Where are all the positive supportive people?

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I'm starting mirtazapine for the first time ever tonight....someone please tell me how well it has worked for you! I can't stand thinking there's only sadness, anxiety and depression waiting for me!

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    Sunset - your comments were exactly the medicine I required at this moment in time. I have trouble distinguishing between the thinking that is distorted and that which is an accurate perception. Friends try to help but if they haven't actually been there, it's hard to fully grasp what the struggle is like. I keep thinking ahead and everything just becomes overwhelming....I'm trying to remain positive with small steps...
  • Posted

    At least you have the right attitude Sharon. Hopefully you will overcome the tiredness in another day or two. I can relate to how you are feeling just starting out. Maybe we will be able to offer comfort to someone else struggling down the track when we feel things are starting to come good for us. ...?
  • Posted

    Yeah it's a good idea for you to take things in small steps, just take a day at a time, as you said it is less overwhelming that way.

    Yeah it will be difficult for your friends to understand what it is like for you, I am sure they are still wanting to support you as best they can though. It's good to talk to people on here who know how your feeling and have been through the same things, if only to help you feel that you're not alone in feeling the way you do.

  • Posted

    I'm not sure there's any alternative Sunset, not if I want to remain functioning. Saw my psych yesterday and she mentioned complex ptsd to me - I've tried to read up on it but you either have to pay for journals published in medical articles or you need a degree in rocket science to wade through the jargon! Basically, I think it relates to trauma not just as a kid relating to abuse and neglect but that other significant events that are negative compound your response.....???? Do you know anything about it?
  • Posted

    I don't know anything about it i am afraid, but there is a Post Traumatic Stress Disorder group on the forum, they may be able to help you there smile.
  • Posted

    Yes I have looked through most of it but it got me down, sometimes I feel like litmus paper, reading other people's stories make me feel for them. Nothing specific to help me there. I just want to feel confident and move on from the past - not go over the same old stuff....eurgh! Thanks anyway.
  • Posted

    Yeah i know what you mean, best not to read other peoples stories when you are feeling bad, just focus on yourself.

    Mirtazapine has really helped me to not fixate on things and think over and over about the same thing. My depression was fueled by my circles of worrying.

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    I suspect people might say the same about me....I'm in a bind with work though....maybe I should join an Amish community -so much simpler...sigh....
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    Work can cause alot of stress and worries. I made the decision to leave my job recently, i have been off work since november, i didn't feel happy about going back to work there when i had been off for so long. It has made me feel much happy and lifted a weight off my shoulders that i don't have to worry about going back there now.
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    Problem is, how do you pay the bills and afford to eat?
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    I am fortunate that from working alot i have been able to save a little to help keep me going for a little while, i understand this isn't possible for a lot of people though.
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    I am thinking it might be time for a career change...
  • Posted

    hi Nuffy

    I am coming off mirtazapine gradually because I feel so much better, I know I'm not 100% there yet but I know I will be ,I have been on this before and know that it was the only meds which worked for me. I will always have struggles but thats life. There is light at the end of the tunnel but its a marathon not a sprint.

    Good Luck

  • Posted

    Thanks Debbie - it's heartening to hear how things are picking up for you- all the best with your journey!
  • Posted

    Hey nuffy I'm now on week 5 off being on 30 days getn much better... this med recovered me before... Debbie has it spot on its a marathon which u will finish and although life is very hard u will gt back to a good acceptable enjoyment off life... I'm on holiday in Tunisia this week something I wld never have said I wld make it here 6 weeks ago... the difference in 6 weeks is nite and day.... kp up the good work x

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