What to take???

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Hello All

I have been taking the higher level b6 and b12 since last Friday, i was taking Boots own brand and after help from Jayneejay who advised  the level in the Boots ones were so low it would be making no difference at all.

I purchased some  higher MG B6 & B12  from Holland and Barrat and what a bargain i got a 2nd bottle of them for 1p smile They have a penny sale on at the moment so if you need to stock up nows the time to get them.

I also take various other vitamins and im now coming to the end of my magnesium which are 2 a day of 375mg. my omega 36&9 which i take 1 a day.

Has anyone got any advice on the magnesium i.e would it be better purchaing some that contain calcium or zinc? I also take Vitamin E but i have lots of that in hand.

Do any of you ladies take things that you swear by?

Thanks for any help in advance



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16 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Mrs D

    i took a calcium and magnesium tablet from biovea ... web site

    they work together ..

    then ... after years i changed to natecal ( Vit D and Calcium)  after a few weeks my hot flushes returned ... and then i clicked... i wasnt getting my magnesium for this natural menopause route..

    magnesium helps flushes... so now i still take natecal but drink a effervescant orange or lemon flavour magnesium before betime, they say magnesium 30 mins best before bed...  so i drop mine in water plink plink fizz and drink ...

    jay xx

    • Posted

      Hi Jay

      I take magnesium 1 in a morning and 1 before bed! its just the plain mag supplements do you think i would benefit even more if i purchase the ones with calcium in them?

      MrsD xx

    • Posted

      Good Morning Mrs D

      personally i would not take any more magnesium 

      unless you use what you have and then replace with the calcium and magnesium mix . dont take three lots ... 😳

      too much magnesium can be toxic..

      What are the risks of taking magnesium?

      Side effects. Magnesium supplements can cause nausea, cramps, and diarrhea. Magnesium supplements often cause softening of stool.

      Interactions. Magnesium supplements may not be safe for people who take diuretics, heart medicines, or antibiotics. Check with your health care provider if you are taking any medicine before taking magnesium.

      Risks. People with diabetes, intestinal disease, heart disease or kidney disease should not take magnesium before speaking with their health care provider.

      Overdose. Signs of a magnesium overdose can include nausea, diarrhea, low blood pressure, muscle weakness, and fatigue. At very high doses, magnesium can be fatal.

    • Posted

      Hi Jay

      Sorry i did not mean take more as in quantity  i meant as in more beneficial to purchase magnesium with calcium when i finish what the magnesium i have.

      I only take what the container says i.e 1 twice a day.

      Thanks for the info i really appreciate it.


    • Posted

      Hi Jay

      Sorry i think my post was confusing i did not mean take more as in quantity i meant as in more beneficial by taking it with something extra in it like calcium. i have a weeks supply left of my magnesium so its to use when i finish that.

      Thanks for your advice i really appreciate it.xx


    • Posted

      hello MrsD 

      oh thats good then 😃😃😃

      yes i think the combined one  is better..

      i just been on simply supplements site and ordered some vits..

      free delivery in uk if your in UK I am in Spain and they ship here too 

      and i just used code BR8Q and got another 10% off ..

      they have calcium and magnesium .. ( they work together ) 

      its such a reasonable site ... prices..

      Jay xx

  • Posted

    Hi Ladies - I am taking B6 100mg/ Vit D 600ug/Magnesium 375 & Glucosamine 1 a day. I am a little confused with the dossage of Vit B6 & should I also take Vit B12?

    My hotflushes have gone but my body aches all the time, my arms & right buttock are the worst. I do take painkillers which take the edge off but I am just so sick of this constant nagging pain! Anyone have these symptoms?


    • Posted

      Hi Barbara

      100mg of B6 is good to try... 

      i take 150mg and that suits me.. i have have been in natural peri almost 10 years now, and just reached meno ...  age 50

      i dont know how long you have been on B6 but my aches eased no end in 10 days .. been using 150mg B6 for 5 months now .. and Menapol plus x2 daily and other vits 

      Jay xx

  • Posted

    Hi MrsD

    also look at simply supplements site..

    i am just using it now

    often you may get one free aswell and i use their  menapol plus  ( natural supp) 

    also you get a free tub if vit C with your order..

    free delivery if you live in UK and ship worldwide too

    i am going to try some Vit E 

    and get some more Kelp

    Jay xx

    • Posted

      thanks Jay i will have a look when i get home from work!


    • Posted

      Thank you Jay i will have look when i get home from work! x
    • Posted

      Hi Jay

      All my vitamins arrived today form the simply supplements site. Thanks again for telling me about it.

      I was wondering when do you think is the best time to take the magesium with calcium vitamin the bottle advises to take 2 a day! Must say they are rather large hahaX!

      Hope you are well.

      Mrs D xx

    • Posted

      hi Mrsd64

      how are you sweets 😃

      hahahaha rather large... Hey you get use to them, i stick about 8 in my mouth of different ones and swallow in one go... My other half looks at me gone out... 😃

      if you take two permday i take one with breakfast and one in evening ...

      they say calcium is best absorbed if you split the dose daily ..  If the dosage is two per day 

      If you take Vit B mega complex .. Take always in morning as it boosts your energy for the day

      jay jay xx


    • Posted

      Hi Mrs D 

      I just checked the calcium and magnesium from simply supps..

      400mg calcium & 200mg magnesium.. It says on that one ..

      one or two daily ... If its the same ones in strength 

      you should be also okay to take two in one go if you prefer... 

      Think i would split them personally ... One in morning one in evening for even intake..

      but either is okay. 

      Jay xx

    • Posted

      Hi Jay

      I'd look at you crazy if I saw you taking them all at once 😝 I'm sure I rattle tho 😊

      Yes try are the ones I got. I don't take the b Vit mega complex I have b6 & b12.

      I even got some Vit d. I can't cope with the sun this year & it's  not that we have that much here anyway,

      Have a good day & thank you 


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