Will my son survive burst appendix
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Im so worried, son had his appendix removed yesterday morning, only just found out like 1/2 hr. ago that the surgeon told him it had infact burst, his now on anitbiotics by drip. He is 37, All i keep reading is people die from this, is there any who dont and are ok after removal. What can we exspect now? Desperate mum fad and partner
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Yvonne72736 susan556
All the best to yourself and best wishes to your son.
faye.l.moore Yvonne72736
susan556 Yvonne72736
How dreadful for your daughter to pick up pneumonia as well! didnt realise one could pick up this.
Also i replied to Faye so please read my post there as to the update on our son.
Sue x
lisa91844 susan556
Good luck he will be back to himself very soon x
susan556 lisa91844
faye.l.moore susan556
What a worry for you. I really hope your son starts to feel better soon. It's easy to say not to worry but mummies always do. I had a gangrenous burst appendix, and terrible infection whilst being pregnant. Me and my prem daughter were pumped full of antibiotics - me for about 3 months. I did get a secondary infection in my wound as I had open surgery not keyhole, hence the long stay and obviously my baby arrived very early due to this.
I would say if they have it out and your son is on antibiotics with no other infection he should be out of the woods.
When he eats get him things like apricots and nuts, (iron and healthy fats).
I wish him the fullest recovery and hope your worries are reassured. I hope you can take solace from the fact that I am still here and my 3 month prem daughter made it after we both got septacemia.
your son will be ok xx please update this post let us know how he is! x
susan556 faye.l.moore
This morning they now saying it didnt burst, but had been leaking for months maybe who knows and they found infection had spread to his bowels and like you full of gangrene hence the open surgery.
How long after your surgery did they realise it had turned to septacemia.?
He looked alot better this afternoon and are planning to reduce the antibiotics by drip to the tablets, have removed his urine bag too
This was all due to family dr, negligence too, told him he IBS.!![rolleyes](https://patient-info-assets-hdd5b7gscpejgqd3.a01.azurefd.net/forums/emoticons/rolleyes.gif)
Susa xx
faye.l.moore susan556
I wasn't started on antibiotics straight away like your son, I think because I was so heavily pregnant they had to be careful of the baby, so unfortunately I didn't have a head start! My infection set in 4 days post op. My wound had a red ring around it, it was painful and it spread very quickly, by that point I was very unresponsive that's how they knew! i had tachycardia, high temp and was in and out of consciousness, I was like that for about 2 weeks and had an antibiotic drip hooked up day and night for about 3 weeks. The antibiotic administration was relentless they would do it all the through the night. I don't remember much but like I said I had NO antibiotics after, your son already has started them so as long as his wound heals well also there should be no problem
I think it's very good that they are reducing antibiotics he must be responding well xx
Sending you prayers and hugs.
Faye xx
susan556 faye.l.moore
susan556 faye.l.moore
Yvonne72736 susan556
Kind regards, and look after yourself too!
Dee06 susan556
I went to my GP and was given antibiotics for a water infection. After experiencing abdominal pain for 6 days, I had a friend take me to A&E and they performed an emergency operation that day (keyhole surgery not possible either.)
I also had a ruptured ovarian cyst so fallopian tube and ovary have been taken away and so has a section of my colon.
A benign tumour was also found in the area of my appendix. I was in hospital for 7 days.
Although still under the care of the hospital due to the tumour, I hope to be returning to work within the next couple of weeks.
I wish your son a speedy recovery and I am sure he will be up and about before you know it.
I hope this goes some way to alleviating your worry.
The very best of wishes to you and your son.
susan556 Dee06
Was it the appendix that caused the ruptured ovairian cys or were these two different accounts? I ask this as they said my sons insides were a total mess where the appendix had been leaking?
First they said it had ruptured then next morning said it happened, now they are saying it has.
Did you get cut up from your navel down wards too? It seems a high place to get to the appendix to me. Om sure they arnt giving us all the facts hear.
Anyways all being well he may be allowed home this afternoon, so thanks again for everyone who had answered my post and wished my son well.
Sue xxx
susan556 Dee06
Wishing you to a speedy recovery
Sue xx
Dee06 susan556
I'm not sure if the cyst ruptured first or the appendix.....or maybe both at the same time.
I have a scar that is about an inch above my belly button and it goes all the way down.
I hope your son is now out of hospital. It takes time but as each day passes, its a day closer to recovery. I hope you too are feeling better....it's such a worry. I know I would be the same if it was one of my children. I am a single parent so my mum has been looking after me since I came out of hospital, she was beside herself with worry.
I wish you and your son all the very best.
Take care.
susan556 Dee06
LIke you he had the cut just above his belly button downwards and now has staples there, He is worried they took him of the iv drip and drainage too soon, i just dont know.
I can well understand how you mum must have felt too. JUst hope thers no after wards comlications now
Sue xx
lisa91844 susan556
susan556 lisa91844
How long ago did you have your op? not only is he dealing with his appendix being taken out but also the gangrene they found inside him too which developed from the leaking appendix. probably for months. xxx
lisa91844 susan556
Took over 4 hours of surgery. My wound was leaking "stuff" out for 5 months. I was in hospital for a month had a bag and a vacun draining the stuff out. When finally discharge I was seeing a nurse every 2/3 days to have my dressing changed. I am perfectly fine now and not had any other issues but was a very long process x
susan556 lisa91844
lisa91844 susan556
My wound was leaking continually none of the dressing the nurse did worked that well. The doctor said they had vacuumed all the poison out when they operated but my body continued making more stuff although wasn't poisonous. . No one really explained it properly. The took the staples out as they wanted my wound to heal from the bottom to stop.
Open surgery is like having a ceasarian no drivjng , lifting exercise couldn't have a bath for months. Have they said to you when he would be out. They said to me in a few days that lasted a month. Xx
susan556 lisa91844
I dont think they explained enough and dont think he is fully aware now of just how open surgery is like having a ceasarian. I dont think they have a shower either! xx
Dee06 susan556
My drain was taken out about 4 days after the operation and I stopped receiving antibiotics. My dressing was changed only the once in hospital but my wound was very clean so didn't need changing anymore than that.
My staples were taken out by the district nurse about 14 days after the operation.
I went back to hospital for a blood test and a chest scan (I think this is standard procedure) its to make sure the poison/mass hasnt spread.
I had a colonscopy about 2 weeks ago because they have removed part of my colon which was damaged also.
It's been 10 weeks since the op and I am feeling so much better. There is still quite a lot of tenderness both left and right sides of my stomach. I'm not sure if this will improve in time or its just something that I've got to live with.
I sympathise a great deal for your son but he will improve in time.
Give him my best wishes.
I'm glad I found this forum....it's helped me a lot too.
Take care
susan556 Dee06
Sue xx
lisa91844 susan556
susan556 lisa91844
lisa91844 susan556
Dee06 susan556
I don't see why the nurse can't pop in everyday! Has he asked if he can have home visits? Maybe if he explains that he has no transport and obviously he can't drive himself at the moment. I don't think its fair that he should be travelling backwards and forwards everyday....it's ridiculous!
I had a nurse visit for about four days to administer Clexane injections but my mum was shown how to do it so the nurse no longer had to visit. All the cut-backs I suppose!
I wish your son all the best.
faye.l.moore susan556
I'm sorry to hear your sons wound is not healing as well. Does he have a VAC pump in? I had to have a vac pump in for 3 months in my wound and I had to go and have it changed every other day at hospital. The first 7 weeks was ok because I was in hospital the whole time so it didn't matter but when I was discharged I had to return like that every other day for a month and then when they took it out surgically (the last time) then I was able to my GP for another month to have it packed. The depth was only about 2cm by that point. I feel your frustration but maybe they want to keep tabs on it too??
Faye xx
susan556 lisa91844
Sue xx
susan556 faye.l.moore
No he doenst have a vac pump in as far as im aware.It seems the staples didn't do the job and now he has a gaping wound, he litterally had to get himself to the doctors today to have his dressing changed, it took him half hr. to get there as he found it hard to walk, normaly takes him 7 mins. Surley a district nurse should of been calling on him to do this? He simply cant be doing this every single day. my hubby is able to take him tomorrow and what about the weekend when when there is no surgery?
Sue xx
faye.l.moore susan556
I really feel your frustration. When I was having it done in hospital even when I had to go back when I was discharged, if it was the weekend and it did fall on a Sunday a few times the nurses at hospital were very good and would come in on there days off and evenings just to change my VAC pump at the hospital. I was very lucky in that respect. When it was much shallower and I was going to my GP's to have it packed if it fell on a Sunday they would just see me on the Monday instead. So would just wait an extra day. It is difficult and i was the same position, was unable to drive until it was closed and walking was a real struggle I had to get someone to take me every time and I felt such a burden but everyone made time for me and to support me. I think maybe speak to your GP's office and see if there is a service available to you to discuss options for the level of care that your son requires?? Hospital gave me no end of contact numbers for all sorts of people so I had lots of support back in my community. I spoke to the district nurses a couple of times and they were always lovely, so supportive and always went out of there way for me, especially with pain relief of it was a weekend and I was running low. Ask hospital for phone numbers too of required? xxx
Just quickly you will know if your son has a vac pump they are very different from drains and packing. They have small machines/pumps attached to tubing in wound, continuously pumping out infection.
I really hope you find the treatment he needs to make his healing process a little easier
Faye xx
susan556 faye.l.moore
well no he didnt have the vac pump in. Today my hubby went with Steve and told them its not acceptable that he should be having to struggle and walk for half hr. every day there and back, a total of 1hrs walking in the state he is. He said the hopsital never obviously arranged any after care so it needs to be sorted from hear. In the end she agreed so lets hope he gets a visit tomorrow. Glad you had the support bacause he hasnt had any. He even found it diffucult to get into our car.
Sue xx