Why did I give in to my urges?
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I am feeling terrible the last few weeks have been bad again - not wanting to do anything and not caring either.
Have been trying not to self harm in an obvious way so have been attacking my head - with thorns from brambles/roses and crafts knives. It doesn't seem to have the same effect - possibly cause I can't see the damage. Anyway on Sun I was looking for some batteries (my cd player ran out) and found scalpel blades instead. :cry: :oops: Ashamed of what I did with them but what I am more scared of was the fact that I forgot how down I was while I was doing it. I feel very bad about doing what I did :oops: :cry: :oops: :cry: but I know I can't let one slip ruin everything. at the same time I am scared to be on my own now. I stayed with friends last night but can't today. I have appoints with cpn etc at end of the week, although I did spk to her today and she said I can ring tomorrow if I need to.
So disappointed with myself. :cry: Silly thing is part of me feels better now I have done it. I don't really want that cause then I will do it again.
sorry for disjointed ramble - thought if put it in writing then I'm not going to be thinking about it all the time. not sure if it will work though.
:oops: :cry:
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Thanks for messages.
I'm 32 and have suffered from depression/self harm/eating disorder etc for about 15 years. I was first ill when doing my A levels and wasn't well for about 3 or 4 years. I wasn't ready to talk about things then so it ended up that nothing was really done (my feelings, I am sure the professionals had a different view on things) I have old scars from cuts and burns and now some new ones.
I recently graduated from doing a degree and it was during the 2nd year of that when everything started going wrong again (about 3 years ago now). I have had periods during that time when I haven't been too bad but certainly haven't got back to my previous state of mind/health.
I am now on 225mg Venlafaxine and although this seemed to help for a while I have slipped down big time. I hardly eat, seem to live off coffee, fags and beer. I know I shouldn't drink on meds but I just don't care anymore and when I am around people in the pub I am not on my own therefore, in my head, safer.
Had assessment appoint yesterday for psychotherapy but she reckoned I need a different type of help at the moment and suggested my consultants appoint to be moved closer. Had cpn appoint today, she reckons I need to get some sleeping tablets and maybe have my meds changed. I HATE TAKING TABLETS. Is going to get my appoint moved but will ring me and let me know. Think I can stay with someone tomorrow night but scared of myself on my own tonight.
in one respect I am not like I was earlier in the year but I still can't stop thinking things, not getting anything done re my work etc and don't know what to do. At least not eating and losing weight has given me something to concentrate on rather than how I feel all the time. Even so I feel like I have been shouting for help for ages and nothing is ever going to happen/change. Even me openly telling people hasn't done anything really so nothing will (unless I become more drastic??).
Oh yeah Pooh, before I forget, the cuts have steri strips holding them together and are clean.
take it easy and thanks again for replying.
Reading of your feelings/experiences and struggle to be heard has made me realise just how damn lucky I am to still be here.
16/17 yrs ago I was sectioned for a total of 6 weeks due to depression. Reading of your depression, I look back and wonder why the hell did they section me and yet here you are crying out for help and nobody is listening to you.
I doubt I would still be around today to type this but what was so different about me that caused them to section me?
I didn't self harm, I didn't post of my depression or talk to anyone about it, I didn't cry out for help (or if I did, I'm not aware of doing so) I just - well I just remember doing things like walking out of the house and not telling anyone where I was going and not return for hours (usually after dark)
Last thing I really remember before being sectioned was my GP sat holding my wrist as he waited for an ambulance and the local priest holding my other hand. :shock: Even to this day I still havent got a clue how or why they were there with me at my home while my babies slept in bed.
Was I really that bad or have things changed so much on the nhs that nobody really gives a xxxx about people suffering mental illness?
I don't think I was that bad - ceratinly not as desperate as you both sound now - and yet here you both are not getting the help you have both very obviously cried out for.
I wish I knew what to say to you, but I'm speechless :oops: I really am, I'm disgusted at the pro's who are dealing with your illness and wonder what the hell are they thinking about.
Girl, my suggestion to you would be to walk into your nearest A&E and make a loud enough noise about needing help.
Wishing you both the best for the future
melbi xxx
Cheers for your post, I didn't want to reply to Dr Spocks post cause it did upset me. I know what he is saying and yes I know it may help but it also made feel like that is how I am seen, someone to be dismissed with something easy. (sorry Dr Spock I know you posted what you did for a good reason and I just didn't expect my reaction to it) I know I need help to overcome the eating problem as well as my depression but feel like I am banging my head against a brick wall.
Am on resperidone now for anxiety/to help me sleep. only 1mg but I was so spaced out yesterday on it only took 0.5 last night. Not sure about taking it at all but I have been so buzzy recently I said yes when it was suggested last week.
I hope you are well.
take it easy
I had another psychotherapy assessment appointment last week and and have been put on the waiting list for individual therapy. It's only about a 12 months long but better than nothing. I have a psychiatrist appointment on thurs and have been told to try and get a referal to the edu re my eating. Have dropped about 2 - 3 dress sizes in the last 6 weeks or so. reseridone seems to be working re me sleeping and being less anxious but I keep on taking it too late so making getting into work on time a bad thing.
Better go as using my landlords internet - haven't got anything set up fo me yet, hope it will be soon.
Hope everyone is well
Are you still getting about OK, any new or worsening pains, loss of stamina or anything? How tall are you,, how much do you weigh? :oops: :D
apart from the usual struggle getting out of bed and facing the day I am ok (or am I? not sure)
I make myself run into work but can't manage it sometimes and have to walk I can usually run most of the way home again
I am about 5'7/5'8 but have no idea how much I weigh. I know I was prob overweight but if I weigh myself I may get obsessed with that as well which will not help me. I am using the knowledge of when I had something like this before. Which is good cause I know not to be too fast about losing weight otherwise people will notice. I also know how much I can eat to keep doing the things I have to - also so people don't realise what I am doing. I am managing to stay off the lax/diuretics ( have had a couple of lapses but still managing not to take them) I used them alot before - prob why people noticed - but I know they aren't good for me and don't evacuate anything faster anyway so not going there. When I was ill before with this I was 7 stone something before I started getting better.
I am scared that if I get help i will loose the only safety net I have. I have had this in the background for 15 years and am really scared of losing it. but then am I losing it anyway, albeit in a different way?
I sometimes have trouble focusing my eyes but not sure if that is anything to do with my diet or my meds.
Find it very hard to talk about this so maybe will print this off and take with me tomorrow.
feeling so low today. really hate myself :twisted: :evil: :cry:
I am glad you have managed to find a way to deal with it but sad you have had so much pain as well.
I am not feeling so depressed today but maybe that is because I have made a concerted effort to have hardly anything to eat for the last day or so. had 150gm of prawns yesterday and a couple of chews. so far today have managed to not eat at all. do have a banana next to me incase but it feels good to ignore it. :lol: I can cope with the dizziness and tingling I get cause I know whats caused it is my self control. I think my heart still hasn't recovered from the grief I gave it last time I was ill but not doing lax etc now so shouldn't be too bad.
I am still scared about my appoint later. Unfortunately I can't even print my posts off as the library is shut and my printer at home is bust so will have to try and let them know how I am feeling myself. At least I don't have to work tonight.
oh yeah, I think another reason I feel better (but also worse) is that I couldn't sleep last night so rather than lie there waiting I started to exercise. I have tried really hard not to do that cause I know is a slippery slope. At least when I jog to and from work there is a reason for me exercising but exercise for the hell of it is too addictive and I am scared it will now become a routine.
I really want to hurt myself but I am not allowing myself to cause I see my bf soon and he won't be happy if he sees more new scars. I have got out of family xmas though so thats one less hurdle, will catch up with them all in January.
better run, got to try and get some work done before my appoint.
take it easy and thanks for the support.