Where can I buy Baclofen in Cape Town South Africa?

Posted , 18 users are following.

I am trying to stop drinking.  I have been to a clinic before and attended AA meetings. I researhed Baclofen and saw that some patients had success with their drinking problem, when they took Baclofen.  My GP will not prescribe it for me, not to treat my drinking problem, and I am desperate to at least give it a try. Where or how can I obtain Baclofen? Can anybody please assist me?

Thnaking you in advance. I really need help.

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23 Replies

  • Posted

    I imagine it is prescription only and is probably not on label for alcohol reduction use. I may be wrong, but if I am right, then you are unlikely to get it prescribed and internet online pharmacies would be your only option.

    I would just say, that baclofen is one of the more complicated medications to use, in that it must be initially titrated up quite high and then titrated down to a maintenance level. I do know of one person here that found it particularly succesful. Would you consider other medications that might be easier to take with less side affects?

  • Posted

    Lulicious, I believe Naltrexone is available in South Africa, though you may have to look around for a doctor that will prescribe it. If you take it an hour before drinking according to The Sinclair Method, it will start reversing the addiction process. I started TSM when I was at over 300 US drinks per month. After 6 months of TSM, I was at less than 5% of that and have been at that level since last August. 

    Have a look at this page here on Patient, there is a heading for The Sinclair Method with a link to more information about it. It's been verified that oral Naltrexone is available in South Africa. 

    • Posted

      Hi adefree. 300 drinks and now less than 15 is totally amazing. You must be so proud and also feeling great.
  • Posted

    I am also interested.  Tried online but it seemed like a scam. 
  • Posted

    Good day Lulicious,

    I would like to ask the same question and would really appreciate if you can let me know if you had any success in finding Baclofen in Cape Town.

    Hope you can answer me.

    Have a beautiful day!

  • Posted

    Good day,

    Only stumbled upon your post now, so hope I'm in time to help still.

    The Sinclair Method requires Neltrexone.

    In SA it goes by the name of Naltima, its a 50mg dose from Accord Health.

    (Opiad blocker)

    Its a Schedule 4, so you need a script.

    Im on Discovery Health & they dont pay for it.

    So you in for around R950 for 28 tablets.

    Dis-Chem kem stock.

    Please research the Sinclair Method online &

    Claudia Christian, her Youtube clip, as well as her C3 foundation.

    Hope this helps.

    • Posted

      Hi Nats45

      Do you know a good Dr around CPT that can prescribe me Naltima.

      I am suffocating.


  • Posted

    Hi all

    I did not manage to find a DR to prescribe the medication. I have given up trying - most of the ones I contacted did not know that you can use the medication for trying to stop drinking and would not prescribe it.

    They believe rehab is the only way to go.



    • Posted

      I replied with some info about a doctor in Pretoria, but it's waiting to be moderated. I'll PM you the info.

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