Why does menopause have to feel like your dying???
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So why do these symptoms that come and go time and time again have to feel like this time might be it?? I mean really they get that bad and the health anxiety that follows is insane wth!!# I don't know about everyone else but I'm sick of this sheesh!!!! Well I'm not new to this one but it doesn't always hit me but when it does I know a awful migraine is coming, and its a very red corner of my eye gets really blood shot has me thinking I have a brain bleed, now my serious side of my brain is telling me no way you've had this before, but the negative side of my brain is telling me otherwise! Does anyone else get the really red blood shot eye in just one eye? I'm so tired of all the dizziness , headaches and migraines, the off balance numbness and brain fog , and these weird feel like you're going to die symptoms like head zaps sharp pains everywhere shaky weak legs.. Anyone out there that have gotten better after years of this? I always try and ignore and push on thru but some days you just can't 😪
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tamsin00119 Gypsy014
Hi Gypsy
I don't experience the red eye and migraine thing but I get the numbness thing... up my legs.. sometimes right only sometimes left and sometimes both... freaks me out big time... that is when I become so anxious and start thinking I have some serious illness like MS or something worse! I also get these body burning effect that really keeps me awake at night.. my anxiety level at present is through the roof.. Only had 4 hours sleep last night... so tired of all this... how do you experience your numbness?
Sending hugs girl
Gypsy014 tamsin00119
Hi Tams, I know the feeling all too well of thinking I have ms I was checked for everything under the sun and what came up was hormones up and down, hashimotos, antibodies were 48000 in heard of for the thyroid think hormones with menopause is helping those stay high, and rheumatoid arthritis rheumatoid factor was very high and continues to be high with blood tests..strict diet really helps keep both in check.. I do get very very bad stroke like migraines feels like half my body goes numb during the attacks mouth arm fingers legs become stiff hard to talk just really bad .. And I will have numbness on days before my migraines just random I may get a numb arm or forearm mouth legs , I get leg weakness like jelly legs like you d8d a bunch of squats in the gym but didn't.. I get migraine attacks if I go into a store that has fluorescent lighting especially Wal-Mart and family dollar.. If an ambulance goes by me at night with sirens on anf lights flashing I feel like 8 could have a seizure I can't watch me newerish big screen tv from the day I brought it home it triggers a migraine..and numbness.. All this started at the age of 45 really bad with the migraines and everything else that 8 mentioned, and lots of other symptoms started at about 43, anf I had a hysterectomy at 27 and ovaries left in me and symptoms also started right after my surgery.. The real bad symptoms that started when I was 45 have been on going since then and I'm now 49 with no end in sight.. And I never had a migraine before the age of 45 in my life.. And ive learned quite a lot about migraines they aren't just a headache there is so much more to them than that its numbness dizziness off balance vomiting nausea during the attack.. So awful all of this...
patti56271 Gypsy014
Hi gypsy
Are you on any medication for RA if I may ask?
Gypsy014 patti56271
Hi Patti, I have always reacted bad to any kind of medication since a kid, from allergic reactions to penicillin to and other antibiotics to feeling like I couldn't wake up out of a deep sleep from taking over the counter cold medicine. So I'm a big baby when it comes to medicine and will always prefer to try the natural route if I can.. My rheumatologist had me try methotrexate and plaquinl. Both made me feel awful my next appointment with RA doc is end of month to discuss different options apparently we must try all these different medications first before insurance companies will pay for the more expensive ones.. I'm not too sure how I will do on any of it.. So I am just super strict with my diet and eat lots of fruits veggies seeds lean proteins and water its made a huge difference in inflammation and pain.. Of coarse winter time is worse for me anyways and spring and summer is so much better.. I really hurt a lot during certain times of the month when my other symptoms are bad then the ra gets bad I really think hope and pray it all gets better whenever hormones settle.. Do you have ra ?
patti56271 Gypsy014
Hi gypsy,
I have sjogrens syndrome. Diagnosed in my 30s. Never bothered me and infact symptoms were so mild, I forgot I even had it. Now, I am in perimenopause and all of a sudden there are so many things happening I dont know what and whom to believe.
Started with knee pain but by the time I got into an appointment with my rheumy the pain stopped and he said it was just wear and tear with age and my bones were okay
Now the pain is .mostly my right shoulder and stiffness in my upper arms. xrays showed no inflammation injury but they said it was frozen shoulder. my muscle enzyme results were okay. Now the rheumatologist says it is RA and my anti ccp is high. But anti ccp is high even if it is sjogrens. I honestly dont know what I have and dont have .I too have been prescribed plaquenil but heard the side effects are horrendous and I had bad stomach burning and nausea so I stopped taking it afer three days.
.Everything has gone downhill since peri. Anxiety, hair loss. bloating, joint and muscle pain, hot flushes and just fatigue.
Thanks for the reply. I too try and eat healthy. Turmeric and heard glucosamine chondroitin msm is good for joint pain. A Lovely lady on the menopause forum recommended stopain roll on and heat. That is what I do for my pain and ibuprofen when it gets very bad . Good luck
Gypsy014 patti56271
Well you definitely sound like me.. Same here with the frozen shoulder, the flare ups for the RA was really bad like 1 out of 10 way over a 10 unbearable that is when I went to have bloods drawn and was diagnosed with it at that time.. It was at the same time all my other symptoms ramped up I thought I was dying or having a stroke or heart attack or some kind of deadly disease I just was in bad shape, but I can tell you the diet for me was key.. And key for all perimenopause symptoms as well so good luck to you too hope you find what works for you.,
tamsin00119 Gypsy014
Oh my Gypsy I feel for you... I will keep you in my prayers for God to send you some relief...
Lots of hugs
Lkl2019 Gypsy014
Had my first migraine with no headache at age 37. Off balance, upset stomach and sensitive to light and noise. Next day started my period. Never experienced anything like it. Thought it was a stroke or something. Had similar experiences since right before my period, also jelly legs where felt like I might have to have wheelchair! its all soooo horrific! No one should ever have to experience this! I have a daughter and I could never imagine her having to go thru this! I pray for all women who have to.
jamie53221 Gypsy014
I can mirror what you wrote. You just pray, light candles, drink good wine ( even though it makes you feel worse for the next 2+ days ), whiskey ( more worse ), etc. Something deep inside just keeps us going.
I hear ya......<3
Gypsy014 jamie53221
Thanks Jamie candles and wine 🍷 sounds so so good right about now, and yes too bad it makes us feel so bad now..
jaynie08827 jamie53221
I tried drinking my wine. for the little time im having a buzz I feel so.ewhat normal but yes then days after I feel like crap. I try not to do it often cuz I have real bad menopause hardly sleeping. I think my body created new and improved symptoms. urgghhh..jyst too much at times ..im with ya. hang in there
NothinforNothin Gypsy014
Hey Gypsy: I couldn't take it any more. I tried 2 antidepressants and swore them off for months due to the side effects. My symptoms came back worse and due to it's severity I had to try another. Which I did not want to do but, I was tired of suffering and I did it for my family. Lexapro is helping and is used for menopause symptoms if you can't take HRT like me. One of the safest and one with the least side effects I've heard. It's been the only thing to start to calm me. The first 2 weeks can be rough for some but, I only have experienced some dizziness which is subsiding. Takes about 4-6 weeks to feel full effects and 6-8 for real improvements they say. Again, I never wanted to take meds but, I was so bad. Some times it take trial and error to find the right med. Of course, I wish I would have been prescribed this first with so much time lost well over a year now with this. All this is just a thought. I know how horrific it is. Sending prayers to you.
sunaina1983 Gypsy014
Helloo mam
Struggling from soo many symptoms from last 2 years
Jelly weak legs
drunk feeling
and list goes on and in
Same like you every day i tell myself its menopause..will go one day but some day i fully broke ..and cried alot
Hang is there.
Lkl2019 Gypsy014
I.m having one of those just can't push thru days as well. I.ve had blood shot eye/s also. Even tho I.ve been on this ride for too long to believe I have something that is going to kill me, I still have my moments of thinking this might be it. Only 41 and I cant imagine more YEARS of this. While symptoms do seem to change, some never go away or just hide a little. I don't get the red eyes so much anymore, maybe its the BHRT I.m on. But I still have most symptoms.
Rainbow976 Gypsy014
Hi Gypsy,
I have been getting the red eye, one much worse than the other. As a child, I had a few stitches near the eye. I wonder if the blood vessels or something got messed up.
Overall, I think the red eye is low estrogen. For me, it comes on close to my period when hormones fall really low.
I just went to an endocrinologist and she is testing for Sjorgen because I also have a really pale tongue (another sign of dryness).
We will see, she doesn't like to rx estrogen especially in perimenopause and I am only 43. Personally, i think ALL my issues are low estrogen and i just need to find a doc willing to let me try a low does bhrt.