Work/Life Balance--Guilt & Shame
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Are any of you ladies feeling like peri has stopped you from even approximating your normal/old work schedule?
Last night, while driving a sullen job candidate to the airport--in a blanking blizzard-- my period came. (This trip was mandatory--my university is too cheap to pay for cabs so faculty have to act as Uber.)
I melted down completely. My brain fog is so bad I don't know how I got home in the white out conditions. This morning my emotions are alternating between rage--why is my blanking job so demanding about stupid things? And terrible guilt--why can't I hold it together like I used to?
I took a sick day to try to recuperate and deal with the stupidity of the first day of my period. (Brain fog and sweating is so bad I can't teach.) My chair is furious--even though I have 8 months of sick days saved--because I might have been scheduled to let another candidate sit in on one of my classes.....
How do we manage the guilt? The shame? The inability of others to understand? That I am absolutely doing the best I can.... The guilt is overwhelming. Why am I not who I used to be? Who I still need to be?
I want to handle this like a slow transition--the second adolescence that GailAnnie years ago told me this was. (She's right.) But how do we live like teens when we have 50-something's responsibilities?
Thank all you ladies for reading! Many days this forum is all that holds me together!
Love you all.
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karen71465 maddysmom2015
Go to your doctor you can't cope don't wait to feel worse I did and had to stop working bio identical hormones are the best way to go not a quick fix but they do work good luck
maddysmom2015 karen71465
Thanks, Karen. I can no longer cope this way. I've tried bio identical progesterone. It just made me even more tired and freezing all the time. My OB won't give me HRT since my periods are normal in their flow and I don't really have hot flashes.
Her response to my period related brain fog was "see a neurologist." This is so obviously hormonal!
I'm going to call my GP and see if she'll put me on a low dose BCP. That was the only time I felt normal.
Your response means the world to me. I am sitting here sobbing and feeling like a complete failure.
Sassyr12a maddysmom2015
Hello maddysmom
I understand what you are saying and dealing with here. I was the same last year, just drowning with work and home and continually trying to carry on but feeling like an absolute failure on all fronts. One day after about 4months of huge work stress I just woke up and thought 'I can't do it'. Not like I'd failed, but just recognising that the continual demands of the job meant that I couldn't focus on feeling better or getting treatment . So I gave in, I phoned my boss and said I can't do both right now I have to stop.... And for once I knew I was putting my health first for all the right reasons. I had a few months of sick leave but didn't use it as I normally would (whinging, eating and watching judge judy) I focused on my own wellbeing and started exercising each day, walking every morning, eating better, meditating and started taking bhrt. Nothing is a magic cure but sometimes you've gotta give yourself permission to look after yourself xxxx
maddysmom2015 Sassyr12a
Thanks so much for your lovely reply, Sassy. It is wonderful to know that I am not alone.
I do feel like a failure on all fronts. And every day I wake up and want to do exactly the same thing you did--just call in and say "I can't." And foreground my health. Just walk away. That's the dream.
Unfortunately, I am not partnered, so I would have no way to keep a roof over my head. And the health insurance I would need to focus on my well being would go away. (US!) Very often, the financial pressures of being single with a student loan (still!) is what drives me to overwork, (OT at my first job, I also have a part time second job) or feeling toxically ashamed about under performing everywhere--home, gym, work.
I'm just trying to make it until the end of May when I have 3 months off.
I will try to do a modified version of what you did. No OT at my first job any more. I want the money, but I obviously can't handle the stress. The student loan will still get paid somehow. Working my second job even less. (I love my second job, but work is not self care.)
Thanks for being so encouraging and a great accountability partner. Love you!
kelly55079 maddysmom2015
This is not our fault and we do the best we can.. You have sick time, USE IT.. That's what it is for. My friend and I were talking about this yesterday-- she feels like a failure in her job and feels that she was so much better in her younger years. All we can do is take care of our self and take it day by day. I feel for you on the period thing-- it's horrible and I don't like working when it comes--I really want to hibernate which I was never like that. I have never told anyone off at my job (well, maybe in a nice way) BUT more and more I feel just so irritated at people. I just have to remind myself it's my hormones and hopefully it will pass.
maddysmom2015 kelly55079
Thank you so much Kelly!
I am thinking of trying maca root. Have you used anything?
Sassyr12a maddysmom2015
Hi maddysmom
You are so not failing, look at what you're doing: 2 jobs, home, bills, student loans etc and to everyone else you're doing fine. It's how you're judging yourself that does the damage. Someone told me once to be my own best friend. I'm so much kinder to others than I am to myself. If you can't take a sebatical (my sick leave is paid for first 6 months) then try to structure your day with You in mind. Underpin it with things you can do to raise your wellbeing. So get fresh air , walk at lunchtime, meditate at your desk (with your eyes open) fit in some yoga every other evening, meditate at bedtime. Start a journal and each evening write down 3 things you did that was positive. Maybe if you can weave in some things, you can keep going but just slow it down. I always find there are different approaches on here and what works for some won't work for me so keep an open mind. Yes it's hormonal, but I've had hormone issues all my life and it can seriously kick your butt. So know when to kick your own butt and know when to give yourself a big hug because you're amazing xxx
maddysmom2015 Sassyr12a
Hi Sassy!
These are fantastic suggestions. I found a you tuber who does great 15 minute yoga routines. I'll start with her. And I will start to keep a journal of what positive things happened during the day. Those can be so hard to hold on to especially--as you say--I am pretty critical of my performance.
I will definitely slow down. With a little less work will come fewer people demanding things from me. Then more time to focus on helping myself navigate this change.
It's serendipitous that you say that to others I seem fine. One of my friends called while I was sobbing earlier and she said the same thing. "You always seem to have it together." Really, I look like Gerard Depardieu right now. 😃
Thanks for saying I'm doing OK. I really needed to hear that!
Sassyr12a maddysmom2015
Great, give it a go. I'm happy to be your buddy if that helps. Just DM me. Just know you're not alone and it's not that you're doing this wrong or can't cope.... It's flipping hard!! Everyone always says to me that I'm really bubbly and perky, but most of the time I feel the opposite. It's good sometimes to let the mask slip so people can see you need help xx
claire38123 maddysmom2015
hi sorry your feeling this way iam also having hard time with all peri symptoms iam now into my 5th week off work i just cant face it i need to feel stronger and face whats going on and put myself first like we all should i dont think any work place understands what us women have to endure at this time of life and they should be more understanding iam going through the most horrid anxiety at the mo hot,cold sweats dizziness,palpitations,and just general feeling unwell cant take HRT so all my GP has offered is antidepressants which i dont really want to take let us know how get on with life style changes hope it works, big hugs x
maddysmom2015 claire38123
Thanks, Claire! I hear you about the anti-depressants. It's just an updated way for the patriarchy to say "women are crazy." When this is really a complex change that has nothing to do with depression. I think I'm OK. It's the rest of the world that needs to back off!
I'm so glad you are taking the time you need. And thanks so much for posting! I can't tell you how much I appreciate all of you ladies! I would have gone completely under without this forum.
staci88515 maddysmom2015
I was in really good standing with my work before I had a migraine aura three months ago which brought me to the ER. I haven't been to work since and my work is fighting my FMLA. When you are healthy, you have this false perception that your work values you. The minute you become ill, you quickly learn that you are expendable. My best advice: Treat them in the same manner they treat you. I used to go above and beyond...why bother? You earned your sick time...use it and don't think twice.
Also, it's likely illegal that your work forces you to drive others and use your own car. You know what would have happened if you would have gotten into an accident in the blizzard and your passenger would have been injured? You would have been sued. And, I highly doubt your employer would back you and/or pay for the liability. I don't drive strangers in my car...ever.
maddysmom2015 staci88515
You are so right Staci! I do have a false perception that work values me. I know my students do; but my university would replace me easily. And my students would adjust.
You are right about strangers in the car. I fought and fought about that until my boss grudgingly gave me a travel authorization--she refused to pay for mileage. But I insisted on being insured by the university. But I am sure if I had been T-boned in the blizzard they would have said "oh, there's a signature missing. Sorry."
I have a frantic call into my OB and my GP. I am hoping I can get my GP to give me my old birth control pill, though I am over 50. Or HRT. I have almost no quality of life.
How are your headaches now? I wonder if botox works as well as they say it does for migraine?
rebecca_68782 maddysmom2015
I took a day off today (I am a teacher). I hardly ever do that, but felt so , so anxious, vertigo, yucky. I hate the fact that I do not have the energy to do what I use to be able to do. It helps me to do a meditative walk in the morning before getting going.
julee15466 maddysmom2015
I understand completely. And, if you have sick days saved up, they cannot fault you for using them! So don't let them make you feel guilty. I work in higher ed, too, but fortunately, where I ma they are very understanding.
I am taking classes, too, and have decided to withdraw from them for this semester because I just cant do it. With the perimenopause craziness, work, doing my online magazine, and now I am moving closer to my folks to help take care of my mom... It's just too much. So I made the decision to take care of my self. Sometimes, you just have to.
Doc gave be progesterone to start but I am holding off until after the move because I have too much going on right now and if I react poorly, I don't want to add to my stress! So, hopefully I'll start next month and begin to feel better.
And, the other issue is, everyone's menopause is different. Some women hardly have any issues - others have MAJOR issues. I hate it when people say "We've all been there! You just deal with it!" OK, yes, I get it, but not everyone is the same! And mine is PARTICULARLY horrific. And same with some others, so they need to stop telling me (and you, and others) to just "get through it." I'm 39. I wasn't expecting this. 6 months ago I was "normal." Now, I'm nuts. It's a difficult transition, especially when your symptoms are so bad, and I will not let anyone diminish that.
No, I'm not sitting home feeling sorry for myself. It takes strength, and you must move forward, but I am not letting anyone make me feel bad for taking care of me.
The point is, take care of yourself. My mom never did, and now she's only 65 and in such bad shape she needs help to just clean the house. So, while it's easy to feel "selfish," it's actually a very unselfish thing. You can't pour from an empty cup.
Hang in there. =)
maddysmom2015 julee15466
You got it right, Julee! I can't let people make me feel badly for taking care of myself. And you are absolutely right about a little self care now can pay large dividends later.
I am so sorry you are suffering so much so early!
PM me if you need support. I am on the other side--52 and never missed a period. I fear I'll be insane like this until I die or get fired.
Thanks again for your support and kindness. It means so much!
julee15466 maddysmom2015
Thank you so much!!