Why when I eat unhealthy food or drink alcohol do I feel better?

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Don't want to go into too much deatail but I have had my gall bladder out and an umbilical hernia repair. I have suffered with nausea, constipation and sickness for around 5 years. I have had 2 endoscopies both showing severe stomach inflammation and also evidence of bile in lower duodendum. I am negative for helico bacter and everything else they tested for (I assume cancers). What I cannot understand is the following and would love to know if anyone experiences something similar:

A) Why do I feel better when I eat high calorie, unhealthy food and excessive amounts? I go to the toilet better (runny stool sorry for detail!) and my nausea disappears

B) Why do I also feel better when I drink alcohol?? If I go out for a few drinks whether it is beer, wine or spirits the more I drink the better my nausea and stomach issues. This seems to go against all the stuff I read about these stomach complaints. Has anyone experienced anything similar?

I would also love to know what I should be doing with my specialist. He is completely indifferent, he wants rid of me but he has not even given me a diagnosis. He only sees me every 9 months and between appointments I have no help. I have been with him for almost 4 years and have suffered throughout. I have had no motility study although motillium (domperidone) does help intermittently, no stool study, no barium swallow, no colonoscopy, no Ph test and nothing else. I am a 40 year old man who is just at the end of his tether. I am always in a bad mood due to this and my wife and daughter never see the ebst of me anymore. I have an appointment due in June.........what should I demand of my gastro specialist. I have had enough and I need to get answers to this. I would even be willing to pay for Linx surgery privately if I could at least get a definitive diagnosis of my problems. God I am so gutted about this, any help or advice would be really gratefully received. Many thanks.


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25 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi I suffer the same symtoms as well I have had chest x Ray nothing found had a tummy scan nothing found I have had meds to take nothing works still suffering hope you get some answers soon x
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      Thanks for getting back to me. Has nothing worked at all? How long have you been suffering? What are yoru plans next?
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    Hi Paul,

    Sorry I can't help with the Why's on healthy / vs unhealthy foods,

    allthough I did try before having a LINX every option / combination of eating / not eating drinking, and nothing seemed to make much difference to the condition.

    Are you in the UK ?  I had the linx done, privately in Manchester in 2012  and have to say on the whole it has changed my life from the point of view of the GERD symptoms and suffering. Before, I could no longer lie flat, almost sat up to sleep with the discomfort, caughing through the night and burning reflux. In order to assess if it was GERD and REFLUX for which LINX would be an option, I needed to have all the PH Tests, Motility etc. These showed I was a suitable candidate for LINX, even with a Hiatus Hernia that they repaired at the same time.

    So I can't see how your consultant has not done any of these checks to see if it is GERD you are sufferting from, for which LINX might be an option. I would certainly ask my GP, to refer me to someone else.

    The LINX op virtually cured all my symptoms, apart from a little (sorry) burping in the morning. What I still have, (most nights) is pain in my chest and centre of the back in the early hours. Same.... noone knows why - but I had it before the device was fitted, maybe a bit milder, but none the less it is not from the LINX alone. I would still have the LINX done again, it was expensive and done in Manchester, so if Manchester is accessable for you I can get you the details of the consultant I saw.

    A seperate problem I had well before the severe GERD,  I also had some similar symptoms to what you describe. For about 5 years I had been going to my GP, with much the same symptoms as you describe, after loads of tests, the same, my GP was sick of me and I felt hesistant even going, I was eventually told I had  IBS -after all internal tests showed up nothing, Endoscopy / Colonoscopy, etc, nothing we tried made any difference. After around the 5 years of feeling miserable and quite nauseaous and like you very grumpy and unwell, I eventually passed out one day, was taken to hospital and they operated the following day for an upstructed bowel. This had been caused by the growths of severe adhesions from previous operations (3 C - sections and a histerectomy) It was discovered via Ultrasound, (hence nothing on internal check-ups) the bowel was constricted from the outside. Seeing as you appear to have had a few operations too, maybe that is worth keeping in mind too. Alcohold deff made  those simptoms better as it seemed to have a relaxing effect and larger meals passed more easily, maybe because of the force of volume,  so could be a poss ??? Hope you find an answer anyway,

    All the Best, Cj

    • Posted

      Wow, thanks so much for this reply. You have really made my day! I am really pleased to get so much info about the Linx. I am able to get to Manchester and in June I am going to push my specialist to do the PH and manometry tests so that I can at least miss those off the costs and also get a full diagnosis.

      I am so pleased the op changed your life and honestly I am getting to the stage where I would not hesitate to go through the procedure as the nausea is really causing me to destroy everything around me and I just cannot stop being grumpy.

      I had an ultra sound and that came back "unremarkable" according to the spcialist although I do have real issues in going to the toilet (Compacted or flat stools) when not either eating unhealthily or drinking and so may be there is something else to look into there. Do you think changing specialist will help? I have literally been going for 4 years!! I have had about 4 appointments during that time. I had 2 endoscopiues. First one only took a biopsy for helico bacter as operator was adament that is all it could be as the inflammation was so bad. I then had to have anither one as they did not check for anything else during the first one but I came back negative. I had that one around 14 months ago!! Just devastated by the lack of care and help I have had, but so pleased to hear about Linx and especially from someone who has had it done. Was the procedure hard to bounce back from?

    • Posted

      Hi,  well I hope you find the answers somehow. The consultant who did my LINX was Prof. Basil Ammori, brilliant, Consultant Bariatric & Laparoscopic Surgeon at Salford Royal Hospital, Manchester, but it was done at the private Spire Hospital, through the Reflux Centre, who I believe have the rights to the device for the UK, but not sure about that.

      I am told certain NHS trusts now do the operation, it might be worth finding out which trusts, I think when I had it done, Exeter and Surrey were about to start it on the NHS. Someone also told me you can now ask to be referred to another trust to have it on the NHS, but don't know how true that is. If there is any chance to get it on the NHS, it is certainly worth some serious effort for the saving ! 

      The op for me was very easy, I could eat absolutely normally, even the first meal that evening after the operation, no problem.  Even later I had no problem with the swallowing/ dysphagia, which a lot of people seem to suffer with  (with both procedures, the LINX or the Nissan.)

      The issue I had after the operation, was quite unpleasant but very much connected to the fact that I was one of the very early attempts I think -  I had been told to come off a very high dose of Ezomeprazol immediately after the op, (I wouldn't need it) That started off a process of  saliva/ phlegm production as soon as I would eat anything, a lot of it, which then made me wretch, choke and be sick. After a week / 10 days we tried going back on the Ezomeprazol, to see if it might have been that, it felt better immediately and the saliva etc stopped within a few days and I then gradually cut down the dose from 80 to 40 to 20 to 10 mg and came off it without any further problem. and no nausea, cough or acid reflux.

      Due to the scarring in my oesophagus, very small - light food gets stuck by creating a bit of a dam - which can set off a spasm that is a bit like cramp - and you have to must keep calm and let it work it's way down without eating or drinking anything else, which can take a while and is not nice. So I avoid dry, fluffy, light rice, (like Pilau in Indian) but that is really all. I have not had any problem with the device since they put it in, other than the chest/ centre back pain as per above. which I really wish I could get rid of, as it is painful, and I am still searching for what might help.

      I was due to have a Nissan Fundoplication, but after extensive research came to the conclusion it was not for me. Too many people ended up, if it did not go well, with a situation that can not be remedied. At least, even if it cost a lot of money in the first place, as a very last resort, the LINX is fully reversible should it end up worse than before, the other advantage over Nissan, is the fact that you can still be sick with a LINX, you can't with (or only very few can) with the Nissan, gassy foods and drinks  (....and  I love Brandy & Coke !!) can also cause a real problem after a Nissan  - and then have to be avoided all together, which led me to the LINX in the US at that time, which was only just being considered in the UK. Best of Luck !!!

    • Posted

      Sounded pretty horrendous. You are a true pioneer!! Thanks for all the info and advice. I am going to push for all the tests and then if i am a candidate I will push to have the procedure done. I am on Benenden and they may fund it if my specialist says I am a candidate...........fingers crossed! Will keep you posted. Specialist appt not till June sad
    • Posted

      Hi Swissmiss1291

      I came across your post about the LINX Operation. I myself have had a discussion with Dr Basil Ammori earlier today about the LINX Operation.

      After having the PH manometry tests for the second time, he believes my gullet is too weak for the LINX to be fitted.

      However he is going to send me for the test again but with food rather than water in hope that my gullet will respond better.

      I have everything crossed for this as I would much prefer the LINX to the Nissen Op.

      Is this something that you came across or was everything okay for you to go ahead with the LINX?

      Any information or help would be greatly appreciated



  • Posted

    Hi Paul

    Sorry you are suffering. I am in a similar situation, had my gallbladder out, Nissen surgery etc and feel 10 x worse. Bloating, cant sleep due to discomfort, cant breathe properly any more, flatulence, nausea, sweating etc etc. My consultant has been seeing me for 3 years and I get the impression he's had enough of me now.

    I am trying to look at this logically

    1)   food intolerances - definately worth trying

    2)   plenty of good probiotics to get the gut healthy

    Another thing to read up about is vagus nerve damage (especially if you have had gastro surgery. This nerve controls a lot of functions and if it goes out of balance you can have all sorts of problems. This does not get picked up on scans, x rays etc which is why nobody thinks anything is wrong.

    Amitriptyline is supposed to be good (just been prescribed some so time will tell)

    Definately worth reading up about

    • Posted

      thanks mb, is the amitriptyline for the vagus nerve? Have you looked into food intolerences or is that something that you think could be useful for me? I am just sooooooo tired of feeling like this.........just desperate!
    • Posted

      My specialist did a blood test for diabetes but when that was negative he ruled out gastroparesis. I think he should do other tests too because I am sure that the way my stomach empties has something to do with this and your idea about the vagus nerve would point towards that area. I am going to push for other tests! Wish me luck and thanks and also please keep me posted as to how you are getting on. Paul
    • Posted

      Hi Paul

      I did (eventually) get food testing done. strange - we all look at gluten/dairy as being the usual suspects. I was intolerant to things which were healthy (several fruits/veg/sugar/yeast). Quite an eye opener. So much for the 5 a day LOL.

      The Amitriptyline (Elavil) is to help with the vagus nerve. It is also being used a lor for reflux quite successfully. If you google Prof Jamie Koufman and vagus nerve/amitriptyline there is some useful info.Let us know how you get on

    • Posted

      Wow, really interesting.....thanks for getting back to me again. You have more information than I have had from any pro doc! So was the food testing done on the NHS? Gonna look into Elavil. Thanks again, really grateful.
    • Posted

      Hi Paul

      Nooo Doc didn't think it was worth it as she said the only real way is to do an elimination diet. This is sort of true, however you could go on for years trying to get to the bottom of it. Cutting out dairy/bread is ok, but in my case I would never have thought I had a severe issue with potatoes!!

      They can at least do a basic blood test to see if you have any weird IgA results. I paid to go to a natural health clinic for the testing (they also found I had candida overgrowth). I have learnt so much from these forums and my own research and I think we are better helping ourselves. GPs aren't specialised enough. My consultant is great but i tell him what I have found out and he usually goes off to check (not how it is supposed to work LOL). I must admit if you can find a natural remedy you will be better off. I really do recommend probiotics to get you started as they make you feel so much better.(I'm on 30 billion/day)

      Docs say the digestive system is the second brain so if its unhappy so is the rest of you

    • Posted

      Great info, thanks for the info again. I am interested in the pro biotics idea, is that basically eating Activia yogurts or should I be looking at actual suplements? If so where do you get them from and what should I be taking in terms of dosage. Thanks again for your help, really informative.
    • Posted

      Hi Paul

      Personally, I think the tablets are better (and cheaper in the long run). Much higher levels of probiotics without the added sugar/preservatives.

      Any heath food store does them. Store bought yogurts aren't as healthy as you think.

      You could start on a lower strength (4 billion/tablet) these cost about £8 for a couple of months supply. I am on 30 billion/tablet and these are £18 for a month

    • Posted

      Just bought 2 months of 5 billion (couldn't find 4) and will start them as soon as they arrive. Thanks for the advice. Will let you know how I am getting on. Would you say one pill a day?

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