Will I die today? :(
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Hi all,
I need reassurance.
I know I am pre-menopausal as I have all the weird symptoms that a lot of you ladies have accept the flushes...yet.
One of the most concerning symptoms is heart related (or not). The doctors all know me at the hospital as I've been there many times, and most recently thinking I'm going into cardiac arrest, or something terrible to do with my heart and I'd keel over.
Everything comes back normal always. So I am led to believe that what I think is heart issues is hormonal. The symptoms usually are shortness of breath, struggling to catch breath and this happens from the evening into the night, and especially when I'm lying down. I have lost so much sleep as I'm scared I will die in my sleep.
Weirdly, I get a feeling like my heart stops, and then I panic and feel pins and needles in my rib/chest/diaphragm area, and a sensation like butterflies. Its odd and uncomfortable which also adds to anxiety. If this is all hormonal then I'm not sure how I can cope with this for how many years. Sometimes I try and focus on other things quickly and it dissipates somewhat, but still scary every time it happens and just wish it wouldn't. I don't want my life to be like this, I'm only 42.
These symptoms are just one of many. I have crashing fatigue, bloated belly out of nowehre, lack of appetite, and when I do eat, I feel so full I can't breathe and my belly expands to pregnancy level, crying all the time, feelings of doom, everyday I think I am dying a horrible disease..I digress.
What to do about the heart stopping sensation, it freaks me out and catches me off guard?. I also notice it comes on when I kneel on a seat, so I get up quickly. But for the most part it just comes on randomly.
Argh, how to survive. Am I better of dead. I'm scared to go for HRT. š¦ Anyway help would be appreciated.
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Zvo loonarider
i am so sorry that you are suffering. i went through something very similar what you described. have you made a visit to a cardiologist? they can run some tests to rule out common issues. i was able to reduce the number of attacks by changing my diet and controlling my reflux. i also started taking magnesium which helps too. good luck and i hope you find some resolution
loonarider Zvo
I had all tests done, ekg, chest scans you name it. They looked for all "serious possiblities" and everything came back normal.
Still, it doesn't stop the panic and anxiety, and feelings of impending doom when the physical symptoms are so real. š¦
Thank you.
shannonmairs7 loonarider
This ridiculous, horrible, debilitating anxiety is the WORST!
Hang in there!!
eloise94644 Zvo
hi can i ask what milligram of magnesium you are taking to help?
Zvo eloise94644
i take 200 in the morning and another 200 before bed. it can cause stomach issues so i try to space it out. its magnesium glycinate.
CaliforniaMel loonarider
Oh, sweetie.
First of all, of course keep pressing for some sort of medical, official reassurance that your heart is fine.
Second: YES, I got this for two years. After that I had a year of waking up with my heart pounding, but for those first three years I LITERALLY asked exactly what you're asking, "Oh my God. Is this it? Is today the day I die?"
It happened more often in the morning, either very early (like 3AM) or when I was just getting up. OR it would happen very very late at night. So during that time frame.
My heart would STOP (or it felt like it) and then THUMP "started" again. Terrifying. Terrifying!
My heart was fine. My doctor would never officially say it was menopause but I have no other explanation.
Sassyr12a loonarider
Hello love
Your post just sums up the journey for most, but over the years my anxiety was centred around health... Exactly as you said, aware of my heart beat, skipped bears, short of breath, even arm pain. It sounds like you have anxiety driven by your hormones and it genuinely can feel like it's the end of the world. Last year when I hit meno properly I knew I wasn't going to be able to function without hrt and it made a massive difference. Its not for everyone but if this is taking over your life its got yo be worth looking into? I had 18 months mostly good but had to stop due to migraine so now I'm trying anti depressants. Please don't suffer in silence, find a good doctor.... You can't feel worse. I wish you luck and love xx
Takingtime loonarider
Loonarider, You poor dear, I know what you are going through as I am sure all these other ladies can relate. When the symptoms come that is where my thought goes too. I spend two years at the doctors for heart tests, ultra sounds, x-rays, blood tests, all to be told everything is great. You would think that would be enough to boost my confidence, but when these things pop up from no where you think did they miss something? All this makes our anxieties worse and then the symptoms worse. I used to get offended when they said it's more than likely anxiety causing this, but now I have come to the realization that I do have anxiety....health anxiety, social anxiety....are the two main ones that I battle with. I have had the short of breath symptom, that was the first visit to the ER.......it turned out it was an anxiety attack. I wish I could say to you there is a quick fix for this, but there isn't. I have found that deep breathing, meditating, stretching has helped, essential oils, and putting my focus on other things that give me joy, otherwise it would swallow me up. I have bought some great books that offer great tips for reducing anxiety. Changing diet, exercise and eliminating toxic relationships has been key. We are so sensitive during this phase I find, sensitive to our symptoms, our emotions and our feelings. We become more in tune with ourselves and our needs, and sometimes it takes some changes in our own lives to help us regain our strength back. You are not alone.
dev77856 loonarider
Did I write this? I swear Iām dying . as soon as a sit or lay doen thr heart contractions or spasms start on my chest and groin and leg. once it was so bad my whole body sid involuntary U-shaped curves inward thrn my legs gave out and i was freezing and i coild t talk. i too have been hospitilized. thry sent me homr with a anxiety diagnosjs. f**k them...
my back hurt so bad and im scared to sleep too which causes crying kike a tired baby.
if u can go on hormones and save yourself five years of pute torture woth menopause...
jane66356 loonarider
It's more than likely anxiety and/or hormonal. But one thing that struck me is what you said about struggling for breath especially when you lay down at night. I used to have that problem in my early 30s and was diagnosed with asthma.
Have you had your lung function checked?It's something that can be easily done by a pulmonologist probably even your family doctor.
I have gone through issues with my heart thinking I was going to have a heart attack. Had a 48-hour holter monitor and everything checked out fine. My heart rate will go up to around 140 bpm out of no where while I'm sleeping. What fun! Talk about anxiety - it's hormonal though. I'm 53 and just started having issues with tachycardia this year.
I am also prone to anxiety/panic so when the hormones have gone out of whack, it can make things worse.
But I would maybe check into your lung function. Just a suggestion. Do you have any wheezing?
loonarider jane66356
Interesting you mention that. I have booked a spirometry test with my GP to check for asthma. Thank you so much, its terrible what we have to go through. I love that we can all vent our concerns here. It is comforting.
jane66356 loonarider
Here's a website that may help shed light too:
Guest loonarider
Sounds like me three years ago. I drove myself to the ER so many times convinced I was having a heart attack. I too was convinced I was dying of a horrible disease because along with the heart symptoms I also had so many other symptoms including feeling like I had a constant flu. All my work ups would come back normal including a cardiac one. Since my periods have finally started to stop (last one was about 4 months ago) these symptoms are starting to calm down. Now I'm getting normal hot flashes which were missing all those years. I really believe that these heart related feelings and the other stuff you are experiencing is a precursor to the hot flash.
All I can say to reassure you is that you have had lots of tests and there isn't anything wrong with your heart. All the symptoms you are experiencing goes with bad perimenopause. Could be related to anxiety that is also aggravated from peri. And I can tell you that I'm still here three years later when I was sure I wouldn't be.
Now when I get some of those heart feelings, as well as other things, I just reassure myself that it IS indeed hormone related. I know it's hard to believe that the imbalance can cause so many dreadful symptoms, but it really can.
jane66356 loonarider
Just one more reply....
Here's some of the symptoms of asthma:
People may experience:
Cough: can be chronic, can occur at night, dry, during exercise, mild, severe, or with phlegm
Respiratory: breathing through the mouth, difficulty breathing, fast breathing, frequent respiratory infections, rapid breathing, shortness of breath at night, or wheezing
Also common: anxiety, chest pressure, early awakening, fast heart rate, flare, or throat irritation
cyndi38349 loonarider
so sorry you are going through this. I did too exactly the same. I had total cardiac work up, blood tests, endoscopy and yes everything was normal. It sounds like anxiety/ panic attack brought on by hormone fluctuations. I take a low dosage anti depressant and I have xanax incase I get a bad attack. After 2 yrs it has calmed down , I'm now 51. Hang in there, deep even breathes and try to control your stress. you will get through this! hugs