What to expect after Hemorrhoid surgery

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I decided to start this post for a few reasons.   The first is to give me something to do while going through this.  Second, is maybe get some support from others who have been where I'm at.  And third, to let people know who are considering this surgery what to expect.

I turned 50 back in March and my wife has been telling me that I needed to go ahead and schedule a colonoscopy.  Well like every stubborn male I kept putting it off.   So we had been doing a lot of work outside in some hot weather and I ended up getting severe heat dehydration.  Spent a few hours in the ER and was told I needed to drink a lot more water than usual.  Because of the dehydration, I ended up becoming very constipated and developed some hemorrhoids.  The hemorrhoids weren't hurting but they were large.  So I went to see a Dr thinking that I could just get some magic cream and poof they would go away.  Well, he said those are bad and since I was 50 I needed a colonoscopy also.  He set up the surgery for both.  Like most people I got on this site and several others and became scared to death.  But I went ahead and went through with the surgery on 9/15/17.  The colonoscopy went well but here is where the story really begins.......

As I was rolled out of recovery and back into my room where my wife was waiting, I was in a good mood.  Wasn't in any pain at all.  Obviously I was still medicated.  They told me that as soon as I was able to urinate I would be able to go home.  That was harder said than done.  I tried and tried and just couldn't pee.  As time went on the medication started to wear off and the pain came with a vengeance.  At this point all I wanted to do was go home.  The nurse who was checking in on me must have felt sorry for me so she snuck in a shot of Demerol.  I even lied and said I was able to go to the bathroom so she started my release paperwork.  The Dr. came in and told me to take my pain meds, drink plenty of water, and take warm baths for relief.  The Demerol helped and my wife was able to get me home and in bed.    The first day really wasn't that bad.  Oh don't get me wrong, I was in pain.  But the worst was still yet to come.  I have a high tolerance for pain also. The second day the pain hit.  The best way I can describe the pain is a lot of pressure, stinging sharp pains, and a feeling of being cut down there. (Obviously)  I also had trouble urinating which only added to the pain.  With the help of pain meds I made it through the second day and night.  I woke up on the third day actually feeling pretty good.  I got up and soaked in a hot bath and then took a nice long shower.  I even felt like getting dressed and trying to feel like my old self.  For the best part of the day I was doing great.  Still not pain free by any means and still walking like a 90 year old man. Now understand, I haven't had a bowel movement yet.  So later that day, about 5 pm I guess, the pain came.  It felt like a lot of pressure like I needed to have a bowel movement.  But the Dr stressed not to strain so I just waited until I needed to go and then go to the bathroom.  Well that time never came.  But the pain got worse and worse.   I put in a call to the Dr.'s office and they had the on call Dr call me.  He told me to double up on the laxatives.  So I followed the instructions and did that.  Even with all the laxatives still nothing but pain.  So on day 4 I called the Dr.'s office and was able to speak with the Dr. who did my surgery.  He told me that everything that I was going through was normal and I could go to the pharmacy and get a bottle of Magnesium Citrate and try that.  My wife ran to the pharmacy and got a bottle.  The pharmacists told her to tell me to drink the entire bottle and I should have a bowel movement between 30 minutes to 6 hours after drinking the bottle.  Well almost three hours later Hell came.  I just made it to toilet before the bottom fell out.  Even though it was soft, mostly diarrhea, the pain was horrible.  The burning was way too much to handle so I jumped directly into the shower and started spraying myself off with the shower head.  Then I just laid in a hot tub of water until the pain let up.  I have continued to take all of the medications the Dr prescribed.  As the evening of day 4 came around, I was totally spent dealing with all of the pain.  My wife was trying to get me to go to the ER but I knew that all they would do is give me pain med and tell me to follow up with my Dr and then give me a nice bill.  I made it through night 4 and on the morning of day 5 my wife called my Dr.'s office and made me an appointment for 2 pm. (That is today by the way).  The Dr came in and looked at the area and said everything was looking like it is supposed to only 5 days after surgery.  He could see that I was in a lot of pain and reassured me that this would all pass.  He told me that some people can't take the pain and have to be admitted into the hospital.  He said that things should start feeling better in a few days.  He changed my pain medicine from Lortab to Percocet and added Neurontin to also help with the pain.  

So that's where I'm at right now.  Day 5 and still hurting.  Some of you that have had this surgery may have been doing much better by day 5 and some worse.  I think we are all different and react differently to pain.  I do know this is not a surgery to just jump into without getting some facts first.  It's going to hurt.  That's the one truth that I think all who have experienced it will agree on.  

I would love to hear other's post op stories.  I know that I still have a ways to go before I am pain free.  

As I am able, I will update everyone with how my recovery is going.

Take care,


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    I had my hemorrhoiectomy on Jan 26th and still having what feels like knife blades ripping my rectum every time I have a bowel movement.  I ended up in my doctors office 4 days ago and the ER 2 days ago.  A year ago I had hemorrhoid banding done as an outpatient and it to was a horrible experience and I found myself back in surgery 3 days later for 3 days after hemorrhoid thrombosed .

    I have had bad experiences with hemorrhoids and procedures to get rid of them.  

    My pain was more manageable the first 3-4  days but my victor said that was because they injected pain medication around the rectum that is used to help control pain .  I will say it worked well.

    Then day 4 to now my pain is horrific.  In one sense Im glad I’m able to poop soft stools with use of Miralax and Milk of Magnesis and on the other hand I dread the knife stabbing h pains that occurs for hours after having bowel movements.

    I take lots of sitz baths, use lots of ice packs , Tucks wipes,  showers, pain medication, and liquid diet in which I am getting really tired of but there is no way I want my stools to have any hardness at all.  

    My doctor assured me that everything that is happening to me is normal and once the swelling goes away that I will feel much better and to hang in there

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    Hello! Just real quick. I had the staple surgery for the first time November 30, 2017. Everything was going great. I seemed to be healing quite well. I felt very fortunate that I wasn’t living any of the hell on earth experiences that I was reading about. 3 weeks after surgery the family and I even took a weekend trip. Then around week 4 or 5 I started having some pain during BM’s followed up with blood. I just knew that this wasn’t normal. Especially after having such a good start to recovery. I knew I shouldn’t be taking steps backwards. Went to the surgeon and he agreed that something was not right and scheduled me for a digital exam on January 30th. He said he would do the exam and “fix” whatever he saw. He had to re-stitch a couple of wounds from the first surgery and staple a couple internal hemorrhoids that developed after first surgery. From the moment I woke up from the surgery I knew this was not going to be good! I was in some unbareable pain!! This Tuesday will be 14 days and I am so miserable! I have missed 7 days of work. I’m supposed to go back to work tomorrow. I have no clue how I’m going to do it!!?? The pain and throbbing discomfort I have after BMs honestly puts you in some kind of depressed state. I just want to feel like a human being again. Please do not think I’m “that guy” that comes in to bring nothing but negative vibes because that is not me. I am just being honest. Yes I do know that everyone is different and every situation is different. In my own personal experience, I feel like having the surgery was the worst mistake of my entire life! I regret it every single day. Please if you’re thinking about having surgery, try an other alternatives first. Doctors shouldn’t be allowed to perform this surgery. It has changed me as a human being. I swear I think it has given me PTSD. I repeat! Try anything else before going through with a hemorrhoidectomy! At the end of the day the surgeon is going to staple you, cut you, stitch you up and collect their money. They’re not too worried about your well being. Again, so sorry to be “that guy”, but it is what it has become. I am a miserable human being now. My wife hates me, I don’t get to spend good quality time with my kids, my colleagues are wondering what the hell is going on, and people are just sick and tired of hearing about my butt problems. Please please please think long and hard before having the surgery!!! 
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      Wow! Just wow! I am going through the same exact thing. This surgery has ruined my life and has almost put me into complete depression because no medical professionals will help me now that I have been operated on. I had a hemorrhoidectomy in August of 2017 and I sit here today, ruined and worst off than I ever was before. The surgery itself, is by far the most absolute pain you will go through in your life after passing a BM. After several weeks, I still had the feeling of hemmorhoids and pain after every BM. I returned to the Dr. in November to have her tell me I needed to implement more of a high fiber diet claiming that was my problem. Also noting that my diet was already high in fiber with lots of water. Duh. I'm trying to prevent this whole nightmare again. By Thanksgiving, I was completely unable to stand for small periods of time, the pain after every BM lasts for hours and I will occasionally bleed so much, I can no longer use the bathroom while out away from home. I have since been to another Dr who specializes in gastroenterology and suggested that I should have had a colonoscopy before the surgery to determine the extent of my actual problems. Needless to say, I sit here completely helpless. I have been told to return to the Dr who butchered me and left me this way, all for another possible surgery again!! This procedure is a scam and medical professionals know it. They are there to cover each others tracks, collect the money, and they know you will be back because of the low success rate of this procedure. If you are able to read this before you have an operation, please reconsider any and all other options. What I thought was great pain is now almost nothing comparable to what I deal with on a daily basis.

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    I have a very positive story, I had a closed limited haemorrhoidectomy 5 days ago and doing well. Painful after BM which lasts 20 mins but it does wear off and you have to go with it. Regular painkillers. Limit opioids and drink loads!!! Was expecting worse but I think it depends on how much removed and if wounds are left open or stitched. Very much enjoying the bed rest. Speedy recovery everybody ....these threads are great but very daunting prior to surgery and my experience is 10 times better than what I’ve read. Everybody’s experience is different.
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    I am a junior doctor and had this procedure done 6 days ago. I had removal of 2 external haemorrhoids and would not recommend this surgery to my worst enemy.

    I have a good threshold for pain but the pain from this procedure was worse than I could ever have imagined. Even after reading posts on this forum I thought I’d be able to handle the pain and be back to work within 5 days, MAX 7. I’m currently day 6 post op and can’t imagine heading back to work yet. 

    I just want to clarify that although the post op pain is quite severe and sharp, the real pain is the bowel motions. It’s pure agony. I had my first BM 2 days post op and the pain was out of this world, I nearly threw up and was drenched in sweat. I knew it wasn’t a sufficient BM but I couldn’t bare going through it again. As a result I spent the next 2 days terrified and growing in discomfort and fear of the next BM. Day 4 I spent -no word of a lie, 12-14 hours on the toilet which in itself was painful. After sitting on the toilet for 3.5 hours in the middle of the night I finally passed BM and although I have gotten a lot of relief I only stick to liquid foods and ensure laxative use. 

    I wanted to post to deter anyone who is thinking of having this procedure that does not absolutely HAVE to have it done, to not do it. The pain is NOT worth it by any stretch of the imagination. My surgeon warned me it was one of the top 10 most painful surgeries but I thought nothing of it and assumed I could handle it. At one point in recovery I thought I’d have to be admitted and sedated to get through this. Also wanted to post to reassure others on day 2-5 that it does get better. I am in no way back to normal but feel infinitely better with each day that passes. 

    • Posted

      Hi everyone is different and I would advise anyone to have the operation. I had four internal and two external removed in October. I was sick after the operation and had to stay in hospital over night. When I had an appointment with my surgeon eight weeks after the operation he told me it was a difficult operation. For pain I was given paracetamol and dihydrocodeine and for BM lactulose and fybogel.
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      I have had 2 c sections 2 vaginal births , gallbladder surgery, total hysterectomy and I have to say the worse was the hysterectomy , but I was never brought to tears , it was a 8 week recovery process 10 to 12 week almost fully recovered. I did see the GI doctor and I was told that this is no big deal he can tell I have a high tolerance for pain because based on my exam I should not be able to sit like I was on the chair. He said it will be painful/ uncomfortable. 

        Now I am wondering after hearing all of this especially since I have to have more than anyone I have seen on here at all - internal hemorrhoids , external, fissures, and pro laps so that requires tissue to be stitched up higher as well. all at the same time he said it would take him 20 minutes and he has injections that last for 3 days after the procedure... I am bleeding with every BM , I can go to the gym anymore, I cant stand up very long this is my normal life I have tried everything warm baths, ice, creams, gel, pads, , and I can really say its not the pain that bothers me of the hemorrhoids its the constant bleeding and feeling like pressure. So I guess for me this is the last resort- unless anyone has any ideas.. I really am scared to have done but I don't know what options I have left . I feel so sorry for all of you I understand this is debilitating 

  • Posted

    I am currently healing from phase 2 of my external hemorrhoidectomy surgery. I've suffered from hemorrhoids all my life. I don't have a memory of not having a hemorrhoid. I had just over 60% rectal coverage due to my external hemorrhoids. The doctor wanted to reduce my recovery pain so he wanted to do them in 2-3 parts.

    The first surgery was January 13 2018. This recovery was not too bad. He removed about 20% of what was covering my rectum. Cut off and stitched, don't know the technical term. I had burning, sharp pains, and a dull aching. I only took Motrin and Tylenol, and my stools stayed soft so using the toilet wasn't excruciating. Getting the stitches removed hurt worse than the recovery. I felt pretty good so I scheduled my second phase, and what I was hoping would be my last phase, for 24 February 2018.

    I am 1 week post op and this time around the pain is truly worst, tenfold. He took almost all the remaining external hemorrhoids, except one. He didn't want me to have pain during a BM. HA! Two days post op I was writhing in pain while soaking in the hottest bath water my skin could handle. I felt my stomach seized up and I had no control amidst the pain. I began pooping in the tub, and good gravy did it burn and hurt. My back was arched, I had sweat pouring down my face, I was trying not to scream. And that is where I had to defecate for the next 24 hours. All loose stools, but it was miserable. I had my first BM on an actual toilet 4 days post op. I blacked out from the pain. I shower after every BM, but the sharp, stinging, burning, agony lingers for hours after the BM. I have bruising on either side of my rectum. The stitches rub together since there is no longer a large cluster of hemorrhoids separating my cheeks. I'm hoping this pain eases up soon.

    I told my doctor I will not be scheduling to have the last hemorrhoid removed until May, after mother's day. So I'll have 2.5 months of heal time before I go in for the final leg of this surgical adventure. I don't plan on stopping until I'm 100% hemorrhoid free since I have no memory of ever experiencing that. If they come back then I'll die with them. But I'm holding strong to getting this done.

    Best advice though is tons of water, stool softeners, colace, high fiber diets, or bland diets, and stay active. I have 4 kids to keep me on my toes so hopefully I'll heal quick. I also take a collagen +vitamin c supplement to help my skin heal faster. It does seem to help. I do recommend the surgery, if you have a competent doctor with your best interests in mind. Especially if the hemorrhoids cause significant issues, or have been long term residents on your body.

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    Hello, I just had my surgery done February 26,2018. I urinated right after surgery but hours after getting home I had to go back to the hospital to get a catheter which I had to do for my first 3 days! On my fourth (4th) day I finally made that very painful BM. It was so hard pushing that soft BM. I've taken over 10 to 12 sitz baths a day since day 1!! I haven't been able to get much sleep at all and my body is very weak! I was a grade 4. I have had hemorrhoids for 24yrs and been in pain for 3 yrs. I tried all I could to avoid this surgery. I just pray for better days ahead.

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    Hello everyone,

    I'm a 27 year old female and i just had my 3rd surgery 5 days ago. The first one i did was when i was 24, no significant pain, i was able to go to work after 1 week. I had the second surgery about a month ago (due to straining and continued constipation plus fiber decifit) to remove internal hemorrhoids and i was in a lot of pain for like a week. The doctor had removed the internal hemorrhoids but left the "skin tag" (what he calls it) hanging outside my anus and it touched my sanitory pad causing a lot of discomfort so i had to go in and do it again to remove the "skin tag". I'm much better now and not in pain but problem is after this 3rd surgery the "skin tag" is still there and i'm pretty sure it will be like before when i'm on my period. I thought the dr would cut the thing off completely but it seems that he only bound it up with medical thread or some sorts (maybe to contain it?) and when i had difficult BM the thread broke and i still have the "skin tag". Does anyone have the same issue like i do? I'm afraid i will have to go to the operation room again in the future because i still have a bit of weight hanging there which will make hemorrhoid come back again. I also changed my lifestyle to eat more fiber and drink lots of water but sometimes it's still hard for me to have regular BMs. Do you think i have Irritable Bowel Movement? Does anyone still have to live with a "skin tag" in that area even after surgery?

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      Hi, although I'm not experiencing pain with skin tags, I've had a complicated surgery and after my last Dr visit on Thursday, come to find I've been completely misdiagnosed. I seen a colorectel surgeon who was a new Dr and immediately knew after describing my symptoms that my problem was not hemmorhoids alone. My previous Dr who did the surgery told me I needed to eat more fiber rich foods and drink a lot of water. I ended up on this roller coaster diet trying to always eat good but with life as it goes, I somehow wasn't taking in enough fiber to have a regulated BM everyday. I wasn't straining at all because I would drink psyllium husk fiber in order to make up for the lack in diet. This was all wrong. I wanted to share what I was instructed on by my Dr and perhaps it can help you. Purchase a full size bottle of Metamucil. Flavor and sugar free is your choice. Ignore the directions and consume 3 full tablespoons in the morning, following 8-10 glasses of water throughout the day. No exceptions. Personally, Ive had to build myself up to the amount and I'm taking 2 tablespoons and a teaspoon. The difference is noticeable even within these last few days. The Dr diagnosed me with also having an anal fissure which was causing me extreme pain and suffering right after a BM and then throughout the day I could no longer stand up due to the severity of pain. I got prescribed an ointment as well but was told that regulating my BM would more than likely prevent another hemmoroidectomy, which was music to my ears. Hope it helps. Just remember, the water is just as vital as the fiber!

  • Posted

    Hello everyone!!  I know I have been MIA for awhile.  But here is my update.  It's been about 6 months since my surgery and all in all I am doing much better.  There are times BMs are painful though.  I try to drink plenty of water and get enough fiber.  I am so glad that so many of you have taken the time to share your experiences.  I hope some have found words of hope.  For those of you that are considering this surgery, make sure that it ABSOLUTELY is the last resort.  It is a very painful surgery and post op is HELL.  For those who have recently had the surgery, know that it will get better.  Just take care of yourself and don't try to rush the healing.  Take care everyone and I will update again soon.

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      Hi Randy and everyone else:

      I had this surgery about 4 days ago, I have looked up a lot of information prior to the surgery and had a really good surgeon. I wanted to point out some things I did that helped me because I'm returning to work and feel great. Partly because of what you shared and what my surgeon told me to do.

      1. Pre-prep: start taking stool softeners 3 days before surgery.

      I used restoralax and Sennakot.

      2. 3 days before only eat foods that have a lot of fibre, I did mostly vegetable and fruits. I also ate very small meals half a plate or less.

      3. Day of surgery go in with a positive attitude, you need it you will be fine.

      4. After surgery: If anyone offers you anything carbonated decline. I'm not a fan or pop or carbonate water but it was the first thing they offered me after surgery. Don't touch it you will be swollen down there gas will become painful. I drank tons of water and ate the foods I mentioned.

      5. I was prescribed percocets and advil. The first 24hrs I took 2 percocets every 4 hours. No advil and about 2hrs of walking

      24-48hrs I dropped down to 1 Percocet every 4 hours and 1 advil every 6. You will have a little pain but this will speed up healing. If you feel like you can't handle it take another Percocet instead of the advil is what I did. About 4hrs of walking

      Day 4: I'm done with Percocet and take the occasional advil. I'm out and about and cleared to go back to work.

      Things I bought: a donut, sitz bath, diapers(I wore them, you should too leakage!). Bathe everyday, sit in sitz bath after bowel movement and use ice right after in your bed it's great for pain. I also found walking after a BM helped with the pain.

      I recommend if you go number 2 make sure you get it all out you don't want to have to go back again and suffer the pain. BM's still hurt, I have a little bleeding but I can manage it because my body is now the one dealing with it not the drugs.

      I know everyone is different and heals at different speeds. Remember you are what you eat and good foods will help your body heal. Find a good surgeon who actually cares about you and will walk you through what you need to do pre and post op. They do follow-up all the time so they hear all the complaints they should be able to point you in a good direction.

      Good luck!


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      Randy and Everybody else,

      I feel your pain. I had this surgery in 1987 and was EXTREMELY painful after i woke up. Actually, it started with the spinal tab/epidural then the surgery. I was told by my doctors i would not have any problems after surgery. Lies!!! I was in so much pain. I had cold and hot sweats, could not urinate or do #2. Urinated and that stong. They wanted me to have a bowel movement while in the hospital but i couldn't. I stopped eating to not cause a bowel movement but starving was not the snswer. I started to eat lots of veggies, drink loads of metamusil, and finally a week later had a bowel movement. Yay!!! I was so bloated and very uncomfortable. Something they do not tell you is stool leakage after your surgery and forever. I was very yound when i had this and it wasn't pleasant. In addition, the hemorrhoids came back.

    • Posted

      Hello everyone!

      I had my surgery five days ago and I want to share my experience and to post a question. 

      The experience: I had hemorrhoids stage 4 (worst, external ones, and huge ones). Dr. suggested a surgery right away. The surgery went well, I had a pleasant day in hospital, with very low pain (thank you morphine) and no BM. I went home on the second day and everything was going well. I am 40, by the way. My problems started with BMs. I cannot say that my issues are as severe as some people’s here, but I was in pain after every BM for about half an hour. I have had my laxative, stool softener, water, veggies, pain killers, all of it. Now we come to the second part. 

      The question: I see that majority is complaining about the lack of BM and severe pain afterwards. My question is: is it normal to have 5-6 BMs each day? Because I do. Should I cut down on laxative and stool softener? Now I am taking them once in the morning and once in the afternoon. I can pee, needs some waiting and standing, but I do it 2-3 times a day. So what do you say?

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