What to expect after Hemorrhoid surgery

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I decided to start this post for a few reasons.   The first is to give me something to do while going through this.  Second, is maybe get some support from others who have been where I'm at.  And third, to let people know who are considering this surgery what to expect.

I turned 50 back in March and my wife has been telling me that I needed to go ahead and schedule a colonoscopy.  Well like every stubborn male I kept putting it off.   So we had been doing a lot of work outside in some hot weather and I ended up getting severe heat dehydration.  Spent a few hours in the ER and was told I needed to drink a lot more water than usual.  Because of the dehydration, I ended up becoming very constipated and developed some hemorrhoids.  The hemorrhoids weren't hurting but they were large.  So I went to see a Dr thinking that I could just get some magic cream and poof they would go away.  Well, he said those are bad and since I was 50 I needed a colonoscopy also.  He set up the surgery for both.  Like most people I got on this site and several others and became scared to death.  But I went ahead and went through with the surgery on 9/15/17.  The colonoscopy went well but here is where the story really begins.......

As I was rolled out of recovery and back into my room where my wife was waiting, I was in a good mood.  Wasn't in any pain at all.  Obviously I was still medicated.  They told me that as soon as I was able to urinate I would be able to go home.  That was harder said than done.  I tried and tried and just couldn't pee.  As time went on the medication started to wear off and the pain came with a vengeance.  At this point all I wanted to do was go home.  The nurse who was checking in on me must have felt sorry for me so she snuck in a shot of Demerol.  I even lied and said I was able to go to the bathroom so she started my release paperwork.  The Dr. came in and told me to take my pain meds, drink plenty of water, and take warm baths for relief.  The Demerol helped and my wife was able to get me home and in bed.    The first day really wasn't that bad.  Oh don't get me wrong, I was in pain.  But the worst was still yet to come.  I have a high tolerance for pain also. The second day the pain hit.  The best way I can describe the pain is a lot of pressure, stinging sharp pains, and a feeling of being cut down there. (Obviously)  I also had trouble urinating which only added to the pain.  With the help of pain meds I made it through the second day and night.  I woke up on the third day actually feeling pretty good.  I got up and soaked in a hot bath and then took a nice long shower.  I even felt like getting dressed and trying to feel like my old self.  For the best part of the day I was doing great.  Still not pain free by any means and still walking like a 90 year old man. Now understand, I haven't had a bowel movement yet.  So later that day, about 5 pm I guess, the pain came.  It felt like a lot of pressure like I needed to have a bowel movement.  But the Dr stressed not to strain so I just waited until I needed to go and then go to the bathroom.  Well that time never came.  But the pain got worse and worse.   I put in a call to the Dr.'s office and they had the on call Dr call me.  He told me to double up on the laxatives.  So I followed the instructions and did that.  Even with all the laxatives still nothing but pain.  So on day 4 I called the Dr.'s office and was able to speak with the Dr. who did my surgery.  He told me that everything that I was going through was normal and I could go to the pharmacy and get a bottle of Magnesium Citrate and try that.  My wife ran to the pharmacy and got a bottle.  The pharmacists told her to tell me to drink the entire bottle and I should have a bowel movement between 30 minutes to 6 hours after drinking the bottle.  Well almost three hours later Hell came.  I just made it to toilet before the bottom fell out.  Even though it was soft, mostly diarrhea, the pain was horrible.  The burning was way too much to handle so I jumped directly into the shower and started spraying myself off with the shower head.  Then I just laid in a hot tub of water until the pain let up.  I have continued to take all of the medications the Dr prescribed.  As the evening of day 4 came around, I was totally spent dealing with all of the pain.  My wife was trying to get me to go to the ER but I knew that all they would do is give me pain med and tell me to follow up with my Dr and then give me a nice bill.  I made it through night 4 and on the morning of day 5 my wife called my Dr.'s office and made me an appointment for 2 pm. (That is today by the way).  The Dr came in and looked at the area and said everything was looking like it is supposed to only 5 days after surgery.  He could see that I was in a lot of pain and reassured me that this would all pass.  He told me that some people can't take the pain and have to be admitted into the hospital.  He said that things should start feeling better in a few days.  He changed my pain medicine from Lortab to Percocet and added Neurontin to also help with the pain.  

So that's where I'm at right now.  Day 5 and still hurting.  Some of you that have had this surgery may have been doing much better by day 5 and some worse.  I think we are all different and react differently to pain.  I do know this is not a surgery to just jump into without getting some facts first.  It's going to hurt.  That's the one truth that I think all who have experienced it will agree on.  

I would love to hear other's post op stories.  I know that I still have a ways to go before I am pain free.  

As I am able, I will update everyone with how my recovery is going.

Take care,


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    If I could go back and cancel the surgery, I'd do it in a heartbeat. There is nothing, I mean nothing that has hurt more than this recovery process stemming from this surgery.

    I felt alright the first couple days and then, just like that my world collapsed.

    No bm for 7 days and with that pressure and pain, I couldn't urinate.

    ER trip and pain meds. Fought with the nurse to put a cath in because I hadn't urinated in 10 to 12 hours and the pain was excruciating. Finally, she agreed. Close to half gallon of urine filled the bag and the measuring apparatus that's attached.

    They once again gave me stool softeners for me to go. The next morning, I passed gas and leaked. Here I thought I would happen. Absolutely not! I writhed in pain. The Dr gave me an epidural to go in and extra the buildup and to make sure nothing was wrong internally. Everything was soft due to hydration and use of softeners post surgery. A day later, they released me without having a bm on my own.

    I left with no relief. All meds were cute off, even the Tylenol. Cue pain, cue pressure and cue depression. I felt like something was wrong and I'd never recover.

    I went to another hospital in Boston the next day. I was told I had multiple fissures. Would have been nice to know that was the cause of my shooting pains.

    Dr. Applied nitroglycerin ointment. What a godsend that was! But, she wouldn't write a script for it. Dangers from overuse at home. Now what? Temporary fixes? Lost. Defteated and backed up beyond belief. Still in pain, using all creams and softeners as before. I even bought a $25 cream for hemmorhoids and fissures. Didn't hell much.

    The only thing I can suggest for anyone in my shoes or yours, hot baths. Put cream on and inside and try to relax so your bm will release.

    Unfortunately for me, I had and still have a large hard stool that is just hanging out and causing me grief. What's behind it I can barely squeeze out but wow, I can't seem to break this puppy up. It is grainy and hard as a rock.

    It is 6:04 am and I've been in and out of the bath since midnight.

    Sweat, tears and screams.

    I am going to head to the store for at home enemas to see If I can break it up without another ER visit.

    If my Dr told me what would happen, in all seriousness..I would have attempted another route.

    When released from the first ER visit, my Dr said ' This is why I told you I don't like scheduling my patients for this surgery. You are on the worst and of its'

    I'm sorry but said Dr..didn't warn me. Said a week out of work would suffice. Im on week 3.

    Quality of life plummeted my fellow sufferers.

    I hope this helps someone. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.

    I will leave you all with this: sweet nurse who I had the pleasure of caring for me said 'once you have your first bm, it's like giving birth out of your rectum' scared me to death ...but it was and is absolutely true. Please, heed my warnings. I am a 36 year old woman who gave birth to 2 children and am super healthy. This surgery literally brought me to my breaking point.

    Surgery was February 28th....

  • Posted

    Randy and Everybody else,

    I feel your pain. I had this surgery in 1987 and was EXTREMELY painful after i woke up. Actually, it started with the spinal tab/epidural then the surgery. I was told by my doctors i would not have any problems after surgery. Lies!!! I was in so much pain. I had cold and hot sweats, could not urinate or do #2. Urinated and that stong. They wanted me to have a bowel movement while in the hospital but i couldn't. I stopped eating to not cause a bowel movement but starving was not the snswer. I started to eat lots of veggies, drink loads of metamusil, and finally a week later had a bowel movement. Yay!!! I was so bloated and very uncomfortable. Something they do not tell you is stool leakage after your surgery and forever. I was very yound when i had this and it wasn't pleasant. In addition, the hemorrhoids came back.

  • Posted

    I had surgery 8 days ago. Dr said URINATING within 6 hrs is important. I was able to urinate within 5.

    I had 3 piles lump. 1 big and 2 small.

    I had pain in hospital on 2nd after BM early morning. But because it was liquid it was hurting less. 2 nd BM was at home and extremely painful. Because of laxatives and gas build up it was very forceful.

    After five days I stopped laxative because it was giving cramps in abdomen and I started drink hot water. I have stopped all painkillers and antibiotics.

    Warm water in morning and before sleeping gives soft BM. Before enter loo I keep warm tub ready.

    Leakage will give you pain, so take warm sitz bath regularly. I eat only soft food. Drink lot of water. Sleep when at home. I avoid sitting without special pile cushion.

    During last 3 month before surgery, I had pain for upto 8hrs after BM. Now it better.

    Please be aware that laxative are not suitable to all body.

    I think my decision was correct for surgery. My doctor did good job. God was with him. Thank God.

    Warm water with honey is natural tool softener and anyone can try with out any harm.

    Hope my experience is useful.

  • Posted

    Dear Lord...thank you for letting me find this.  I am 4 weeks, 3 days post surgical hemorrhoidectomy.   I was a level 4 external and internal hemorrhoid sufferer for at least 15 years and lesser level sufferer for the entirety of my life!!   My pain level had decreased dramatically since the first two weeks.  However, I have developed a new firightening symptom in the last 5 days.  I have the constant undeniable urge to poop.   But when I go, only a tiny amount comes out.  I have been on the recommended stool softeners, been eating a high fiber diet, drinking more water, etc.   I’m not comaripated as the still immpassing is soft...but the urgent need to go is ruining my life!!   I was almost completely off my pain meds but now I’m having to take hem again just to curb this constant urge to go!   Please...someone tell me this is just a phase of recovering from this surgery!   I plan on calling my doc Monday morning if things don’t change by then.  I can’t live life like this.  
  • Edited

    I have a positive story. 

    Like many articles and responses to this surgery, it seems like a ton of horror stories BUT what people need to keep in mind is that those who have had sucsess and healed quickly without complications, aren’t looking back and living life. There’s no need for them to come to sites like this looking for answers to their pain and suffering. 

    My surgery went amazingly well. I went in with a cluster of them with one big one that hung outside of me. 

    Yes, the pain at first was shocking but I was able to walk and move around. The first day was the toughest and urinating after surgery didn’t happen until 8 hours later. Unlike Randy, I wasn’t kept at the hospital.

    I didn’t sleep well the first night but that was expected. 

    Day 2, more pain but it started to go away and I had little bleeding. Day 2 was also the first bowel movement. The stool softeners helped and it was no where's near as painful as some of the stories I read LOL. Not even close. To be honest, passing Gas was more uncomfortable than the BM.

    Day 3, I was up and doing things around my place and I event went for a long walk around my neighborhood. Again little bleeding and less pain. 

    Day 4, I slept great, cut back on the pain meds, continued with the warm baths and stool softeners and things were fine.

    Today, Day 5. I did laundry, cleaned my apartment, had a bowel movement, little pain meds, drive to the store and now I’m typing this to tell you that for every good story you read, there’s probably ten sucsess stories like mine you won’t read.

    Oh, I’ll be returning to work tomorrow ahead of schedule. Good luck to all! 

  • Posted

    I’m so afraid now.. 

    I go in for surgery this Thursday.  I’ve been in such excrutiating  pain for a couple weeks and there’s so much blood when I go.  I’ve got to the point I won’t eat and barely drink because I can’t go anymore.  Now to see fixing it is going to hurt even more terrifies me.  My job expects me to be back on Monday.. .. I’m petrified.

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      If you're in excruciating pain now, then the surgery should actually lessen the pain. It'll be a different pain than what you've had. Just make sure you're taking plenty of stool softeners and drinking tons of water.

  • Posted

    Hello everyone!

    I had my surgery five days ago and I want to share my experience and to post a question. 

    The experience: I had hemorrhoids stage 4 (worst, external ones, and huge ones). Dr. suggested a surgery right away. The surgery went well, I had a pleasant day in hospital, with very low pain (thank you morphine) and no BM. I went home on the second day and everything was going well. I am 40, by the way. My problems started with BMs. I cannot say that my issues are as severe as some people’s here, but I was in pain after every BM for about half an hour. I have had my laxative, stool softener, water, veggies, pain killers, all of it. Now we come to the second part. 

    The question: I see that majority is complaining about the lack of BM and severe pain afterwards. My question is: is it normal to have 5-6 BMs each day? Because I do. Should I cut down on laxative and stool softener? Now I am taking them once in the morning and once in the afternoon. I can pee, needs some waiting and standing, but I do it 2-3 times a day. So what do you say?

  • Posted

    So I'm having a hemorroidectomy this Friday (April 6) and I am already preparing for it. Got a sitz bath basin for my toilet with some solution with witch hazel in it for the water, made some super nifty ice packs using diapers (a tip someone on another site said was awesome), some tucks pads, womens incontinence underwear (just to be safe) and some dermoplast to numb the area before and after bowel movements. I know its gonna hurt. That's what I keep hearing.

    My real question is, my doctor said I would be able to return to work about 2 weeks after surgery... After seeing all the posts and information on it I feel like that's a bit optimistic. Would you say a realistic goal or no?


    • Posted

      Anna, honestly everyone is different when it comes to recovery time.  It also depends on what your job is.  But I will tell you that two weeks after surgery you will still be in pain and will not want to be at work.  But it does sound like you are preparing for it which is awesome.  I wish you well and hope you will come back and tell us how you are doing.


    • Posted

      I for sure will. And if I learn any more tricks for what helps I will let y'all in on that as well.

      Thank you for the response and so quickly too!

    • Posted

      I had four internal and two external removed in October last year. For BM I was given lactulose and fybogel and pain I was given paracetamol and dihydrocodeine. When you have your first BM it is sore as you do not know what to expect but do not force it just let it take its time. I had a shower then changed it to sitting in a hot bath. Remember to have a high fibre diet and drink plenty of water.

      Remember everyone is different and recovery is also different. I was not in a lot of pain. Went back in December to see my surgeon and told me mine was a difficult operation. I read all what people were saying before my operation and was dreading it. The operation for me was not as bad as what some people have been saying. My operation was in the UK. Let me know how you get on.

      Drink lots of water.

  • Posted

    Randy hope ur recovery went good. I just had mine done yesterday, 3 huge internal hemrooids removed / I thought everyone was crazy for thinking this was painful , once I finished my surgery but they were all right , once all the numbness they used to numb me during sergury wore off and I am in the worst pain every. I feel like I have to use the bathroom and all the gas is building up and causing so much pain. Any ideas. I am taking pain meds but not really helping, I know I have to go to the bathroom but the pain is so bad, even wen I try to push out a little fart u feel all the pain /gas building up and can’t even let that out. Any suggestions will help thanks
  • Posted

    Someone plz tell me does it get any better after your first bowel movement. I have to go so bad but the pain is so bad from all the gas built up. I can’t even let a little fart go cuz I feel the pain if I try. Help I had surgery yesterday and was fine after surgery now since the numbness is gone it is so painful. Plz somebody help

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