Working with a new born

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Please help. My Acute symptoms did not start until early July. However I had a sore throat throughout June. I worked 12 hour days 55+ hours a week. In January I became a father. I was just diagnosed with Mono after pleading with my doc to do the test (Aug 8th). I have a couple of questions if you kind people do not mind answering.

I recently just became a teacher. The long hours of my previous job finally got to me.  It is my dream job. I have already passed the acute phase of the infection. Should I be asking for time off? My doctor seems to think I can still work. 

Did my infection start in June or in July? As of now, I mentally tell myself July, as it could’ve been another illness in June.

I am worried I will pass the infection to my son. I am super careful. Also I am worried that I haven’t been able to get enough rest. I took off 4 days during my acute phase (sore throat, fever, white pus etc), and that was it. With the baby and now I’m moving in a couple of weeks, can I still work, move and take care of baby and still get better?

Did anyone else have to work and have a kid and got better? Thank you


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19 Replies

  • Posted

    If July was then date of my infection then I am 1.5 months in. If June then I am closer to to 2.5 months.
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    I forgot to add my symptoms. A red feverish feeling. Lack of energy/headaches. Feeling emotional because all of the pressure, and nobody seems to understand
  • Posted

    Hi Bob,

    So sorry to hear you have been going through this tough few months with mono and coping with work and fatherhood at the same time. Everyone seems to be different with mono so I guess there are no definitive right or wrong answers, for me I know definitely I wasn't able to work as was so fatigued and exhausted. Sometimes working through can delay recover or cause setback, I often think a common thing people do is try to push through this virus like they would a normal flu or whatever, whereas it really needs respect and rest. I know it must be so hard to have to consider taking time off when in a job that is important to you, just remember put your health first always and get plenty of rest, even if you are working, and try not to work so many hours at least if possible. 

    It is hard to say but if you had been feeling unwell in June it could very well be the mono. Just want to reassure you that this does get better, don't panic if full recovery takes a little time that can be normal, but most definitely you will get over this and back to full health again. Taking good vitamins and herbs can really help, a good strong multi-vitamin per day, B complex is good for energy levels and nervous system, higher doses of Vitamin C (1000mg-3000mg per day) and immune boosting herbs like siberian ginseng and echinicea. 

    The one good thing is that mono is not passed as an air-borne virus like colds, etc, it is passed on through saliva - so just be careful about sharing cups, cutlery, things like that, and hoping that your son can stay protected from this. Thinking about how and really hoping you feel much better soon.


    • Posted

      Thanks Craig. I’m just happy ping I didn’t miss the opportunity to rest. Now I have little time. I was misdiagnosed for over a month. Thank you for your words of encouragement 
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      Hoping I did not miss the opportunity to rest **
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      Hi Bo,

      First of all very sorry in my previous message for calling you Bob, that's how good my eye sight is from glancing at your user name! 

      I know it's so hard to have to be in a position to consider being off work and this causes stress I know that for sure, being off work long term sick myself right now. Definitely put your health first though, and do take the time to get the right rest and vitamins, etc, early in this virus and God willing recovery will be much smoother and quicker. But most definitely I want to reassure you that what you're going through is normal for the virus (not that that makes it any easier to deal with), and that this phase you are in right now, the first 3-4 months in my experience, were BY FAR the worst and once you get through them the intensity often lessens, and even though it still may take some time for full recovery to come, things become more bearable and manageable until your body gets this thing fully under control - which is definitely will Bo! Thinking about you and believing in your recovery, and just hang in there for now take one day at a time and don't look too far ahead, as I know how hard it is to get through a single day with this virus, it is an achievement. 


    • Posted

      Thanks Craig,

      In the beginning of my misdiagnosis they gave me zythromycin (5 day z pack) and then Clyndamicin. With almost certainty I did not have a red face until I took the Clindamycin. However now the red face is like an indicator of how I am feeling. For example I crashed at 1pm yesterday and my face was bright red.  I’m just trying to figure out if this is a cause or just a correlation. Any experience with a bright red face? I stopped the antibiotics about 2-3 weeks ago.

      Thanks again.

    • Posted

      Hi Bo,

      Certainly I think flushing can be a common symptom of mono, I was a young man when I had it and had hot flushes and low grade fever constantly, it's maybe just how your body is reacting to those kind of symptoms that is causing the red face - hope it's settling down and not causing you too much worry. 

      Yes frustrating wish there was an antibiotic that could easy cure mono. Unfortunately being a virus, the mono won't react to any antibiotics (although of course they may be useful for any secondary infection). Remember this will get better in time!


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    I just want to tell you I got mono in Feb or march and I have 2 children. I was more tired than usual and had a sore throat and swollen lymph nodes never had a fever or the extreme sore throat, but I worked the whole time and I have had demanding physical jobs. Sometime my throat would still hurt and my lymph nodes would swell on and off but I have been able to work and take care of my kids. Just try to rest when you can reduce caffeine and drink plenty of water because stress and dehydration seem to be the worst things to make the mono flare up. I hope this helps and I hope you are feeling better soon.


    • Posted

      Thanks Morgan,

      I’m really nervous because it’s been about 10 weeks with little improvements. I’m sure you are feeling better, how long did it take you? 

      On the weekends I pretty much sleep all day. When work comes around I’m literally out of it. Feverish feeling, low energy and fogginess. 

      I’m starting to wonder now that I have my diagnosis that maybe I should ask for extended period of time off. Then again, I endanger losing my job. Also, I can’t really afford to lose the work. I really wish I knew I had this virus previously. I give you so much credit with your kids. 

      Thank you so much. 

    • Posted

      Hi Morgan,

      Really hope that you are feeling much better now than you were earlier in the year, just want to reassure that this horrible virus does get better even after many months of struggling it does get fully better and go away. It's amazing you were able to keep working during this, that must have been so hard and you must have shown real courage to do that - remember just take things easy still and believing full recovery is going to happen for you - even if it's not there yet it will happen believing that!


    • Posted

      I am feeling better, I still get tired quite a bit I don't think my husband understands how long mono affects your body, but I really started to feel better with less sore throat and swollen nodes about last month it takes quite a while I still don't feel like myself but I know with time I will, I know I will be myself again eventually. Try not to let yourself get down you are still early in the virus you will notice yourself slowly getting better, my husband said quite often I seemed zoned out I believe that was the mono also. Keep your head up and know you will get better!


    • Posted

      So true Morgan....this virus is invisible in that people can see you walking about and doing things still and generally there are so outward signs often of being ill - I think only the people that have been through it truly understand how physically, mentally and emotionally draining and hard it is to deal with - and I definitely think doctors underestimate it and treat it too much like just a normal virus that goes away with '4-6 weeks' as I was told by my doctor at the time. 

      Thinking about you and hoping these lingering symptoms settle down soon - remember this thing does get better and truly believing you are going to fully get there Morgan - hang in there I know this thing must be so hard to cope with when you have a family to provide for - trusting that God is going to pull you through, I do believe that you are going to get better Morgan, I really do.


  • Posted

    I think you should still be asking for time off. Your body will know when you are ready. Don't feel under pressure from work or the doctor. Aslong as you have a sicknote you will be ok. This virus does not have a set time period and like others have said, fighting through it can sometimes make it worse. I've found a blog where the author has done a poll on recovery times. 700 people took part with over 50% selecting more than 6 months. I'm on month 6 now and I've been back at work for one month on a phased return. It's still quite a struggle for me with headaches, tiredness and sometimes have the odd panic attack. Although each week does feel like I'm slowly getting better. You just have to remember you will get better, but it will take time. The worse part of this virus is being unable to do things like you used to, without even thinking about it. Everything now for me I have to question myself if I can do it. I hope you feel better soon.

    • Posted

      Definitely Dodge very important to put your health first over work during this virus. I had a similar kind of timeline to you, I started a phased return after about 5 months off, I did have a set-back after about 9 months and had to take a few more weeks off, but then after that God really turned things around for me and I was able to make more meaningful and lasting progress towards fully recovery, thanks to God only!

      Just take things slowly with work and remember it is normal to still feel rough after 6 months of this, but there is recovery from this and these first 6 months are BY FAR the worst in my experience, and even if it still takes a little time, you definitely will get there and make a full recovery I believe! Thinking about you!


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