Worms in the Face

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Hi All,  I dont know if anyone has come across this.  I have a worm infestation in my face.  They travel around under the skin leaving tracks and bursting holes into my skin.  they create glass like balls that split the skin open and move around my skin with ease. 

I first reported it 3 months ago and the doctors totally ignored me treating me for a secondary infection that was caused by open wounds in my face.  They have given me 4 courses of antibiotics treating the wrong infect but totally ignored waht I was telling ithem about the worms. 

The worms whatever they are are very sharp and whereever they travel through in my face the skin collapses, leaving it like plastercine and it causes tiny splinters that are as sharp as anything that inbed themselves in the inside and outside of my skin right down to the lowest skin level. My skin is also producing a clear sticky substance which feels like little shards of glass if I touch it.  All in all, it really couldnt be much worse except for the fact they have made a hole around my mouth which they can look out of.  I am totally sane!

I am in pieces.  I've been telling the doctors what it is and they have totally ignored me.  Even refusing to refer after an A & E i visited confirmed I needed to be referred as the lesions had been on my face for so long.   

I discovered I had private medical care through my company which now thank god means I've seen my first dermatologist.  He's referred me to another dermatlogist that apparently knows more about things in the skin who I'm yet to see.  Even though he's now put me in the right direction, I'm not convinced he was sure it is worms.  I can pull 1/2 inch worms out of my skin bit by bit.  They look like thread worms and never come out intact, you pull little bits off of them.  It leaves worm shape dents in my face and they feel like little match sticks under the skin.  Nobody is taking me seriously as people dont really get worms in the face. 

They have totally destroyed me skin and I have bad scaring.  I have never had acne and had no scaring.   This has all been caused in the last 3 months.  I dread to think how many are alive in there now they'v been left so long.

Has anyone ever heard of anything like this?

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    I am far better than I have been.  I think the surgery did get rid of a large nest. I hope it got rid of the infecting worm as the doctor thought it would. I used all the wormers over the years. The Fenbendazole or Albendazole worked the best but they were so built up I had to have the tumor of Strongloid worms removed surgically along with 8 inches of colon they had destroyed.  I continue to improve and sores are now almost completely gone. I too went through the weight gain even though eating less and less. My stomach is more bloated than ever and I pray this is just from the surgery and not because they did not get it all.  I wish doctors would take this more seriously because I truly do believe this is an epidemic. Don't wear yourself out cleaning, it will not help. Spraying with a good sanitizer will work better, one with benzoyle in it.  Don't soak in harsh chemicals. Baking soda is good occasionally, a lemon grass soak is good and there are several products on the market with this. They dislike peppermint so you can use a shampoo with it in there but be ready because they will move to your neck and face creating new sores.  You do get worse before you get better, they have to come out. We become so fully infested with them before we get help that it is not an over night cure.  I found during the years of battling it, that some things worked for a while, then stopped. They must be stopped inside and out, I concentrated on trying to save my face. I have scars that are prevalent now from them and I know they aged me. Sores were horrible there at one time, much like those posted.  I guess if I suggested any one thing, I would suggest a scan of your mid abdomen, just below stomach, which is where the Strongloid tumor I had was. I do know this, they are hard to see, they change shapes, they destroy our skin and can be damaging internal organs. If you can find a doctor from a third world country, you are more likely to get help. Good luck to all of you. I pray everyone with this will get help soon. 
    • Posted

      It is so promising to hear that you are feeling better Beagagirl.  Over the past two months I have been experiencing a reaccurring stomach problem with lots of pain. Also my back seems to hurt right behind my upper stomach area. I get waves of nausea but don't really have to throw up.  I think it is time to take your advice and see if I can get a scan. I really hope you were able to kill whatever has been eating away at you and really happy to hear you are feeling better!
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      Hi Beagagirl, i was wondering if you experienced the darkish fibers discussed earlier?
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      Was wondering if you have translucent whitish specs resembling chaffing skin or eczema along with these black fibers?
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      Yes - I do get white specs but they are more like tiny spikey things and feel like shards of glass in my skin. Recently I have been getting an enormous amount of longer worm-like or white fibrous things coming to the surface. They act like the gift type ribbon that you run a scissor along to make it curl for bows. They literally are like rubber bands but taughter. I have hundreds of them and some are very fine and some are more like a fluke.I am scared right now because I know I am going through a growth cycle of them. And from past experience this is not good because they seem to cause a necrotic reaction to my skin.
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      Are your eyes effected at all? Seeing floaters or sparks of light? I know that sounds like a strange thing to ask.
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      Sometimes I get very sharp shooting pains in my eye, as if someone stuck a needle through it. In the beginning years (5-8 years ago) I constantly had dry eye and very irritated eyes. That seems to have subsided a bit.
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      Whatever it is seems to slather a false layer over my skin and eyes bearing a yellowish grey hue and clear film over my eyes turning my once perfectly brown eyes into a greenish hazel color with rings in the iris. I know it must be hard to remember way back then but do you have any recollection of getting a ringworm which is a fungal infection on the bottom of your foot or anything? Also, do you ever see any gnats, possibly could be smaller than fruit fly, around the house or around the proximity outside?
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      I do get a false layer of what looks somewhat like a scab over my lesions. It is not a real healing type of scab and if left in place will never, ever, allow the sore to heal. It could be that my dry eyes were really some kind of a coating or film over the eye. I have never had ringworm that I am aware of. Yes, there are times when I see tiny gnats suddently fly around my head - but not overly often and over the years I have decided that they are not associated with what I have.
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      my symptoms started about 3 to 4 months ago when I got a fungal infection at the bottom of my foot. I think those gnats

      (midges, no see-ums) are directly related. I saw one fly from my eye socket. I think they are fungus gnats. One small fungal infection anywhere in the presence of these will spread very quickly. they are also catalysts of parasitic worms whick could attest for the bigger type feeling worms migrating deeper in thd flesh, I believe our symptoms are caused by a combination of parasites that also parasitize each other. They are not medically known to infest humans but who says it's not possible. I'm not sure how to post pictures on here? But it would explain the patterns, sensations, nonhealing lesions and the ability of this thing to change color and react to light.

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      It is easy to post pictures - just click reply and then look at the top right image that looks like a mountain with the sun above and click on it. It will alow you to search your image library and then click on the photo you want to post. It will download it. You can post numerous pictures if you like. 
    • Posted

      Fungus gnats have predatory mites and nematodes. Nematodes will also parasitize the mites which would explain why I have noticed the white specs having withdrawing thread like fibers and why worm killers may not be fully assistive in eradication seeing as they can use the mites hard exoskeleton as protection.

      Here is a section i copied and pasted:

      There are literally tens of thousands of different species of mites. Some are parasites (e.g., chiggers on humans, sarcoptic mange on dogs and spider mites on house plants), some are predaceous carnivores, many are merely other creatures with which we share this planet. Their individual numbers are unbelievably enormous. During one of their reproductive outbursts the number of mites in an average meadow might easily outnumber all the other multi-celled animals living there lumped together. It has been said that if we were to magically make all of planet Earth disappear except the mites living on and in it, we might be able to see the ghostly outlines of the continents, the forests, the mountains, even in some cases, individual animals or plants, merely from the mites that they supported. (It is interesting to note that the same thing has been said about nematode worms!)

    • Posted

      I have definetly seen fungus gnats around me. I have also pulled them out of bath water, but it does not seem like there are enough of them to be the problem - that is not to say that they could be. At this point, I just have no idea what it is.  I look under the microscope constatnly and still am not much further than I was 3 years ago. I do have a very strong suspicion that there are real nematodes living under my skin. In the beginning years I did think it was mites - mange to be precise. We lived in NJ and had a back yard backed up to a lot of woods and many animals came around. There was a coyote that showed up several times and absolutely had mange so I thought perhaps I somehow or other got it from him.  But I also was always certain that it started with a black fly bite on my leg and it very quickly roamed up my leg, across my back, and then along my cheek and jaw line.  Life has been living hell ever since and I have not been able to work for over a year now.
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      I'm sorry i still cant seem to find the sun and mountain image that you're talking about... think you could screenshot it?

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      If you will message me there i will send you my collective gallery. I broke it up so it won't be deleted immediately but you get the gist right?

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      I think i also got a black fly bite on my leg and back. Either way they are both attracted to the same thing. Fungus. And are both virulent catalyst of disease and parasites in plants cattle. While fungus gnats don't bite, their larva is highly destructive.
    • Posted

      Another article on fungus gnats, they are bioluminescent attributing the changing colors of these fibre looking things. While there are a lot of different species of biting and non biting midges, fungus gnats alone have 5 accounted species variations. They lose their luminescence after laying eggs.

      Copy And paste:

      Nevertheless, there are some fascinating land creatures that have evolved the ability to produce light – mostly insects and fungi. Though the light emitted can come in different colors, the most common colors both in the sea and on land are blue and green but on land you can also see rare instances of yellow and even red.

    • Posted

      By far the most important thing i wanted to tell you to try is going to the dollar store and get athletes foot cream or whatever kind of anti fungal they have, medicated body powder, and medicated foot powder and baby powder. And slather yourself down in small sections. Then sprinkle yourself down with a thick layer of powder, with minimal rubbing as not to cause lumping having the powder absorb the lotion. Then powder your clothes from the inside. I use a mix of baby powder and medicated body on my face as medicated alone burns pretty bad. First layer on my eyes is heavy scoops of baby powder so you can rub it in with out making contact to the lotion with your hand. Also did an activated charcoal mask over my entire body(also availible at the dollar store or in bulk for cheap.) before hand that i let dry and chip off. I've noticed that water or liquid seems to exacerbate the situation so i try to take short cold shower and immediately powder down. I try not to sweat especially from the head. When i feel it coming on i use medicated foot powder on my scalp which stops it in its tracks, dont use too much though or the cooling sensation will sting. I was freezing cold from it shivering for about an hour yesterday. On the upside i saw my real skin for the first time in months. And the problem areas on my feet, hands, face, legs, scalp, and even the inside of my nose(yes i was desperate enough to lotion and sprinkle into m nasal passages with baby powder and qtips) started to peel off in chunks, not painful at all. Felt really good. When i feel an itch on my foot i lightly run over the sock with a flame quickly and every single time have found the fibers trying to escape from my powder laden feet. Use it all over especially the scalp and hair. If you do have to use liquid to wipe, always go from wet cloth to dry skin. Dont wet skin first or use the same spot on the towel and probably most importantly dont wipe a spot with a fresh wet towel section again unil its dried. I have effectively frozen them off of my hand before buy the moisture afterwards only led to their quick return. I dont suggest high heat because of the sweating possibility. Ive found powder to be the best alternative.
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      In not saying this will cure you. But it will kill off where they are breeding, feeding, and entering from. And get rid of the pungent odor/bacteria/fungus attracting them. Then id imagine you'd want to target the mites and worms around the same time. It's worth a few dollars to give it a try. For the first time in months i have felt relief. I am still peeling off thick layers of what appeared to be my skin and to my surprise no lesions underneath like all the other times i tried peeling this stuff back. Wish i could figure out how to post pictures. I hope you will find relief and peace and rid yourself of this nightmare.

    • Posted

      wow - that sounds like a lot. I really don't think I have fungus. in the beginning I was suspicious that it might be one, but I did some heavy duty fungal medications and topicals and it did not affect it. That's not to say that yours is not because as we know it seems like we all have some variations on this theme.
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      try replying to someone and within the box you are typing in to reply on the far right top of the box are four images - click the image that is all the way to the right.


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      Yes, mine too started on the foot. Misdiagnosed as a fungus. While we do have some fungal activity axssociated with the worms and we will get staph infections, the real culprit are the underlying worms. and yes I did have the fibers.  My thoughts on this is the worms are carrying some things into our skin and some may be their waste product. I have seen some tiny black worms move, I believe to be hookworm. Strongloids are very difficult to kill because they can also be free living and we are subject to reinfection. I now always wear shoes even in the house. I clean the tub after every shower or bath. I change my sheets weekly but I no longer try to kill myself doing super cleans.  Rest is important to our immune system.  gnats are attracted to the by product of the worms. Now that I am pretty much clear, I no longer see the gnats.  I occasionally wash or rub out a black thread or some of the harder little things but it is now only occasionally and not excessive like it once was. There is a scar gel that is excellent for pullng them out without damaging your skin, you use to could get it at a dollar store or Walmart but now you have to order it on line. It is call Scar Gel and sells for around a dollar a tube and is in a blue tube and trade name is Dr Scheffield.  Just rub it in and let it sit after a few minutes you can add a bit more for really good results but they will almost pop out because they really hate this gel.  Good Luck.         
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      Oh, and showers are  very important. You should shower every day because you get rid of a lot that way. Only take baths with heavy oil to keep them from reattaching themselves to you or with baking soda which dries them up. Good hygeine is crucial, I do think they like the water and I had a good bit come out easily while showering and rubbing them out.  

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