withdrawal symptoms. .

Posted , 9 users are following.

Anyone else been on tramadol and finding giving them up very difficult?  After about twelve hours without one, I get trembling hands, nausea, horrifying nightmares, breathlessness. . . If you're taking tramadol and haven't tried giving it up yet, maybe you shuld think about getting off them as soon as possible. I've been taking about 100 mg a day for five weeks , quite a low dose. . . .and I have to say that it really helped the pain, and let me do the exercises and walk . . .but if I'd known giving them up was so difficult, I may have thought twice about it. . . Never thought I would be an  addict, but basically that's what it is. . .

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38 Replies

  • Posted

    They put me on Oxycodone ( a similar drug) as I have only ever taken tramadol once, we were staying overnight in a friends house, & I had a terrible hallucination so severe I was convinced there was a murderer in the bedroom - to this day I can still describe him! I had only had a total of 4 (it was 2 per dose, twice a day). Ironically, they were prescribed due to the terrible knee pain at the time!! I've waned myself down to 10mg a day, but still need them due to the fluid pockets & the pain this has caused. Nightmare isn't it!!
    • Posted

      It certainly is!  I don't think I could have coped just with paracetamol . . but I/m beginning to wonder whether I should have persevered more.. . . . While I'm taking it I feel OK . . not euphoric like some people say, but reasoanably pain free, but when I don't take them I'm back to the blubbering stage of the first week, and for no reason . . the pain really isn't that bad.  Last night the nightmares were terrible!  Yes, I had a murderer in the room too, but not a hallucination . . just a very vivid dream . . 
    • Posted

      Hi I had 3nights of hallucinations when I was in hospital after the op, hence my only being able to take paracetomal . They are really terrifying . Apparently I was screaming at the nurse who I thought were burgluring my house, I actually hit a nurse with my crutch and was found unconscious on the floor twice. Didn't know a thing about it, bet they were glad to see the back of me eh?
    • Posted

      You really were the model patient weren't you!  What on earth were they giving you in hospital???  I think the information given with the medication is untrue. . loads of people I've spoken to have been suffering hallucinations with this drug, and yet in the leaflet it says it is 'very rare' . . Liars, methinks!
    • Posted

      It certainly makes you wonder if the hospitals only tell you what they want you to know to keep you quite. They were giving me morphine plus sleeping tablets. They were ringing my son and daughter in law and telling them I might have had a brain bleed and I had 2 scans which showed not. It was only when my daughter in law who is a nurse asked them about my meds that it all got sorted. At the end of the day I just was allowed paracetomal and had to put up with it. Hope you are now feeling a little better x
    • Posted

      hanks! I've now heard of lots of people who have suffered hallucinations on tramadol . .I never got morphine in hospital . .would have loved it I think!  Hard, coping just on paracetamol . . .I'm noticing the pain a lot more today, but the withdrawal symptoms are much better . . just trembling feeling and a bit out of breath . . . nothing like yesterday!  Enjoy cyprus.
  • Posted

    Hi, poor you, I think tramadol are a quote strong drug, you are certainly getting quite severe withdrawal affects. I was only ever on paracetomal so didn't experience any thing like that. You can't win can you? I understand that give very good pain relief but at what cost? My nephew who is urgently awaiting a liver transplant was put on tramadol for a few weeks and experienced similar problems. Hopefully the withdrawal symtoms will go away soon, but I think perhaps you may have to seek further advice.what a nightmare scenario this op throws at you, you just can't win. Wish you well from tucks
    • Posted

      Yes, might go to the doc next week, although as far as i can see, its just a matter of putting up with it until it goes away! Thanks, tucks!
    • Posted

      Tramadol is great for short-term use, but on a regular basis it should be avoided, as should all Opioids if at all possible.

      In Palliative care Tramadol is often used in combination with other opioids such as Hydrocodone, Morphine, Fentanyl, Oxycodone or

      Hydromorphone, but in all situations great care has to be exercised in the administration of such drugs.

    • Posted

      I had hydrocodone in the States when I fractured my spine. .wonderful stuff, but I only took it for a week or so, and had no problem with leaving it . . While I was taking it, though, in spite of a lot of pain, I had a stupid grin on my face most of the time!  tramadol hasn't been like that at all . .just relieves the pain the bit, but doesn't make me euphoric.  Everyone seems to react differently to these drugs. . . .
    • Posted

      There's nothing quite like a bit of euphoria.

      How long have you been using Tramadol, and at what dosage?

    • Posted

      one week on tramadol, three times a day, 50 mg each tablet, and then five weeks on Zaldiar (37.5 g tramadol, 325 paracetamol) three times a day.. .Yes, I would love a bit of euphoria at the moment!  Still, fairly content with not a lot of pain, so lucky compared with some people!
    • Posted

      Your meds seem well within limits, and as long as the pain is under control what more could one ask for? Ah yes, a wee dram of euphoria, but they tend to frown on that in the UK - Spoil-Sports.

      I must say that I like your general attitude.

    • Posted

      You wuldn't have said that a few weeks ago!  I was  spineless, trembling, useless excuse for a person!
    • Posted

      Well you certainly are not that now.

      You should be very proud of your achievement in overcoming your problems, and franky I admire you.

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