What's wrong with me?!

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Hi guys,

I'm new to this. Apologies if I'm posting in the wrong place - just after some ideas/advice.

Since the beginning of December I've been feeling sick quite regularly, particularly after eating food. This became so severe that over Xmas I was off work for a week, spent the week in bed feeling excessively tired and feeling horribly sick. I barely ate anything and as soon as I did eat then I just felt even worse. I've seen my GP on 3 separate occasions now. She has prescribed Omeprazole 20mg and Metoclopramide 10mg, both of which I've been taking for 2.5 weeks now. GP has asked me to change my diet and is putting my symptoms down to Gastritis. I should add, whilst I don't eat unhealthy food, I do work 12 hour shifts which include nights so the times at which I eat and the food I choose to eat at these times can affect my stomach. Bloods have been taken, but nothing showed up so as far as the GP is concerned there is nothing to worry about. But.....as I'm sure you can appreciate, there is something to worry about because I still don't feel well, and this is six weeks later.

Making the situation a million times worse is I'm Emetophobic (fear of vomit) and so feeling sick stresses me out because I then worry that I might be sick and tend to avoid eating in case I am sick.

No diarrhoea, vomiting or passing of blood accompanies my symptoms. Just the feeling sick and overly tired. Does anyone know what could be causing this and if there is anything I can do to aid recovery?

Many thanks in advance for any help offered,


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146 Replies

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    Hi, just saw your original message. Have not had a chance to read through all the responses and I hope you have found your solution. It just sounded very like me a while back. Got tested for all sorts of allergies but nothing showed up. If still have trouble would advise you try elimination diet. I have ended up having to cut a few things out of my diet. Sugar is the biggest one. Have sugar in nothing now and I feel great. Am also off gluten foods. Hope that helps
  • Posted

    I don't know how to make my own blog on this website so I'm going to do it in a reply, I apologise I'm just in search of help.

    This started when I was very young about 3 years old. I'm currently now 18 to be on the 24th of December and the last veg or healthy food was eaten was all them years ago, I Eat hardly anything and when I do it consists of chicken and that's basically all my diet consists of. its not that I only choose to eat that but any other food is a challenge to even go near. I currently have had this swollowing problem that make it hard to eat and swollow slimy soft texture kind of foods because they make me to feel nausea and end up vomiting whilst it's still in my mouth.all my life I've had people saying at least try it you don't no what it even taste like so how do you know if you don't like it but they don't understand how hard it is. To grow up go out with your mates and see them eat pizza and no you've never tried it and can't =(. It's bugging me as I'm starting to begin my life and find it hard to even go out and have meals with my girlfriend or mates. I've been to doctors they all explain the sane thing to me I'm not anorexic but have something along them lines .I don't eat becuase I don't want to be fat becuase I don't really care about that but I don't even feel i don't eat becuase I feel it's impossible to . the need to even not want to eat the one thing that I do eat os making ne feel weak i suffer from ramdom sleep episodes where i only remeber waking up it ruined my school life as i was just an excuse child who got into alot of trouble with various things it's ruining my life and wondered if anyone can help as I've found no one anywhere else who can if you bothered to read this thank you if you have any ideas to be shared would mean a lot thank you. 

    • Posted

      Tom, I had myself (underweight from food allergies and not able to eat,) and 2 of my friends (both over weight) on the Paleo diet for one week. I begged them to try it with me.  Now, we say diet, but it is just another way of eating.  I fed them for ONE week, and they could eat all they wanted. I was underweight and I gained 3 lbs in that week. They were overweight and LOST 10 lbs  each that week. If you want a food regime that you will not get fat on, and can stay at a decent weight, one that levels out your PROPER weight, I would give it a go. It will not make you gain weight, it tones your muscles incredibly without even working out, and you can eat very well without worry. I even make Paleo desserts, and I still stay the same weight. smile Give it a go, without a worry!  If you are too skinny, it will bring your weight up a bit, but NOT make you fat. Also remember, muscle weighs MORE than fat, so if you start getting tone, you may gain weight if you are super skinny . Your body needs nutrition though, or you will slowly break down just like a car driven with no oil. You really need to take care of the machine that drives you. 

      If you can only eat chicken without gagging, look online for meats that have a similar texture to chicken. Start there to get used to the taste without changing texture.   Also with the chicken, cook it differently. Chicken also has different textures depending on how you cook it. Fired/baked/slow cooker. To change  textures, and know it is still chicken, cook it in broth in a slow cooker. Try anything, your body needs fuel or it will shut down in the slowest, most painful way . I wish you luck.


  • Posted

    Most of these symptoms I too was having, and it is devestating when the doctors start telling you nothing is wrong because they can't find anything wrong. 

    First off, MY symptoms were as follows: (yours can fluctuate as well)

    1) Sick right after I ate more often than not

    2) lethargic, and extremely tired (worsened over time to point I thought I had sleep apnia)

    3) Blurred vision

    4) Crankiness, loss of appetite because food hurt, and when I did eat, I felt like a 2x4 hit me in the stomach for hours afterwards

    5) mass migraines

    6) Constant colds/flus, catching every virus anyone had around me.

    What I did after being called crazy from my doctors? Research. What I learned?

    1) Celiac Disease causes these AND many more symptoms so it is massively mis-diagnosed.

    2) EVEN IF TESTED FOR CELIAC DISEASE the results are only 10% accurate at best, some times they even do tissue samples and those aren't even reliant.

    3) So instead of getting tested, I removed WHEAT, MILK, GRAINS, and rice from my diet. (rice is not a gluten product, BUT, the protien looks so close to the gluten protien, the body mistakes it for gluten and attacks it.

    4) Started on a Paleo regime to help with most of my eating

    What I noticed after? 

    1) Within 3 days MOST OF MY SYMPTOMS WENT AWAY!

    2) I had extremely high amounts of energy, and I could live and eat again.

    I am still healing from my body being worn down for so many years, that I still catch colds and viruses easily, I am working on that, think I have a "bug" in me that is antibiotic resistant, so I will be taking collidial silver soon for that.

    But, I am also allergic to sulfa antibiotics...what I DIDN'T know..If you are allergic to sulfa antibiotics, and the foods are treated (veggies AND meat included) You must stop eating those as well. They spray the veggies with it, and of course we all know the conventional farm raised meat and dairy milk all have antibiotics in them. YES, it is in their meat and in the veggies even after cooking!! I found out because I went all natural diet, clean, and that is the ONLY way I got better.

    So, in closing, the easiest thing you can do is change diet for a few days. 






    ONLY ORGANIC MEATS. ( May want to go vegan for a while to clean your system anyways if you want to heal faster)

    On a cheap budget, I ate organic veggies and organic eggs (free range from a farm, not store) for a week  to see if I felt better...and People thought I was high my energy level went through the roof.  I can't say this IS the problem, but to rule it out just try it for a week.  Hope it helps someone here.   


    • Posted

      Have The same digestive problems and can't put on weight Lost muscle tone etc and feel sick while digesting food and no energy. 

      Have you heard of the GAPS diet Very similar to Paleo

      I am going to try it. Are you still improving? Well done.

  • Posted

    Hi Declan. IM new to this so it's quite daunting. Over the Christmas period I have had all the symptoms u have been describing. Weight loss is a big issue considering I'm small anyway can't afford to loose more so it makes me more distressed. After meals feel really sick today I was actually sick for the first time. I Don't always feel sick every now and then. Haven't been to doctors yet as what I've just read above sound pretty useless. But can't carry on the way I'm going. Also loosing my nutrients I need do you take anything to supplement the food so you don't miss out on any goodness which is what I'm really worried about. Thankyou for your time I hope all goes well with you. Claire x
  • Posted

    I am just a kid and I keep getting nervous at nights, I don't know why and my parents keep getting a bit stressed out about this and I try and get to sleep and follow lots of advice given to me however, it doesn't work and it is now stopping me concentrate in school! Please give me some advice! I keep not being able to get to sleep and I keep crying my eyes out and I have to sleep in my sisters bed and my parents bed when I can't sleep and it's getting embarrassing! Please Help Me!
  • Posted

    Hi dec

    I know this is an old post but was wondering if u could post an update on your situation

    Did u have the endoscopy?

    How are you feeling now?

    I too feel sick all the time heartburn indigestion burning stomach pain bloated can't eat

    I just wanted to know if u resolved your issue


  • Posted

    Have you tried an elimination diet? Wheat and dairy made me sick for years (feeling terrible with fatique). Look into food in relation to autoimmune issues.
  • Posted

    Have you tried an elimination diet? Wheat and dairy made me sick for years (feeling terrible with fatique). Look into food in relation to autoimmune issues.
  • Posted

    Hi there I have the same symptoms and am so worried not been to docs yet but when I did all they done was pee samples thes symptoms sound the same as mine rolleyes
  • Posted

    I am trying to delete my original post about Coeliac, it seems I was totally barking up the wrong tree. The Rash I had was merely a metal allergy to the Nickel on my belt. As I was losing weight my belt was making more contact with my skin. I have had this on and off for many years, I had a Colonoscopy/Endoscopy which confirmed IBS. As with others it affects me in the morning and afternnon. After about 6pm I can eat normally. If I do eat early in the day I feel nauseous and or sleepy. It seems my Blood pressure drops about 30 points after eating so the tiredness is understandable, I find I can't do any strenuous exercise for about 3 hours after eating. My (current) Doctor is convinced it is anxiety based, as I have been diagnosed as having an anxiety disorder previously. I am currently on Welbutrin which so far has not made any difference (3 weeks in). Will go back and see him soon. I have discovered that any antacid helps the feeling of nausea. e.g. Famotidine, Gaviscon, Metaclopramide. Hope this helps someone with similar issues. If I find that illusive cuire, I will poost an update
  • Posted

    I have had this same issue since 7th grade, I'm now a freshman. It sucks, I used to be able to eat three bowls of anything momma makes. Now I can barely finish one. The doctor's have given me Zofran, Protonix, and Prilosec. I have had upper and lower scopes done and nothing showed up on mine. Its so bad its causing me to miss school, I've missed 36 days so far. I've had everything done, blood work, scope, xray, ultrasound, everything. They have not found but one thing. I have a cyst in my left ovary. But I still have very bad nausea, I have to tough it out everyday at school when I just wanna bawl my eyes out. It's bad, I know what you're going through and I'm only 15. I hope everything gets better for you! Praying
  • Posted

    I have been feeling much like you, I dont get the nausia, sick to my stomach, camps, or any of the normal symptoms you hear about. With me I woke up three years go with Chest pain...Only Chest pain. at that time that was all. over time I started hve body pains, does not move around, same areas. Have been to several Doctors from Herbologist, to Chiropractors, Natural Med. Drs., Mayo, Lots and Lots of test. Have been tested for EVERYTHING! Common things like Heart and lung  clear to things such as Stress and Anxiety. Been on everything for Meds. Pain relievers, Mustle Relaxers, Nitro. Acid Relievers you name it. Nothing worked and did anything. (adds tingely and numbness) Viabrations makes the pain makes it worse. Eating does not make worse so much just feel full all the time and when eat feel overly stuffed, anything I eat, Three bites and I am always too full. Feel great if never eat! Any ideas? Reading your post as well as commets and wonder if any simularities. Should probably add I all test done come back that I am perfectly healthy, Doctors have said I am the healthiest person around with undescribable chest pain. REALLY! At this rate I will Die very heathly but starvedwink 
  • Posted

    Hi there,

    I have been suffering with the same symptoms for almost 2 months now and was wondering if anyone had any sort of problem with their ears before /during this problem.

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