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Seriously... Why why all these crazy symptoms?? None of this is normal.. I feel like I've died but I'm still in my body!!! mentally, physically.. No stamina, dizzy shaky nausea, joint pain migraines, emotional, just plain SICK.. will any of this ever go away??
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Guest Gypsy014
I completely empathize - it is brutal. I have days when I truly feel as if I am dying. I go to a very dark place emotionally when it is at its worst. The only thing that gives me hope is that there are stretches of time that the awful symptoms will lift and I will feel like me again! I live for those times. I have spent the last 4 years trying to figure out how to make those times stay but inevitability the symptoms return again. I had no idea this time of my life would be like this. I was not prepared at all. Wishing you well.
Gypsy014 Guest
Thank you Kim! Me either I wasn't prepared for any of this.. And its just so hard to try and figure all this out, when you truly feel as if this is it I'm going to die.. These symptoms are no joke all. I too have tried pretty much everything to try and keep these symptoms from returning , but they just keep coming and going and coming and going, and for that little bit of relief that we all do experience every month really is our only hope of better days ahead, fingers crossed, but not so sure.. Awful times right now, just simply awful..😢
Gypsy014 Guest
Sent too soon. But for what its worth I find myself doing a lot of praying! And I pray for all of us to just be well again, and for all this suffering to stop..🙏
2chr2015 Guest
bev27429 Gypsy014
Hi Gypsy,
I completely understand where you are coming from. This has been the most confusing and terrifying time of my life. It is so difficult not to have control over my body and my mind.
I think that one of the most frustrating parts is that there just isn't a pattern to make me feel better. I can be in a terribly dark place, and then, without doing anything, the mood just lifts, and I feel normal.
I am constantly reassuring myself that these hormone fluctuations are temporary, and that when everything settles down, so will my symptoms. Living it on a day to day basis, though, is so incredibly tough.
I tell myself to just keep doing things that I enjoy (or used to), stay focused, move forward with my life, and one day things will change.
I, too, have windows when I feel well, and I relish them, even if they are short-lived. They remind me that I will always return to my peaceful, happy self. When I am up, it seems impossible that it will ever change, and when I am down it is hard to imagine feeling good again.
Hang in there, Gypsy. Know that so many other women are having to go through what you are, and remind yourself that nothing lasts forever.
Take care of yourself.
Gypsy014 bev27429
Hi bev, I really do live for those days that are good.. And I feel the same as you, on those really bad days its so hard to imagine good days ahead, I'm just at a loss for words for how bad this all really is! I too try and tell myself all hormones this will get better, but then here comes the crazy voices in my head nope no its not, something else is making this happen, why else would you be feeling like your dying!! And then all the crazy anxiety starts along with all the crazy symptoms that go along with the anxiety.. What a mess, the hardest part is waiting for this to all be over.. Just like the tom petty song the waiting is the hardest part... So go ahead if you know the song sing it with me... THE WAITINGGGGG ISSSS THEEE HARDESTTTTT PARTTTTTT LOL....
bev27429 Gypsy014
Hi Gypsy,
I totally agree. When I don't feel well, I keep questioning myself: is this hormones or is it something else? I have to ask people close to me what they think, in order to reassure myself. It's just so hard for me to believe that hormones can cause such debilitating symptoms!
Guest Gypsy014
Gypsy014 Guest
dora_39625 Gypsy014
You've just described how I'm feeling today! Exact symptoms... it's so awful..
Hope you feel normal soon.
I woukd love to know that feeling again! 😂
Gypsy014 dora_39625
Hi Dora, yes awful all of this.. Today especially.. Here's to better days ahead.. Hope your symptoms pass quickly for you.. ?
terra93758 Gypsy014
I am new to this group but not new to this feeling as you describe! 41yrs old and have been premenopausal for the last 4 years and for the last year I have been experiencing all of the symptoms you describe!!! Just was told last week from Dr I have vertigo and possibly the rest is just the hormones 😩.....
Gypsy014 terra93758
Hi terra, welcome! Yes we all have the same exact symptoms, and they're exhausting, scary, debilitating, to say the least... Yes the vertigo is definitely a part of peri as well.. Not fun, it makes me feel like I'm walking sideways.. But welcome to the group, your not alone when your here, we all feel the same..
evi75119 Gypsy014
Dear lady,
?same here and I am only 32 years old..I am in perimenopause but still having regular periods but horrible strgen defieciency symptoms on da daily basis...
?I have read that perimenopause may last 10-12 years...I am already tired of this..
?I was not prepared too and especially so early in my life....IT IS AWFUL! I I believe that demons have conquered my body through hormones..Sometimes I am praying and other I hate God for this torture but I regret it after...
?Are you taking HRT? I am thinking of it seriously..
?I keep saying to myself "Breath, breath till your last moment...fight! "But it is very very difficult...I used to be very brave and strong but now this has defeated me
Many times I doubt if I will feel normal again...I have forgotten how normal is...
Gypsy014 evi75119
Hi evi, yes I hear and read peri can last many many years, I had a hysterectomy at 27 still have ovaries so really have no idea where I'm at in my cycle however I do know a few years after my surgery maybe around the age of 30 I started with what I now know where peri symptoms all along, then i didn't put the 2 together but know better now, because when your uterus is removed it cuts off the blood supply to your ovaries, so even if your ovaries are left in you for a natural transition into menopause that doesn't happen, I started with all those crazy symptoms and still going thru it and I'm now 47, symptoms are so much worse now I'd say got really bad at 43 and have just increased to really unbearable now, if I had periods still to let me know I'm skipping or I'm bleeding heavy and they're here 2 or 3 times a month then I would know I'm nearing the end, but I don't get that just the awful crazy hormones, not that I want the bleeding don't get me wrong definitely don't.. But yes peri can last many many years, and 32 is not unheard of at all.. I'm not on any hormones my hysterectomy was for cervical pre cancer cells so doctor won't prescribe, and grandmother on moms side had breast cancer, so I'm not a candidate for it, but I am wondering if the BHRT is ok never asked but getting desperate for some sort of relief.. Keep the faith, and keep praying, for them better days ahead, nothing stays the same forever.. We have to believe that, take care ?
evi75119 Gypsy014
According to your post...you are "lucky" about your gynecologicals...Like me!
?At my 29 I had a rupture luteal cyst surgery and they removed a small part of my left ovary. After the operation the symptoms get much much worse than before interfering with my daily activities...
Now I have again another large cyst on my other ovary that has to be removed..My body has a tendency to creating ovarian cysts..Coincidence or a vicious circle between hormones and ovarian function?
?I do not know what kind of cyst I have now ..it seems like endometriosis..Only the biopsy can be conclusive.
?Yes, it is true that historic cancer does not makes you a suitable candidate for HRT treatment! It increases the risks.
?I have read to another forum that a woman who have done uterus ablation for painful periods, she could "track" her bleeding by her body temperature...sth like that...I do not remember exactly..
?In my case before my period starts I feel like having the flu, I have cold chills and some months during my periods I have terrible hot flashes, nausea and completely loss of appetite...
?I am trying to ignore the crazy voices that I will suffer till the last day of my life like this but I am desperate...I am going to ask for BHTR because I am afraid of osteoporosis and diabetes