Worms in the Face

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Hi All,  I dont know if anyone has come across this.  I have a worm infestation in my face.  They travel around under the skin leaving tracks and bursting holes into my skin.  they create glass like balls that split the skin open and move around my skin with ease. 

I first reported it 3 months ago and the doctors totally ignored me treating me for a secondary infection that was caused by open wounds in my face.  They have given me 4 courses of antibiotics treating the wrong infect but totally ignored waht I was telling ithem about the worms. 

The worms whatever they are are very sharp and whereever they travel through in my face the skin collapses, leaving it like plastercine and it causes tiny splinters that are as sharp as anything that inbed themselves in the inside and outside of my skin right down to the lowest skin level. My skin is also producing a clear sticky substance which feels like little shards of glass if I touch it.  All in all, it really couldnt be much worse except for the fact they have made a hole around my mouth which they can look out of.  I am totally sane!

I am in pieces.  I've been telling the doctors what it is and they have totally ignored me.  Even refusing to refer after an A & E i visited confirmed I needed to be referred as the lesions had been on my face for so long.   

I discovered I had private medical care through my company which now thank god means I've seen my first dermatologist.  He's referred me to another dermatlogist that apparently knows more about things in the skin who I'm yet to see.  Even though he's now put me in the right direction, I'm not convinced he was sure it is worms.  I can pull 1/2 inch worms out of my skin bit by bit.  They look like thread worms and never come out intact, you pull little bits off of them.  It leaves worm shape dents in my face and they feel like little match sticks under the skin.  Nobody is taking me seriously as people dont really get worms in the face. 

They have totally destroyed me skin and I have bad scaring.  I have never had acne and had no scaring.   This has all been caused in the last 3 months.  I dread to think how many are alive in there now they'v been left so long.

Has anyone ever heard of anything like this?

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    You are not crazy I suffered from the exact same thing for years I went to doctors and they wasted my money and time and let me suffering all they wanted to give me with benadryl psychiatric drugs antidepressants I finally broke down recently and begged the doctor to give me a parasite treatment I took three ivermectin pills and using ivermectin cream called soolantra and within 24 hours everything was purchased from my system All mites the worms died the warm is actually dead in the side of my leg I can see it sticking out this is not something that Dr should ignore I had so many doctors telling me I was crazy and there's no bugs or worms in me when I could see them with my eyes and see the trail this treatment has totally relieved my symptoms of itching and all the redness on my face has gone away and I guarantee it was the source of all my health problems toxins from all of those creatures just poisoning me for years find a doctor that will give you those two medications they are recommended by the World Health Organization for every human to treat parasites once a year it has helped millions of people but millions still go on suffering I will totally advocate this for the rest of my life for all the years I had to suffer and the scarring on my face anytime I get a spot I'm going to continue using the lotion and I am going to use the ivermectin once a year to prevent any new infestation you are not alone this is happened to me you need to get a doctor to give you the correct treatment
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      Hi my name Is Jerri I have been tring to get an IID on the worms I have and no one seems to be able to do this. So I have been in a living he'll seen July.. Any advise.Thanks Jerri
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      Hi Jerri, the only worms i could find that in any way matched what i was seeing was when I looked into Candida parasites.  None of the other ones were anything like it.  It took me a while to stumble across.
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      Hi Corinne,  I found Soolantra helped me a lot and i was recommending it to everyone because it stopped me having all those nasty sores all over my face.  Unfortunately with me my illness isnt a typical parrasite infection so didnt draw the problem out of my skin.  I used to have all bumps i could feel under the skin along my jaw line and the soolantra didnt draw them out, it did help me more than anything else I'd tried prior to it though.  The first time I used Wild Oregano Oil these things that caused the bumps were quite litterally throwing themselves out of my skin.  They were in places on my face I didnt even know I had them.  Morgellons is a fungal infection and i would think that pure wild oregano oil is probably the most poweful antifungal treatment available.  It did what doctors have failed to do for me in the last 14 months! smile.

      You are so right about people not getting treated and being labelled mad.  They write you off as mad before they even look to see if what you are saying is true, its crazy!.  I'm so glad you are still going on threads and posting your knowledge because there are so many people out there feeling totally lost and helpless and SCARED looking for advice.

      One thing is for sure whether it be Morgellons or Parasites, people arent getting treated or diagnosed by GP's and Hospitals in a lot of the cases.   Its like if the test comes back negative then thats that.  Doctors arent using their common sense and eye's to look at what the person is showing them and listening to what the patient is telling them.  Lazyness.  Some of the treatment I got was diabolical with recommendations that I attended a mental health assessment and all along what I was saying was happening was happening.  A year it took me to get diagnosed and then I was diagnosed because I purchased a microscope and took photo's of what was going on.  In that time not one single medical person examined my skin, they just said i was basically mad and self harming while all the time my infection was growing. Sick really.

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      Hi Nicolamc, Thanks for replying. I had a another negative test result today .I'm so tired .
    • Posted

      Hi Jerri - You have to hang in there - everyone is getting the negative test results for some reason. We know how awful it feels so please keep communicating and try to stay as positive as possible. Letting depression set in makes it so much harder to deal with this horrible syndrome. We all stand by you so keep in touch!
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      Hi Rhuby , This is so unbelievable I can't wrap my head around I do need to stay positive . Has anyone here had a positive test result ? Thank you I will stay in touch
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      Hi Jerri - Unfortunately I do not know of anyone with a positive test result although some people have tested for intestinal worms - not sure if they have the very same thing as some of us though. I just had a complete auto-immune workup that took 20 vials of my blood and included blood protiens and antibodies, lupus, RA, etc and not one of them was positive. As you can imagine it is so frustrating.
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      I, also, just had a complete analysis of blood work done just a couple weeks prior to diagnosis, which hinted nothing towards a parasitic infection. High blood pressure, but no parasites.
  • Posted

    Hi, I have had the same problem since March last year. My doctor has no idea so I started seeing a Chinese doctor in Brisbane  City. When he looked at my wrist and face he said its to do with the liver but wasn't sure. I started doing video dairies of my forever changing skin. I would tremble so much at night that I could hold anything after 7pm. 

    Since no western doctor will ever treat me because worms are for people on drugs or mental illness so I go and see me Chinese doctor for acupuncture but you need to get your liver done and every joint in your body and this works wonders. Because it's so hard to get rid of I now just use proventsion measures each day I wash bi-carb soda as a body scrab, then a use anti fungal cream every single day. I wash all my clothes in hot water and use sunlight soap instead and a cup of vinegar and then hang clothes in hot sun (luckily enough Queensland sun). In my dish washer instead of rinse aid I use vinegar as people don't realise that dishwasher spread a lot of fungal infections. Vacuum each day use a hot steam cleaner in bathroom (I picked it up hardware store for $40.00). Each morning I open all blinds and let the sun shine in. I moved my room around so that bed is at the window.. I bag all clothing separately which was huge but if you want to kill this its what you have to do. I go for a 30 min walk each morning to get sun on my skin. 

    I eat natural yoghurt first thing in morning and last thing at night and also have a cup of lemon water afterwards. Plus carry a lint roller with you everywhere and lint roll your bed each morning and night. I change sheets now every 2nd day and have a mozzie net over my bed. Lint roll your clothes when you put them on and after you get out of car. (And look like a nut case lol) 

    i also take 3 times daily pau  d'caro. Finally it's under control and I'm healing I been doing all this now for over 2 months. 

    One more thing (sorry) I rub my back hard against corner of the wall and have a spike massage ball over my body. 

    I was going out of my mind for 6 mths and started to maybe think I was crazy 

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      Hi Milly, yes my boss suggested I should see a chinese doctor as well.  Especially as I was saying worms were coming out of my skin.  You reigime sounds good.  I use a salt soap or sulphur soap.  I have also started to use Borax for my laundry.  I soak it all for an hour in Borax then put a 1/4 cup in with the normal wash once its soaked.  

      I would really recommend getting the wild oregano oil from greece and add that to your reigime, its like a little miracle in a bottle.  4 drops daily in juice (diluted always) and hold it under the tongue so its absorbed into your body.  It really is nasty and hot but amazing.  Also diluted as a skin moisuriser.  If you have what I have then it really does kill stuff.

      Another thing i now take religiously is diatomaceous earth, 2 teaspoons in half a glass of milk as well as a collegen suplement.  I also take a natural parasite treatment of Black Walnut, Clove and Wormwood Capsules.  If there is things running around in me i dont want to give them a comfortable environment.  I also use Colloidal Silver which is a great antifungal and they dont like that at all, that in conjunction with the zapp treatment i've just started i hope will give them a kick up the bum.  Then probiotics to replace the bacteria the silver and the oregano oil is killing off as they wont differenciate between good and bad.  

      I find salt baths draw stuff out as well but it has to be at least 2 cups of sea salt.  i will let you know how i get on with the hydrogen peroxide baths as i only just got it and havent tried it yet.

      I do hope you manage to kill the infection, you sound like you are going a good way about it  i should introduce the lemon juice in water as well as thats supposed to be good.

      let us know how you are getting on smile

    • Posted

      Hey, I think I have worked out what it is. Snail worms. 

      What do recken? Have a read. I took the recommend medication as well but twice the dose, garlic and I never had them before but some laxertives and my skin cleared up overnight. I'm going to treat myself every 2 weeks for next 3 mths to see how I go. plus continue with everything else. I feeling a lot better as well. 

      one big thing I also do now is get my fruit and veg from farmers in the area, all these import from 3 world wouldn't be good. 


      let me know what you think

  • Posted

    i believe i have some sort of thread-like parasite in my gums.  I am not a hypercondyack(sp).  My gums are itchy...sometimes and swollen.  I have gotten hard pieces of sharp hard substances out...they feel the size of glaciers...but are pretty small.  I have had several teeth removed because of this.  I had not thought of the possibility of parasites(uugh) then.  I wonder if anyone can help?  I have gone to the dentist every year of my life since 4.  I have been to several dentists and 3 oral surgeons.  I just want help and cure for why my teeth are falling out.  If anyone has also experienced this...please help!!!!  I am at my wits end.  Ready to call the CDC...I cant believe this is happening to me....and its horrible to not be cured....and think that i must be crazy to think this....HOW is it even possible.  MONSTERS INSIDE ME.  I am positive something is sooo wrong.  I just know.  Though  I do realize(like others) that it seems crazy.  
    • Posted

      Hi Ann - Sounds absolutely awful and I am so sorry to hear of what you are going through. Any chance that you have kept and photographed any of the artifacts that come out of your gums? Perhaps you could share them if you have. I have a terrible time with these things coming out of my skin but not my gums. The only thing I can think of recommending just to try is what I use in my mouth - that is lots of baking soda and Jasons toothpaste on my toothbrush and a full minute rinse literally swishing through my teeth with Crest Clinical. It has hydrogen peroxide in it. Prior to using this protocol and since I started with my symptoms I had extremely sensitive teeth that nothing would help, but since using this protocol I have no problems at all. I wish you the best.
    • Posted

      Hi Ann that sounds awful.  I'm sure there is something wrong, just because test results come back negative doesnt mean there is nothing there.  It just means they havent tested for the right things or looked for them.  Is it only your mouth you are having problems with?  While you are trying to get to the bottom of it you should defo be using corsodyl products to kill any bacteria in there.  Baking soda as well like Ruby said and I'm not aware of Jasons products in the UK.  if you could post some pics like Ruby said that would be really handy.
    • Posted

      Hi there - For anyone that is interested Jasons toothpaste is natural and you can find it online .
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      I got fed up w all of it. I threw away my Baggie of "goodies".That was not smart. But Anyway I think whatever it is. Is affecting my orifices.Uugh Whatever likes warm moist places.I'm going to infectious disease dr. Maybe she will figure this out. (I hope).Just sucks. But somehow it makes me feel better that other "normal" people have the same issues. Thank you. Keep u posted.
    • Posted

      Hi Ann - I know how you feel about the medical community nd its inability to even consider we have something causing our reaction. I now have Delusions of Parasitosis, Nerotic Excoriations, and "Factitious Disorder" Be careful of this one - it is their newest label. When you look it up it is defined as a condition in which a person acts as if he or she has an illness by deliberately producing, feigning, or exaggerating symptoms. Factitious disorder imposed on another is a condition in which a person deliberately produces, feigns, or exaggerates the symptoms of someone in his or her care. Even the rheumatologist I just saw is labeling with this syndrome. I honestly cannot take it anymore but I am so determined to figure out what it is - not only for myself but for all of us. This just is not fair that they have the audacity to bully us around and verbally abuse us. I personally have been mistreated by a number of MDs of numerous specialties. I also have a visit scheduled with an infectiuos disease specialist that I was seeing a couple of years ago. At the time I did not have insurance and he had me on Levofloxicin (a broad spectrum antibiotic for 1.5 years. The visits and medication were very expensive so I stopped seeing him. It was not a good idea because I ended up with a horrendous, very large lesion on my neck that is just now healing after going to a wound clinic weekly for 8.5 months. Because I have insurance now I am going to ask him to run a gammut of tests for different diseases, such as Lymphadenitis caused by Mycobacterium haemophilum, cutaneous tuberculosis, scrofuloderma, and lymphoma.
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      hi   thx for reading   i did read that everyone should have parasite treatment every year  my dog gets meds  tho i dont regularly sniff crap   i think maybe i (we) might need it   might help   if only a dr would perscribe it    fed up    
    • Posted

      im chalking this up...to getting old.... tho other 40 year olds dont mention they have parasites in them    the only people talking about this stuff is here and animal planets "monsters inside me"   i just keep thinking...at least its not a botsi (sp) fly....positivity.....i am trying


    • Posted

      I've had these worms come through every part of my body, nothing is excluded... gums, tongue, lips, etc.

      I find that one's dying off before making it to skin surface, do get hard and crystal-like. To me, feels like very small shards of broken glass beneath the skin. I believe they turn calcified, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong though.

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      Though, a couple minutes of superglue to remedy the removal of the bot fly is much faster than 6 weeks of Albendazole pills. It is un-nerving at times feeling the adult worms move... I opt for quick consumption of simple meals and do my best to stay busy, as to avoid time to think about it.

      Difficult at best, but getting easier.

    • Posted

      I need to say...ur awesome....I called cdc....but now am waiting til tomorrow to call my health dept....but I think (hope) YOU pointed me in the right direction....!!did u ever figure out what was wrong w u?
    • Posted

      Hi Ann - You are very sweet. Unfortunately, I the doctors have no idea what I have, but that does not mean that they can't diagnose you. Keep trying and be strong!


    • Posted

      Nothing like screaming morgellons. ...called cdc...the health dept...infectious dr...dds.....and wound dr...also....!!! Tho I think....honestly I have convinced all of them...something is wrong....not in my head.....yay!!!!....step 1.....I hope?!? Good luck...
    • Posted

      Geez - I am so proud and happy for you. You sure have done a llot more than I have. Thank you so much! By the way, I do not know how old you are, but I was wondering if you have ever taken Fosamax. I did not realize you lost so many teeth to this and that got me thinking about how many woman have lost their gums, jaw, and teeth to taking this drug. It is a pharmaceutical crime like many others.
    • Posted

      Idk what u said....u got shut down...

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