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I'm starting mirtazapine for the first time ever tonight....someone please tell me how well it has worked for you! I can't stand thinking there's only sadness, anxiety and depression waiting for me!

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    Dear All,

    So pleased I've found this website, as this is the first time I've really ventured into the realms of severe depression. I started my first course of 15mg Mirtaz last night and I went to bed at midnight and didn't get out of bed until 1pm best sleep I've had for years lol. I'm hoping this drug will lift my anxiety and fixations on my past. My depression has really set in due to my mum being put into a psychiatric ward 4 weeks ago and she's always had depression and it runs in my family. Also my relationship has broken down and I only see my 5 year old girl once a month. I started to smoke cannibis every night for the past month just to get to sleep and 2 days my whole emotions exploded and felt like the whole world was on my shoulders so I went to my doctor and this is what I've been prescribed. I really want my anxiety and to become more balanced so I can deal my life again. Will this drug do this for me?

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    After reading the above responses I am scared to take Mirtazapane. I live alone and have started to avoid regular contact with people in the last few weeks as a feeling of disconnection from society has overwhelmed me. I suffered an horrendeous trauma six months ago, but until recently thought I was coping well and making positive steps. I refused any anti depressants and was making great progress after relocating to a new city, making new friends, taking up new hobbies etc. but the last few weeks I found myself crying, stuttering when people spoke to me and being incapable of dealing with small things going wrong. Today I started hitting myself when I couldn't get a cv completed for a voluntary job. I have never been like this in my life, I am an intelligent and educated 48 year old lady with a love of the arts and have always been the strong supportive loving person everyone turns to. Or was. I knew something was seriously wrong so I registered with a local doctor who was sympathetic and prescribed me 15mg of Mirtazapane to help suppress the nightmares and lift my mood. My worries are that any further lowering of my mood will push me to the limits. My sadness is not from self pity, but a sadness at the cruelty and bitterness of the world we live in. I cannot see how a tablet can cure this.
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    I have been on mirtazapine for approx 2 -3 yrs at 30mg. I tried 4 other anti depr before trying this one.

    Everybody is different and different people might find it works better on different doses. This is the one that works for me keep going back to your doctor till it feels right. You have to allow a couple of weeks for your body to get used to it. It has made my life more stable, I am calmer not many ups and downs.

    I sleep better, never worry like I used to. My mind can be still now. I am happier and grounded.

    Always Remember the Bad Times Do Not Last Forever, What your going through now, it could be totally

    different in a couple of months. Don't be Frightened or Scared your never alone. There's everything you

    want waiting for you, you just have to be brave enough to believe it.

    Above all be the Heroine in your life not the victim.

    the victim.

  • Posted

    Hey hang in there I have been where u r x I am now on 30 mirt now for 6 weeks and feeling the benefits... I'm back at work and I cld not even leave the house at Christmas.... I've tried many anti depressants and this is one that I recovered on many yrs ago and is now helping me recover... I am also having talk therapy as well and this is something u cld discuss with ur gp .... as u say I am 46 a very well educated lady and I am a nurse.... wonderful family and no worries... it strikes at anyone and there does not have to b a reason... u will gt better with the correct med and support... take care and remember ur not alone... millions of people r goingthrough the same.
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    Katy, I totally understand where you are coming from 're the world we live in and the people within. But, it is a symptom of the illness s much of anything that makes us feel this way.

    I am anti drugs but I am taking my first mirt tonight and don't mind admitting I am very scared

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    Mark u will b ok... it helped me sleep.. gt my appetite back and now week 6 am back at work... at Christmas I cld not even leave the house... u may feel extremely tired for a few days but that will wear off x
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    I to am very anti drugs but I cld not have carried on without a little intervention...
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    Thanks for that Jacqueline, very kind. One of the big reasons was to help with sleep and anxiety
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    Hi all

    Just to say that I have been on Mirtazapine 30 mgs now for 4 months, and feel so much better. I had been through a period of stress due to an undiagnosed mystery illness and taken many antbiotics for a stomach infection. For me it took about 6 weeks to work and during that time I really questioned if it was helping as it seemed to me that it made me feel worse. I had every side effect possible and was just waiting for those men in little white coats to come and take me away. But I had taken it a couple of years ago with good results, so for that reason I didnt give up.

    It cannot take away your problems or make you change your view of the world, but what it does do is to help you cope with those problems more positively and see the world in a different positive light.

    At christmas I was too scared to go out, couldnt see the point in doing anything, thought they would never get to the bottom of my stomach problems. Now 4 months on I am out every day, swimming 3 times a week, sewing, teaching French (Im a retired teacher)learning piano, laughing......

    I would say to anyone, dont be afraid to take this drug, its probably the best one available at present, dont be ashamed to admit youre depressed its not a crime and its not your fault.Youd be surprised how sympathetic people are once you admit it and see you are taking postive steps to deal with it.

    Im on it till at least another 4 months and then we'll see........

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    Bravo well said Jane.... I was exactly the same for six weeks I did question it's not working.. its making me worse.... I'm going mad....I had side effects... sweating etc but I recovered on this drug to... now into week 7 feeling better... back at wrk .... meeting friends for lunch etc... as u say the med provides a crutch to let u think more positively... always remember that people like us are very strong and u will recover... a wee saying that used to kp me going.... I used to say I'm going mad.... but ur not going mad.... because if u r going mad u wld know nothing about it..... it's just our minds are tired and stressed and it's a chemical imbalance that needs balanced again...take care kp posting everyone....
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    Hi, thanks to all who have been so open and sharing experiences. I too have just started on this medication after being on citalopram for years, a mixture of circumstance in my life since the turn of the year has left me feeling lower than I've even been before...

    My doctor prescribed i start with 15mg and i started last Wednesday, so far i've felt like a complete Zombie, which isnt great as I work night shifts and you take this at night! My appetite has increased which isn't great since I'm already overweight. But reading all your comments i'm going to keep going as it does seem to work in most cases...... I just wish there was a quick fix! I really want to get to the bottom of my issues but where I live is impossible to get counselling, i'm thinking of trying one of the telephone helplines has anybody got experience with that?

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    Mirtazapine can b taken in a morning dose ... check with ur gp first... it wld make sense for u to take it then when ur coming off nite shift .....
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    Just about completed 7th week on 30 mirt and I'm now feeling great long may it continue.....
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    Hi, I am on my second Mirt 15 mg tablet.....yesterday I slept until dinnertime...and I was really tired/out of it all day. Today I slept again until dinner, felt a bit out of it but very weak/shaky. Reading the positives I am going to stick with it....just hope it works for me...taking it for anxiety. Did anyone else feel weak/shaky on it?
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    Up and down like a yo yo ...

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