Who Feels Like Running Away????!!!!
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I had an ok day today .... not fatigued and with a bit of energy but after laying mostly in bed for last 3 months I feel like just running away !!!!
My life has just been tidying up .... if can make it to supermarket ..hanging on for dear life to the cart ... almost passing out picking up prescriptions ... feel like just running !!!!!
Watched so much tv and everybody seems to be ‘doing things’ ‘travelling’ . I’m telling myself no travel until I feel well for at least 3 weeks ....
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Bluerose66 lori93950
lori93950 Bluerose66
Since being on the patch feel better thank God !
Brittay123 lori93950
lori93950 Brittay123
It was the FATIGUE my God ! Not just feeling tired but unable to get out of bed. I’d try so hard to get up and ‘get moving ‘ but I just couldn’t ! I’ve never experienced anything like it in my life ! I know many other women on here have been through the same thing and had to give up work for months ..... that’s how bad this can be for some
Brittay123 lori93950
Oh no! Hope your having a good day today 😊
Guest lori93950
Maybe slowly crawling away...too tired to run! 🤣. Same here though, and I am on the younger side of this mess.
juanita93228 lori93950
Do I feel like running away? Only every day! I have good days and bad. I had a week where I was great, it seemed I was back to my normal self, then boom! Dark thoughts, crying, barely getting out of bed to make it to work, thinking I had a dread disease etc.
I'm still working so I have to get out of bed. God willing, I will be retiring next April(in good health and sound mind
). Sometimes I think my job is driving me insane and making my menopause worse, but the Lord told me it's actually what I need at the moment. It makes me get out of bed and once I'm up I have to take care of things, daily chores, playing with a very demanding kitty I have Lol, and just pushing myself to do things. I go to the gym three days a week and try not to say no when my friends want to do things. I take a mild anti depressant called Trazodone(it's a SNRI not a SSRI, SSRI's made me so ill I missed work because of them). I have Valium for the really rough times. I drink plenty of water, take 250 of Magnesium, fish oil, garlic oil, D3, and a good multivitamin called Alive!-Women's 50 plus and I still feel bad sometimes. I cannot imagine how I would feel if I wasn't doing the few things I'm doing just to keep going.
Last but definitely not least, I pray to GOD on daily basis. Set aside some time for you, take a warm bath, get a message, meditate, YOU ARE WORTH IT.
I am postmenopausal nearly eight years, but don't let that scare you, I had my last period November of 2010, but I had such a high level of estrogen I had NO menopause symptoms until June of 2014, that's when my levels finally dropped enough and I started to have symptoms. I though I was losing my mind!!!
I'm sorry you are feeling so poorly, but you did the right thing by coming on this forum. I has helped me sooooo much. The ladies on here are incredible.
Oh and don't worry about what you see on TV! I saw this commercial where it showed this woman going through the different phases of life(it was commercial for Replens(vaginal dryness) When it got to the menopause phase it show her putting her thick, long gray hair in a ponytail getting ready for a hike. She was also very thin with no fat around her middle. I burst out laughing! If they showed a commercial about what menopause was really like maybe we would be more prepared. Don't show us a fantasy, show us the truth!!!!!
Sorry to on so, but you are not alone. Just hang in there, if menopause was easy mean would do it. Lol!!!!!
Nancy2121 juanita93228
Thanks for the laugh 😂 I thought the exact same thing when I saw that commercial. Too funny and true!!
lori93950 juanita93228
Yes that stupid ad!! I can barely make it to supermarket with bloody dizziness panic anxiety and she’s out there just wandering alone confident and happy 🤣
So it goes back to the sex thing .... and the male reference to dryness. God forbid we can’t have sex!
It’s just not realistic after everything I’ve read on here and women SUFFERING so much .
There needs to be a realistic advertisement and cures for menopause like the patch etc . Why aren’t they advertised ?
And I too have a naughty cat who likes to play !
lori93950 juanita93228
Yes that stupid ad!! I can barely make it to supermarket with bloody dizziness panic anxiety and she’s out there just wandering alone confident and happy 🤣
So it goes back to the sex thing .... and the male reference to dryness. God forbid we can’t have sex!
It’s just not realistic after everything I’ve read on here and women SUFFERING so much .
There needs to be a realistic advertisement and cures for menopause like the patch etc . Why aren’t they advertised ?
And I too have a naughty cat who likes to play !
juanita93228 Nancy2121
Glad I could give you a laugh! We need to laugh!😂😂😂??
juanita93228 lori93950
Wandering alone confident and happy! That gave me a giggle!😂😂😂
I went to the movies alone last Friday, but I had to take a half of a Valium to do it. I used to go to the movies all the time but myself and didn't give it a second thought.
Yes, it goes back to sex because these d@nm men act like their member will fall off if they don't get it. You can bet a man was at the helm of that ad. I know there had to be women on the staff of that ad that were(are) going through menopause. But probably not because it's all about youth.
First of all very few women still have that much hair(most of us are coloring it anyway 😂😂😂
most of us can barely get out of bed, let alone go hiking by ourselves, and the majority of us are not that thin and even if we are, we still have some fat around our middle, and while I still want sex, my libido isn't what it used to be. I'm not married and not seeing anyone at the moment so I don't have anyone bugging me for sex. This ad just annoys the heck out of me when I see it because it's just a big huge lie and it's not about menopause it's about men wanting to get their rocks off and unless they are in good physical condition and aren't taking meds that mess with their libido they can't get it up to mess with our dry vaginas anyway!😂😂😂😂
lori93950 juanita93228
I take 20 vitamins to get to the supermarket plus my trauma spray 🤣 it’s a bloody joke ! Thanks for making me laugh ! Yes it’s all about the sex I’m single too and I think to go on a date and have sex you must get ready be awake .... none of us ladies can even be bothered brushing our teeth sometimes let alone sit there all cute and happy . Glad you made it to the movies I push myself to go running almost every night it’s tough but I do it. Boy has this been a rollercoaster . Wish you lived closer we could take Valium and go together 🤣
audra86673 juanita93228
OMG! This is so funny!! It made me laugh out loud! 😂😂😂😂 thanks! I needed it 😁
Nancy2121 juanita93228
Nancy2121 audra86673
Me too! We need more laughter!😁
Nancy2121 lori93950
Thank God for all of you!?😃
juanita93228 audra86673
I'm soooo glad I could give you guys some laughs today! I have gotten some too! Makes me feel better!!! I love you ladies!!!!

juanita93228 lori93950
This has been the craziest last two weeks! Today I just heard from an old flame. I broke it off because he didn't want to commit and I realized we had nothing in common except sex and that got old. Six years ago he went to the doctor and he told him his heart didn't sound right. Did he go back? Yes, in 2017 when he was tired all the time only to find out that only 20 percent of his heart was working and that it was enlarged. He gets on meds and has a difibrillator put in. I haven't seen or spoken to him in eight months. He told me he had open heart surgery nine weeks ago. It's a band aid fix and he still has the difibrillator. I know he wants to be with me but get this(it was a long distance relationship) he's married. Separated for years not living together but still married. I don't love him, I care about his health. I don't want to be with someone because I pity them and hello! You're married! Now I'm worried what if he called me because one of us is about to kick the bucket? My fissure(sorryTMI)and gut has been bothering me. Of course I'm sure it's something awful.
I just broke up with someone I really cared about about a month ago(he dumped me).
Really since May 25th my life has been crazy. I was just getting things back on track and he called and threw me into a tailspin I just want him to go back to his wife.
I feel Valium and a glass of wine is in order for this evening. Can something really great happen to me? Please God!
I know I sound crazy, maybe I am. Ok rant over.
Love you all????