Worms in the Face

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Hi All,  I dont know if anyone has come across this.  I have a worm infestation in my face.  They travel around under the skin leaving tracks and bursting holes into my skin.  they create glass like balls that split the skin open and move around my skin with ease. 

I first reported it 3 months ago and the doctors totally ignored me treating me for a secondary infection that was caused by open wounds in my face.  They have given me 4 courses of antibiotics treating the wrong infect but totally ignored waht I was telling ithem about the worms. 

The worms whatever they are are very sharp and whereever they travel through in my face the skin collapses, leaving it like plastercine and it causes tiny splinters that are as sharp as anything that inbed themselves in the inside and outside of my skin right down to the lowest skin level. My skin is also producing a clear sticky substance which feels like little shards of glass if I touch it.  All in all, it really couldnt be much worse except for the fact they have made a hole around my mouth which they can look out of.  I am totally sane!

I am in pieces.  I've been telling the doctors what it is and they have totally ignored me.  Even refusing to refer after an A & E i visited confirmed I needed to be referred as the lesions had been on my face for so long.   

I discovered I had private medical care through my company which now thank god means I've seen my first dermatologist.  He's referred me to another dermatlogist that apparently knows more about things in the skin who I'm yet to see.  Even though he's now put me in the right direction, I'm not convinced he was sure it is worms.  I can pull 1/2 inch worms out of my skin bit by bit.  They look like thread worms and never come out intact, you pull little bits off of them.  It leaves worm shape dents in my face and they feel like little match sticks under the skin.  Nobody is taking me seriously as people dont really get worms in the face. 

They have totally destroyed me skin and I have bad scaring.  I have never had acne and had no scaring.   This has all been caused in the last 3 months.  I dread to think how many are alive in there now they'v been left so long.

Has anyone ever heard of anything like this?

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  • Posted

    Did you ever find the cure?????
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      Yes. I had to go to infectious disease doctor. I had to take Albenza to get rid of all. It took 7 months of medication. 800 milligrams a day
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      I went to hell for a year until I found a doctor to help me. Find a doctor that has traveled the world. Are an African American doctor. They will believe you. And they will send you to infectious disease doctor. You have all the same systems that I had. You have to get help or you will die. There pork tapeworms.
    • Posted

      Hi Tina. I would like to see you pics. Not because I question ou but to see I they are similiar to anything I'm dealing with or have dealt with. Whatever I have has been goin on long enough to where there will be no easy fix when I do get a correct diagnosis. Scarring is and will be a avoidable at this point. Ibe been brushing up on my knowledge of tapeworms and treatment to eradicate them. I know that ALBENZA ( albenzadole) is used but I've noticed that praziquantel is the drug of choice for most tapeworm infections. Because of the difference in the way both meds work, I can understand why ALBENZA is used as an alternative therapy. I wonder why what works for some people doesent for others when trying to get rid of the same type of tapeworm. i read earlier where you stated you had pork and dwarf. Was that why ALBENZA was chosen of was it first choice. I know ivermectin works differently and is it effective of most tapeworm infections. You an correct me if I'm wrong. But ivermectin causes paralysis for the beast. But if you don't pass them while the drug is having an optimal effect then wouldent it be useless to take it? ALBENZA starves them but when it leaves the bloodstream does it completely starve the ones that it has affected. I'm asking this because I have had to use something every day since all of this started just to be able to go to the bathroom a few times a week. Every other day would be great for me. I e taken anything from miralax, ex- lax, enemas , castor oil to drinking prune juice daily. I know it would be easier if I ate better and drank more water but when your sick it's hard to get the stuff down. I'm exhausted and am awaiting bloodworm results to let me know if I'm anemic. I e had huge amounts of mucus in my stool. I know that mucus along with heavy tapeworm, etc infections can block your intestines. Especially if you have a huge amount of any type of did off. I'm a mess right now. For the first time since all of this started I really feel like I'm dying. I've always felt like I would die if I don't get proper help but I now feel like it's happening regardless.
    • Posted

      My understsnding to what was explained by my doctor is, the strongest punch to the parasites is a combination of Albendazole and Ivermectin. The problem with administering that treatment to a larger degree of parasitic infection is that the body can only handle (get rid of) so much of the dead parasites at one time. The key to a proper treatment is finding a doctor with thourough knowledge in paracitic worms. Most of my forum reading seems to be of textbook Filariasis of the skin (Sub-cutaneous) cases.
    • Posted

       I've been following this post for weeks and have all of the same symptoms described (fine, threadlike worms causing lesions all over my body). I should be getting a bottle of albendazole (I ordered online from pet and feed store) in the mail tomorrow, and will also be calling my doctor for the ivermectin. I'll send an update after a week on the meds. Thanks for the tip Diggity...hope it works!
    • Posted

      Great - I am going to try it and will let you know how it goes...
    • Posted

      I've been on an Albendazole treatment also and noticed something of the same. Open wounds healing/healed closed took on a different texture, like a pocket, or fortified sac of skin. Like, skin postules, but not containing puss.
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      anything acidic will do this, lemon grapefruit etc. wink


    • Posted

      Sorry I forgot somethings, take a PROBIOTIC daily and load up on VITAMINS this is your FIGHT BACK TO HEALTH, they dispise the said.  Also try and eat lots of garlic, garlic bread lots of garlic on it, garlic stuffed olives, however you can get it in you, a pill ? and hot spicy food, I currently am making chicken curry a lot ! with lots of red peppers !  Lemon water too lots like all day long !  you can slo back all this up with WORMWART.  I eat something they like then take it.  I CAN HEAR THEM GRAWL, DYING ! ANOTHER FREAKY THING BUT A GOOD ONE !!!!

      LUV LUV

    • Posted

      Yeah for sure! the thing totally wipes out our good bacteria.  We need our body to start fighting back.  Antibiotics are so detremental to this illness.  I have stopped using all perscriped stuff.  Whilst the Soolantra cream is great and lets us heal, its actually not good for us and all it does is stops them breeding so fast.  It did clear my skin up wonderfully though but i find Oregano oil better than the Soolantra, it actually makes them throw themselves out of the skin.
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      Sorry did you take albenza for 7 months continuously without I break?
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      Just getting over a second time after 8 years ago.

      Please insist your doctor do a H Pylori test. Worms are worms!

      No matter where they are! This is used for intestinal worms.Works the same for facial worms.

      I was positive both times. Doctors finally agreed to a Prev -pac

      Cured both times. Take it for 15 days to cover 2 cycles of worms. Always be aware to test in the future.

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