Who else has had gallstone pain on left side not right?

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I have been back and forth from drs and still no answers I've been in pain now on and off for the last 6-7 months and having really bad attacks of pain mainly in my left side under my rib and in my back and also I am bloating out most days and the last month I have been in pain every single day.. Painkillers don't seem to be touching it.. I'm getting really bad heart burn. A dr thinks it gall stones booked in for a scan but it's not till the end of the month and I'm in pain everyday I don't think I can cope not knowing what it is for that long.

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58 Replies

  • Posted

    It could be a Gallstone. Pancreatitis or (my money is on) a nice big Stomach Ulcer smile
  • Posted

    never thought of stomach ulcer actually .. the dr finally gave me some stronger pain killers whilst I wait for a scan to be done but I had a bad reaction I have been throwing up all day and felt so dizzy and blurry sight couldn't stand up very well and kept falling asleep when I was in the middle of doing stuff. So I have nothing for pain relief as paracetamol doesn't seem to work atall sad
  • Posted

    What your GP gave you Codeine / Tramadol and you was (what's colloquially called) 'gouching' (very drowsey but kind of pleasant) lol redface But it hit the spot pain wise question Hmm yes vomiting is common off strong pain relief but it wears off after a couple of days, Domperidone helps neutral If your pain feels like a stitch from running I'd definitely say Stomach Ulcer, a big one smile You might benefit from some Stomach acid suppression, Ranitidine or Omeprazole, Soluble Paracetamol works better than the bullet tablets smile
  • Posted

    i also had pain on my left side. its a radiating pain. had gb removed august 2012 but things havent gotten better for me.
  • Posted

    fay80328 you sound like someone else with a stingy / bit baldy Stomach, have you been 'scoped' and they've had a look at that question neutral Chronic Pancreatitis isn't out of the question, yeah some peoples just goes dodgy for some random reason and you're stuck on painkillers neutral If you poke and prod where you think it is does it ache a bit question
  • Posted

    next month im having a endoscopy and colonoscopy done. i got some pills from the gastrologist and i think they are helping me called -pankreoflat. still have pain but not as intense.
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    The Endoscopy and Colonoscopy are the way to go, you'll be able to see with your own eyes (well that depends how comfy you are with it) if there are any sore patches in either your Stomach or Colon smile
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    Well I have stopped taking the tramadol as I reacted very bad and started hallucinating and all sorts I was not well atall very itchy and couldn't breath properly and face went numb was very dizzy and vomiting a lot.. I am back in hospital tomorrow to have a scan on my liver and gall bladder.. They have told me to take a over night bag just incase .
  • Posted

    good luck katrina. i hope they find out whats wrong.
  • Posted

    Hi Katrina,

    I'm just wondering, did you ever manage to get any answers? And find out what was causing your pains?

    I am in a similar situation at the moment.

    • Posted

      Having same issue too. Feels tender to oress on just under ribs left side. Comes on worse after I eat, particularly dairy food?


    • Posted

      Hiya sorry not been on here for a long time im still in pain pretty much every day since was last on here.. I had a flexi scan the other day and I apeared to have a stool right in my left side where all the pain is and I had lots of laxitives before the test aswell.. They also reckoned Ibs as my bowels where very red and sore looking... But it doesn't explain 1 thing.. I woke up on my birthday 22/02/15 with very bad rectal bleeding sorry to be so dead to the piont sad... And I have never read any case of someone to have ibs that has caused bleeding and this only happens in ibd not ibs but the drs havnt said anything yet I'm awaiting an apiontment to see specialists to go through the results
    • Posted

      Hello there. I am not a dr but have u been checked for celiac disease?
    • Posted

      Just have been diagnosed with an inflammed gallbladder all the pain is on my left side, none on the right. It's not common but does happen. Try reducing fat in your diet to zero, it sucks. A CT scan will show if it's your gallbladder and an ultrasound will show if there are stones. I honestly thought I had a bleeding ulcer, pain was extreme, Dr in emerg ignored family history of gallbladder stones and looked like a right idiot. Hope you get better

    • Posted

      does your gall bladder remove already? has your left back pain goes away? i also had left back pain and stones in my gallbladder

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