Wild Yam Cream Update
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Hello to my wonderful band of sisters here on this Forum. This place has been a REFUGE to me. Let me say it again...this place has been a: REFUGE!!!
I am so grateful for this forum and for all of you! I followed you ladies and spent hours upon hours before officially joining this forum in June and finally had the courage to post and share in this journey with you.
I've been having 8 "better" days. 8! This feels like a miracle to me.
I started that wild yam cream on August 9. I started for the first 7 days on 10 mg in am and 10mg in pm. I an now on 20mg am and 20mg pm. I do not know if it is placebo or not - but then I'm thinking I will take the placebo, right?
I wanted to share this because I've been inspired and encouraged by each of you who have had positive results when you find a supplement, vitamin, bhrt, anti-depressant, etc. I knew I had to try something and I'm starting with this wild yam cream. My friend who was in pharmacy for years was the one who suggested I start with this wild yam cream and also recommended several menopause books that I've been poring over.
I hope this inspires some! I know you can all relate to clinging to "better" days. You've all been there for me when I suffered for weeks on end since June. I know this can be a roller coaster - but I now have a written record here on this forum that I really did experience 8 "better" days.
8 likes, 23 replies
Guest Finny2018
Hi Finny! So happy for you..I hope next month you have 9 and so on🙏. I will add that to my list of “ ask abouts”. 😉
2chr2015 Finny2018
Finny2018 2chr2015
2chr2015- Here is how my month of August looked (after irregular periods for months) - I will be 50 in November:
August 1 - period was due - had no period
August 9th - started 10mg of wild yam in morning and 10mg at night
August 16th - got a period 15 days late (they recommend stopping cream during period and restarting after 5-7 days)
August 22 - increased to 20mg of wild yam in morning and 20mg at night
August 24th - started noticing I was feeling less "fragile", hot flashes slowing down during the day
The most troubling symptom was feeling so down for the first time at aged 49 - like a dark cloud was over me and my life had no color. My life is beautiful and blessed, 2chr - so I knew it had to be hormones. A saliva test confirmed extremely low progesterone - so that is why I started the wild yam.
A good friend of mine in pharmacy recommended I try the wild yam first; as some people respond well. I'm planning to keep at it for 3 months. She said it significantly stopped her low mood and anxiety. I pray that this will be the result for me, too.
I have felt so fragile sine June 11, 2018 - I didn't want see anyone. I was so exhausted. It was awful. When a hot flash would come on - symptoms would be all over the board with each flash. Sometimes I felt like I could start weeping. For me - when I say I've had 8 better days - this is the emotional side of it all. That, by far, is the hardest of all of the symptoms - the emotional side of it.
PattyZ Finny2018
Finny2018 PattyZ
Hi Patty - Maybe some of the other women would know the answer to compound form?
The wild yam cream I am using is basically USP Progesterone Cream sold under many different brand names. I have also considered the one in Australia (I don't know if I can provide product names here?); this is also from the wild yam and their company boasts of several hundred thousand women who have had positive results. They are currently out of stock until mid-September.
The main reason I chose to use it was from all of the research I did on anxiety and depression being a result of low progesterone; and natural progesterone offered marked results.
I had this anxiety and depression experience for the first time when my cycle lasted just one day and then looking back I believe that same timeframe I also had an anovulatory cycle. These were the most difficult symptoms - don't get me wrong; the physical was awful as well...but being so fragile and unable to deal with it was by far the worst of all.
I don't know much about the compound progesterone; but I do plan to have a consultation with a compounding pharmacy if I do not see continued benefits with this natural one.
Can I ask how long you've been using yours? I would love to hear your experience!!!
I also get my period; although it's been very irregular, flow is different, lots of changes with it.
PattyZ Finny2018
2chr2015 Finny2018
Finny2018 PattyZ
Hi Patty - the brand names I researched were: Emerita Pro-Gest, Anna's Wild Yam Cream and Progesterall. If you google any of these brands; it should provide their website or take you to Amazon. I hope this helps! I am currently trying the Emerita Pro Gest. I see they also sell it at Whole Foods in the states.
PattyZ Finny2018
Hello again!! I found where I can get the wild yam cream
I will Definitely order some from the lady Down Under 👍.
lori93950 Finny2018
Yes I’ve tried the Emerita it’s good if your symptoms aren’t too bad . I had to get something stronger as I was just debilitated but I did notice some difference with this brand .
Finny2018 lori93950
Lori - I'm glad to hear it's a brand you tried! I'm open to the other brands; just thought I'd start with this.
I started with 10mg/twice a day and now I am up to 20mg/twice per day. From some of the books I've read, they've recommended higher loading doses the first 3 months.
I am seeing results with the 20mg/twice per day and had little results when using just the 10mg.
My depression, fatigue and anxiety have nearly all but lifted along with a lot of other symptoms - but those symptoms were the ones that drove me to try this cream (I still get the icky anxiety and weirdness with some of my flashes/night sweats -thankfully not all of them). I will do this for the 3 months and then have my levels checked again.
Some of the recommendations say to apply more creams on tougher/anxiety type of situations. Interesting - I haven't tried that.
mrs_susan74280 Finny2018
lori93950 Finny2018
Finny2018 mrs_susan74280
Hi Susan - I started with the Emerita Pro Gest for my first 3 months to see how it goes. My second attempt (if this doesn't continue the results) will be to try the Progesterall. Right now I am seeing improvements and am grateful. I will get my saliva tested again at the 3 month mark to see if my progesterone levels have improved.
audra86673 Finny2018
Woohoo!! 8 better days! That is certainly something to celebrate! So happy for you! I know you're enjoying every minute of it! Here's to many more better days! Thanks for the positive and informative post!
Finny2018 audra86673
Thanks, Audra! I remember one of your prior replies to me sharing that you were starting to see more better days after those first few awful months. I am hoping this will also be the experience for me. I realize it will be a rocky road - but am so thankful and relish in these days that I feel almost "myself".