Worms in the Face

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Hi All,  I dont know if anyone has come across this.  I have a worm infestation in my face.  They travel around under the skin leaving tracks and bursting holes into my skin.  they create glass like balls that split the skin open and move around my skin with ease. 

I first reported it 3 months ago and the doctors totally ignored me treating me for a secondary infection that was caused by open wounds in my face.  They have given me 4 courses of antibiotics treating the wrong infect but totally ignored waht I was telling ithem about the worms. 

The worms whatever they are are very sharp and whereever they travel through in my face the skin collapses, leaving it like plastercine and it causes tiny splinters that are as sharp as anything that inbed themselves in the inside and outside of my skin right down to the lowest skin level. My skin is also producing a clear sticky substance which feels like little shards of glass if I touch it.  All in all, it really couldnt be much worse except for the fact they have made a hole around my mouth which they can look out of.  I am totally sane!

I am in pieces.  I've been telling the doctors what it is and they have totally ignored me.  Even refusing to refer after an A & E i visited confirmed I needed to be referred as the lesions had been on my face for so long.   

I discovered I had private medical care through my company which now thank god means I've seen my first dermatologist.  He's referred me to another dermatlogist that apparently knows more about things in the skin who I'm yet to see.  Even though he's now put me in the right direction, I'm not convinced he was sure it is worms.  I can pull 1/2 inch worms out of my skin bit by bit.  They look like thread worms and never come out intact, you pull little bits off of them.  It leaves worm shape dents in my face and they feel like little match sticks under the skin.  Nobody is taking me seriously as people dont really get worms in the face. 

They have totally destroyed me skin and I have bad scaring.  I have never had acne and had no scaring.   This has all been caused in the last 3 months.  I dread to think how many are alive in there now they'v been left so long.

Has anyone ever heard of anything like this?

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    I see this is an old post but I am replying in case anyone has a similar issue or finds this information useful.I had the same lesions earlier on in the illness and a relapse when I wasn't being careful enough with makeup. I'd advise very stongly you stop wearing lipstick. The 'worms' feed on bacteria/fungi and all lipstick breeds it. I know it's horrible to not be able to hide it, lipstick is at least a distraction but you can stain yor lips carefully with food colouring using a Q tip and a medicated balm will add gloss and keep the nasties at bay a bit. It can actually look very pretty! Also def no foundation! Tinted zinc oxide helps heal the lesions and repel the 'worms' and very good coverage can be acheived. Mineral powder to even the rest of the complexion also contains zinc oxide, but I have found it hard to keep my brushes totally sterile and brushing can spread infection around. Try experiment with sponges and cotton balls. When healed an organic foundation like the one by Dusty Girls that has stuff the 'worms' don't like is a good alternative to regular makeup.

    If you agaitate the 'worms' (I am not sure exactly what they are to me they look more like hair/fiber when they come out but they do look worm like when embedded in the skin or when an infection is present) you will make sores and infection spread, and picking will drive it very deap. BAD IDEA. I made that mistake with a leison on my forehead. Right between the eyes! And it's been a year and a half and I can't get it properly clear and will return if I consume alcohol or sugar. All the others have resolved. The scarring does too eventually, when all the material comes out. It's not really scarring although it looks that way. Well most of it. It won't look as bad as yu think anyway. I'm finding the white pigmentaton from old sores is fading now too. Seems it goes from being a bump, to a hole (sometimes horrible shapes in between), to flattening out with a purple scar, then turns white. I've been using the illumask with good results. It's infrared and good for healing, scarring, lines etc.

    I change up my facial regime as 'they' get used to products and come back, though not as bad as before. Black african soap is very good, scrub made from coconut oil, dead sea salt, magnesium, and a few drops of citronella and peppermint oil is also very effective.Morgellons causes bacterial and fungal cross infections so when those are especially prevalent I'll use a mixture of phisoderm wash and selsun blue shampoo on my face with kenacomb cream applied after then coconut oil. Applying organic milk to the face after cleansing is very effective. Rinse well or it will smell! Goat lotion or Moo Goo udder cream is also a good moisturiser and vit c serum very helpful for healing and the creepies don't like it. A mask of tumeric and coconut oil will lift the 'worms' out but don't pull them! Let them rise out and rinse off. Do the mask at night so by your morning shower your face won't be stained yellow. Clay mask will draw things out when you can't be bothered turning into an oompa looma. A misting spray of salt and a little peppermint will keep your face clean and clear during work, and add a little apple cider vinegar for when your at home. It's prob a little smelly for public lol!

    It's not just a skin issue though so internal treatment very important. Treating topically may improve the appearance but it will always come back and likely get worse over time. This issue is different for everyone due to the complicated nature of the illness and I am in no means saying that I am a Dr or anything but can share what has helped me. I would also like to add I am not yet rid of this but MUCH improved, had I known earlier what it was I may have been able to catch it before it spread, causing me all kinds of trouble.

    MSM, zinc, liquid silica (also a very calming and clearing face mask) kelp, chlorella, vit b, c and a, l lysene and various amino acids such as NAC have got the condition under control. In severe earlier stages of the illness Doxycycine was the only antibiotic that helped but only use if REALLY needed as the fungal aspect of Morgellons can flourish if the intestinal flora is badly damaged. olive leaf with an added probiotic is good, and regular dosing prevents things getting out of control. Eating fermented foods and organic, no starch or sugar a must. Lots of info online on various sites about this so I won't explain the why's etc.

    I know this is a mamoth post and a lot of info but like I said, I am posting in hope someone may see this who is suffering with these symptoms, and not have to go through what I have. I was an actress, model and dancer before I got ill and this has been soul destroying, but it does get better with time and dedication and for me my faith in God. xx

    • Posted

      I read your post and can't believe what I am reading, you have know idea how badly I want this all just to end. I am so mentally and physically drained. I have no to talk to all doctors have blown me off. They say stop touching your face! My family thinks I'm crazy or on drugs. I have been in this dark deep whole for over three years. I think it's finally getting better and it's like a sick joke it comes right back. I have isolated myself , I feel like everyone is looking at me and judging me. I don't feel it I Know It! I am missing out on my kids lives and I hate it. I'm get bad anxiety when I have to leave the house. And your right if I wash my face and get ready to leave someone it's only a matter of time and it all starts keep back up. I don't even look like me anymore I look old and tore up . Some days I have a glimmer of hope when u wake but it fades fast as my day start to progress . I need help , I want a life! This is not a life. I have humbled myself in these last three years. I think sometimes God is punishing me for the bad things I have done. I feel I have become a better person but still this goes on. I need just some kind of direction. Nothing long and drawn out for now. I have tryed it all. And it never leaves. I don't want to spend one more minute in the mirror . Please tell me where do I go from here.
    • Posted

      Hi Marellen - Really sorry to hear how badly this is affecting you. There are many of us on this site and others that have very similar symptoms and have been completely brushed off by the meical community. So one thing for sure - you are not alone. Unfortunately that does not really help us when we are all alone in our homes and feeling the pain - but it does give us hope that if there are so many of us then someday this will have to be recognized by the medical community and CDC as a real and worth putting research into. For many years I went though every day just like you - looking in the mirror and not reaching out to others. We all have hideous pictures to show and god-awful stories to tell so go ahead and share anything you have figured out that helps and also your pics as often they look similar to others. Stay strong!


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      The one person that helped a lot and truly believed me was a pharmacist he was a foreigner he truly knew what I was talking about because in his country they studied tropical medicine he suggested to have my primary refer me to a university that taught tropical medicine or a tropical doctor but really emphasized going to a university that studies tropical medicine.the lack of sleep emphasizes the whole thing. I remember taking baths and could feel the bottom of the tub felt like small salt granules, when I did not put anything granully into the water.
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      Hi marelln, it sadens me to read how bad ur being affected by this, iv been suffering from these symtons around 8/9months now, n I know how u feel, n it scares me to think 1day I may feel how ur feeling. My doctors look at me like I'm crazy too, but I'm not gna let this or them ruin my life, I really hope u find the strength u need to venture outside n start living again. My thoughts and prayers r with u. All the best to u.x
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      If u pass these with every bowel movement, surely u can collect a sample n prove ur not crazy? Why won't doctors listen if u have proof? My illness is nothing like urs however, it sounds really awful n I have my fingers crossed u will get help soon. I think its terrible so many r being ignored n disbelieved by health professionals, it makes me so angry.. good luck 2u..
  • Posted

    I have posted previously on here. I have had the exact same sores, problems as you all have described. I had a Strongloid Tumor removed about 5 months ago. I was prescribed Pantoprazole to take twice a day, it is for acid reflux but will also kill worms. I still have worms coming out but I had this for almost five years, so I was quite bad. They had to remove 8" of my colon because they had destroyed it so bad. I have found that drinking a shot of tequila (made from 100% guava) helps. At first I thought it was not helping but when I stopped I saw a difference. I also discovered by accident that nicotine will kill them and mixed with food grade glycerin they will come out of your skin. I am not recommending this because nicotine can be poisonous and dangerous if you take in too much and it will seep into your skin. My first try, I had to go home and shower off and was a bit sick. I now use only 12 mg to a ML, mixed with the glycerine. I am not using it all over but just on the sores and my face, my face having been the worse. I have regained my youthful appearance and no longer have any sores on my face and the others are barely there now. You honestly would not believe what I have rubbed out using this. I have tried everything that you all have mentioned here, terpentine, albendazole, ivermectin, castor oil, bleach, just to name a few. The doctor says there is a rhabidaform worm that produces all the larvae, it has to be removed surgically. I guess it takes a while for everything to come out and to go away. I was lucky that I had a doctor to listen to me and send me to a very smart doctor from Turkey. I still poop out a dead worm now and then but I am improving daily and my skin is almost completely healed and back to normal. I think doctors here do not recognize worms and do not probe further than their nose. I think Morgellons is their convenient way of getting around a real diagnosis. I am lucky, I know there are millions suffering and I wish everyone could be cured. I know you feel like Job. I had at least 5 stool samples at different times, went to numerous doctors, specialists, internal, contagious disease, tropical disease and not one ever diagnosed me accurately. I was so lucky to have a doctor listen and look at a ct scan and see it. I do want to note that I had to tell her I saw it and ask her to look. I had been sent to have my lung imaged and that is all the imaging center will do, they will not look anywhere else or report that they have seen anything else. I pray that you will all find a cure, this is debillatating in so many ways. God Bless.
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      Omg thats amazing, when I tell my doctor iv seen something she looks at me like I'm mad.how did u get urs to listen to u? What exactly did u tell her ud seen.?..pls answer..thanks, I'm having a real hard time with doctors at the minute, its driving me insane...
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    Hi! I've been checking in on your posts from time to time since this past June, in horror, shock, and detached disbelief. Please know I do totally believe all of it. Because, I'm living it too!

    Mine started 2 years ago 10/01/13. At the moment I don't want to take up time & space with all the gruesome details from the beginning. But, at present time my scalp is crawling with tiny white worms just under the skin & fearlessly & fiercely attach themselves to me especially at the hair shaft. I have them all over my forehead too. Well, basically they are all over my face. They are in my nose & sinuses, as well as in both ears, eyelids, brows, around & in my eye sockets. My torso, arms, hands, legs, and feet.

    I've seen over 20 doctors. Same story as far as doctors go, they dismiss any and all possibility that there are actuall worms present anywhere on my being. I'm told by all doctors that they believe that I'm feeling what I'm feeling & seeing what I'm seeing because my mind is playing tricks on me and my skin is in on it, and that the brain & skin communicate. The skin is such a large organ & has a lot to do with how we perceive the world. So my neurotransmitters have gone a little haywire along with my nerve endings. So the crawling sensations are real, (remember this is according to them) from nerve endings that were damaged & did not grow back correctly. So, when that happens my brain & skin tell my mind, worms & I see worms. Please know I'm not buying into any of their academic bull. And, know I was a pedestrian who was struck by a car in 2008. I'm fused from C2 - T1 and L3-S1. My left shoulder was also replaced. So my head it attached to my body by 3 titanium rods 14" long with 18 screws. My lower back has 2 titanium rods 18" long & 36 screws. Me left shoulder joint is made out of metal doorknob looking thing that sits in a plastic sleeve. You would not know any of this by looking at me. I appear to look & move just as I did before being struck a car. So you see their conclusion for the diagnosis they insist on giving me is based on all of the above plus the shock and truma from the accident, then surgery. I think their diagnosis is myopic, limiteted, but mostly lazy. I'm sure they think themselves academicly brilliant & ever so clever. I have tried & tried for another opinion but once they find his diagnosis they are sold. They can't understand why I won't just take one of their new psychotropic meds so I can feel better& stop all the misery & suffering I insist on putting myself through.

    I don't think I need to go into all that goes into knowing & living with live worms of questionable origin invading your being. The worry of the damage being caused, the constant itchy, crawling sensations. How sick whatever all that comes them makes you feel. Plus the intense pain that goes with whatever they are internally wrecking.

    I just wanted to introduce myself into this thread for tonight.

    I have some questions for next time. If I find answers I will happily share. Goodnight & Gooodluck

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      Oh my god poor you. It must be unimaginable. Well something happened to me and it wasn't something I thought was possible. The thing in me is massive and the other night it attacked me for just over an hour. I couldn't film the initial attack because I was so terrified but when I thought it stopped I was filming the marks it left on me and it done it again so I have it on film doing it real time. It gathered up near the base of my neck and just stayed there and when I took off a magnetic bracelet I was wearing the attack started. It went all over my body. I think the attack would have happened even if I left the bracelet on. I got one with the negative ions. Absolutely crazy. This is a pic of it just before the attack started 
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      When I started this thread I never imaged it could be anything like this.  I can't type now cos it's on me. Will message you soon.
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      That sounds like how mine started, it seems like once one parasite digs in you the other parasites smell you and others come along.
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    I have not yet come to terms with the idea of worms infesting my body even though it's more then likely really happening. I to had an accident and my back is fused, but even before that i had to have an emergency surgery on my stomach where they repaired a hole. It seems to me looking back I have had non stop problems since. I lived in California then and every time I would go to my doctor and show him sores I was getting on my face he would just prescribe antibiotics and say stop touching your face!! All I had to do is call in a knew script if it got to bad. It kept it at bay I guess. But I moved three years ago and since I have been here (with different doctors) they all just look at me funny and say the same things Don't touch your face. Do you think surgeries could have something to do with this? I want to go see an infectious Doctor but I have to go to my doctor for a referral. I can't tell you the last time I went out of my house without a hat! I don't want to live like this, I have anxiety so bad just going to my sons basketball games. I know how bad I look and what the other parents might think! I feel sad for my son, my family had know idea how awful I feel because they don't get it. They don't think there is anything wrong only me touching my face. I try to talk to my husband but he just agrees with me to shut me up. It's definitely breAking up my marriage. I feel ugly and dirty and don't want to be touched and he thinks I don't like him anymore. I just don't see any end of this, I try to have hope and sometimes there is a glimmer but it's not long lived. They always come back!! I have tryed it all, coconut oil , coal, tea tree oil, scrubs, vitamins, antibiotics, retin-a, and here I am!! On a Friday night rubbing coconut oil on my face discussing worms that hAve takin over my life and body!!
    • Posted

      Dear Marelin, it's 5:53 am and Like most nights I've been up all night tossing, turning, thinking and crying. I logged on to reply someone else's comments but I had to stop and say something when I saw your post. Our stories are tragic and undeserved without a doubt. I can relate to almost every post that I've read but your words about your son hit my heart like a HAMMER. I have a little boy also. I say little but he is 11 and growing up so fast. Even though this has only been going on for three years it has been aclong three years. When your 11 three years is a lifetime. I say that because he can barely remember me before the sick me. The hardest part of all of this madness is the effect it has on him. I feel the same as you. When I look at him I want to cry. I hate myself because I can't stop what is happening to me. I can only imagine what other parents think of me . I try so hard not to think about it. We don't deserve to go thru this ( no one does) and neither do our kids. I went to se a dermatologist last October. It was awful. According to staff there was a conflict in scheduling that changed the derm I would be seeing on that day. I started to leave but talked myself out of it. I wish I had left when my gut said go. He was young and arrogant. Instead of talking to me he talked at me. I wanted to slap him and shake him. I wanted to ask him if he had any idea of how awful he was treating me. I wanted to ask him if he had a child. I just wanted to tear in to him. In an earlier post I mentioned that I needed to get medical attention now but am hesitant because of past experiences. Both of my eyes are swollen and have some kind of infection in them. I've been fighting this for a month and should have already sought out help but I can't get the derm visit out of my head. If he had taken the time to do some labwork my eyes might not have gotten like this. My chief complaint was stinging itching and burning of my face. Particularly beneath my eyes and around my nose. Six days after my visit with him I woke up with one eye swelled shut and the other swollen pretty bad.
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      Good morning Christina - I know this will be very hard, but I believe you should go back to the derm clinic and request an appointment to be seen ASAP - and specifically say that you refuse to see the MD that mistreated you. Let them know that you firmly believe that if he had treated you properly you would not be experiencing the terrible swelling around your eyes. Be as firm as you can and make them understand that if you have any increased problems with your eyes you will consider it to be malpractice on his part and the clinic. I know this is very hard to do, and I will admit that I have shut my mouth numerous times when I also have been mistreated. At one time though, two derm's at Dartmouth Hitchcok put me down terribly and inferred that I had a mental problem causing my lesions. They smirked at me and said things like "come on - do you really believe you have parasites?". I did report them to the plastic surgeon that had done major surgery on my scalp due to morgellons lesions and I insisted that he give me a referral to an infectious disease specialist. I got my referral and appointment quickly and was a lot happier with the treatment I got from him. Try to stay as strong as you can because it will keep you more determined and positive - and happier that you have a little more control over your life. This is what you want your son to see - the woman that he can admire and depend on. Take care!
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      Thank you Rhuby. It's nice to be able to talk about what's happening. When I first posted I honestly did not think I would get a response. A lot of discussions that I've read ( on other sites) are old. All from 2 years back or more. I wonder why they keep posts that old up. There's no one to interact with. You read and wonder what happened to that person.

      I will give the derm office a call. When I left there they insisted on making me a follow up appointment with the same derm. I asked to be scheduled with the derm I was suppose to have seen or anyone else. The lady kept telling me that it would be months before I could get in with another derm. I will go somewhere ( ER IF I HAVE TO ) to get my eyes checked out. They are so bad right now. My eyelashes are falling out. A couple of years ago I would not have hesitated to get help. I would not have put up with the derm like I did. Thans again.

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