Why is this happening?

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It has been six months since rtkr. I know the left knee started to give me trouble and I had to schedule a Lyle for the end of March. Now I’m not so sure I want to do it. The operated knee has started to feel really lousy. I’m hit with insomnia again. That tight band feeling is worse than ever. I don’t know if this is happening because the left knee started to go or not. I don’t see Doc until beginning of March. I’m starting to feel really depressed and stressed. Any suggestions or thoughts from you guys would be appreciated 🙏🏻😩

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12 Replies

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    "Lyle"???  Do you mean LTKR?

    There are lots of people on the Forum who have had bilateral replacements 4-6 months apart.  Some have had good outcomes; others not so much.  One can never tell in advance...even after reading over 3,000 posts on here.

    In my non-doctor opinion, I would never undergo #2 until I was totally recovered from #1.  I'm 22-months post-op on the left and am lucky enough to have virtually no pain on the right side.  I can afford to wait...some people aren't so lucky and are in a lot of pain.  In such a case, I would ask my surgeon if there is anything that can be done to alleviate that pain on the bad knee until you are fully recovered from the first op.  Cortisone is possible but very short-term; something like Synvisc has longer term affects but may not be right for or even work on everyone.  I'd explore the possibilities.

    Recovering from one TKR is horrible enough without being strong enough to handle a second.  I'm almost 70 and I know I need #2...will be doing it probably in the next 18 months or so.  Meanwhile, I'm getting as strong as possible before putting myself through that hell again.

    I hope you can put off #2...even for another 6 months so you can be stronger.  That will take a lot of work on your part, especially rebuilding all the muscular strength on your new knee so it can handle the stress when you do #2.  Talk to your doc...make a plan...choose wisely...

  • Posted

    Oh dear.... the sleep issue cannot help at all either. Anxiety sets in so quickly too. Good perspectives from Chico.

    I would use my stick all the time when out walking I think. It may be good to try and learn some relaxation techniques, i.e. mindfulness. I think the trauma of a major op can get right into our minds and sleep being affected, while worse in the early days for obvious reasons, still remains a longer term issue for some people. Mine is generally good now at 10 months post op, but I still find I am more likely to wake in the middle hours of the night and I think this is related to the experience of having a major op.

    Maybe focus particularly on ways to relax and relaxation, cut down caffeine , practice mindfulness techniques. Stress is unhelpful....natural, understandable, but normally counterproductive when it becomes a pattern. If I wake in the night it's annoying but I can get myself back sleeping easily and quickly, so it's worth the effort training the brain a bit with what it could do when it decides to flick the on switch in the middle of the night.

    If you feel you are not able to ride through how things are right now, do see your GP and access some talking therapy.... post operative depression is well recognised and getting support in person is invaluable.

    Best wishes to you.

  • Posted

    Hi arlene, I’m 11wks tomorrow I’m on this site a lot and if I’ve learned anything is that this surgery takes 12-18 months to heal. I have that tight band feeling and all I do is cry my husband feels so helpless as he doesn’t understand what I mean. I take regular pain meds, ice and do my excersizes other than that there’s nothing to do but wait good luck x
    • Posted

      I'm also 11weeks tomorrow and have the same feelings. I cried all morning yesterday cause I feel like all I do is complain. Some days I feel real good then BOOM right back to lousy. I ,can't sleep at night I toss and turn all night, haven't slept in our room since the surgery. I hate feeling like that. I'm

      72. My right knee is starting to have pain, I was told a year ago it wasn't as bad as left which was bone on bone, so that now has me worried. I wonder what it is like to not have pain.

  • Posted

    Hi Arlene, I'm sixty seven and am 8 1/2 months post op with complications of LTKR. I have been getting around in a wheelchair while working to get my bent LTKR straight from a -45 degree bend.  It's now down to -6 with 120 degree flexion without more surgery!  It's only been in the last 6 weeks my leg has become straight enough to start practice walking with crutches. My right knee has had to do all the weight bearing for 6 months when I did stand, pivot transfer or for a couple steps with a walker. My left knee is strong enough now and bears 100% of weight because my right knee hurts so much now it is naturally staying at a -20 degree bend. I am exercising ithe right knee when laying down and during Epsom salt baths to keep the muscles from contracting and making RTKR difficult. I tried a cortisone shot in the right knee which gave relief for only two weeks. I am trying a Synvisc injection for the right knee later this month in the hopes it will give me 6 months to recover full function in the left knee before going through surgery again. I still have pain and stiffness from LTKR upon waking, sitting more than 60 minutes, but once I stretch out the muscles, I'm good. Leg warmers help to keep my knee and leg muscles warm, especially during this cold winter. Cold causes muscles to be stiff although it does reduce swelling so I use a small ice pack when needed. Because I am still getting around mostly via wheelchair I'm guessing I have more LTKR leg/knee pain due to what I hope is scar tissue breaking up and am really only at the level of mobility most people get earlier post surgery without complications. At least I hope so. 

    We are all different and have to make adjustments best for us. The only way I can take care of my dogs and self right now is through using a wheelchair and walking and exercising to rebuild stamina and muscle throughout the day as I improve. This has been a lesson in patience, perseverance and awareness. 

    I hope you and your doctor are able to find a solution. If possible consider looking for alternatives to delay surgery on your right knee until your left knee has healed. 

    • Posted

      I am very glad for you that you are making progress! Yes, patience, perseverance, and awareness...that is so well summarised! Blessings ton you. What you have achieved with your TKR leg is amazing, I am sure it will continue with the straightening.
    • Posted

      Thanks Jenny! It's been discouraging being at the end of the bell curve for healing but I'm learning a lot. This morning I discovered it's easier to do my stretching exercises in front of my portable heater which warms my leg.

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