Worms in the Face

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Hi All,  I dont know if anyone has come across this.  I have a worm infestation in my face.  They travel around under the skin leaving tracks and bursting holes into my skin.  they create glass like balls that split the skin open and move around my skin with ease. 

I first reported it 3 months ago and the doctors totally ignored me treating me for a secondary infection that was caused by open wounds in my face.  They have given me 4 courses of antibiotics treating the wrong infect but totally ignored waht I was telling ithem about the worms. 

The worms whatever they are are very sharp and whereever they travel through in my face the skin collapses, leaving it like plastercine and it causes tiny splinters that are as sharp as anything that inbed themselves in the inside and outside of my skin right down to the lowest skin level. My skin is also producing a clear sticky substance which feels like little shards of glass if I touch it.  All in all, it really couldnt be much worse except for the fact they have made a hole around my mouth which they can look out of.  I am totally sane!

I am in pieces.  I've been telling the doctors what it is and they have totally ignored me.  Even refusing to refer after an A & E i visited confirmed I needed to be referred as the lesions had been on my face for so long.   

I discovered I had private medical care through my company which now thank god means I've seen my first dermatologist.  He's referred me to another dermatlogist that apparently knows more about things in the skin who I'm yet to see.  Even though he's now put me in the right direction, I'm not convinced he was sure it is worms.  I can pull 1/2 inch worms out of my skin bit by bit.  They look like thread worms and never come out intact, you pull little bits off of them.  It leaves worm shape dents in my face and they feel like little match sticks under the skin.  Nobody is taking me seriously as people dont really get worms in the face. 

They have totally destroyed me skin and I have bad scaring.  I have never had acne and had no scaring.   This has all been caused in the last 3 months.  I dread to think how many are alive in there now they'v been left so long.

Has anyone ever heard of anything like this?

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  • Posted

    I have the same thing.i am in buffalo ny where can i get diagnosed? I think its river blindness

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      What are your symptoms? How long have you had it? Do you feel like they go in and out of holes in your skin? I am so disappointed. I have been accused of drug use, mental sickness and now have a referral to infectuos disease doc.
    • Posted

      Yeah my mother says mogellons but my lesions can not be caused by self mutalation...so pissed
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      See Soolantra Cream is actually meant to kill the pathogens that cause river blindness.  If you do think you have that parasite you should ask for that from your doctor.
    • Posted

      Welcome to the club Robert, I think nearly everyone is getting diagnosed as mental and self harming.  That way the doctors dont actualy have to do anything.
    • Posted

      Robert I have just finally gotten my life and skin back.Happy me!

      I finally insisted that my doctor take a H Pylori test. Worms are worms no matter where they are.This test is for intestinal worms.If positive a Prev Pac 15 day of special antibiotics

      clears it up. It works for skin worms also.

      It worked 8 eight years ago and now for the second time.The only hard part is insisting your Dr. take the test and Prescribe it.

      My Doctor admitted to me and my daughter she was wrong .

      Be strong insist.

      that it was only a rash.

  • Posted

    Silently suffering in Australia. New to the site because of this thread wink


    Let me start off by saying I’m not crazy, not delusional, not suffering from Morgellons, and I do not think I have scabies (neither does the GP), I do not think this is simply Demodex mites. I have read through the previous posts in this thread and I can say that GOD has not healed my ailments.


    I am OCD clean both in environment and personal hygiene. I periodically have my carpets professionally steam cleaned and Bug Bomb. I have bed bug barriers under the feet of my bed, encased mattress protector & use fresh clean sheets/pillow cases daily.  Heck I haven’t so much as seen a single cockroach in my home in years, the odd mosquito that dies a swift and premature death very rarely, but that is it… I have no signs of bed bugs at all.  

    I live alone, and have thrown out all excess furnishings, the sparse single person robbed look is not my favourite but nevertheless it is easier to clean clean clean.


    I have abstained from all sexual and physical contact for years now as a result of my current condition.  

    I have performed taken multiple head to toe (including the face) permethrin treatments, taken ivermectin, removed myself from my own home for a month and washed everything in hot water as well as quarantining all clothing afterwards for a minimum month duration.

    I have changed bedding, towels, even completely replaced my bed and couch during the process. I wash all clothes in Very hot water cycles with detergents (tried even single available type stocked for sale in Woolworths) with vinegar and baking soda as well, all before placing everything through the hot dryer cycle.


    I have tried every acne cream/wash available even ordered stuff from overseas.

    I have literally spent thousands of $ and hours of my time trying to find some kind of cure.

    I have used sulphur soap it helped a little but nothing flash.

    I have tried washing my skin with medicated anti-dandruff shampoo’s which didn’t really do anything.  


    Currently I’m on another course of Doxycycline 100mg and using Antroquoril cream x3 times a day.  That has helped a little to clear some of the many facial spots.

    This evening I have taken some Combantrin. (first time I’ve tried it).


    I have recently in the past 2months been tested for Autoimmune, lupus, and all blood works and hormones levels checked, according to my test results and medical history I’m healthier now than what I was 2.5 years ago when I was last checked. I was once tested for allergies and  only came back positive for shellfish but I’ve never reacted to prawn or anything before.

    Unfortunately I am now food intolerant to Avocadoes. I can not eat them at all these days, a bit of a bummer because I really liked them. I have problems with Bananas too, I can’t eat a whole one in one sitting, but it is ok if I nibble at one in small bites throughout the day. My GP has said it has something to do with the Potassium levels in them or something.  

    Didn’t have yet another STD test this time because I haven’t had sex since my last all clear years ago which was taken after the 6month time frame, so I knew it was A OK for results.

    At the start of the 2015 I was also tested for rheumatoid arthritis stuff and that came back negative as well.   

    I have had different antibiotics (didn’t seem to prevent anything) & I’ve also been vaccinated for most things including  Gardasil and I have my annual flu vaccines.

    I also have a Mirena implant that has been inside me for 5-years now and is soon due for a replacement. I should say, that before the implant and during my teenage years I was formally diagnosed with being one of the few that does genuinely have Menorrhagia and in that respect the implant has been effective for me.


    Oh and I should mention I have ALSO not touched alcohol since last new years eve, and my diet is clean and healthy consisting of mainly salads, fruits, chicken and lean meat.


    Growing up I never really suffered from Acne, the occasional monthly spot but my skin was actually quite good, in fact people would often compliment me about it.



    My journey started a few years ago.

    I was, yes WAS, a normal, full-time employed person, also studying at uni and in a healthy, monogamous, long term happy relationship.

    I was a social butterfly and somewhat extrovert, a real girly girl that use to love dressing up, shopping, taking pride in my appearance and being pretty.  


    That was all before the dreaded, hives/inflammation/ bumps/pimples/bite like things and the itching appeared.


    Now I am a solitary hermit. I work mainly from home and only go out to buy food or daily household items.

    I avoid nearly all social contact even with family members. If I absolutely must go out for work, then I wear clothes that covers me up from head to toe now.

    I’m not exaggerating in the least when I express that this journey has utterly destroyed my life as I once knew it.   


    First there was a few hives, I just ignored them took some anti-histamines and thought they would disappear.  No big deal right.

    Then there was  large inflammation patches around my knees, elbow and forearms. That was weird, I was a little miffed by it but hey I didn’t feel sick or anything so I just ignored it and continued on.  

    Then came the bite-like nodules. At first I use to cover them with make-up just to look normal again and get on with everything I needed to do.

    Then they got worse, and worse and so many more came, my face and upper body looked like a freak from MARS, with lumps, bumps and craters. With makeup packed on I started to look so bad that I can only compare it to a Strawberry & Biscuits white chocolate coated ice-cream.

    The itching started. WHAT THE HECK ? did I have head lice ? nope… BED BUGS ? I don’t think so… WHAT IS SCABIES ? I’d never heard of that before then. But my monogamous and genuinely faithful partner was all clear and was not suffering from any of the symptoms I was.

    Then the large deep cystic-like acne that never seemed to form a real pimple head.

    As the years rolled by I grew sick of covering up with makeup and head to toe clothes, I became a hermit and just stopped going out socially.  


    Now I have a least a few new red spots every single day appearing. Not always at night, it can be in the day. Some look like bites, others look like burn-like blisters.

    These are predominately on my face, neck, chest, the top of my breasts, shoulders, back, my outer arms, and occasionally my forearms. They can be randomly sparse or not.  

    Sometimes I think I see tracks, but I’m not sure, nothing definite, nothing raised, except the itchy sometimes hard nodules sometimes burn-like blister pimple things.



    I don’t know if this is Acne, fungal, bacterial, allergy, bug induced, or some form of parasite that is causing my symptoms.   


    This is not Morgellons, they are clearly there for the entire world to see including my GP. They have scared my arms, chest, breasts and face which has made my complexion now resemble a hideous disease ridden monster.


    I am 34, I want to get married and have children one day.

    However, I’m now too afraid to go out and try and meet people, strangers stare at me on the street like I am diseased. Even if I did meet someone, I’d be too afraid to take my clothes off, get close to or have physical contact in case I gave them whatever it is that is causing these symptoms.


    I wouldn’t wish this upon anyone, not even individuals that I dislike.


    Like everyone else here, I just want it to all stop.

    I want to go back to the days when I could get through an entire day without any new bumps arising.

    I’m not hoping for a miracle cure, I just want it to all stop.


    I want to be able to wear nice girly dresses again, not have to cover up these spots in shame, go out and experience life like a normal person once again.  

    • Posted

      hi kate

      IT IS SO SCARY TO HAVE THESE THINGS. I have been to every er in this town.   I have lost everything. My kids have to stay at the grandparents however i have seen them begin to get it. Noone believes me. I hope that tomorrow i can see disease specialist. I have to get help. I share your same experiences and I wish the guy from tulsa would reply. I am in the same city....dont want to go to his doc....

    • Posted

      My son staying with his father. I have scars all over my arms chest and face. I was mis diagnosed for scabies for 6 months. Dr at emergency rooms don't know anything about this disease. I went to 5 emergency room they all tried to commit me. You have to do enemas water enemas and scoop them out with a fork and put them in a container. They are white and sometimes brown when they're dead. There pork tapeworms. You have to see an infectious disease doctor. Good luck
    • Posted

      Hi Kate.  I feel your pain......

      it sounds to me as if you have a very low fat diet.  If you do not get enough fatty acids your body cannot detox and heal properly.  Many of us are also very Vitamin D deficient and do not get enough sunlight on our skin.  'The Establishment' has made us very scared of sunlight and UV rays etc., and many slather themselves with toxic suncreams for 'protection'.

      We are scared of fat, we are scared of sun, we are scared of all the things we need in order to be healthy.  Lots of good seafood and fish for DHA, which is a very essential fatty acid that helps the conversion of sunlight on the skin and eyes into Vitamin D.

      We get too little daylight and sunlight, and way too much blue light in the evening, and EMFs.  Our circadian rhythms are shot to pieces.

      it's Winter here in the UK, but I am focusing on getting more light, have bought a sunlamp (look up phototherapy), have increased my seafood intake a lot, am taking Vitamin D3 (and K2), fish oil, and other vitamins and minerals, and slowly things are improving.....

    • Posted

      Oh and forgot to mention iodine.  That is plentiful in seafood/seafish/seaweed.  Another thing many of us are very deficient in.

      it is very healing and antimicrobial.  I actually take a drop every day of a well known liquid iodine in water as well as the fish.

    • Posted

      Kate, you do way much more than do. However, anytime I go to public , I do not come in with my shoes they stay on the porch and any clothes I used to go out in public go in the hamper as soon as I get home . if you think about all the leaky bladders out there and all the time people don't clean properly after number 2, and what's gross is all the places that have fabric material on chairs instead of easy to clean plastic or vinyl. I can't believe doctors waiting rooms have fabric chairs.
    • Posted

      Have you watched that show monsters in me? I had to leave everything I went to a hot spring a couple of times, and will be going to the mud pots tomorrow.

      Bugs and parasites are attracted to me,I have gained 60 lbs because every time I would go out I would get attacked by mosquitos . nomire bed, bugs, brown beetle, although I still something under my initial complaint of worms there is some thing there I feel it I see the small whatever like an ingrown zit. This all started happening to me october2014. Gall bladder was taken out 2013 had complications with liver and gave reached menopause, so I say this because the chemistry in my body has changed,so don't know if I stink more or what(shower daily)to have attracted these parasites

    • Posted

      Hi Ali63625,

      You are right, I do have a low fat diet.

      My vitamin D levels are in the normal and healthy range. All my tests have come back that way.

      I am of Mediterranean heritage with Olive skin. Normally I would be outside tanning away. Self-confessed tanning oil queen over sunscreen use and, yes I do realise how bad that is for me.

      However, because I am currently on the  Doxycycline 100mg and using Antroquoril cream I have been advised to stay out of the sun this summer due to the fact these medications can make one’s skin photosensitive.  

      I’m glad you also note the importance of Iodine.

      This is a really important aspect that many people today do not realise or think about. Fortunately, I do sometimes (once or twice a week) sprinkle my salads with Iodised table salt.  It actually really irritates me that today’s celebrity chefs always advocate for the use of ‘natural sea salt’ in the recipes they promote.

      My Grandmother always taught us to use iodine table salt, if nothing more, but to simply prevent thyroid goiters that are caused by an iodine deficiency.

    • Posted

      Hi googiebullrider,

      I’m certain I’m doing more than most people.

      I was always a neat and clean person before this journey of bites/pimples/blisters/hives started, but this has driven me up the walls and into OCD terrain.

      I use plastic storage tubs for my shoes.  In my draws all socks, underwear, bars remain in individual ziplock (air tight) sandwich type sealed bags.

      I have become very aware of material seats on public transport since this all started. I don’t have a car, so I do catch public transport when I am required to go to meetings.

      I’m also quite vigilant about washing my hands for a minimum 20seconds with soap & water then using hand sanitizer. These days I’m conscious about all the things I touch, the PC, mouse, phone etc.

      When this first started, I even wrapped my old PC keyboard with clear cling wrap, but now I just use the disinfectant cleaner on it and have a bottle of hand sanitizer next to the PC.

      I haven’t watched the show ‘monsters in me’. It is bad enough looking at things online. Two days ago I thought I was finally starting to get over it all, then today I woke up again covered on one side of my body. I hit the ones on my forearm with nail polish remover, they went away oddly. But the rest remained.

      I have tried all the conventual medication first before I turned to all the usual alternative things like, bleach baths, pool chlorine in the bath, bi-carb soda ( I think you call that borax), vinegar, tea tree and nearly every natural oil, nothing seems to work.

      To be fair even though I have taken the ivermectin, but at the time I was thinking it was more a scabies thing rather than worms.

      However, I’m not really certain of anything these days.

      Parasites (worms) can, like many things, can cause skin rashes. 

      A friend of mine (the only real one I have left these days) she had purchased the combantrin for her kids and we were talking and I happened to mention that beyond the ivermectin prescriptions, I had never wormed myself before. My GP has never mentioned the concept of worming before to me. I don't own pets or have children so it wasn't a topic that I ever really come across before. 

      My friend suggested I give it a try, I first checked with the chemist to make sure it was safe to try with the other stuff I am on, it was, so I gave it a go.  

      I must admit, I was pleasantly surprised to discover that it really tasted like chocolate cheesygrin so the company deserves some congratulations for their efforts in achieving that feat.

      But I’m yet to see anything wormy in the toilet bowl, well nothing obvious at least.

      question  I do not know how long it should take for them to be excreated from the body ?

      I was kind of hoping that worms were the answer to my ailment.

      The list of possible symptoms and wide descriptions are so varied for many health issues, including worms, that most people could fit into many categories of possibly having different things confused

      I don’t have raised tracks, or typical scabies symptoms.

      I have eruptions, they stay for days, bites/pimples/blisters/hives/ most are raided but others are small flat red patches, but they aren’t scaly like ringworm or eczema, they just appear to be flat small red patches (not always itchy).  The raised nodules do itch and I certainly try my best not to scratch, that has been a hard task. However, I feel that if it is something fungal or bacterial then I don't want my scratching to be the reason that this spreads even more.

      The worst part is not knowing what is going on with my body.

      Without having a solid diagnosis and knowing for sure what it is, I have no real answers on how to prevent it from continuing. cry

      All my tests keep showing up as normal and healthy which doesn’t explain why these constant spontaneous bites/pimples/blisters/hives/ spots that just keep popping up.

      I just want to get through a 24hour period without any unexplained eruptions.  While my face is starting to show signs of improvement, the rest of me however is not.

      I think that here in Australia, because be are not a 3-word country and have been fortunate to NOT have had many documented cases of certain things over the years that our newly trained medical professional simply do not consider the alternatives of possible diagnoses.

      Things are rapidly changing here with increased migration and high density living now being the norm.


      There were genuine health reasons for urban planning of detached homes on minimum 500sqm blocks.

      It was to help in reducing the spread of certain outbreaks, and to create individual quarantine environments if need be.

      You mention the chemistry in your body changing, that is what I had thought of as well, which is why I mentioned my Mirena implant.

      Here the surgeons implant Mirena's in hospital, it is not done so much by the GP's. So replacements are performed with a dilatation and curettage (D&C) in the one procedure under anaesthetic.  My hormone levels were checked and they as well showed normal results. Hormones was once of the logical first things that I thought may be causing my issues. 

      arrow I thought it was worthwhile at least mentioning that I had the Mirena implant, on the off chance that perhaps others might be suffering similar things to what I am experiencing ? 

      I know many others have problems with the Mirena but I cannot fault the Mirena implant otherwise. However, if my eruptions are some kind of reaction to that, then I certainly won't have another one placed inside me again (mine is due to be replaced in the next few months).


    • Posted

      First of all hi all. I haven't been on here in a couple of weeks. I saw this thread and had to comment on it . It seems like we are constantly stumbling on factors that we all have in common. Some of those factors , I find, are more significant than others. I say this because the last medical procedure that I had done prior to getting sick and entering this sheer state of hell was the MARINA IUD. I had been in a long term relationship and had planned marriage at that time. Pregnancy with my son in my thirtie had almost taken my life so I did not want to take a chance this far down the road. After discussing all other options my doctor suggested the Marina. From day one I had trouble. My blood pressure started going up and down. Severe edema and gi issues. I had i taken out after six months. Soon after, everything else started happening. I became so unhappy and felt sick all the time. I thought I was sick because of the stress from my relationship so I role it off. I continued to get sick though. I try to pinpoint when my problems started but I really don't know. Can only speculate.
    • Posted

      You've just described my life, and unfortunately going to work each day is excruciating. I've recently tried applying orange essence (oil from a naval orange peel) to my sores, and it's crazy, but it's healing my skin. Just wanted to suggest this. It's worth a try! Peel an orange and pinch until you get some oil on your finger...that's what I recently did, and it seems to be working! Apply constantly if you're able. I'm sorry that you're going through this, and for the record, I'm 39. Single of course because I can't even look at people when I speak to them...it's by far the worst thing I've ever gone through!
    • Posted

      Hi Kate, that sounds awful.  I know what you mean about not dating.  Even when the doctors told me there was nothing wrong with me, if I did date i had to tell the other person that i thought I had something but doctors didnt think I did.. so they were informed. Not the best conversation to start any date with lol.  Now obviously I cant date while I have Morgellons.  Have you rules out an overgrown yeast infection? you get things on the skin with those?

      Why have you ruled out Morgellons? You sound like you are exactly where I was when I started this thread.  Ruby told me I had Morgellons and I said i was sure I didnt.  I mean, how would I have that weird illness.  Morgellons isnt invisible, it can take on many forms.  if I were you i would purchase a USB microscope, its how I diagnosed myself and know for sure.  You can even look at something as simple as a sock you've worn to know if you have it.  If you did the sock would be covered in fibers.  Morgellons weaves itself into all your clothing.  In the meantime if I were you I would purchase Zane Hellas Wild Oregano Oil, it will pull all the stuff out of your skin and is a very strong natural antifunal that you can use both internally and externally.

      I have also spent easily 2000 or more on treatments.  I buy salt by the 25kg sack, 20 litres of vinegar and hydrogen peroxide, enough vitamins to sink a ship, far red infrared saunas and lamps.

      Start taking probiotics if you arent already.  I am terrible for not taking my pills.  I think its because thing thing goes into the mind and changes your thought patterns.  All parasites have the ability to do that.  They make the host a more comfortable to themselves. 

      That would be my suggestion, seriously your symptoms sound just like mine.  I really hope it isnt Morgellons and you can confirm it for next to nothing.

    • Posted

      This is my first time posting on any forum. When I read your post I could totally relate as this was and is my experience give or take a few things. I just want my life back. I can't go out without being covered up or have to explain the what the large dark circular marks of fortified skin are on my arms or chest. Someone knows what this is yet they refuse to help. This is unethical and so unlawful. Destroyed my life.

    • Posted

      Kate please get your doctor to do a H- pylori test.They use this test for intestinal worms. Worms are worms no matter where they are! I finally got the doctors two times to do the test Positive twice! Last time was 8 years ago.

      Both doctors not happy but I insisted on a Prev -pac used for intestinal worms. Cured both times.

      It is a 15 day antibiotics to cover two cycles of worms.

      Always be aware in the future after it works for you.

    • Posted

      Aaaall of the above...but since you mentioned orange peel, let me suggest pineapple rind. After eating pineapple pulp from the rind I've placed the rind outside out for several minutes (longer is better), and within hours the sore seems to diminish.

    • Posted

      I read a post on this site something about neem tablets and neem oil. Why don't you give it a try

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