Worms in the Face

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Hi All,  I dont know if anyone has come across this.  I have a worm infestation in my face.  They travel around under the skin leaving tracks and bursting holes into my skin.  they create glass like balls that split the skin open and move around my skin with ease. 

I first reported it 3 months ago and the doctors totally ignored me treating me for a secondary infection that was caused by open wounds in my face.  They have given me 4 courses of antibiotics treating the wrong infect but totally ignored waht I was telling ithem about the worms. 

The worms whatever they are are very sharp and whereever they travel through in my face the skin collapses, leaving it like plastercine and it causes tiny splinters that are as sharp as anything that inbed themselves in the inside and outside of my skin right down to the lowest skin level. My skin is also producing a clear sticky substance which feels like little shards of glass if I touch it.  All in all, it really couldnt be much worse except for the fact they have made a hole around my mouth which they can look out of.  I am totally sane!

I am in pieces.  I've been telling the doctors what it is and they have totally ignored me.  Even refusing to refer after an A & E i visited confirmed I needed to be referred as the lesions had been on my face for so long.   

I discovered I had private medical care through my company which now thank god means I've seen my first dermatologist.  He's referred me to another dermatlogist that apparently knows more about things in the skin who I'm yet to see.  Even though he's now put me in the right direction, I'm not convinced he was sure it is worms.  I can pull 1/2 inch worms out of my skin bit by bit.  They look like thread worms and never come out intact, you pull little bits off of them.  It leaves worm shape dents in my face and they feel like little match sticks under the skin.  Nobody is taking me seriously as people dont really get worms in the face. 

They have totally destroyed me skin and I have bad scaring.  I have never had acne and had no scaring.   This has all been caused in the last 3 months.  I dread to think how many are alive in there now they'v been left so long.

Has anyone ever heard of anything like this?

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    I am finally getting the better of my worms infestation.

    i tried taking an incredible amount of different remedies with little to no success, yet over the last 8 weeks or so it has all started to calm down.

    The reason?  I cut virtually ALL carbs out of my diet and went predominantly raw food.  By raw, I also mean meat.

    my body is lacking enzymes.  Enzymes are found in raw, unprocessed, unheated food.  The raw meat, mainly beef, is finally replacing the protein - and therefore metabolic strength - my body has been lacking so long.  

    I am also having plenty of raw beef fat, lard and raw butter when I can get it, about a 30%/70% mix of meat/fat.  I digest the raw meat much easier than cooked.  I baulked at it initially, but then figured that people pay a fortune for raw steak tartare in restaurants, so it can't be that bad, plus, there are cultures all around the world who eat raw meat and fish every day without batting an eyelid!

    I eat some raw low-carb greens, and a little dairy, although I am struggling to find raw dairy in general, and I have just started taking some colloidal minerals too, and boy, has my body gne to work with those!  My body is thanking me.  My nails are getting stronger, and hopefully my hair and health in general will follow suit.  I spent too long in denial, eating sugar and carbs - a little bit won't hurt.....

    my body is finally healing and detoxing and the worms are gradually receding.  I have realised they are part of nature's clean-up process, dealing with rot and decay.  When we are not eating enough of the structure-building foods, and too much of the health-undermining cellular-destructive food, the body cannot defend or heal itself.

    i spent years trying to KILL the parasites without success, when what I should have been doing was strengthening my body and my health.

    They only survive in already weak bodies, not vibrantly fit and healthy ones.  They were not the CAUSE of my sickness, they were the RESULT of my sickness.......

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      During the five years that I had these, the best I ever looked was when I was feeding them a gallon of ice cream a day. Kept them in my intestines and stomach happily fed. I am afraid this is what you are doing with raw meat.  Sorry, but I don't think you are really helping yourself. I went through a severe depression and ice cream was the only thing I could eat, when I regained a healthy eating pattern, I was worse than ever. Also, I dropped weight eating the ice cream, a lot of weight. As soon as I stopped, I gained back all the weight and more. 
  • Posted

    Spirometra erinaceieuropaei-look this up and see if it follows any other symptoms you are experiencing. The outline of the worm in the first photo looks eerily like what I have caught from either my cat, our horribly polluted tap water, food touched by a restaurant worker who has them or something eaten by me (either at a restaurant or something imported-I eat, or used to before this, a lot of sushi, rare meats, unusual fruits/veggies).

    Shame on the doctors out there who want to jump on the crazy train, before doing thorough exams, and educate themselves further. God forbid a patient knows more than they do about anything. Arrogance kills in their profession.

    Good luck to you. I feel your pain, quite literally. Private message me, if you want to talk. Sending positive vibes your way.

  • Posted

    Had it, the doctors and nurses thought I was crazy. I had a 30x mirror. At first it appeared like a zit that wanted to pop so forr two weeks I waited, finally isaid there is something wrong . I thought it was a worm so to test it I put Vaseline on it , next morning I got my 30 x mirror and sure enough it came out for air, I tried to squeeze it out but it was too fast. So by this time I am disgusted and in horror and crying that someone had put a hex on me. I went to after hours but they said I am just imagining things, cream for rash. Long story short they were bot nose flies. I put turmeric Indian spice and a prescription of permethrin after seeing the fifth doctor.

    I had bought a used trailer, I ended up having bed bugs , ring worms and body lice , ring worm. I left everything behind except my important papers and pictures. It was a nightmare. My car became infested too had to spray it down and park it in the hot sun for several months. Total nightmare .the worst part about it is that no one believes you and they think you are a nut, and you can't stay with anyone cause you don't want to bring the critters with you and share them. There were times I really did want to nut up so I can be admitted and be cleaned up. The doctors here in California don't study too much on infectious disease you have to go to a tropical disease doctor.they always ask did you leave the country.

  • Posted

    Hi Nicolamc. I just saw your info . Im shaking with excitement and fear at the same time. I have only read the one post and would like to know if you found help and a correct diagnosis. Going by the post that I read, I have all of the same issues. My nightmare began 3 years ago and has been nonstop. It has only been in the last few days that I think I might have found the answer.

    Like I said, it began three years ago. I don't know how to begin my story so I will not try for now. I'm assuming you live in the UK. I live in the US. When you say threadworms do you mean pinworm of strongyloidr S.? In the US doctors act like parasites , with the exception of pinworms, are not possible. If you haven't traveled outside of the US, you can't possibly have such. Before I go in to detail, I would like to know if you found answers. Three years ago I was beautiful. 41 but could pass for 30. My face is awful. After breaks here and there I'm once again going thru the horror of what only someone like you can relate . With the help of a veterinarian I may have found an answer to my torment. The things that you describe with your face began happening to my fingers and overtime went to my face. My eyes, nose, nose and everywhere else is now involved. I hope to hear from you soon.

    • Posted

      Hi Christina - Sorry to hear you have all the same symptoms. It is just awful what we have to bear with this. What did your vet say? Did they prescribe something or give you a diagnosis?
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      Yes, parasites don't exist in Canada either according to all the doctors I've seen too. But it doesn't matter if people don't believe in parasites because parasites believe in eating people. Google 'worm in cheek'. I found it super helpful.
    • Posted

      Omg, please contact me if you want. SAME STORY. Read above I posted in this reply to Nicole.

      Hugs Tina

      44 going on 60

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      I haven't been examined yet. I know it sounds pathetic, but I'm afraid. Afraid to go to a doctor and not getting any help. The vet thinks I may have a roundworm infection . Toxocara canis actually. It began with my skin and digestive system now my eyes and nose. To look at me it would make sense but that doesn't mean a doctor is going to go along with it. Not even the opinion of a vet. I don't believe a person wakes up one day and starts having these problems without a reason. Like everyone else here, my life is not a life. I'm ashamed of the way I look now. Only a fragment of who I once was. I have no one to talk to. My brother tells me to stay off of forums like this. He says that ideas get put in my head from what I read. He just doesent understand.
    • Posted

      You are right to think that the doctors may not help you much - but you should still try. Did the vet say why he thinks it is a roundworm? Did he do a lab test of some sort? I finally was able to get my doctor to do a stool sample thinking I might have a parasite they could identify but the only thing that came up is that I have Hpylori which was causing an ulcer in my stomach. Probably from dealing with this stuff!  ha-ha! Do not be ashamed of the way this is affecting you physically - many of us are going through the same thing. I have had all of the terrible scarring for over 8 years now. I have decided to just try and ignore it when I am in public. Plenty of people have disabilities and we do not make fun of them. I know your brother is concerned, but sometimes you just have to connect with people that are also going through the same challenges as you are.
    • Posted

      No, you're not pathetic. I've seen a vet, 4 different doctors, had a colonoscopy, and seen a dermatologist. The colonoscopy showed an unidentified orange film coating my intestines, the dermatologist took a sample from my neck but Didn't get the lab to check for parasites, and my family doctor basically told me to stop wasting her time.

      It wears you down to keep going and hoping for answers and nothing comes of it. My family thinks I'm crazy too and they think I'm anorexic. I honestly look like a zombie now. I am 90lbs because I'm literally being eaten alive. I say all this because I want you to know that I really understand feeling alone, beyond exhausted, and hopeless.

      I think it's very possible that I have multiple parasitic infections and that may be true for you too. People DO get dog tapeworms and roundworms everywhere, parasites don't care if you live in a developing nation or not.

      I think you are on the right track. Stay the course and keep going! If you can't get to the doctor right away, be gentle with yourself and wait until you can. Keep posting and doing your research. Keep listening to what your body is telling you. And it is okay to be and feel hopeless and to mourn and grieve for the person you use to be.

      I'm hoping to get my results from a chest x-ray I got done recently (I have a bad chest infection). Tapeworms and other worms can show up on an x-ray. So I will post my results when I get them! Keep posting and talking! Get it all out, it helps.

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      I'm still trying to figure out who I'm replying too. This is the first fourm I've been on so I'll just say the above post was for me and anyone who needs it.
    • Posted

      Hi Legoza - Sounds just awful! I absolutely believe you are right about being eaten alive. I have loss parts of my ears from this stuff necrotizing me. Really sorry to hear that you have loss so much weight. I have also seen at least 30 specialists over the last 8 years with little to no results. It is very interesting that you are having thyroid problems because recently I was tested with very low TSH and have an appointment scheduled with an endochrinologist. That is s o weird that they found the orange film in your colonoscopy. I recently had a stool sample that only came up positive for H pylori (I have an ulcer) even though they were testing for parasites. I am so suspicious though of the tests and the way they always seem to come back negative. I can't even count how many biopsis and tissue cultures I have had done. I really hope your chest X-rays come back with something identifiable. I have had two MRIs and several CT scans with no great help except the MRI did show that the muscle under the giant lesion on my neck was very inflammed and swollen. Please let me know how your test goes.
    • Posted

      Hi Legoza. Just do you know who you are connecting with. I'm a 43 year old single mom. I'll be 44 in less than two months. My world began to fall apart when I woke up ( approx ) 3 years ago with awful stinging sensations in my fingers and the sides of my hands. As I examined them I could see little knots forming under the skin. Over the next couple of weeks the stinging ( and burning ) sensations continued. What started with my hands began to slowly engulf my whole body. I bag an itching all over. Id never experienced anything like this in my whole life. My hands , feet and face began to turn red to purple. First trip to ER was told cellulitis. Next thing I know, what appeared to be bumps, nodules under the skin, began working themselves out as if they had accumulated to the point that something had to give. It felt like needles coming out of my skin. What I saw is what most of us describe as shards, granules etc. as I've stated, that was the beginning. I've been to three deems, two gastros and a countless amount of doctors. The first handful of trips did get diagnosed as parasitic infections but the parasite was unknown. I was even once misdiagnosed with C. diff. How do you get misdiagnosed for C. Diff. ??? Now the same docs that put me on anti parasitic meds choose to treat me like I'm nuts. They diagnosed me yet they wonder where I came up with the idea of parasites. Go figure. Until all this and being examined by them, I knew nothing of parasites, scabies and all this other stuff. Turned out that I didn't have scabies. I wished I had of. At least it would have been an answer. After months of hell I began to look in to things for myself. Here I am now. As I told you before, I feel broken, unfixable. If I found an answer tomorrow, nothing could be done to restore what once was. I told my brother that I'm tired and I am. I just want relief.
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      That first sentence was meant to say just so you know. Im sorry.
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      Christina - That is the saddest story I have heard so far. It makes me cry to think of what you are going through. We have to help you somehow even if it is just to give you friendship and hope. I will stay in touch with you tomorrow. Are you in the US or UK?
    • Posted

      Hi. I read your post. I'm not sure of which one you meant. The one I saw was brief. I learned more about you from the reply that someone posted regarding your thoughts on Morgellans. Because of what it entailed, I don't think I saw the post you are referring to but I will say that I'm not sold on Morgellans 100%. To clarify, I do think that all of us have legitimate health issues. From all that I've seen and read, I can relate to most of the symptoms associated with Morgellans. I really don't know how to explain my opinion on Morgellans but I'm going to try. I think Morgellans is to broad or generic, if you will. How can we say we have it if we don't know what "it" is. How can you be diagnosed and treated for something if you don't know what it is. I think every one on here is suffering from something real. There is no doubt that I have some type of parasitic infection just like everyone else on here but which one of which ones, I can't say. I don't want to be told I have Morgellans until someone can tell me what it is instead of what it feels like. I'm probably not making sense. To compare ( please bear w/me ) I'll use the word virus instead of Morgellans. Now this is a true story. If you go to the local ER( here where I live ) with flu like symptoms of any type and they are not able to pinpoint a diagnosis, you will be told you have a virus. If you ask "which virus?" There exact words " just a virus. You do know that there's been one going around, don't you?" We all know that there are many different viruses that could cause similiar symptoms. I also know , however, that if they looked thouroughly they could tell you what kind of virus it is. But they don't want to do that. Same thing for us when we have sought help for our issues. From what I've seen, the medical experts that do agree that Morgellans is real , also agree that there is something else in itself that is happening to cause the symptoms of what we call Morgellans. I want to know exactly what the heck is making me sick so that I know how to treat the problem and prevent it ( if possible) from ever happening again. In short you could say that I believe in Morgellans in the sense that there is something else causing the symptoms of those that are associated with Morgellans. I do apologize for being redundant and any other errors. I haven't slept in a long long time.

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