Word finding
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How many of you have experiences brain fog and language changes? I notice for the last 1-1/2 I have a hard time finding the right word or I'll say a word and it will be opposite but similar to what I'm searching for. For instance, I might want to say "12 noon", but itll come out "12 midnight". Odd stuff like that...
Please tell me this is a peri thing and I'm not starting to lose my mind! LOL.
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lydia2311 charcey97
you are not alone! I had this (and still do occasionally) a year ago. I found when I was anxious or trying to do too much that it got worse.
Suki_girl lydia2311
Yes, me too.
unico31026 charcey97
It's a peri thing. I thought i was going crazy too lol
Betty97 charcey97
Think I've had brain fog since giving birth to my first child, baby brain, busy life brain, menopause fog, anxiety fog, it all tends to morph together over the years, I'm 62 and still getting menopause symptoms and exactly what you describe with the word jumbling, anxiety is making mine worse because it's making me focus on it, I even went to my dr last week, it was put down to anxiety, I didn't mention anything menopausal because I think it's assumed at my age that I should be over it, but I'm most definitely not! it's a way of life with me haha ð
You aren't losing your mind, it's normal!!!
Suki_girl charcey97
YES! I keep calling my daughter by my son's name or my cat's name. My cat sometimes gets my daughter's name and the rabbit can get the cat's name, etc.
Betty97 Suki_girl
haha Suki, I have mixed the kids names up since I had them!! I got fed up of calling the two cats each others names, so now I just call them both Charlie Henry, they both answer to it ð the word jumbling I think has probably been going on for a few years but I've never focused on it but heightened health anxiety has made it my new pet focus, I believe this anxiety is to do with the menopause, I have read or heard that meno symptoms can go away but can come back with a vengeance, I am still getting crops of spots, they come in crops and then all disappear, it's as if they're following the old hormonal pattern that I had when having periods!! sorry for hijacking this post and going on and on, at least my mind is clear when I need it to be ð
charcey97 Suki_girl
Oh yes! I do this too. Sometimes i go down the lost of names and then just laugh and give up! LOL.
Sassyr12a charcey97
Yes I have brain fog. I'm 43. Used to be super sharp, i could remember reams of numbers and work facts... Now I forget I have a meeting and can't remember where I left my keys. Funnily enough I was researching it last night and looking at the 6 main reasons, and of course hormonal changes are one of them. Interestingly though other conditions and deficiencies can also cause it. So it advises to get it checked.
Betty97 charcey97
Charcey, yesterday I said the right word in a sentence, immediately thought that I had said the wrong word so changed it then changed it again to the right word!! I sometimes can't bring the right word to mind and have to quickly think of another then remember the word that I wanted in the first place!! this brain freeze with not being able to find a word started 10 yrs ago around the time of my last ever period, sharing these experiences is good as it makes us all feel better about things, I just wish that more older women would contribute a bit more.
Sassyr12a Betty97
Hey Annette
Yes that would be good. I wonder if they are all back to normal and are happy and healthy. Alternatively they still have brain fog and forgot about the forum ð xx
Suki_girl Sassyr12a
What forum? ðĪŠ
charcey97 Betty97
LOL. I've been doing this too. I feel like the word finding thing has gone on for so long, I second guess when I'm right!
Gypsy014 charcey97
Oh yes I definitely do have this , its so annoying! Examples are last week I was looking in the freezer with my grandson giving him a choice between the frozen waffles or frozen pancakes, and I could not for the life of me at that moment in time remember the name waffle, its so scary , and you get scared at that moment if forgetting, then I get mad and I have to remember what the name us so I don't move concentrate hard until I remember it... Then one time pulling into my mothers driveway a few years ago when this 1st began, and while pulling in I did not know where I was or what I was there for, briefly then it came to me.. This is all very strange and scary indeed..and usually I'm very sharp focused so unusual for me..
Suki_girl Gypsy014
I have that sometimes when I wake up at night - I have no idea where I am and the room looks completely unfamiliar but I'm in my own bedroom. After a while of looking around I realise where I am.
Betty97 Gypsy014
years ago I went to my parents home and walked into the room and went to walk through a doorway that had been bricked up years ago!! think my question is, does it ever completely go or does it morph into an age thing, 62 and still got it!! I do think it's a depletion of oestrogen that causes it, I am like you and won't move on until I have remembered the word that I need haha , it does worry me, it's my pet anxiety focus at the moment ð and although I have time to relax and lead a bit of a stress free life now, I am still in hurry hurry mode, my head seems full of thoughts and what needs doing next!!
Gypsy014 Suki_girl
Yes for sure can be scary..
Gypsy014 Betty97
not to sure Annette if this will ever go away completely.. One can only hope, who wants to think oh boy I may be getting dementia.. Well hopefully these symptoms all of them will leave as quickly as they came one day!