When should my FSH have been tested?
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Hi everyone..
I have been having awful symptoms , insomnia , heavy sweats (night and day), irritable, panic, palpatations chest pains (twice) . I have a thyroid issue ( no treatment for it though) and also Fibromyalgia. I saw the doctor last week as I thought maybe my thyroid was going hyper, she suggested the menopause and took blood from me there and then to test. I got the results back from my FSH test today and it was fine as it was very low. My question to all you knowledgable ladies is when should my FSH have been tested ? I have regular periods and mine was test on day 25 of my cycle. I have read everywhere that it should be tested on day 1-4. Help I am confused ? Has my doctor tested me at the wrong time?
Thanks in advance
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rose33977 Amanda_Awake
Amanda_Awake rose33977
I had never heard of FSH until last week either Rose..lol
It's follicle stimulating hormone..( I think!)
rose33977 Amanda_Awake
I've never had a test was just told I was in the menopause and was given hrt
Amanda_Awake rose33977
Hi Rose,
If you don't mind me asking what symptoms were you having when she diagnosed you and how old were you ? I am almost 46 and having been having so many symptoms of menopause. Did HRT help a lot?
rose33977 Amanda_Awake
Hello amanda
I was told I was going through the meopause July 2015 I was having severe flushes every 5 mins I hadn't had a period for 4 months I'm 54 now
These where the first symptoms I had
I was put straight on to hrt
In the past year I've tried 5 different pills all causing severe headaches at one point being taken into hospital
The doctor took me off all hrt may this year , since then I've had every menopausal symptom , flushes, joint pain , no sleep , anger etc etc
I have been taking hetbal tablets and flaxseed and vit d3 since beginning of June
Nothing is helping so I'm going to ask about patches
Amanda_Awake rose33977
I am new to all the menopause symptoms, but I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia which has almost the same symptoms as menopause
I sometimes wonder what is causing all my symptoms, fibro ,menopause or thyroid. I am none the wiser after the test today!!.
I am totally with you on all the symptoms you have..joint pain, anger and insomnia is off the scale!!. Hope we both get the help we need and feel better soon!!
rose33977 Amanda_Awake
I have fibromyalgia in my back I didn't realise the symptons are similar ill have to read up on it
I will definitely let everyone know if I have any joy with patches but I'm not holding my breath
metamorphed Amanda_Awake
Amanda_Awake metamorphed
My periods are still regular and I told her that. She never asked when my cycle was due..just took the blood there and then.
So your doctor made sure you had your blood taken on your period?
I am not looking forward to telling her I need it testing again as she has made a mistake!
metamorphed Amanda_Awake
hi amanda
I just copied this from a website called early menopause if you want to quote it to your doctor. Doctors don't think that these tests are reliable anyway and never want to do them!
In general, if you’re still getting a period, most doctors recommend that you get your blood levels taken on day 3 of your cycle — that is, the third day of your period. If you no longer are getting a period, then you can get tested at any time.
Amanda_Awake metamorphed
Thanks for that !
I can't believe my doctor has wasted my time completely, and now I have just missed the cycle for this month and will have to wait another!.
I was wondering if I should buy a home testing kit for next month and just do it myself and if it is positive just take the results to her ?. If you don't mind me asking what symptoms made the doctor check you for menopause?
metamorphed Amanda_Awake
I had missed a period last year, then started to get awful symptoms, palpitations, digestive issues, dizzy spells, exhausted and also got stiff shoulder, all at once, it was awful. has settled this year but a still out of sorts. Don't know about home testing kits, how good they are?
metamorphed Amanda_Awake
and yes, doctors are clueless about menopause, they really are. I suppose she is a younger woman. They have no idea what it really is like to be in it, it's unbelieveable as women go through it all the time, but I suppose, I was ignorant to it all too. It's the weirdest thing to go through
colleen90305 Amanda_Awake
Amanda_Awake colleen90305
Hi Colleen,
Thanks for getting back to me.I really can't understand why everyone else has had their test done during a period and she did mine at the end of my cycle??? Maybe time to see another doctor!
Amanda_Awake metamorphed
from what I have worked out she has tested me as if my periods were irregular. If I didn't google so much ( I know i shouldn't lol) but I really would have just accepted the results and worried about my thyroid more. I see my endocrinologist in a couple of months so I might just wait and ask her about all my symptoms and the day the doctor did the test..might get more sense from her than my GP.
The doctor ( since my results are lowand I am not in perimenopause) says it could be anxity and depression and need to fill a questionaire in. I told her I was not depressed but was feeling very anxious (thats why I was there) So it looks like they are going to try and start me on the anti depressants route.!!
metamorphed Amanda_Awake
get her to test your vitamin D levels and then get a good quality vitamin D3 supplement. Feeling anxious is part of perimenopause, she should know that. you don't need anti depressants, yes it's horrible to feel anxious out of no-where, but get your vitamin levels checked and help yourself that way first.
Amanda_Awake metamorphed
They always insisted that my thyroid was fine until I found a slight swelling in my throat..they tested again and said it was fine again.. I went back again and said I was worried about the swelling and only then did they order a scan an it showed many nodules and referred me to endocrinology and I need scans every 6 months to check on the size of it, any changes need a biopsy..so glad I pushed with that one!!
colleen90305 Amanda_Awake
Hi Amanda,
After struggling with many mental symtoms, 2 yrs of seeing a psychiatrist and 3 different meds, I finally figured out for myself this maybe the perimenopause.The VA told me I was, but never asked me if I was having symtoms, and thought nothing of it. I always thought symtoms occur at menopause which were only hot flashes. I enrolled in a health ins and went back to my original Gynecologist who specializes in endocrinology. Last month when I went in for my PAP, he sent me for bloodwork which was to be drawn 2-3 days after the start of my period. They called to confirm I was def Perimenopausal and made apt today to speak to him about all my symtoms such as depression, anxiety, forgetfulness, sweats, and much more. He explained how my progersterone levels are lower than my estrogen et.... tomorrow, I start synthroid, and on day 16, another med which I couldn't read on the script pad. I pick them up tomorrow so will let you know then tell you how I feel as time goes on. I've always drank coffee et and never had issues. Some doc's want to blame chemicals because they are clueless. We were always fine with some caffeine and its our hormones that are our issue
colleen90305 Amanda_Awake
metamorphed colleen90305
hi colleen
I was just reading your post there and your doctor gave you Synthroid, so you have thyroid problems as well as perimenopause symptoms?
Just wondering what he explained about your progesterone being lower than your oestrogen, mine is very low and oestrogen is a lot higher. Did he explain what this means to you? My doctor didn't explain this so just curious. thnks
metamorphed Amanda_Awake
yes Amanda, even though she took bloods on that day, she should have asked you to come back for more at the right time. !
Yes, the usual, stress and anxiety is all they seem to think causes symptoms, that's because a lot of them are not clued in when it comes to hormone imbalances.. I've learned that in order to get sorted quickly and reduce health anxiety, get a good doctor.
colleen90305 metamorphed
My thyroid is, normal but as an endocrinologist I assume he knows what he's doing. Weird I know but willing to try anything at this point