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Hi. I have previously been on fluoxetine on and off since I was 18. I'm 36 now. At the end of last year I ended my relationship with my boyfriend. Whilst I'm glad I did, at first I was a bit peeved that he didn't care. So the back end of last year that coupled with university exams, etc I was a bit stressed. The start of this year, newly single I started going out drinking more with classmate. This probably made me feel more depressed and that my fluoxetine wasn't working. I went to my GP and she told me to go up to 60mg. I did. Still continued partying. My classmate made me go to A&E cos she thought I was suicidal on the 31/01/17. They told me to go up to 90mg of fluoxetine. I said I didn't think this was a good idea but took the advice along with the sleeping pills given to me. I should mention my classmate is on Venlafaxine herself. There was trouble in college between her and others and a falling out which lead to them not talking to me either. My friend's father also died a couple of weeks later so I was feeling extremely low. I got an appointment with the psychiatrist on April 10. He diagnosed me with major depressive disorder and prescribed me Venlafaxine. Told me to take 75mg for two days, 150mg for two and then 225mg therein if tolerated. I couldn't so I switched down to 150mg. On my follow up visit on 22 May I said that I felt terrible on the tablets. My depression was far worse than it had ever been. Had stopped going to college, etc. He then prescribed me mirtazapine at 15mg to take in conjunction with the Venlafaxine. Now on this mixture I just felt weird. Night sweats started with me changing my pjs up to three times a night and having to have shower at 4am on numerous occasions. Strangely tho on my follow up appointment on 12th June I claimed I was feeling 8/10 and wanted to continue on this mixture. Had reduced the Venlafaxine to 75mg at this point. Think I felt OK that day cos I had my brother staying with me the previous week and I otherwise live alone. A week later and I just became an irritated, highly emotional, in motivational, irrational MESS. Was meant to be back in on august 14 for review but last Tuesday 18 July my mam made me go to my GP who sent me straight to A&E as I just wanted to die. I saw no hope whatsoever for my future. Obsessing over a failed fling I had with a guy, not able to concentrate on the college work I need to do next month. I just wanted the pain to end. On call psych told me to take quetiapine on top of my meds until the following Monday, this Monday, when my psych could see me. I stopped taking the mirtazapine tho. I know I shouldn't have. Anyway this Monday the psych told me to discontinue my use of Venlafaxine altogether and start taking the mirtazapine again but at 30mg. Now I'm having withdrawals and I feel awful. Dizzy, drunk feeling, vertigo, nausea, insomnia, irritability, no motivation, suicide idealation and a feeling of worthlessness. I don't even want to take the mirtazapine either. I wish I had never taken either. I think I felt bad on the fluoxetine because of my drinking and the things that were going on at the time. Now life is pretty hard for me. I'm just so angry with myself for all the mistakes I've made this year and I can't move on from it. I know it's the tablets tho. I feel a failure because I left a well paid job to return to college to better myself and I am going to have to repeat the semester in January now because I can't concentrate to do repeats next month plus I never went to class. Ironically I am in the second year of a BA (Hons) in Psychology. I have wrote way too long a message here but I just feel so helpless. I must mention when I said to my psych what happens if I can't tolerate the mirtazapine he said to come off it as it "would be interesting to see how you are on no medication"! Poor thing to say to someone who feels suicidal I think.
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maritza_64249 michelle05122
Hi babe,
That sickness is so hard but look for things to do that you enjoy exercise, I know what you're feeling because I was like that 2 weeks ago lying on bed; I'm taking valdoxan and mirtazapine. When I was just on mirtazapine drank a lot but valdoxan doesn't allow me to do it . Sometimes people think you drink for fun but I know its for alleviating than pain in the heart now I'm getting better, plan your day; go for a walk but don't give up yet. We are warriors.
Lot of love
michelle05122 maritza_64249
frazzled michelle05122
Hi Michelle: I can feel the anger and angst emanating from your post. I am sorry believe me but taking your life is NOT an option you want to pursue at your young age. You have a full life ahead of you, if you want it
So that we can try to help you, please list the medications and dosages you are on right now -- type them in a list so we, who are here to help you as much as we can, know exactly what you are taking.
I am not a physician but have been in the medical field for almost 30 years and I suffer from panic disorder, mood disorder, coupled with depression and seasonal affective disorder starting each fall all topped by flare after flare of IBS. I've had these conditions since my early 20s andI think I've taken every med for them that's on the market. Several times, I've acted out suicide but never really wanted to go that route.
We need to know more in order to help you and believe me we will help you.IMO, suicide is a"cop out." You will get thru this.
First off, I feel you are on way to many medications and you already know that alcohol is a depressant and does not mix well with the meds you take. I'm surprised that your physicians (how many do you see that prescribe for you and does one know what the other is suggesting you take)?
Sooooo, let us help you. As you read my reply, start writing down your list of meds. and post ASAP. We'll be waiting. Know that we care about you -- that's why we are here. Waiting for your reply.
michelle05122 frazzled
Hi Frazzled! Thanks for your reply. At present I'm just taking 15mg of mirtazapine at night. Suicide is not an option and thankfully I'm not thinking of it now. I've had a bad day again today with the withdrawals. My Mam rang the hospital today to speak to my psychiatrist. His secretary rang me back and I could hear him in the background asking her to ask me was I still taking the mirtazapine and that I just had to wait out the withdrawals from the Venlafaxine. They told me to go in on Monday to see my psych. He is only one I'm presently seeing. I've heard other people say that when they have come off the Venlafaxine the withdrawals were so bad they started taking it again and reduced gradually. I don't want to do that! It should be out of my system now physically. I know that my brain now needs to readjust to life without it.
I'm feeling more positive at this present moment. That positivity comes and goes throughout the day but I am determined to beat this!
michelle05122 frazzled
frazzled michelle05122
My reply to you is being moderated so it won't be up for a while. Hang in there. I hope I don't have to retype it all. Look for my reply.
michelle05122 frazzled
drew17 michelle05122
Hi Michelle, So sorry to hear that thing are very tough at the moment. Life can be very difficult sometimes...life is hard... but don't give in. Lots of people have suicidal thoughts (me included) . You seem to be getting professional help on the medication front but mental illness is not a topic that ever has a straightforward fix.
All I can say is ...night sweats....probably alcohol and meds combination . Its hard to stop drinking but alcohol nullifies the effect of medication and for some (me) I always sweat up in the night having had alcohol. Mirtazapine is in my opinion , a drug to be avoided. It offers good sleep (at 15mg dosage) but coming off it is normally very risky with insomnia being a major effect of stopping. i used sleeping tablets to get me back into sleeping better.
I think you need ...one antidepressant and stick with it. Don't even think about oming off whatever you choose even when things are better..which they wil be.
michelle05122 drew17
Thank you Drew!
I am actually not drinking at the moment! Haven't had a drink in about a month. Didn't explain myself properly in my original post. I think I just started writing and it probably doesn't make much sense of what I'm looking for the answers to. My concentration is awful ha!
I agree, one antidepressant and to stay on it. I think I am aiming maybe to get back on the fluoxetine and combine it with other things like counselling and CBT.
I hope that you are well at the moment!
christine15542 drew17
Sorry for butting into this thread Michelle but Drew is right.
Hi Drew a question for you:
What sleeping tabs did you use to help restore your sleep once you were of the mirt. I was on 15mg dose for 6 months and stopped cold turkey about 8 weeks ago. I now know I should not have done this but it's too late now. I'm struggling with crippling insomnia after 8 weeks. How long did it take you to get back into your own natural sleeping rhythm? My gp surgery will hand over ADs like sweets but are very strict about sleeping tabs and have refused to give out more than 2 weeks supply.
drew17 christine15542
Hi Christine, sorry to hear that sleep is a problem. i used zopiclone sleeping tablets. 2 strengths 7.5 &3.75. I don' have problems getting off to sleep but it is/was staying asleep. I haven't used them for about a month. I perhaps get 6 hours sleep on average but I as I am retired I don't have pressures like a job or a family to organise in the morning so 6 hours will do. Don't get caught up in the paranoia about addiction to sleeping tablets. Use them to get over your immediate sleep problem and then review.
frazzled michelle05122
I don't think they are going to post my reply. I'll have to retype it. After dinner tho.
How are you feeling now?
UPDATE: Hi all! On Monday I was in with my psychiatrist again and he put me back on fluoxetine 20mg with 400mg of lithium to take at night. I took the lithium that Monday night and it did not agree with me at all so I haven't taken it since. I've been taking the fluoxetine since Tuesday though. The difference in me yesterday since the withdrawal hell of the previous Friday! My withdrawal symptoms are gone. I did not get any from the mirtazapine. Yet! However they have a longer half life so I may get withdrawal symptoms in time. Hopefully not. I feel like "my old self" again. Even crying with laughter at something yday. I'm by no means free of depression, that will always be part of me, but I feel more positive now and I'm getting up early and sleeping well too.
Thank you all for your input and I hope you all have a healthy, happy future x
frazzled michelle05122
Hi michelle: I'm sooooooooooooooo happy for you. You did it. I'm glad the fluoxetine is working well for you and I'm happy to know that you did not stay with the lithium (nasty stuff).
Life is good. Enjoy it and laugh a lot.
michelle05122 frazzled
Take care ☺️
michelle05122 frazzled
The wellness didn't last 😓 The last time I was in with psych on August 14 I told him how well I felt and it was as if I jinxed myself. I'm currently only taking 20mg of fluoxetine and attending counselling but I feel horrendous. I had a drink last weekend on Sunday night. Monday I took 3.75mg of zoplicone to help me sleep and then 7.5mg Tuesday and Wednesday. The past three days I've felt extremely suicidal. I now am terrified that I'm never going to get better as it's not the fault of Venlafaxine this time. The sleeping tablets should not be still in my system but my Mam said perhaps because of all the stress on my body this year they could be. I just don't know. I just feel so afraid and helpless 😓