Where's the off switch?

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I am so tired of all these symptoms!!! When does it end? Have any of you felt like me and wished you could reach inside yourself and find the "off" switch to turn these crazy symptoms off? Sorry, feeling a little frustrated.

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39 Replies

  • Posted

    I feel your frustration !! I feel like I'm nothing but a hot sweaty fat ball of ache bloated emotions😖 keep your chin up its gotta end some day.
    • Posted

      That's a succinct and accurate way of putting it! You have a way with words. It's the false hope 'ends' that get me now. I thought it had ended after a fortnight of being my 'old self' (with the emphasis on old) with no sweats....then all the yucky symptoms  came back...but like you I feel it HAS to end some day...one day..Oh, I feel like a song's coming on..if only I had the energy.
    • Posted

      You are funny! Lol! I guess we have to keep up a sense of humor to make it through this, huh? 😁😁😀
  • Posted

    Every night when I can't sleep because of flushes or can't get comfy because my joints are aching! Tonight delight is heartburn! If you find the off switch...let me know!!
    • Posted

      just curious... are you eating sugar and spicy foods??  i avoid these two and the swelling and achy joints are non-existent; no heartburn.  i've changed to smaller meals and healthy snacks, take supp's, drink lots of water and teas and feel much better; for now for who knows when symptoms will arise again... rolleyes  
    • Posted

      I follow a low carb diet so hardly any sugar and spicy food doesn't trigger it more than anything else. The heartburn just comes and goes....haven't had it for days now. Weird!
  • Posted

    I know I have. I am bothered by a lot of symptoms going to the bathroom a lot with my stools my hemrroids and stomach disorder. Antibiotic bothering my system i got some AZO Cranberry pills a little worried about taking it with the way my stomach has been acting 

    Just wish my symtoms can go away 

  • Posted

    Do not to say these negtive words anymore !!  everything will be fine . ok ?
    • Posted

      I was referring only to the peri symptoms not an off switch to me. I don't know if you thought that was what I was trying to say. But I thought I should clarify. But I will try to be more positive through this experience. Thank you.
    • Posted

      i find that negative words in any sense don't help at all.  all i wanted to do was cry when i felt a hot flash coming on, or my heart start to race.  it was REALLY bothering me when my stomach ached and i have (HAVE!!) constipation.  it just makes things and symptoms worse.  i've changed my attitude, my diet and i am on top of time - my symptoms are the WORST around 6 pm.  i make sure to take my supp's and my anxiety and bp meds ON TIME and, so far, have avoided major symptoms.  i deep breathe when i feel a flush or panic coming on.   i just started with the REALLY bad symptoms about 3 months ago at age 52 and i wonder if being on birth control until i was 48 put off menopause...anyone???  i've got (maybe) a while to go...?? 
  • Posted

    Hi Hun

    I'm post meno by 3 years it does get better and not quite so traumatising as your experiencing now but I still suffer with symptoms and have good days and bad days but it does get better than you are now Hun xxxxx

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