Who are we anyway!
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Venting Only: I had a horrible out rage this morning due to circumstances and the STUPID HORMONES! Why and whats the use, I thnk the change of lfe is just a preparation for the GRAVE! Meno causes aging, all the crazy disease of the mind and slowly destorys your life and takes away your purpose (whatever that is) Meno is like ALS it slowly stripes your whole life away and there you lay locked in your own hormone imbalanced brain and you watch EVERYTHING fall apart! This effects our health, mind, body, relationships, family , friends and anything else that ever meant anything! I am so full of rage , anger and bitterness and even hate the fact that I am a WOMAN! Life what exactly is that , why we here, whats our purpose where we headed and since I blew everything when I die what do i get and deserve yup you got it HELL! I mean how in the world can a woman stay a saint????/??????????????????????????????????????????//?/????/ It's like there are TRAPS EVERYWHERE and they get us one way or the other! I am sick of life and what it has to offer! Now thats the way I feel SICKSICKSICKSICKSICK OF EVERYTHING! Yeah, it seems I have lost ALL HOPE! We really are doomed sooner or later. Right now I am at my witts end and I hope someone out there that can reach God for me I need Him now.
3 likes, 61 replies
michelle50768 Guest
Hang in there my love. Hang on to better days.
Remember this too shall pass.
It's a season. A long season I know.
What you have said is so me as well.
Maybe clinging to God right now with my fingertips.
You will get through this. You will indeed x
carmen_22574 michelle50768
My mom use to say that "this to shall pass". Thanks for saying that.
michelle50768 carmen_22574
You are most welcome. You are stronger than you think.
Take one day at a time.
God is in control even if it don't feel like it right now.
I'm learning to just take every day as it comes. I try not to worry about tomorrow.
Like God says worrying adds nothing to our stature.
You will have bad days and you will have better days.
It will get better just not as quick as we would like.
Praying for you. Keep reaching out x
carmen_22574 Guest
Praying for you. God is in control. Just hang in there I felt the same way. I will not let this beat me. I've had a rough year but I'm still here thanking God for my life, health and strength. It could be worse. Thank about somebody in a nursing home that can't do anything for themselves. Keep pushing ?
michelle50768 carmen_22574
maria101 Guest
Hi crosado8, yes I would not wish this on a dog, but meno hell does get better with time, when I first went through it I felt so unreal funny weird scared, I just don't know what was happening to me....I cried my eyes out in bed such horrible thing to go through
but I have made it into menopause and just waiting for my periods to stop for good
so you hang on there better times ahead keep yourself occupied do what ever you will come out on the other end.
michelle50768 maria101
marilyn09094 Guest
michelle50768 marilyn09094
Truly inspirational x
Guest marilyn09094
Marilyn, I don't know why but what you said made me cry even though I am worlds from been beautiful!
marilyn09094 Guest
You are beautiful, it's good to cry and it came straight from my heart to yours you wonderful woman God bless xxx
carmen_22574 marilyn09094
donna01539 Guest
Hey girl I understand what your going through!!! There have been times when I thought life wasn't worth living anymore . I am the caregiver of two adult sons with autism and the stress is sometimes unrelenting. Have you tried acupuncture??? It's worked wonders for me. You'll usually feel relief after a few treatments. God bless and hang in there!!!!#
Guest donna01539
Donna, I two have a autistic son :-( trust me I know how unrelenting it is and a special needs daughter, well the other thing I have to deal with I will just NOT say to keep me from going off the deep end because today well its been a day from H...! I'm hanging in there for right now because it's my only option.
Kris1012 Guest
I feel so helpless right now. Have no goals,ambitiousion, confused, frustrated, lack of energy, just don't have the will power to want to do anything . I truly hate myself .feel as thou lost myself, empty feeling. Ho matter how hard say to myself tomorrow I'm going to start to volunteer somewhere.
Thanks for listening!
2chr2015 Kris1012