Worms in the Face

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Hi All,  I dont know if anyone has come across this.  I have a worm infestation in my face.  They travel around under the skin leaving tracks and bursting holes into my skin.  they create glass like balls that split the skin open and move around my skin with ease. 

I first reported it 3 months ago and the doctors totally ignored me treating me for a secondary infection that was caused by open wounds in my face.  They have given me 4 courses of antibiotics treating the wrong infect but totally ignored waht I was telling ithem about the worms. 

The worms whatever they are are very sharp and whereever they travel through in my face the skin collapses, leaving it like plastercine and it causes tiny splinters that are as sharp as anything that inbed themselves in the inside and outside of my skin right down to the lowest skin level. My skin is also producing a clear sticky substance which feels like little shards of glass if I touch it.  All in all, it really couldnt be much worse except for the fact they have made a hole around my mouth which they can look out of.  I am totally sane!

I am in pieces.  I've been telling the doctors what it is and they have totally ignored me.  Even refusing to refer after an A & E i visited confirmed I needed to be referred as the lesions had been on my face for so long.   

I discovered I had private medical care through my company which now thank god means I've seen my first dermatologist.  He's referred me to another dermatlogist that apparently knows more about things in the skin who I'm yet to see.  Even though he's now put me in the right direction, I'm not convinced he was sure it is worms.  I can pull 1/2 inch worms out of my skin bit by bit.  They look like thread worms and never come out intact, you pull little bits off of them.  It leaves worm shape dents in my face and they feel like little match sticks under the skin.  Nobody is taking me seriously as people dont really get worms in the face. 

They have totally destroyed me skin and I have bad scaring.  I have never had acne and had no scaring.   This has all been caused in the last 3 months.  I dread to think how many are alive in there now they'v been left so long.

Has anyone ever heard of anything like this?

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  • Posted

    Patricia, you may not see this but if you do, can you please PM me about the essential oils.  I tried to PM you, but can't see any way to do it, possibly because you have not made enough posts.

    i am sorry they were deleted.  The mods are very hot on links, etc.  I didn't see your posts but my email links gave me an idea of the content.  I do think oils are powerful, and have some myself but would love to know what you are doing with them.

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    My first thought reading this was Neck thread worms which horses get. Also treated with regular doses of invemctin wormer to kill the larvae as they hatch. It is impossible to kill the adults, but I guess if you kill all the larvae the adults will eventually die of old age. Horses get it from mosquito bites and I see no reason why a human or other animal couldn't contract it the same way. I know how itchy my horse gets and the mess his skin is in, so I feel for you,
    • Posted

      Hi Rachel, my illness is actually Morgellons.  I had it confirmed in October finally.  To be honest with Morgellons you never know whats going to pop out of your skin next.  Last Friday i felt like something was in the back of my head and i used my phone to look and i could see things but it wasnt clear then I actually managed to get one popping out of my head in a photo.  I didnt know til i looked back at what I filmed.  I'm going to the doctors next week to ask him what he suggests with evidence this time lol.  If you look directly under my nail you will see it.  Unfortunatley i had to shave me hair off a few weeks ago because the Morgellons had cloned it and i couldnt share my hair with Morgellons so i'm re-growing it hopefully without them.
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    Transmitted by mosquitos, non-contagious.

    Treated with Albendazoale sometimes with Ivermictin.

    6 monthe it took me to point medical professionals in the right direction and get a diagnosis.

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      Hi Diiggity - Whi finally diagnosed you and how did they do it? What tests did they use? Are you really completely healed? If so, I want to recommend the tests to my MDs. Merry Christmas!


    • Posted

      I had (once again) a spot that festered up on my face like many times before over different parts of my body. I gently applied pressure around it while gently scraping over the top of it to collect samples of what looked like very small worms, about the size of a 1/4 inch hair (can't squeeze hard to force them out, doesn't work).

      I took the sample to my doctor, who is from the Philippines. I explained what was going on, that I was treated before for scabies but these looked more like a pin worm that was in some way connected to the bloodstream. I was also coughing up phlegm which also had these tiny looking hairs in it. He took a look at my bagged specimen, then explained Filariasis to me, a VERY COMMON epidemic found in 3rd world countries. He was very knowledgeable about the condition AND the treatment. He prescribed (along with an antibiotic) Albendazoale (Albenza) 200mg, 2 pills twice a day for 2 weeks, I then take no pills for 2 weeks, then resume again 2 pills twice a day for 2 weeks. I am currently taking the first part of this prescription.

      I'm in the US. The doctors here, for some reason, don't believe Filariasis exists here. Everywhere my internet/forum reading takes me is to the same stories over and over with the EXACT same ailments. Finding a doctor from a country familiar with this (like India or Africa) may be your easiest route to diagnosis and treatment.

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      I agree with you . You were fortunate to have that doctor. I was born in the US but conceived abroad. Korea to be exact. My mom was 30 before she ever slept foot in the US. If I had came along a couple of days early, I would have been born in Korea. My mom comes from a culture that is all to familiar with parasites. I've lived all over the place. From the age of 1 to 4 I lived in Central America. My Dad was USmilitary. My Army medical records show that I was treated for intestinal parasites or worms ( as my mom would say) twice while living in Panama. My mom remembers finding them. Because of this, she believes I've got something going on. I can't remember the ordeal but remember taking medicine. When my dad retired he was allowed up keep our medical records. He has been dead for years now. My mom kept the records but can't locate them now to see if they actually identify what I had. She could only speak broken English back then and can not tell me word for word what had been written. My dads dead so I can't ask him. It was never an issue til now. My mom lives in a military town that is heavily populated with Asian immigrants and Asian Americans. I had planned to go there and be examined by a physician specializing in Eadyern meds but did not get to go. My mom sees him often and refers to him as the Chinese medicine doctor. She likes him but still used an American traditional medicine physician. She says that she goes to the Chinese Doctor for things that she knows the other one will not understand. As a kid I can remember her getting so frustrated with Army doctors. I can remember her telling my dad that she wasn't crazy no matter what the doctors said. I now understand her frustration. The US considers places I've lived to be high risk areas for parasitic infections.
    • Posted

      Hi Diggity, Im sure you are 100 right, apparently there is also an illness that to do with a tropical rats that can cause morgellon type symptoms, they are exactly the same.

      Mine unfortunately is Morgellons.  I wish it wasnt.  These are all pics from stuff on my body except for the alien in the top right i grew him from scrapings of my skin.

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      I am so thankful for this forum 🙏. Yall are lifesavers.

  • Posted

    Pass this information around as it seems MANY people are getting unfairly labeled with this Morgellons Disease.
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    I'd also like to add some skin relief I'very found along this disturbing adventure. At the time, I was convinced I was suffering the worst case of scabies ever imagined.

    I bathed daily (religiously) in a HOT bath, adding 1 - 1 1/2 cups of Borox ("Borox Muleteam") laundry booster and 1/2 cup of Clorox liquid bleach, and soaking in it until the water cooled down. Afterwards, I used a tea tree oil ( Hollywood Beauty Tea Tree Oil skin & scalp treatment ) and applied as needed on itchy or troubled skin areas. Most all skin blemishes and sores became history.

    I really hopes this helps out.

    • Posted

      Do not bathe in bleach you need parasite treatment the parasite treatment is a cream called soolantra with ivermectin in it and a dose of ivermectin pills it completely work for me I have every picture and test sample to prove it. Take me years to get a doctor to finally prescribed me the right medication they all called me crazy and give me Benadryl and antidepressants and I knew there was a bigger problem because I knew where it came from
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      That post was not a remedy, rather, aimed at those who couldn't, for whatever reason, get to a MD now or very near future and just looking for some relief.
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      Okay I understand what you're saying but it didn't offer me any relief the root of the problem really needs to be addressed in bleach is totally unsafe and corrosive but no other remedy work I never put bleach on myself
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      Dear Diggity, I applaud you in getting swift and accurate treatment like you did. I will say this though. I've done all of these treatments. I keep 20 mile on hand for many things. As far as tea tree oil, I went a step further from the Hollywood stuff and used 100% tea tree oil in my efforts to gain relief. I had beautiful skin and a clear complexion. Zero acne scars. my skin tone has always been a lovely color . I was so use to being complimented and owe a lot of it to my American/Asian/ Native American genes ( if you will). I've tried everything . In the beginning of all of this I went to a day spa and got weekly skin treatment of different varieties from professionals. At that time I did not know what was happening and thought maybe I was experiencing an onset of harmonal acne due to crossing the 40 threshold. It was during a chemical peel that the estitician( think I spelled that right) looked at me and said " I don't know what that is but it is not a blackhead or a pimple". I was embarrassed and never returned. Do you think that maybe your getting proper care in a timely manner may be why your skin wasn't left damaged? Because I tell you that I don't know how anyone that has suffered through repeated skin trauma over an extensive amount of time ( like most on here have) can walk away , if posible, without scarring. I want to cry and often do when I look at the damage that has occurred within just the last year. I'm not arrogant in anyway , I e wrestled with low self esteem and am quite shy in public but I will say that My skin was beautiful and so was I. It is only now that I truly appreciate the gift of good skin. I hadn't read past this thread. You may have already discussed this stuff in greater detail so I apologize if all of this is redundant.
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      In no way will I walk away from Filariasis unscathed. I have scarring on all parts of my body. I may have undermined my point by using the term blemishes. I feel that the regular hot baths with increased clorine levels (bleach added) aided in killing off the worms and helping the skin excrete them out.That really helped eliminate the crawling sensations, which kept the scratching and picking at skin to a minimum. By using the term blemishes, I was more referring to lesions, open wounds or minor breaches in the skin. It was inexpensive welcoming relief to buy some time as I have a storefront business to operate and face the public everyday.
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      Oh thats good to know.  I did put Borax in the bath but i didnt know how much so i didnt put nearly enough in so i just stopped it.  Its a bit like the salt it doesnt do much unless you put 2 cups in.  I'll put that in with the salt so 4 cups total, i bet it will draw loads of crap out.  Thank you Diggity.
    • Posted

      which would be me. Thank you so very much once again.

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