Worms in the Face

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Hi All,  I dont know if anyone has come across this.  I have a worm infestation in my face.  They travel around under the skin leaving tracks and bursting holes into my skin.  they create glass like balls that split the skin open and move around my skin with ease. 

I first reported it 3 months ago and the doctors totally ignored me treating me for a secondary infection that was caused by open wounds in my face.  They have given me 4 courses of antibiotics treating the wrong infect but totally ignored waht I was telling ithem about the worms. 

The worms whatever they are are very sharp and whereever they travel through in my face the skin collapses, leaving it like plastercine and it causes tiny splinters that are as sharp as anything that inbed themselves in the inside and outside of my skin right down to the lowest skin level. My skin is also producing a clear sticky substance which feels like little shards of glass if I touch it.  All in all, it really couldnt be much worse except for the fact they have made a hole around my mouth which they can look out of.  I am totally sane!

I am in pieces.  I've been telling the doctors what it is and they have totally ignored me.  Even refusing to refer after an A & E i visited confirmed I needed to be referred as the lesions had been on my face for so long.   

I discovered I had private medical care through my company which now thank god means I've seen my first dermatologist.  He's referred me to another dermatlogist that apparently knows more about things in the skin who I'm yet to see.  Even though he's now put me in the right direction, I'm not convinced he was sure it is worms.  I can pull 1/2 inch worms out of my skin bit by bit.  They look like thread worms and never come out intact, you pull little bits off of them.  It leaves worm shape dents in my face and they feel like little match sticks under the skin.  Nobody is taking me seriously as people dont really get worms in the face. 

They have totally destroyed me skin and I have bad scaring.  I have never had acne and had no scaring.   This has all been caused in the last 3 months.  I dread to think how many are alive in there now they'v been left so long.

Has anyone ever heard of anything like this?

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  • Posted

    Get an enema and you'll see all worms come out. Scooping out with a fork . Put them in a plastic bottle water. Then take them to the doctors.
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    That's the only way I got help. They thought I was crazy. Tried to commit me 5 times. Thank God it's over
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      They turn the calcium in your skin when they die. That's what number dermatologist can't detect it
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      That is very interesting - I never heard that before.
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      Please believe me I've been through hell over these tapeworms. The only thing keeping me living is my kids.
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      Hang in there, believe me I know what you are talking about , I ended up living in my car leaving everything behind o mean everything , I had trailer and bugs were all inside it. I lost everything but important papers some pics and a few clothes items , I lost everything even my jewelry. I thought I was going insane but no I was still wrapped tightly. Those parasites ate my face up and eventually had them in the car in the cushion.I had so many bed bugs in the car that when I out up the window shades, I heard them communicate in their squeeky ,shrill noise and then they were walking on the w I ndow shades like a hundred Lil bugs walking on them, I took out boric acid and powdered everywhere, yeah it looked fricjen crazy and the whole time I am getting eaten up by body lice and brown small beetles.thank god there was a pilot gas station I took a shower there and asked my mother to help me.

      I wanted to be insane by this time, but no my cheese hadn't slid off my cracker yet, I wanted to go to a mental hospital to get the critters off of me.

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      You have to use Epsom salt and get these things out of you. Do enemas like I said. Scoop them out with fork. Put them in a plastic bottle water. Look for a doctor that has traveled the world. They know what they are.
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      Just keep that in your head it's about your life not about what you've lost. Thank God I'm alive
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      Go to my facebook page under Tina Warren
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      The key is no sugar. Do not take anything or eat anything with sugar. They can't survive in you without sugar.
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      And would you know it that is my addiction.

      Sugar and it is difficult to stop. I have made many attempts ,but just like a drug addict I rationalize why I need it.

    • Posted

      I have this!!! What the heck are the glass looking shard things poking in and out of my skin. All over face, head, neck, arms, almost everywhere! I feel like I'm dying. Have had this for almost 2 years. I have two teenagers who I'm worried I gave it to. Is it very contagious? How did I get this?+

  • Posted

    I just want you to know that you are not alone and yes, sadly people are going to think we are completely off our rockers but the thing is we know our bodies better then anyone so dont get discouraged. I am saying this to you as a 32 year old woman whos own mother had her commited due to this affliction. Some people just would rather discredit someone then come to the realization that just because they havent experienced something firsthand doesnt mean that it doesnt exist . Through trial and error I have tried about everything and the suggestion of vapor rub is a good one but its messy. The latest thing i found that works wellisArm and Hammer teath whitening bleach.
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      I am a rid of them now after 7 months of Albenza from an infectious disease doctor. I was mis diagnosed scabies 5x. It took me to do water enemas. To get them out. And show primary care doctor. I'm doing absolutely well now. I'm just trying to tell people what it is and they're not crazy
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      You got to help your mother
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      Hi Rebecca - That is so sad thatyour own mother had you committed. How on earth was she able to do that?! My doctors have also constantly added things like self-excoriation and delusions of parasitosis to my history and notes. Unfortunately this stays in your medical history forever so be careful about the doctors you see. If they are giving you any indication that they are not on your side - get rid of them! I also want to caution everyone on this forum about using all kinds of home remedies (and even prescribed) to try and rid yourself of this. I have had the all out symptoms with horrendous lesions for close to 9 years now and have tried evrything in the book. Nothing, and I mean nothing has worked. If anything some of the "remedies" have been harmful. Some things can ruin your skin and internal bodily organs. Do Not Use Them! Best to just try and use things that help you to get through it like topicl pain relief and anti itch, soothing baths, etc. And by the way, I in no way think that sugar is the culprit - that is such baloney. Granted, sugar is not the best thing for our bodies and I am not one to overdo it. But seriously, the whole time I was not eating it I had the worst lesions - right down to my skull bone that required major surgery. I am not telling you to out and eat a ton of Christmas cookies, but to tell you the truth I think it is better to make yourself feel good as it helps your body fight off this awful problem. Good luck to you and Happy Holidays to all!
    • Posted

      I am a 29 year old wife of almost 8 years and mother of 3 beautiful children ages 11/8/5. Myself and my children ALL have this "Unknown X" parasite. My husband does not seem to have it. I am covered in lesions, my long beautiful hair is falling out in clumps as well as my 2 girls. I shaved my son's head... Does your hair have a "nit like" fuzzball towards the ends? I have treated us for lice naturally and conventionally but every night they appear again. I've bleached, washed in hot water, used the highest proof rubbing alcohol, starting taking olive leaf extract, Astragulus, unscented garlic, Zyrtec (I now have idiopathic uticarius magically) on top of lesions from head to calf. I was once a size 2 fitness buff who could deadlift 215 3x and enjoyed it! Now, I'm lucky if I get off the couch some days... I was recently diagnosed with Lupus (no blood test just symptoms) but have experienced weird skin conditions my entire life. January of this year was the first time I actually noticed that there was literally something foreign coming out of me. I have struggled hard with my skin and health in general for 7+ years but didn't realize that it was "abnormal" to have wormlike creatures coming out of my skin. It wasn't until the actual fiber fuzzball things started coming out that I got freaked out and typed in the right wording because Morgellans popped right up. I know I have it, I know my children have it, my mother has it (but is in complete denial and probably wants me committed) I believe my case stems from Chronic Lyme's and plenty of coinfections. My mother was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease at 36 and they estimate she's "had" it since her 20's. She was in a less than 5% in the whole world for her "process of elimination diagnosis" just like my "lupus". She refuses to accept any info I send her, or memories of ONLY she and I having "dog hair" stuck in our feet and stretch marks, I've had stretch marks since I was little, now they are horrendous like my mother's. I was prescribed 40mg of doxycycline and it almost killed me, my heart rate was 48, purple blotchy skin, etc. I begged for my life for my children's sake and thankfully I made it through with 2 days I couldn't even get up by myself, my husband had to stay home. I refuse to go to a Dr they have put me on psych meds on and off unsuccessfully since I was 13, I've been committed a few times, but I'm not crazy, I've just NEVER felt good and get tired of being called depressed, lazy, bipolar, borderline personality, insomniac, anxiety ridden, etc. I've always had custody of my babies and was a single mother until my hubby came along, I might have lost my temper on idiotic hospital workers or someone who was obviously degrading me, but NEVER on my children or anyone I love, I've been neglected by our for profit hospitals for too long, they've killed me spiritually... my feet stay numb, my fingers are curling on my right hand, that side seems worse? and I'm horribly swollen and have been since 2014, my bones feel as if they're being eaten literally, I can feel these "whatevers" under my skin moving and giving me cold chill sensations, I also have a "breeding ground" in the nether region, hence the grand puba lesion, how convenient because it's so hard to keep clean and dry... It emits a musky smell, my whole body does, and so do my children's scalps etc. My urine, my bowels, and I can especially feel them crawling in my anus, (I feel so disgusting and weird even saying this!) But I swear it's true, I've never said anything to my children out of fear, but they scratch and dig, have low grade fevers lately, vomiting, bumps from head to toe, fuzzballs in their hair, FUZZBALLS everywhere, constantly, no matter how many cleanings, washings, on every single thing in our rental home. I believe it's come to play because we moved in October to a bigger, nicer home, in a better area, the house is nicely redone but our basement and bathrooms all have mold everywhere, I clean it and it grows right back, all the drains smell horrid regardless of bleach vinegar baking soda, the seals under the toilets are so strong upstairs it can curdle my stomach, our basement at time smells like cat urine and there are some outdoor cats, but none indoors, the mold is very visible in the basement, it's on the concrete, drywall, and the open insulation on one side, the other side is only the drywall, we can't move, we were lucky to get this home since I'm not working, no disability, my hubby is rarely home, he works 2 jobs, and rentals this visually nice and in the area, plus labd for the price we eventually were given, we'd be back in a 2 bedroom apt, and I was still sick, just not as often.. Since it started and I gave up completely on "for profit healthcare" I'm on the supplements and cut coffee to ONLY 1 cup, no sugar, and trying to eat alkaline foods, my bestie who is my sanity! Bought me some type of alkaline pitcher for water? She is probably the ONLY person who believes me and is documenting everything she refuses to give up on me, my husband is tired of hearing about it, my words not his, but he just stares at his phone and comments from time to time, he has no interest in reading about it, so I'm the researcher lol, I must also note all 3 of my pregnancies were NOT enjoyable, I retained enormous amounts of fluid and had 2 emergency c sections only 1 planned, but I almost blead to death on that one, I had a horribly high fever with my first which they wouldn't listen to me while I was in labor, I kept telling them I didn't feel right, apparently I didn't know my own body, so shift change, vitals, group B strep positive, penicillin running through me 2 bags in, 8cm dilated (natural) and a fever of 104! 20 minutes later I gave birth, I had a severe infection for 12 weeks straight, my oldest is also Autistic. My 3rd was a preemie and was in the Nicu for 2 weeks due to her not knowing how to eat. I feel like I should write a book, but I guess that's it for now. I was once a beautiful blonde bombshell with porcelain skin who sang and wrote music, picked my guitar, and tickled the ivories, now I'm a scarred up hermit who's so disgusted and distraught and fearful of losing my children, my husband, and my life, who's accused of being on drugs, crazy, and ultimately my heart is hurting the worst because we're shunned and made to feel worthless, the shaming alone is enough to make you wanna just give up but.... You are NOT alone ever, eventually someone will figure all this out, I just hope my children get to experience relief before it destroys them. Thank you all for posting and letting me know I'm not crazy and alone....
    • Posted

      If you are talking about taleworms;

      They feed on sugar and glutens. Albendazole is the med that you treat with, and it inhibits their ability to absorb sugar and glutens, so they weaken and die. A lot of parasites fall in the same category of feeding as this. When you stolp eating glutens and sugar, your symptoms get worse as they die and come to the top. For every action there is a reaction, and this is how the game goes. If you want to feel better, you must feel worse first as the tocins and parasites rid your body. These facts are shared by the natural, homeopathic, and western medical communities. It takes a lomg time for some parasites to colonize the body. You can kill off 7/8 of your parasite load and go back to the way you felt years ago. Meanwhile, you feel ok, but they are rebuilding. Hopefully, the immune system finishes them off, but this does happen. Trust me.

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      Some parasites like The parasite g.pulchrum lives off the epithelial cells of the host.
    • Posted

      Please insist your doctor take a H pylori test. Worms are worms!

      No matter where they are. This test is done for intestinal worms.Cure is a Prev pac. 15 day treatment.

      Just getting over a second time for face worms.. Last time 9 years ago..H pylori test was positive both times.Prev pac

      was the answer. Finally I am myself again but always aware

      Hope this info helps as it has done for me.

    • Posted

      Very interesting. I just researched that, and it kind of looks like tapeworms. I was speaking only on tapeworms, but i misspelled it taleworms..lol

      I actually have them in my eyes and cant see very well sometimes.

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