Withdrawal no picnic

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My BP was a little high one day, my Cardiologist put me on 5mg of Amlodipine.  I never associated symptoms of short breath, anxiety, panic, malaise, etc., with the drug.  Rather, I was refered to a psychiatrist who added Lexapro.  When that didn't do the trick, Wellbutrine was added.  When that didn't improve the symptoms, the dose was doubled.  After several months, I became profoundly depressed.  All I thought about all day long was dying.  One day, I decided, "ENOUGH".  I quit everything.  Withdrawal is a bitch..miserable.  I've been suffering those effects for three months.  It slays me to think it was the Amlodipine the whole time.  Every Dr. of mine acts like I'm crazy...as if I'm a "problem child".  I find no sympathy.  Hope I get better.

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    I told my GP that there are so many complaints about Amlodipine that it should be yellow carded.  But she said it works with many other patients. There is so much pharmaceutical company lobbying of GPs ... it's the same with Statins.  A big, longitudinal study by Prof Beatrice Golomb at UCLA San Diego found that the risks of taking them, for older people, outweighed the benefits.  And so many others report side effects. But studies - often undertaken by experts with links to the pharmas, if not the pharmas themselves, imply there are no risks and no side effects.  

    I hopoe you get better, Michael.  

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    if your bp is a bit high try taking beetroot juice.Several reliable studies have found 250ml/day does the trick. i'm trying it at moment. hate medication
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      Let us know how that goes?  A friend tried it for several months.  Made no difference, but then, each one of us is different.
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      Thanks Marco, I'll try that.  I've never seen beet root juice in the store, would eating more beets do the trick?  (Since a beet is the root).  Beets are certainly easier to find, and probably less expensive.
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      Get my beetroot juice at Tesco @ 2£/litre but probly cheaper on-line. Don't know about  the root as the trials were done with juice. Google for more info.Too early for me to say whether it's making a difference but I'll try anything to get off or reduce meds. Wiil feedback after a month
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    Sorry to hear your doctor thought feeding you more drugs was the answer. It must have been a very difficult choice for you to quit and go cold turkey.  Withdrawal from SSRI medication is not easy and always recommended to take it slowly to minimise the inevitable symptons.  Just stay strong Michael.  Re blood pressure medication I have decided to avoid the drugs and take more exercise and try and lose some weight and not get too stressed by things - not easy sometimes.  Good luck Michael.
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      Thank Diana, I agree.  I'm going to try to keep my weight where it should be, and see if that doesn't keep my BP where it should be.  
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    I've been reading that marihuana can lower BP.  Has anyone ever tried it for that purpose?
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    For what it's worth, it's been eleven days since my last Amlodipine.  Day 4/5 was the worst.  Today, I'm fine.  I've been checking my BP twice a day and it remains in the 120's over 80's.  From what I know, that is supposed to be acceptable.  As I suspected, I didn't need it all along.   Onward now, lose another 5 or 8 pounds, build up my strength and don't look back...or waist time complaining about the medical system.  Thanks all for your interest and support.
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      Well done Michael.  Your BP definitely ok.  Stay strong and you'll be fine. All the best, Diana
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    Michael, I'm sorry to hear that and this is one person who believes you 100%. I went throught the same thing with my dr as well. She had the nerve to insult my intelligence with telling me I had the flu and then that I was emotionally unstable. This has been a 4 year battle for me because I now have nerve damage, muscle and tissue damage as well.

    Please let me know how youdo as you get further along and if I can be of any assistance to you.



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      I think I'm doing alright.  My BP tests consistently in the 120's over 80's,  Having quit so many drugs simulatiously, it's hard to differenciate which was causing the worst effect, but in a moment of clarity, I knew if I didn't make the decision to quit them all, I would lack the resolve to pull it off.  I would much rather take my chances and live free, than live in fear.
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      I'll 2nd that! Now if and when the day comes and I am able to heal my body from all this dmage. I will live free and not in fear as well. It's been a long, extremely difficult battle. But I haven't given in yet despite everything my body has been through! I'm glad you are doing well!
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      This may sound strange, but I have been making a deliberate attempt to rid my mind of all critical, judgement, & condemning thoughts.  I'm learning that negativity, even when it's directed toward others, bites me in the butt.  So to aid in my own recovery, I'm trying to be more mindful and loving.  It creates a much more positive energy in my body and I actually feel better.
    • Posted

      Hello Michael, I am so pleased you are feeling so much better.   To be able to empathise with others is good.  It seems these days there are many people who don't feel properly valued and just a few words can make an enormous difference.  You can see their faces light up with just a few positive comments and your heart can lift with them.  Keep up the good work. 
    • Posted

      Good for you! it is true that negative thinking has a direct effect on how we feel. And it goes without saying that if also effects others around us! Positive energy always trumps the negative! Don't forget to reach out to others if you need some help. We can all benefit from a helping hand and support each other!

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