Where's the off switch?

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I am so tired of all these symptoms!!! When does it end? Have any of you felt like me and wished you could reach inside yourself and find the "off" switch to turn these crazy symptoms off? Sorry, feeling a little frustrated.

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  • Posted

    I'm with you regarding the off switch

    Everyday fir last 5mnths I've felt terrible n even worried I had something seriously wrong I lost 3.5stone not good when your under the weather n trying to cope with pain discomfort n spaced out feelings just wish I had a switch to turn it off n a clock to go back 12 mnths sad

    • Posted

      Oh to be young again. Yes I want an off switch too. Plus a reversedimmer control to push my energy levels back up. Ain't no sunshine any more.
    • Posted

      sad sounds like we are all in same boat eh

      Oh us woman don't have it easy do we x

    • Posted

      i lost 21 pounds myself in about 5 weeks.  it scared me (!!) but since i needed to lose weight my docs weren't very concerned... i don't think being afraid to eat out of fear of stomach pain is a healthy way to lose weight!!   i just started really bad symptoms about 3 months ago... i've got a ways to go.  sad   but i'm keeping my chins up... :D
  • Posted

    Please tell where the off switch is!! I have had my period almost steady for 32 days.  Last night it was gone most of today as well, then tonight back!! I'm almost 53 where the heck is menopause??????
    • Posted

      i am 52 and up until last month was bleeding on time (every 24-26 days) and then bam!  hot flashes, anxiety, panic, stomach aches and bam!  2 periods in 1 month... now i'm late... and i'm a person who runs on a schedule and don't like surprises.  sucks. 
    • Posted


      I don't have periods as I had hysterectomy in 1990 let with 1 ovary but that's now a prune lol

      So my gp did FSH bloods that came bk with very low oestrogen lvls commenced on HRT but gave me low dose but after 3rd week I felt I had morning sickness type feeling n panic feeling more so took off it n commenced on citalompram to help the symptoms n I wasn't sleeping so give Zoplicone boy I slept all night but felt spaced out day after so Havnt taken them n I feel slightly better no spaced out feeling but still panicky at least thing

      Still got knee pain n feel my legs can't hold me up n worry if this is going to stay I work on a hospital ward n I worry am I able to continue doing my normal working day but only time will tell

      Had an arthoroscopy on lft knee so recovering from that at the minute n feel I shud be running instead if crawling but pray I'm going to be ok sad

      Hope you feel better soon x

    • Posted

      thanks and you too!  if this is "normal" i want to feel abnormal like i did 10 years ago when i actually felt great... this is not "normal". 
  • Posted

    I am so tired of all these symptoms!!!  When does it end?  I say this every night and day of my life!!!  I am 59 and feel worse than I have ever done in my whole life.  I haven't had a full night's sleep for more than five years and now it seems even worse.  I wake five, six, seven times every single night hot, often soaked in sweat, put the fan on and doze off and wake up again cold, turn the fan off and wake up hot soaked in sweat....... get the picture?  Daytimes are not as bad as the nights, maybe I get an hour or two between periods of feeling like I am about to burst into flames.  Sometimes I will just cool down from one and another will start, and then I just burst into tears with the ridiculous I CAN'T STAND ANY MORE line.  Now I also have gastric problems and have posted on that forum too.  I really think I am going to die soon!  
    • Posted

      Omg!!!! I have been having this same problem for the last year😤😣 and it's driving me insane😖!! I wish I had some answers to help you feel better just know when you laying there sweating your ass off and can't sleep there are others (me) doing the same thing😕. Hang in there it just has to get better soon.
    • Posted

      No, please don't allow yourself to think that way. I know sometimes we get that "impending doom" feeling that comes over us but we have to remember that it's just that-- a feeling. Things will get better I'm sure. We just have to hang in there.
    • Posted

      Having just read these posts I wondered whether there was a common theme of a thyroid condition, have a look at the symptoms below. A simple blood test can establish this.

      An overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) has many signs and symptoms, although it is unlikely you would develop all of them. 

      If you have hyperthyroidism, you may experience some of the following symptoms:


      mood swings – such as anxiety, irritability and nervousness

      difficulty sleeping (insomnia)

      feeling tired all the time (fatigue)

      muscle weakness

      needing to pass stools (faeces) or urine more frequently

      excess fats in your stools – which can make them greasy and difficult to flush down the toilet (steatorrhoea)

      sensitivity to heat and excess sweating

      unexplained or unexpected weight loss – despite having an increased appetite (though in a small number of cases, the increase in appetite can lead to weight gain)

      very infrequent or light periods, or periods stopping altogether


      loss of interest in sex 

      If you have any of these symptoms, see your GP and ask to be tested for an underactive thyroid.

      If you have diabetes, your diabetic symptoms, such as extreme thirst and tiredness, may be made worse by hyperthyroidism.

    • Posted

      Anxiety and panic attacks can also be symptoms.
    • Posted

      Thanks Kristin.  Sorry you are suffering the same things, like millions of others I guess.  They say it's always darkest before the dawn.  I say roll on sunrise for all women out there!
    • Posted

      Thanks for the encouragement sharcerv.  Trouble is things seem to be getting worse not better.  My whole life I had almost no illness whatsoever, not even the flu, but when I hit 50 it all turned around.  Now I am 59 going on 95 and I still have all these menopause symptoms, plus now gastric problems for which they say I must have an endoscopy, fatigue, shortness of breath always, a discomfort in my left breast that comes and goes every few months for a week or two and makes me think I have cancer, and joint stiffness such that after sleeping or sitting for more than five minutes I walk like Frankenstein when I get up (to quote another lady).  I just did a depression test on this site and it came back "severely depressed" and I thought, hey, you guys go without a single good night's sleep for five or six years and see how you score on the test lolol.  Really I just want to scream.........Aaaaaaagh!!!  lol
    • Posted

      Correction, I meant 'If you have any of these symptoms, see your GP and ask to be tested for an OVER-active thyroid'. (Though as you say they are all symptoms of menopause).
    • Posted

      Yeah I know how you feel. I have never been ill or felt really ill other than bad menstrual cramps every month. But when I hit 40 in 2014, it's like my body went berserk. Not to mention I had just had a baby the previous year. So my hormones were thrown into a tailspin to say the least. I am not used to feeling all of these things. It is depressing but I try to encourage myself with knowing that these things will not last forever.

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