Worms in the Face

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Hi All,  I dont know if anyone has come across this.  I have a worm infestation in my face.  They travel around under the skin leaving tracks and bursting holes into my skin.  they create glass like balls that split the skin open and move around my skin with ease. 

I first reported it 3 months ago and the doctors totally ignored me treating me for a secondary infection that was caused by open wounds in my face.  They have given me 4 courses of antibiotics treating the wrong infect but totally ignored waht I was telling ithem about the worms. 

The worms whatever they are are very sharp and whereever they travel through in my face the skin collapses, leaving it like plastercine and it causes tiny splinters that are as sharp as anything that inbed themselves in the inside and outside of my skin right down to the lowest skin level. My skin is also producing a clear sticky substance which feels like little shards of glass if I touch it.  All in all, it really couldnt be much worse except for the fact they have made a hole around my mouth which they can look out of.  I am totally sane!

I am in pieces.  I've been telling the doctors what it is and they have totally ignored me.  Even refusing to refer after an A & E i visited confirmed I needed to be referred as the lesions had been on my face for so long.   

I discovered I had private medical care through my company which now thank god means I've seen my first dermatologist.  He's referred me to another dermatlogist that apparently knows more about things in the skin who I'm yet to see.  Even though he's now put me in the right direction, I'm not convinced he was sure it is worms.  I can pull 1/2 inch worms out of my skin bit by bit.  They look like thread worms and never come out intact, you pull little bits off of them.  It leaves worm shape dents in my face and they feel like little match sticks under the skin.  Nobody is taking me seriously as people dont really get worms in the face. 

They have totally destroyed me skin and I have bad scaring.  I have never had acne and had no scaring.   This has all been caused in the last 3 months.  I dread to think how many are alive in there now they'v been left so long.

Has anyone ever heard of anything like this?

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    Hello I want u to go to facebook and look up a man named STEVE BETTINGFIELD...or BATTINGFIELD. He eill help u to heal yourself. He also will have u mail specimans to him and he will see what her crown. He healed himself from Lyme Diseas and hes so knowledgable . Go message to get in his group and he will help u cause doctors dont get it and leave us all sick and in despair! Tell him Michelle Lunceford sent u. U will be ok smile God bless you
  • Posted

    Just an update on my Albendazole treatment :

    About 5 days in on the first (2week) round of Albendazole, I experienced a violent "die-off" of worms. Many open wound exit points and extremely saturated stools of worms (which still has me pondering just how long I've been hosting these parasites, thinking a couple years at least). I also noticed feeling the pronounced movements of the adult worms throughout my body. Some feelings were as light as just a sensation, the more harsh feelings actually hurt at times (like they were burrowing through areas in a last effort to feed, as Albendazole stops their ability to take in, their source of energy, sugar. I've since finished the first round of taking the pills and at the end of my "2 weeks off, no pills", which I will resume the 2nd (2week) round of taking the pills on Sunday. Most of the wounds are closed up and healing nicely, as nice as scar tissue goes. I also haven't felt adult movements in about a week now, and really hoping it stays that way. Fortunately, insurance picked up (all but $15) of the 120 pill Albendazole prescription tab which landed around $24,000.

    Now, one question left in my mind is the legitimacy of online pharmacys. The same script purchased from, let's just say, an online Canadian pharmacy, would cost approximately $65-70, shipped to the states. I've, myself, not had time to really investigate into that information. I thought I would throw that out there merely as, food for thought.

    Good luck to all.

    • Posted

      Thanks for the update Diggity - it sounds as if Albendazole might be a good thing for many of us to try. You wrote $24,000 - did you mean $2,400? That is an awful lot of money for a prescription. Anyway, it is great to hear that someone is feeling better. What kind of doctor did you see for the medication and treatment?
    • Posted

      So you think the exiting is a result of them dying off? Because I think I also experienced this, but thought it was working adversly. 

      I've been taking the animal wormer version, called Valbazen, and wondering if there is a difference in human and animal wormers. I've taken almost an entire liter already but can't tell if it's working. I've now started a new Fenbendazole wormer called Panacur.

      Can anyone physically describe the things breaking through their skin? I've seen several shape variations, but all translucent white and almost always have a needle shape sticking out of it somewhere. I've not been able to find something similar online, except one pic of a pin worm. Also, I recently found a tiny worm in the sink when rinsing my mouth. This is the only one I've see in worm form though...

      I have an appt with an infectious disease dr next week...we'll see if I get another script for turrets or anxiety. I apologize for the rant, but I'm kind of falling apart emotionally. Went to the ER last night out of desperation, and the arrogant pri** basically blew me off, giving me a script for a funal infection.

    • Posted

      So you think the exiting is a result of them dying off? Because I think I also experienced this, but thought it was working adversly. 

      I've been taking the animal wormer version, called Valbazen, and wondering if there is a difference in human and animal wormers. I've taken almost an entire liter already but can't tell if it's working. I've now started a new Fenbendazole wormer called Panacur.

      Can anyone physically describe the things breaking through their skin? I've seen several shape variations, but all translucent white and almost always have a needle shape sticking out of it somewhere. I've not been able to find something similar online, except one pic of a pin worm. Also, I recently found a tiny worm in the sink when rinsing my mouth. This is the only one I've see in worm form though...

      I have an appt with an infectious disease dr next week...we'll see if I get another script for turrets or anxiety. I apologize for the rant, but I'm kind of falling apart emotionally. Went to the ER last night out of desperation, and the arrogant pri** basically blew me off, giving me a script for a funal infection.

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      unfortunately, I didn't. $24,000 for 120 pills. My doctor is from the Phillipines.
    • Posted

      I see the same things breaking through the skin. Also when cleaning my ears, which get highlighted by a tint of red (blood) in the "earwax". I find stool examination the biggest indicator of whats going on. the first 2 week round of Albendazole was producing what looked to be nests of worms, which gets less the longer exposure to Albendazole. Some are only pieces now, almost flesh colored but are about the diameter of a #2 pencil. Most are thin, 1/2"-3" and white, like plant roots. Ive also them in my mouth, 3 this week, around the base of my teeth. very nausiating.

      forget the ER. I got the same treatment. I showed up with open bleeding lesions after wiping my arms with bleach water. I was discharged with a rash. My doctor (from the Phillipines) says this about the American doctors: "those caucasion doctors are ignorant to the idea of Filariasis existing here in the US." then gave me a brief explaination of Filariasis and and that there are many kinds of it, then told me it would be easier to educate myself by looking it up on the internet. which I have.

      I cannot be 100% sure of which I have, but from the many, MANY hours of reading, the most logical I find due to symptoms and approximate exposure time (thinkings 2 to 5 years), the pork tapeworm seems to fit best. Also called Cysticercosis: affects all parts of the body (even the brain), skin postules, etc. I do believe I will be needing a 2nd script of Albendazole for treatment (2 weeks on, 2 weeks off, 2weeks on).

      I have recently noticed an indicator or 2 on my kids, 3 and 8 year old) and am presently having them checked and tested. Already I am not getting the medical acknowledgement I expect from their pediatrician and am prepared to have MY doctor take them into care if they dont get proper treatment. Even after all that I have been through, my "other half" is still in disbelief that this is what is (until otherwise told by an MD), extremely frustrating.

    • Posted

      Well diggity. ..u seem to b the person to chat with. I went to disease dr....was told morgellons....crazy.....I guess....he said the worms I suggested r not here in states...I haven't been anywhere....soooo...he was impressed with my acceptance and thought process...so I have some knowledge. ..of something. ..anyway. ..idk.... (I thought of taking my dogs dewar ming meds)...and....that's crazy...anyway. ...guess I'm certifiable. . (CRAZY TO THINK CRAZY IS BETTER THAN...ANYTHING ELSE (WORMS) )I JUST DON'T KNOW WHAT TO THINK...UUGH..MORGELLONS? OR INFECTED? ??
    • Posted

      So....pork worm?....the Dr told me to stay away from net but...and just to mention ..I'm not ALL about Web md...or finding out. ..this *Hit....but I wonder why my teeth r falling out....and they r soooo itchy!!!!... I have had cellulitis. ..messed w metals.... (the wound Dr and his nurse...were disgusted by my wound.. .UUGH ) just seems symptoms equal WORMS (PORK?)...I was thinking fibromyasis. ..I'm not dr..but....crazy just seems better.....tho I have read a few people's thoughts and immediately thought....MORGELLONS. ...but....I just don't have an answer. (To anything...at this point )

    • Posted

      If your teeth are falling out and you do have Morgellons you should be eating a whole jelly a week.  Will help with your teeth and your bones.
    • Posted

      I'm not sure y....but u really seem to know....plz respond to me....went to dds again...im sick of sick.....anyway yeast infection in mouth...wtf....is that?...disgusting. ...MY gums feel bruised and to sound CRAZY...BUT...puss has popped out of them...this is horrible!!!!!
    • Posted

      Hi...I have no pics or idea what it is that I have. ..got fungal meds the other day...at least the itch is a little better...but....I just want fixed....I feel horrible and know that I sound completely insane...was even willing to accept that until...I had so much pain in my gums...it felt like a zit needed to pop...and it did...my gums then were drained and we're wrinkly. ..I was told morgellons but ....I don't want parasites. .at all....this is gross and disgusting and totally frustrating...bc I just think there must b a fix...and I'm sick of all of it....sick of sick and hurt...UUGH. the Dr's thinking I am out there sucks too...I just want to not hurt. ..!?!
    • Posted

      Ann, it sounds like it could be thrush. The fungal medication should help allot. Sorry for repeating myself but I would als recommend you buy Crest Clinical and swish it around your gums and teeth at least 3X's a day and then be sure to spit it out and rinse with clean water thoroughly. I really think this will help tremendously and it is a small price to pay for an OTC treatment.
    • Posted

      I brush my teeth (the ones I have left...a lot and gargle)....I thought thrush a least 6month ago...and ok....I was on a lot of antibiotics. ...but there is more...unfortunately. ...I am sick of being sick.....the antifungal seems to b helping along w biotine. ..but pustules is just not normal ...at all....but thx for helping

    • Posted

      I was told I had yeast in my mouth, but no it wasnt. It was larvae from pork tapeworms.
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      Fight to go to infectious deseise Dr. In LYNWOOD ca.

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      He has an appt. on the 28th. We hope it's not contagious, because there will be a epidemic in a couple of states that my husband travels to everyday as he works... .

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