Worms in the Face

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Hi All,  I dont know if anyone has come across this.  I have a worm infestation in my face.  They travel around under the skin leaving tracks and bursting holes into my skin.  they create glass like balls that split the skin open and move around my skin with ease. 

I first reported it 3 months ago and the doctors totally ignored me treating me for a secondary infection that was caused by open wounds in my face.  They have given me 4 courses of antibiotics treating the wrong infect but totally ignored waht I was telling ithem about the worms. 

The worms whatever they are are very sharp and whereever they travel through in my face the skin collapses, leaving it like plastercine and it causes tiny splinters that are as sharp as anything that inbed themselves in the inside and outside of my skin right down to the lowest skin level. My skin is also producing a clear sticky substance which feels like little shards of glass if I touch it.  All in all, it really couldnt be much worse except for the fact they have made a hole around my mouth which they can look out of.  I am totally sane!

I am in pieces.  I've been telling the doctors what it is and they have totally ignored me.  Even refusing to refer after an A & E i visited confirmed I needed to be referred as the lesions had been on my face for so long.   

I discovered I had private medical care through my company which now thank god means I've seen my first dermatologist.  He's referred me to another dermatlogist that apparently knows more about things in the skin who I'm yet to see.  Even though he's now put me in the right direction, I'm not convinced he was sure it is worms.  I can pull 1/2 inch worms out of my skin bit by bit.  They look like thread worms and never come out intact, you pull little bits off of them.  It leaves worm shape dents in my face and they feel like little match sticks under the skin.  Nobody is taking me seriously as people dont really get worms in the face. 

They have totally destroyed me skin and I have bad scaring.  I have never had acne and had no scaring.   This has all been caused in the last 3 months.  I dread to think how many are alive in there now they'v been left so long.

Has anyone ever heard of anything like this?

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  • Posted

    Hi there. I saw your pics. Nobody knows from where it comes. I was infected in July 2015 first symptoms showed up in August. Terrible itching, you want to tear off your skin. I guess it is a type of sarna don't recognized as scabies yet. There is an explosion in the world. Highly contagious. In spanish it is called "el arador de la sarna" translated as "the sarna plowman".

    I got infected from an epilator I bought to remove hair from my arms (It didn't say it was a returned item) mayor infection came to my arms indeed. I thing I am over now, 5 months later. Dermatologist says it is not a parasite since parasites are microscopic, you can not see them. And I saw them and I taked them out of my skin. You are right, they travel into the body. It was a nightmare in November and December. In total it was needed 2 rounds of Ivermecting, 4  Permethrin tubes, 1 bottle of Benzyl Benzoate 8 oz, and a lot of hot bathtub sumerged on Epson Salt + Bicarbonate + Clorox to clean up the all my body. Also 3 tubes of Cicatricure mixed with any ointment based on vaseline, or vaseline itself.

    Massage in circular way to the right with the Cicatricure and the oinment until it is absorbed by the skin. It takes time, be patient. Be passionated when rubbering. Then clean up with a cotton ball very well wet in alcohol. Repeat it until no more "little things" are coming out, the itching stopped and the reddness deseapeared. Any little wound will not heal if you still having them there.

    Good luck.eek

    Note: "little shards of glass" are them too, when they are dead. Males died after females get pregnant and females died after finish the cycle of borrow canals under the skin and drop all eggs.


    • Posted

      Hi Vivian, thank for the advice.  I'm so glad it sounds like you have managed to clear your infection up.

      My symptoms have just evolved since i first started this thread.  I definitely have Morgellons.  One of the most powerful things I've found to kill them, although it hasnt cured them is Wild Oregano oil from Greece.  They start throwing themselves out of my body.  It burns like hell if not diluted.  I also bath in at least 2 cups of sea salt and sometimes add bicarb of soda.  I just received hydrogen peroxide which i'm going to try tomorrow.

      As for curing it I started a zapper treatment yesterday which i felt got a reaction.  Way to early to tell if it will really help but I'm optomistic, I always try to be smile.  I saw some people post online that people with Morgellons shouldnt do it but I also think there is a lot of fake posts online trying to stop people trying things that are actually beneficial for the condition.  

      Its going to be a long road to recovery but I will keep trying.  I am also starting to introduce crystals/stones into my treatment as the research i done seems to imply it could be beneficial and that they are powerful but I've only just started that too so still too early to know.

      I am really glad you managed to get rid of your problem.  I just stopped using the Ivermersin as I found the Wild Oregano Oil was much more powerful against it and pulled what I had previously thought was a parasite infection out of my skin the first time i used it.  I use the oil diluted all over my body and take it internally as well as its a super strong anitfungal.  I'll defo look into the Permethrin, Benzyl Benzoate and Clorox, thank you.

    • Posted

      Hi, Vivian.

      I just wanted to address 1 point in your post. "All parasites are microscopic", is not correct. I'm being treated for Filariasis, or very small parasitic worms in/under the skin, mostly 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch in length, most of the time resembles a small black hair (the grown adults are a little bigger, of course, which I haven't felt move around as of lately). Back to my point, it is by far, not out of the question to see parasites by the unaided eye.

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      I am pretty sure there is something sinister going on and i do believe it is man made.   I was able to pull things out of my skin with magnets. 

      What I would like to know is if I can view my blood under a microscope and see things going on that definitely shouldnt be, how are blood tests coming back normal.  I dont believe the tests do come back normal.

      I went into this not wanting to believe the conspiracy theories and I do feel a lot of them are out there to distract people from the truth but there is no other conclusion that what is going on is not a normal and nothing could explain away the things i've seen.  These things are not normal parasites, this thing changes our DNA.

      If somebody told me about this illness and what they have seen and experienced, I wouldnt believe it was possible.

      Doesnt matter what photo's you have or what evidence you can produce, its like hitting your head against a brick wall.

  • Posted

    Hi All,

    Sorry i havent been around or answering anything.  My emails were directed to a different folder and I didnt see the notifictions.

  • Posted

    I'll show you some of the madness thats been going on since I've been gone.  Morgellon Hairs, Aliens..massive creatures fighting me on the inside.  This illness is nuts.

    Over Christmas i got a funny crawling sensation on my back, not for the first time and I already knew there was nutty things on my body but these pics were taken on a razorblade after i run it along my back to see what was causing these sensation.  This is with a microscope at x100 zoom

    The pic that shows something hanging off hair like things is the red alien looking thing.


  • Posted

    Hi nicolamc,

    You have described my issue to the T. When I read your post I almost started crying bc as with many of the posts I've read below my hubby believe me to be crazy. Please can you tell me if you found any thing that's worked? Right now to add insult to injury I've got a cold and my running nose is making my nose sticky too! From blowing it. I'm freaking out thinking it's in more than my skin... please help!

    Thanks Julia

    • Posted

      Well I got one specific blood test done. Can't remember for sure ccd test. A test specifically looking for parasites. Came back negative. But getting appt w infectious disease dr anyway. I have TOO many symptoms and tho it's horrifying to think of bugs(monsters) in me... If...they need to b dealt w and GO! I have no answers yet. Unfortunately but trying. At least 2 of my Drs didn't think I was totally out of my mind. Sorry.For us! I believe...when something is not right in our bodies...we know!!?! When I figure it out I'll post it. I wish that I was crazy. But I am sure there IS something very wrong.YUCK!!!!😤
    • Posted

      From what I understand about blood testing... for Filariasis (worms/larvae), blood drawn for testing should be drawn at night.

      Myself, I didn't have testing done as I had collected specimens from open wounds and phlegm.

      I wasn't about to hear that I was imagining ailments/simptoms.

    • Posted

      Hi JuliaZ, I'm still trying to find the cure.  My big recommendations would be Wild Oregano Oil for drawing stuff out of the skin and colloidal silver as its very effective against nanotech and all viruses.  Apparently, I read in an article nothing to do with Morgellons thats why it was banned for taking orally and history articles were falsified when governemnts were messing about with nanotech/germ warfare. It made sense to me anyway.  I dont know about you but i've never seen a silver person walking around and its meant to be something like 10 million people take it.  You would have to take a seriously high amount of it, loads of the stuff.. drink pints of it.  after reading that I'm tipping it all over my body after a shower as well.  Magnets do kill them as well but until I try the magnetic sticks with seriously strong magnets I dont know how effective it will be.  I reckon it will be seriously effective.  I was pulling things out with Hematite magnets and they are pretty weak magnets.
    • Posted

      Hello juliaZ.         I was married to the man I thought I'd be with until we passed. But after 20 years passed he began to change. I saw everything described in this forum on him and tried to get him to go be checked. He did and the Dr blew him off. As time went by he developed terrible headaches and many other symptomsBut the worst was that he began not wanting to let me eat after a certain time.... he could not stand the sound of running water... he started hurting me and finally after 3 yrs of abuse I left.He came looking for me after while and found me. I went off a second story balcony hitting the concrete below  breaking and crushing bones. The ER staff became suspicious after a few trips and they notified the police. Them and my Attny convinced me to file charges and on Dec 1. 2016 I did. On Dec15 2016 police were at my door. He took his life that day. Long story short his death cert  stated he died from cardiac arrest... cancer. and unexplained suspicious labs from his blood. Nothing was even mentioned about the condition of his skin and even his eyes. I know what I saw and I had to live with all the personality changes that happened. I know he lived me and would not have hurt me if something was not changing him. I now am dealing with all the painful things on me exactly like pictures shown here and from all the hurt he caused me. I just had the fourth surgery on my arm to place metal plates in where I no longer heal from. My skin is becoming bad niw. I too have the tracks on my skin that Drs say I make to myself. They are impossible and I'm not sure I wish to go on if this is to be the rest of my days in this earth. I would never hurt myself but I would ask God to please take me if things get worse . My mouth and throuatgr a mess but my Dr won't even really look. Something falls out of my nose sometimes and seems to diss spear in mid air. I'm going to the farm store tomorrow and get what we were given on the farm as kids and pray it helps some. I will come back to this forum to let everyone know if I have any success. I'd love to hear from you and anyone else that may b interested.. God I pray it will help.   TarponLinda70

    • Posted

      Tarponlinda70 for your nose use saltwater nasal spray i have had similar use whenever necessary.

      For your skin. Just use iodine and paint it on your whole body if necessary.

      Don't use anything harsh you'll just make it worse.

      Try that to ease the symptoms.

      Ive had this for over ten years.

  • Posted

    Hello I want u to go to facebook and look up a man named STEVE BETTINGFIELD...or BATTINGFIELD. He eill help u to heal yourself. He also will have u mail specimans to him and he will see what her crown. He healed himself from Lyme Diseas and hes so knowledgable . Go message to get in his group and he will help u cause doctors dont get it and leave us all sick and in despair! Tell him Michelle Lunceford sent u. U will be ok smile God bless you
    • Posted

      Thank u ....for even caring or believing.... One (just1). Believed me. Effffing.Finally. It's horrible to even think.Then have everyone thinking a straight jacket is one step away. I gave vial of blood specifically looking for parasite. Should hear Monday. Then infectious dr here I come. Maybe I am crazy.....I can only hope bc yuck!!
    • Posted

      My husband went to a Infections Disease Specialist & they didn't do anything either. Treated him like all the other Doctors, like it was in his head. Doing everything yourself using the natural approch is the only thing that will help. Look up this Steve Battenfield guy that yourdad mentioned. God Bless you all.

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