Why can't I eat or sleep ??
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Started my mirtzapine journey 7 weeks ago after a nightmare 10 weeks on citalopram which ended up with me being addmited to my local hospital mental health ward.
Started on 15 mg and that night I actually slept ( had 10 weeks of abt 3 hours a night), I managed about 6 hours and my appetite returned with a vengeance. A week later I was upped to 30mg ( I was also tapered off my citalopram over that week).
I was discharged from hospital after 2 weeks and seemed to be feeling the effects of the mirtazipine I could actually go places without feeling extreme anxiety but I was still feeling depressed a lot of the time but I managed to float along most days.
Then a week past Monday I just seemed to be getting lower and lower each day, my sleep stopped tossing and turning most of the night, struggling to eat again so I took myself off to the doctors on Friday where he decided to increase my dose to 45 mg.
I was also given zoplicone 3.75 mg and told to take it 2 nights on and 2 nights off.
Woke up sat anxious as usual but managed to do what I need to do, same again Sunday and Monday but then noticed I was sliding again yesterday and today has just been awful. I'm back to living on complan the last 2 days and my sleep is terrible I manage to get 6 hours wen I take the zoplicone but without it I just keep waking up constantly during the night, I know I'm dreaming so I must be getting some sleep but I just feel exhausted with no appetite at all ! I thought this med was supposed to aid sleep and stimulate appetite ?
I know it's still early days and Iv had a dose increase I just need reassurance that these things will settle down once my body adjusts to the new dose or is mirtazipne not going to work for me !!!
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sara84877 Lan-69
sara84877 Lan-69
sara84877 Lan-69
Lan-69 sara84877
sara84877 Lan-69
Lan-69 sara84877
Lan-69 sara84877
I am trying to say to myself this is just a phase in my life and I will get through it, but sometimes I just seem doom and gloom
Guest Lan-69
Lan-69 Guest
I'm trying to not take them and Iv only had about 6 over the last 7 weeks I really don't like having to take meds unless really necessary
eyeball Lan-69
to just taking Mitz, after the first week I have felt drugged and ill every day, tonight
I just broke down. Has any one else tried coming off Cit,