Why stress?
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I had been tapering from 13 mg. to 12.5 and actually feeling less pain and fatigue for about one week - yea. Then my husband had two emergency health issues in less than 2 weeks which caused me great distress (emphasis on the stress).
Yesterday, out of the blue, I started to get severe pain back in my neck, upper back and shoulders - I haven't had that severe amount of pain since this PMR started last November. There is no reason that i can think of for the increased pain except the added stress and worry about my husband's condition.
Why does stress cause increased pain? I really would like to know the scientific reason if there is one. . the concepty just boggles my mind.
Today I increased my prednisone dose by 1 mg, and that took me back to where the pain was under control, more or less; and my pain has already diminished. I probably should stay at this higher dose for at least a week - Yes? Thanks for any comments.
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FlipDover_Aust Padada
Try searching for 'stress' and 'autoimmune' - there's plenty of info out there.
There's a fairly simple one if you search for "Could Stress Be Causing Your Autoimmune Disease To Get Worse?"
Personally I'd stay at the higher dose for a couple of weeks and drop by no more than .5mg a week after that. Maybe even go up to 15mg for a week to knock it on the head?
What does everyone else think?
lodgerUK_NE FlipDover_Aust
It was written and checked by the watchful eye of a Lead Pharmacist who worked in the local hospital and was helping us to understand the process of 'flight or fight'.
Let us know what you think of it please.
EileenH Padada
We say all the time to try to avoid stress of all sorts when you have PMR or GCA - but obviously there are occasions when you can't. When you take pred you are told to tell healthcare professionals about it if you need their services - in an accident, for operations, in infections - because you may need a higher dose for a short time to compensate for the adrenal glands not being able to do their job fully. In something like emotional stress you may also need a bit more - as you have found - but more often than not you don't think about it at the time.
There is also the fact that our natural response to stress of any sort to to tense our muscles - especially shoulders and neck. If you tense muscle it has a similar result to doing other exercise - it is called isometric muscle contraction. So you can have pain in those muscles just as if you had been carrying something heavy - something I find always happens even now: if I take a heavy bag down to the car I know I will feel it the next day. So that is another possible cause of the returned pain in that area.
Two things in 2 weeks is very unfair - or greedy !
Tell him to get well soon!
LayneTX EileenH
ive ve tried deep breathing, but it never works. I did just buy some relaxing CDs.
Padada, sending you hugs, stay strong and brave in dealing with your hubby and self, you can do it...
lodgerUK_NE Padada
It was written and checked by the watchful eye of a Lead Pharmacist who worked in the local hospital and was helping us to understand the process of 'flight or fight'.
Let us know what you think of it please.
Oops, I posted this in reply to flipover by mistake.
jan21306 lodgerUK_NE
lodgerUK_NE jan21306
Then go to the PMR&GCAUK North East website, once there click on Useful Medical Information and then 'Steroids and What they Do'
Come back and tell us what you think of the explanation. Good, bad or indifferent - all comments welcomed.
EileenH lodgerUK_NE
When you get to the site there is a blue band across the page with 6 heading - second from the right is Resources. Hover over that with the mouse and a box with Useful Medical Information as an option will appear.
LayneTX Padada
funny, I dream of a place for PMR or other diseases that is just for us to relax, be pampered, beautiful healthy organic foods, all the massages and Bowen we want, perfect temperature, comfortable beds, laughter, ... A vacation for us! And it would be FREE! Ha, ha, ha...
constance.de LayneTX
I go every 8 weeks or so - it's great. Save up, if you can, and try it.
EileenH LayneTX
lodgerUK_NE EileenH
MrsO-UK_Surrey Padada
I do hope hubby's health problems are treatable and he is soon well again.
Meanwhile, it's good if just a 1mg increase has proved successful, but if it was me, I wouldn't attempt to reduce again until all the stress is over and hubby it 'out-of-the-woods'. Lots of good luck wishes to you both.