What's wrong with me?!
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Hi guys,
I'm new to this. Apologies if I'm posting in the wrong place - just after some ideas/advice.
Since the beginning of December I've been feeling sick quite regularly, particularly after eating food. This became so severe that over Xmas I was off work for a week, spent the week in bed feeling excessively tired and feeling horribly sick. I barely ate anything and as soon as I did eat then I just felt even worse. I've seen my GP on 3 separate occasions now. She has prescribed Omeprazole 20mg and Metoclopramide 10mg, both of which I've been taking for 2.5 weeks now. GP has asked me to change my diet and is putting my symptoms down to Gastritis. I should add, whilst I don't eat unhealthy food, I do work 12 hour shifts which include nights so the times at which I eat and the food I choose to eat at these times can affect my stomach. Bloods have been taken, but nothing showed up so as far as the GP is concerned there is nothing to worry about. But.....as I'm sure you can appreciate, there is something to worry about because I still don't feel well, and this is six weeks later.
Making the situation a million times worse is I'm Emetophobic (fear of vomit) and so feeling sick stresses me out because I then worry that I might be sick and tend to avoid eating in case I am sick.
No diarrhoea, vomiting or passing of blood accompanies my symptoms. Just the feeling sick and overly tired. Does anyone know what could be causing this and if there is anything I can do to aid recovery?
Many thanks in advance for any help offered,
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Vanyiel declan20730
New to this site, was somehow lead here due to food poisoning inquiries, probably the symptoms. After reading a majority of your posts and nobody's docs really discovering anything major aside from a few of you. I saw a correlation with a lot of your posts, night shifts, 12 hour shifts, kids. I'd wager a lot of the symptoms could be stress related and possible depression. I find it interesting that no one really mentioned alcohol or using it. Not saying it's a good alternative to use, but it can help stave on symptoms, just don't try and get addicted or well, then the liver and withdrawal symptoms when you stop. If the meds aren't really working and alcohol isn't your cup of tea. There is always weed, but of course I'm in Oregon in the US where it's legal as long as your 21. Anywho that was my 2 cents to try and help you guys. Hope you all are feeling better since these old posts.
kellie44366 Vanyiel
SammiiD29 kellie44366
I honestly thought I was the only one too. I didn’t think it had a proper name for it either like my fear of travel. Can’t find the proper name for that anywhere 😂
kellie44366 SammiiD29
SammiiD29 kellie44366
Never liked being sick but it became a proper phobia when my panic attacks kicked in
ems41362 declan20730
Hey Dec,
Not sure how active you are on this thread anymore, but since our symptoms seem to match up I figured I'd give it a try!
For the past five months, I've been suffering from frequent stomach aches, nausea, digestive woes (if I'm not miserable from diarrhea I'm miserable from constipation), dizzy spells, GERD-like symptoms, and lots and lots of anxiety. I've always been what my mom calls a "worry wart", but lately (I'm a senior in college, so I guess it makes sense,) my anxiety has been off the charts, exacerbated by my stomach issues. No matter what I eat, (and for a college student, I'm a pretty healthy eater,) it makes me feel sick to my stomach. I constantly feel full, even when my stomach grumbles because it needs food, I'm afraid to eat in fear of feeling nauseous, which just makes everything worse. I guess you could say that I'm hungry, but I don't have an appetite? I'm so jealous of people who go through life without having a second thought about the food they eat, and who don't have to worry about this kind of stuff!
I'm convinced I have GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder), which is what drew me to your story and your discovery of your own anxiety-caused illnesses. How is the therapy going? Do you find it to be effective?
From one worry wart to another, we'll get through this! The mind is definitely the most complex part of the human body--who knew it could make you feel so horribly nauseous?! Seems unfair to me!
Thanks for an interesting thread! Keep us updated, if possible!
SammiiD29 declan20730
I’m meant to go for blood tests for ibs, but I can’t see how ibs would be making me feel nauseous after everything I eat. I’m scared of needles so Iv been putting off the blood tests but my doc is certain I have ibs. Due to my agoraphobia I don’t go out a lot anyway but when I do I refuse to eat or drink until I get home.
I hope you have had some results, and feeling better. I’m also on Omeprazole but on 40mg. I take about 60mg a day two 20mg in the morning and one 20mg in the night as Iv found I cannot eat after 6pm.