What to do...
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hi ladies, hope you're doing ok. Don't really know what I'm doing or going to do or want to do, in some of my posts I've added humour to try & lighten the turmoil within. This is a confession to oneself, what I should have done long ago! I've tried being normal to fit in all my life but to no avail, I guess having many autistic traits which have made any social situations near impossible & not having friends to share life with & now all this menopausal crap which I don't understand & finding it all hard to cope with....just everything sucks! the intimate side of my marriage is suffering which always causes arguments & just makes me think 'I shouldn't be here' I feel like a blob of nothing, sexless, useless, a nuisance & I feel lonely, alone. The many things I've had to deal with through my life especially concerning my kids which I now have little contact & my grandkids...can't go there, how I survived it all, don't know how I did. On my own I moved to Oz to start again & now in my third marriage, thought I got everything right but maybe not, im still failing. Is like a case of damned if I do damned if I don't...just everything seems so wrong.
My apologies ladies for this long n miserable tirade of woe, I don't mean to create any grief. Stay well ladies, take care xo
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caroleUJ62 Bobbins059
I have found social situations alomst impossible for years, and have had to take tranquilizers or drink to cope with them. Now I cant drink - too many bad experiences, and addicted to the tranqs, but trying slowly to come off with the help of a psychiatric team. I have lost all my friends due to having a very short fuse in the past and lashing out at people, saying hurtful things, or sending unpleasant emails. I now reget it all. I practically never leave the house, no confidence. My husband is fed up with it all - he is all out of coping strategies.
Just wanted you to know your'e not alone. Felt really badly lonely today, and will do tomorrow and the next and so on........
Bobbins059 caroleUJ62
Be kind to yourself, do what's right for you & take each day as it comes. Sending hugs, take care.
caroleUJ62 Bobbins059
Today has been quite bad so far. I have been really scared. My panics have got alot worse since the perimenopause hit. Unfortunately, I had a whiiplash injury which also caused me to get TMJ - a problem with my jaw where it crunches and grates when I eat. I have seen specialists and physiotherapists and had some treatment and reassurances, but I still get really scared sometimes that I'll have to live like this indefinitely.
I have had good days, with minimal symptons and think OK - I dealing with with - then the pain and panic comes back. Obviousy, I know that panicking is likely to make the symptons worse. My husband told me to have a lie in today, but I cant rest, so I;ve just run a hot foam bath - hope that helps.
jennifer01077 Bobbins059
I'm kinda having a bad time myself right now, and I really appreciate your honesty in this message. Really, really appreciate it.
These are the back-to-the-wall times. You know your words "I feel like a blob of nothing, sexless, useless, a nuisance' . . . I think you are a soul in this world, and therefore infinitely valuable. I am not religious, but I feel strongly that we are valuable, to ourselves, to life and time, outside the social matrix of other people. We are eyes on the world, consciousness that has woken up on this planet and this world. Sometimes we don't fit in well, sometimes we can't be in relationships - I couldn't even imagine being in an intimate sexual relationship right now.
Don't let depression fool you with its voice of 'I am useless and life has no meaning'. If it is depression, it is just low serotonin, nothing more - I have heard that it hits autistic people later in life, and it certainly hits a lot of women going through menopause. There is a reason that scientists came up with anti-depressants!
I am not saying 'Oh Bobbins, go on anti-depressants'. I think I don't clearly know what I am saying! Maybe you need space from your relationship, maybe you need space from the idea that a marriage is proof of success in life, maybe you need some chocolate! I don't know . . . but I know that my back has been to the wall many times in life, and there is still bird song in the mornings for me, and the smiles of older people I meet on the road, and more and more knowledge of how to quieten the negative voices inside me.
Thank you for your humor in the past and your courage in writing this post, and sharing the really hard stuff.
Bobbins059 jennifer01077
crenyyy Bobbins059
jayneejay Bobbins059
oh bless ya
i really related to your post..
peri and meno is just such a tough time for some, and we really dont know who we are anymore, while we process it, and how it affects our body, mind and soul.
i went through a stage where i did not want my partner near me, not close, while i was dealing with all these emotions and hopelessness..
it has got better hun.. The emotion side .. Still have a few post meno issues bodily fatigue etc..
dont be hard on yourself hun, we are all different and have our own ways, thats what makes the world..
i dont like social things, like to keep my distance from people
thats me ..
I always explained my feelings and how peri and meno was making me feel so loves ones could not only learn about it but try and understand me and how i was feeling ..
Always here if you need someone to talk to, never feel alone
jay x
Bobbins059 jayneejay
Take care, keep well. ☺️
Scruffy61 Bobbins059
you are inspirational to all of us ladies I wish I lived closer we could join a for women only club because talking through our problems is a good medicine
this site has been my life line without it I honestly don't know what I would be like but please it doesn't harm to ask for help from your doctor and maybe just talking to someone face to face
take care xxxx
Bobbins059 Scruffy61
Take Care, keep well 😊
jayneejay Bobbins059
have you had routine bloods tests.. Check other things okay ..
thyroid, Vit B12' and Vit D, adrenals etc to name a few ..
i am lacking B12 have injections
and also Vit D defficient .. Have supplements ..
thyroid is borderline underactive but no meds required yet ..
after a ten year natural peri with all the naturals and lots of, etc, the returning flushes last year did not go, tried the lot and gave them a fair chance to kick in, i have researched meno for 12 years and the flushes were not going no where ..
our body during meno tells our brain we are hot and the flush is the way we cool down.. it can get very annoying for some ladies .. Like it did me, it was affecting my daily living ..
but the low dose escitalopram cured those for me ..
look after yourself
jay x
Bobbins059 jayneejay
susan21149 Bobbins059
Social situations bother me at times to where I just want to hide away in my appartment. I don't have much friends either so I understand how you feel. All I have is my boyfriend. I don't really talk to my mom much because of her negativity torward me. My two brothers are busy with their work and personal lives so I hardly talk to them We will see each other when they have time. My youger brother and his wife I have asked several times if my oldest neace can come spend the night heere at our place so I can get to know her better and still no comment from them its like they want to keep me away from my two neices and nephew
The only person who does talk to me is my sister but she lives in LA. so its hard plus dealing with this menopause makes it harder
Bobbins059 susan21149
Be kind to yourself, keep well
cheryl99622 Bobbins059
Bobbins059 cheryl99622
Take Care.