Why so quiet here?

Posted , 9 users are following.

Did everyone take a break? Or is it nice out in the UK and everyone is out of the house?  I haven't seen the board this dead in a long time.


2 likes, 63 replies

63 Replies

  • Posted

    Oh Misssy, I am so glad to hear from you.  I don't understand it either.  It is rarely nice out, in my part of U.K.  various temperatures of rain... mostly cold, except in Summer... then it's cool rain.  No wonder we are so depressed.  Spring rain, just now... is between cold and cool.  Cool was not used there, "in the modern sense of the word"....just a little bit warmer than cold !

    How are you?  I am up- and- down... like a yo- yo !

    Hey... "We're Still Standin', yeh, yeh, yeh" !

    I keep checking in ... nothing.

    Maybe everyone else "Got The Cure" !!!

    As if...

    Alonangel xx 🎇

    • Posted

      It is now 22:35 in U.K.
  • Posted

    When I just checked the "Replies", it was 0 Replies... I had replied to you twice.  Maybe there is a problem with the website.  Oh, dear... please reply to me anyway, whenever you can.  I'm sure I will get it sometime.  I did tell you that I don't really do "sleeping".  Dead board. Dead bored. 



  • Posted

    The system is working properly. It isn't sending out any notifications of new threads or updates to existing threads even if you're subscribed.

    Normally I get email notifications and I can see them in the top let tab of my screen. But it is not sending any out, so most people must think there are no updates. Unless you actually go to patient.info, discussions and then alcohol, you won't see anything new.

    Hence the reason very few are posting.

    • Posted

      You are spot on, RHGB.  I have been going through... the long way... then, nothing.  I thought the website was faulty.
    • Posted

      I have just gone through... the Long Way to Forum, again.  It states 0 Replies to Misssy.  We have both replied.  I don't know what is going on technically. 
    • Posted

      Isn't, not is, I hate that when it happens. Anyway, the notifications seem to have started coming through now.
  • Posted

    I am just signing out, now.  Fed up trying, Misssy.  The website still states 0 Replies to you.  It is 23:15 here.  I hope we can communicate again, soon.

    Alonangel 🎇

    • Posted

      ​Thanks for replying..I don't care what YOU say...YOU sound alot better keep doing what you are doing!

      ​I couldn't live in UK then or Scotland...because I hate rain...and worse i hate rain mixed with COLD.

    • Posted

      Don't ever move to Vancouver then.
    • Posted

      Hey Misssy,  I just love your attitude !  I keep thinking that I am not doing well enough.  Well, one bottle of wine is better than two bottles of wine.  I have to give it time.  Scotland is the most northerly part of U.K.  The thing is ... I am a truly Celtic person... can't take much Sun.  Pale blue skin... ha, ha !  It takes a week of sunbathing to get white !!!  The thing is... I am allergic to sunrays.  

      I hope you are doing well, today.

      Your flappy friend,

      Alonangel 🎇

    • Posted

      Whoa, hold on there. There are two types of Celts, the ginger haired pasty white type with freckles AKA Hallstatt Celts Central Europe.

      Then you have the Welsh Celts, who originated from the Med. Dark skin and dark hair. I only have to look at the sun and I tan.

    • Posted

      Say no more. I'm olive skinned and look tanned all year yound, if only. Oh is like that and it annoys me.
    • Posted

      Ok, RHGB.   I have not explored all Celtic Heritages...How the heck can you know so much about everything?  Have you been on Mastermind?  I don't have ginger hair,  some freckles though...   Anyway, I am of Irish descent, but not typical looking, I think.  Fair skinned, rosy cheeks, fair hair, brown eyes. Sun allergy for 30 + years.  
    • Posted

      ."How the heck can you know so much about everything?"

      I'm a Welsh Celt, I wanted to understand why we have a dark complexion and the Scots and Irish a fair complexion. I figured out that it can't be because we spent so much time down the coal mines, even if I was born in a Valley with a colliery and a slag heap around the corner.

    • Posted

      Hey... I thought that the darker complexioned Celts were of Spanish Descent... sunken Armada etc.   Living and learning !!!
    • Posted

      They were Iberian, but left Spain a long time before the days of the Armada, probably near on 2,000.
    • Posted

      Mastermind !!!  Go for it !!!  I just thought they were the " Spanish Irish"... I have several relations with beautiful black/brown hair and very dark brown eyes.

      Others... Viking !!! Beautiful flaxen blonde hair and piercing blue eyes.


    • Posted

      Hello again RHGB.  I am in a bit of a quandary as to your Celtic stuff !  I have been on holiday in Wales... brilliant part of the world... great for the old "Mini-break... Stay-cation".  Anyway, I didn't see any Iberian Types... everybody looked much the same as myself.  Fair, fat and over fifty !  I do lead a limited life !!  I need to try "looking outside the box" !

      Alonangel 🎇

    • Posted

      Taken from Wiki

      The Silures were a powerful and warlike tribe or tribal confederation of ancient Britain, occupying what is now south east Wales and perhaps some adjoining areas.

      According to Tacitus's biography of Agricola, the Silures usually had a dark complexion and curly hair. Due to their appearance, Tacitus believed they had crossed over from Spain at an earlier date.

      "... the swarthy faces of the Silures, the curly quality, in general, of their hair, and the position of Spain opposite their shores, attest to the passage of Iberians in old days and the occupation by them of these districts; ..." (Tacitus Annales Xi.ii, translated by M. Hutton)

      Jordanes, in his Origins and Deeds of the Goths, describes the Silures.

      "The Silures have swarthy features and are usually born with curly black hair, but the inhabitants of Caledonia have reddish hair and large loose-jointed bodies. They are like the Gauls or the Spaniards."

    • Posted

      Well, I thought my history was quite good, obviously not good enough. You are full of information that's interesting and factual. Keep it coming!
    • Posted

      I truly do think you could win Mastermind.   What on earth would be your "Specialist Subject" !   

      Pray tell... how curly is your black hair ?

      How swarthy, your features ?

      How tight-jointed, your body?

      Oh I do love a wee laugh !!!

      Alonangel 🎇

    • Posted


      is this the RHGB appreciation society lol! He's a mind of information and a sense of humour to die for!

    • Posted

      RHGB is obviously a legendary, iconic type ! 

      I'm not easily impressed... but his knowledge is of mindblowing proportions.

      How the heck does he know all that stuff ?

    • Posted

      Google is a good friend! Only joking RHGB, you have to know what to google in the first place!
    • Posted

      Oh Vickylou, I don't know how we would function without him, now.

      'Picks you up when you're down.

      'Lifts you up when you're low.

      'Makes you laugh, when you are crying.

       He is much more of an angel than I can be.

      Alonangel 🎇


    • Posted

      Okay, I won't mention that my tan started in earnest yesterday, quite a lot of decent sunshine.
    • Posted

      Wherabouts you live missy?

      Is it allowed to ask?

      I live in spain, its wonderful.

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