What's wrong with me?!

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Hi guys,

I'm new to this. Apologies if I'm posting in the wrong place - just after some ideas/advice.

Since the beginning of December I've been feeling sick quite regularly, particularly after eating food. This became so severe that over Xmas I was off work for a week, spent the week in bed feeling excessively tired and feeling horribly sick. I barely ate anything and as soon as I did eat then I just felt even worse. I've seen my GP on 3 separate occasions now. She has prescribed Omeprazole 20mg and Metoclopramide 10mg, both of which I've been taking for 2.5 weeks now. GP has asked me to change my diet and is putting my symptoms down to Gastritis. I should add, whilst I don't eat unhealthy food, I do work 12 hour shifts which include nights so the times at which I eat and the food I choose to eat at these times can affect my stomach. Bloods have been taken, but nothing showed up so as far as the GP is concerned there is nothing to worry about. But.....as I'm sure you can appreciate, there is something to worry about because I still don't feel well, and this is six weeks later.

Making the situation a million times worse is I'm Emetophobic (fear of vomit) and so feeling sick stresses me out because I then worry that I might be sick and tend to avoid eating in case I am sick.

No diarrhoea, vomiting or passing of blood accompanies my symptoms. Just the feeling sick and overly tired. Does anyone know what could be causing this and if there is anything I can do to aid recovery?

Many thanks in advance for any help offered,


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146 Replies

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    It seems mine is definitely Anxiety based, I was diagnosed as having GAD (General Anxiety Disorder sometime ago and the Doc recently said this can cause all kinds of bizzare physical symptoms. I have had dozens of symptoms, muscle spasms, burning sensation in arms and legs, fingers that feel like they are vibrating really fast, vision problems but the worst is the Nausea after eating.  Funny things is I don't really feel THAT anxious, we all get a bit of stress right?

    Seems the doc is correct anyway as the last 4 weeks I have started taking an Anti anxiety Med called Venlafaxine (now 75mg) (Effexor) and for the last week I have been able to eat AT ANY TIME OF DAY! without nausea, still can feel a bit sleepy after eating but the Nausea is by far my biggest problem. I am going to ask the doc if I can slowly reduce the Buproprion and perhaps have a bit more of the Effexor.

      In case it is of any use to people, I think I have had this for over 20 years. When I first had it I would get nauseous after eating, then after a while I would get an Anxiety attack just looking at food. At that time the Doc put me on Paroxetine (Seroxat/Paxil) 20mg and it worked brilliantly for at least 5 years until it stopped working.

    Good luck everyone, in my experience some doc somewhere knows what I have, I just have to find the right one.

    • Posted

      Hey I was looking at your post. I been getting nauseous in the morning and when I eat and just not feeling my self. I constantly burp I'm so nervous to eat anything. I have an endoscopy procedure next week. I just hope everything is fine. I haven't been able to eat for 2 months normal food. I go out with friendsome and with my bf and I have to eat like salad or potatoes and that's stI'll makes me nausous. Don't know whats going on but it is driving me nuts. I do think I may suffer from anxiety I will find out with the doctor next week and when I get the results from the gastro but I really want an end to this. It drives me nuts.

    • Posted

      Hi Tabitha, I haev been taking the Anti Anxuety meds for a few months now. One different symptom was diarrhea sometimes about 30 minutes after food. The doctor put me on Wellbutrin(buproprione) and that has almost completely cleared up. The nausea is better but not gone. I find that Famotidine or Ranitidine (over the counter) completely get riid of the Sickness. For me at least I am positive it is something like Gastroparaisis (j73105  below) which is CAUSED by anxiety. I have other symptoms over the last couple of years as well, I have started to have double vision from time to time. So my question would be do you have other physical symptoms that are a bit strange. I have had burning sensations in my arms, twitchy muscles. You would not think they are anxiety based, but if I take anti anxiety meds they (usually) go away. Of course Anxiety is one possibhle root cause, as otehrs have said there are others.
  • Posted

    Hi I see this is a year ago but I have been having alot of problems with my stomach. I am 27 and suffer alot from belching and pain in the stomach. Recently I have been so nauseous every time I eat. After if eat and even if I don't eat. It's been going on for month and a half. I told my doc and all he explains is the hole thing with acid reflux so I had scheduled myself to a gastro and I have an appt next week. I don't know whats going on with me but I don't have no appetites and feel nausea when eating and even weak.

  • Posted

    I was nauseous for a year & starving all the time. I would eat 3 bites of food & feel nauseas. I have acid reflux & was put on Rabeprazole for my acid reflux. Happy to say that my life is back on track. It's worth a try.

  • Posted

    Hi Dec,

    I have the exact same problem as you and it's driving me crazy. Did you find out what it was?

    Kind regards


  • Posted

    Hi everyone. I know this thread was posted several months, if not years, ago. I hope everyone is doing better!

    I read through all of the posts and wondered if anyone has done a gastric emptying test (GET) to check for gastroparesis? I completed one a month ago and was diagnosed. I've been having similar problems to all of you (including the severe emetophobia) and thought this might be helpful information for you to look up or talk to your doctor about.

    Good luck to all!

    • Posted

      Hi Ive been feeling most of the symptoms on here for over 2 months now, nausea in the mornings, then I eat and then feel really sick, then it passes and can feel fine but lately have severe bloating. Feeling particularly bad today. I'm awaiting a appointment in sept to see gastroenterologist with a view to endoscopy and colposcopy as my dr has recommended both. It's really getting me down now and knowing I'm not alone in this has helped after reading these posts.

    • Posted

      I have morning nausea which goes on all day. Took gallbladder out. No better. Did your endoscopy show up anything treatable
    • Posted

      I've had the gastic emptying test and, I too have Gastroparesis. I think I may also have Chronic Pancreatitis.

      My GI doctor basically told me that the pain in my left upper stomach is in my head and that he couldn't help me. I'm changing Drs to get a second opinion. I'm only drinking Ensure and ice cream  and and almond milk and ice cream and almond milk with protein powder.with protein powder.The thought of eating gags me.

  • Posted

    Hi I'm new to this forum, I've got so many of the same symptoms but noticed the posts are over a year ago. Is anyone still on here?

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      Yeah me I've only now come across this but I'm in the same boat as yourolleyes

  • Posted

    Your symptoms sound alot like mine you are not the only one ive been expiriencing fatigue and tired all the time when i do something i feel disorientated nausea lightheadedness headaches wierd body sensations bone/joint ache muscle ache very itchy skin and trouble sleeping waking up early inthe morning with adrenaline rush feeling sweating and just feeling unwell to the piont that i think i might have a serious illnes and im going to die of whatever is wrong with me its been going on for over two months now ive had all kinds of test mri of head was normal and a ultrasound of abdomen was normal was tested for lyme and came back negative a whole lot blood tests and ekgs and gonna have a sleep study teat coming up wich i dont think its sleep apnea and and ive been to the ER couple of times also seen alot of doctors they dont seem to find nothing wrong and just brush it of with anxiety and deprression when to me it doesnt seem like it theres only like one day of the week that i only feel good it really interfered with my life and cant do things iused to do and cant even go to work because of thes symptoms its frustrating feeling horrible and not knowing what is causing it if anyone have ideas or clues or suggestion what might be causing these symptoms
  • Posted

    hi i have also hav very many of these problems, have taken renitidine, lanzaprosole, omneparazole, mebrevaine, just to name a few, with no real luck, had to endoscopy and hav got anuther this wednesday, i feell weak most of the time, struggle to eat, usually sick in mornings have had lots of blood in vomit and even in stools once b4, i get nauseous very often and feel like im going to colapse,recently lost two stone i cudnt afford to lose, rlly struggling to get anywhere any idvice would be much appreciaited.

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