mine started over a year ago with a visit to the doc complaining of a queasy stomach/strange sensation that was most noticeable when driving, for example on bumpy roads.

    From then its progressed to being 24/7 nausea at worst, grumbly feeling in stomach at best, in the many visits to the doc during the last year I lost almost a stone in weight. I've had fasting blood tests & non fasting blood tests, all of which showed all clear, different pills which made no difference at all. I eat well, and bowel movements have always been normal. I was diagnosed at first with ibs caused by stress.. I should add at this point that I was in agreement with this as I have had a really anxious/stressful time in my last 2 jobs over the last 4 years, in summary I was in above my head in these 2 roles.

    Anyway, I retired at the end of September 2013 as I was in a position to do so, so stresswise I feel I should be ok now. However, the symptoms are as bad as ever, ie 24/7 nausea, I know it cant be in my mind because I wake up with it from the word go. I have managed to gain a little weight since but I do seem to be getting other strange symptoms, ie I just feel drained, lethargic, tired, I seem to get more and more strange internal tremors that are unexplainable, I have very occasional times when I simply have to sit down again after I've stood up as the top of my legs feel incredibly weak (seems to be after I've been sitting/lying for a while, blood circulation ?), I also had dizzy spells a few months ago which seem to have died off now.

    My doc has referred me to a gastrologist, I had a ct scan last week, and am due a gastroscopy next week, my gut feeling is they wont find anything, I asked a while ago about H. Pylori and was told it had been ruled out by the blood test.

    The stomach sensation originally started around the belly button area, it just felt like it wanted to grumble (you know that feeling in the stomach the day after a curry ? that sort of feeling), not massively uncomfortable, but its the nauseous feeling that I cant cope with - horrible !

    any thoughts welcomed please, regards


    ps you start to feel like a hypochondriac because you spot other problems which seem to surface, some other symptoms I noted made me wonder MS ? eg muddled mind, forgetful, cant remember peoples names, cant remember the right word to use so many times so have to substitute another, find trouble explaining things, problem solving I know what the end result should be but have trouble working out how to get there, I'm 52

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    Hello from the USA, What Im going to tell you may sound crazy but it is true. Here all the churches have decided that theres to much evil in the world so they set out to do something about it. They set up these groups of people  to go out to pubs and bars anywhere they think evil might be. They scope out people that drink to much or have to much sex. There alot of things that they can pick from and they do. I know this because my cousin is on the consel of one of these churches. They have started bio warfare aginest us. They have been on my back for over 5 years now and all they need do is to shake your hand or touch your bare skin some where and youll be sick . I had talked to a doctor that did not go along with their program and he told me about all i could do is take a strong decongestant the 24 hour kind and a acid reducer . That helps alot I also have added colloidal silver , this is a kind of antibiotic that works. In the US you need a script to get antibiotics and i was getting them twice a month because they were making me sick alot. What they were infecting me with was bactirel menigities. You are a ( TI) or TARGETED INDIVIDUAL. Please dont write me off as a crazy person, this is really happening. Good luck declan20730    from U.S. Ben


  • Posted

    How's everyone been feeling lately? I still have good days and bad days. Been keeping a food diary but still none the wiser what actually triggers the pain. Still seem to wake up nearly every morning with abdominal pains which seem to subside after eating breakfast. But can also come and go all day. Just wish I knew what it was. I stopped taking the Lansoprazole after nearly 2 months as didn't seem to be helping with the pains and I don't seem to be suffering with indegestion/reflux very much. Think the next step is maybe cutting out dairy and/or wheat. Will try anything to find the answer. Hope you guys have improved and are back to normal. 


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      Personally I have been feeling enormously better of late although there are still some occasional symptoms of slight queaziness. I notice I wake up in the morning sometimes knowing I've had a bad dream and realised its because my stomach hasnt felt great overnight, so its worse overnight now for some reason. I had a ct scan and gastroscopy both of which came up clean and put my mind at rest, the gastroscopy was horrible and my body tried to reject the tube several times, wouldnt like to ever do that again.

      So all blood tests and scans etc have all come up clean, and lead me to believe that the original long periods of stress/anxiety experiences I had when I was working triggered something against my immune system, and now my body is slowly cleansing now I'm de-stressed.

      Best to all

      ps Sorry Ben67246, I've written you off as a crazy person !


    • Posted

      Hi Terry

      ages since I have been on the site...interested to read about your news and Declan. So sjnce we were on line I have had another ultrasound, an MRI, a CT scan, two endescopies! They think  it is two things..gallbladder! Which I thought ages ago and the head of the pancreas has a thickened biliary tree branch.....have to have another endescopy next year....so now waiting to see my consultant. Still get stomach pains, lost a lot of weight still have a limited diet though am gluten free which has helped and so it goes on..five months now. 

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      Sorry to hear your still not feeling well Val and losing weight.  Never heard of   That sort of problem with the pancreas, but hopefully if they can find out what's causing it then hopefully they can also fix it!!  Thinking this week I will try to book up doctors again and maybe request some scans as getting rather fed up of this still going on. Just made to feel a bit of hypochondriac when they can't grind anything wrong. On a more positive note my second child is due in just over a week  so my health will just have to wait as more important things happening. 😁. Good luck Val and keep us posted. 
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      Good your feeling better. At least no bad news has been found from all the tests/scans you have had. Hopefully like you say your immune system will repair itself. Stress can do a lot of things to the body wihout us even knowing. 
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      Also what can be done about your gallbladder if that is the problem? Can they remove it? Hope gets sorted soon. 
    • Posted

      Hello mate,

      Good to hear from you. Was only thinking recently I should come online and see how everyone is doing. 

      So sorry to hear you're both still struggling. 5 months is ridiculous without any conclusive diagnosis, Val. 

      I'm doing rather well. Diet is good and I'm regularly going to the gym to ensure my fitness is up to scratch. I'm now working much closer to home, so a lot of stress has been lifted. Physically, I feel fine the majority of the time. The way I feel is definitely linked to tiredness, as I can guarantee if I've not had enough sleep then I will feel as sick as a dog and won't be able to do anything. I still get dreadful acid reflux. Have to sleep sitting up often. I'm on Omeprazole still but only take it when I really need it as I don't want to become dependent on it. 

      I'm receiving counselling via the NHS for my phobia of vomit and it seems to be really helping me. Hopefully I'll never have to endure what happened over winter again but at least if I do then not having a phobia will make it much more manageable. 

      Lovely to hear you're about to become a Dad again, Tel. That's wonderful news. Keep us updated!

      Best regards to all,



    • Posted

      Cheers Dec, good to hear from you mate and even better to hear your doing so well. Have to let me know the secret!! Haha. It's funny you say about when over tired you feel rough - do you know why it happens? Only reason I ask is some morning I feel terrible other morning a not so bad like yesterday morning for example, my little girl had us up at 4am and my abdominal pain was quite bad but after going back to bed for couple more hours I woke up about 6:30 and felt a lot better.... Very strange just wish I knew what caused it. Tried eating earlier, eating later, eating less, eating more, keeping food diary etc but really can't pin point what's causing it. But keep up Brahe good work and the gym mate and stay stress free! All the best mate and keep in touch


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