Worms in the Face

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Hi All,  I dont know if anyone has come across this.  I have a worm infestation in my face.  They travel around under the skin leaving tracks and bursting holes into my skin.  they create glass like balls that split the skin open and move around my skin with ease. 

I first reported it 3 months ago and the doctors totally ignored me treating me for a secondary infection that was caused by open wounds in my face.  They have given me 4 courses of antibiotics treating the wrong infect but totally ignored waht I was telling ithem about the worms. 

The worms whatever they are are very sharp and whereever they travel through in my face the skin collapses, leaving it like plastercine and it causes tiny splinters that are as sharp as anything that inbed themselves in the inside and outside of my skin right down to the lowest skin level. My skin is also producing a clear sticky substance which feels like little shards of glass if I touch it.  All in all, it really couldnt be much worse except for the fact they have made a hole around my mouth which they can look out of.  I am totally sane!

I am in pieces.  I've been telling the doctors what it is and they have totally ignored me.  Even refusing to refer after an A & E i visited confirmed I needed to be referred as the lesions had been on my face for so long.   

I discovered I had private medical care through my company which now thank god means I've seen my first dermatologist.  He's referred me to another dermatlogist that apparently knows more about things in the skin who I'm yet to see.  Even though he's now put me in the right direction, I'm not convinced he was sure it is worms.  I can pull 1/2 inch worms out of my skin bit by bit.  They look like thread worms and never come out intact, you pull little bits off of them.  It leaves worm shape dents in my face and they feel like little match sticks under the skin.  Nobody is taking me seriously as people dont really get worms in the face. 

They have totally destroyed me skin and I have bad scaring.  I have never had acne and had no scaring.   This has all been caused in the last 3 months.  I dread to think how many are alive in there now they'v been left so long.

Has anyone ever heard of anything like this?

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    I have had same thing going on with my health. Started with doctors July 21 2015.... Use neisporin on face sores. Went back no help prescribed rx antibacterial for sores on face. Early October with no improvement saw dermatologist. Visual inspection but at least taking a swab, tested it for Herpes 1 and 2. Never had a cold sore in my life (& yes I know everyone more than likely carries the virus and something like stress can trigger it) but I knew this wasn't what was going on in these sores on my face. My tongue had white spots seemed wrinkly and swollen. I was tod to see a different specialist if this didn't clear up. I saw the trip to the oral surgeon coming. Wow!, something growing in back of my throat. 1 week later had biopsy. Turned out nin cancerous tissue. Take note folks.... What is it then?.....field trip to dentist for over all check.... 2 cavities nothing horrible exempt my extreme dry mouth, swollen salivary glands and lips that peel off in a sheet!...growth that wasn't normal downstairs. Made appt. with the gynecologist. Diagnosis... Skin tag. Yes I had all STD testing & HIV test (I fall on the less risky side for anything found in that department.....all clear, everything negative. Friend came over last week and took me to ER because my coloring and over all health had deteriorated so rapidly from when I had seen her last. I was treated so poorly and have been stereotyped by the symptoms I'm showing that it has made me not want to go out (grocery store is when no one is there), doctors am completely disgusted with because they are in a rush and never want to investigate or pursue it further. Today I have turned I my lovely stool sample which made me giddy when I could see them throughout the sample bottles. The pa that ordered the sample was pretty emphatic when discussing the fact that a majority of people think they feel or have some type of parasite. I have described that I feel like there is glass.... Nobody listened. I can't wait to ask the PA what he tells people if they are in a lower percentile and do have a parasite. I have felt like doctors were going to have me put away, but I haven't been yet. With shreds of doubt and comments from people I know has filled me with disappointment and anger. Hopefully I get results back and I will get a diagnosis, treatment plan and the sanity back that I have lost over the past several months!!!!
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      I left this part out regarding my last derm visit. Crazy coincidence. My tongue was icky white. It looked like I had thrush. I struggled to swallow. I thought that since he was a doctor I would show it to him . He looked at it and chuckled. He said he had white stuff too and stuck his tongue out. He turned to the resident in the room with us ( who was much nicer ) and stuck it out again and said "see" and then asked her to stick her tongue out. He thought it was so funny. He barely had anything on his tongue. I'm old enough to be his mother yet he acted like I did not have enough sense to know the difference between a normal tongue and what was happening to mine. I had to say something so I asked him was his throat swollen and if he was having trouble swallowing. He then looked at me and told me I needed to go see an ENT for my mouth and throat. I know what you mean about the ER. From my experience, if you doubt or question them they act as though you are being combative. And if you are combative then you must have mental health issues . I don't work know but I use to. I worked for years in the mental health field and although I don't have a degree in behavioral sciences, I do have a lot of experience. I know how these folks think. If they already believe you are delusional, questioning them only confirms what they already believe. It stinks.
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      Yeah, totally agree , I too work in mental health, and have worked . when I went to the dermatologist I asked them repeatedly to put me in a room where others wouldn't be to isolate me. They didn't,so I was dropping off mg body lice in the cloth material chairs.

      Whern the dermatologist, who on his website nasi dB he went o Yale and Berkley, and Princeton saw me I was beside myself I n seeing how he was assessing me.

      He looked at my face with no mafnifiedblight, no swabs and saw my head by using a gloved hand parting my hair once and said you have dandruff.

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    I had the same problems. Skin Itching, Crawling, Sores, Bumps. Seen or thought I was seeing bugs, worms, etc!?

    I had bumps and eventually large wounds all over me. I eventually lost my hair! Went to doctors and was told I was crazy, etc and even had one doctor misdiagnose me with Scabies.

    I was put in Intensive Care for an unrelated problem and was also diagnosed with MRSA. Now I do not know if the MRSA was causing all of my symptoms/problems but what they gave me to fix MRSA solved everything. I was instructed to put MUPIROCIN ointment in my nose, and I also decided to put it on all my skin. 2 weeks later and my problems stopped & the wounds started to heal. It is now 2 months later and I have not had a reaccurance. Hope this helps. (pics of what my head looked like right before being in the hospital)

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      FYI I have never had short hair it was in the middle of my back and all fell out within 3 months (12 months after my symptoms first started)
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      My scalp looks the same as yours. My story is also the same as every else here.

      I'm hoping you can tell me 5 years later, you are past this nightmare.

      Can you please give me info on what worked for you?

      Thank you,


  • Posted

    Hi everyone! Like all of you I have similar symptoms. My parasitic infection started in my groin (if you'd like to know why send me a private message). After 4 years my entire body is infected.

    I have sores most places on my body and have networks of worms especially in my groin, neck, face, and scalp. I have a large one that runs from my neck, to my shoulder, and then to my heart.

    The really big ones are in my legs. They move around daily and when I take something they don't like they recoil like an earthworm after its been stepped on.

    I've lost over 35 pounds because they eat a lot. And after I tried to starve them out they started eating me. I've been in the hospital for a near heart attack (they caught it in time), have seen a ridiculous amount of doctors and specialists, have had colonoscopies, MRI's, CAT scans, and have taken every anti-parasitic drug I can get. Including vet drugs because you can't get certain human ones in Canada or its very difficult.

    But because of all this the worms/parasites have adapted. They are also nocturnal, so any blood work or tests during the day are useless. Or the ordering doctor doesn't know what to look for. Doctors in the ER are overworked and don't take me seriously when I've gone to the ER at night.

    I've taken crazy amounts of colloidal silver, food grade hydrogen peroxide, anti parasitic herbs, seen naturopaths, done numerous alternative treatments, colon hydrotherapy, zapped them with electricity, aromatherapy, etc etc.

    So after a lot of research and experience here's what I know:

    1. It's multiple parasites. Layers of different parasitic infections. The big ones are nocturnal.

    2. I am getting re-infected. Mostly from family member who refuse to treat. And I am re-infecting myself because I haven't treated my environment (home, laundry, car, dog).

    3. I haven't treated everything at once. Myself, environment, kid, dog, car, everything.

    So my plan:

    1. Treat internally with combatrin (pin worms and round worms) vermox (broad spectrum anti parasitic) , ivermectin (broad spectrum) , and albendazole (broad spectrum). And of course knowing drug interactions, half-life, and how much and how many drugs I can take without killing myself accidentally, etc. And treat per life cycle of each parasite.

    2. A lot of insecticides have albendazole in it. So I will spray my entire living area, wash my clothes in it, spray mattress, car, etc. I know what's been said about insecticides and weighing the pros and cons, I'd rather live then be eaten alive.

    3. Get a huge amount of premethrin cream 5%. it's used for scabies and lice but it kills skin worms too. Use it as prescribed and for outbreaks.

    4. Cut out family who refuse to treat. That includes my entire immediate family. I also have to get full custody of my son (abusive ex) and get enough proof to force the father to treat if court orders visitation.

    5. Not go insane

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      PORK TAPEWORMS. I have been on alben a for 7 months, I am feeling better. Your right about family members. I had to cut them off. Tell doctors you ate raw pork.
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      I was misdiagnosed scabies 5x
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      Wow Tina, you were taking albendazole for 7 months! I didn't know it took that long on the drug to get rid of them. Did you have skin lesion and what looked like it could be dwarf tapeworms?
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      Wow - that sounds awful! I wish you luck. Do you have anyone at all that is close who can help you out? It just sounds so daunting.
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      How to get my rights back in custody of my son how did you do it
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      Also I did water anima. You can scoop the dead ones out with a fork.
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      Also when they died in my skin. I pick segments out. Took him to a dermatologist. And he said it look like a worm but he's never study tapeworms. So he didn't know what to do for me. So I'm scarred for life. But least I'm alive.
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      The problem is that Doctors are not educated on this.
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      And I live in Nashville Tennessee . I've been infecting people for years and didn't know it.
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      Hi Rhuby and Hi all. I haven't been on in a while. To depressed and sick but thought I would look at see what was new. ALBENZA is suppose to be good stuff but I've never heard of any one taking it this long either. Not to doubt anyone though. I'm surprised you could get help in Nashville. I o my live about two hours south of you. I've lived just outside of Nascille and worked in Nashville . Great area to live but that was before all my problems. I'm scarred for life too. Most folks that I know are. I don't think any adult can suffer so much damage and not have permanent scarring. We aren't kids. Our bodies can not heal like that anymore and if you are over 40 you have lost most of your collagen. At least that's what I've been told. I too am curious as to why so long on ALBENZA. I have to guess that your infection was humongous. Pork tapeworms ( correct me if I'm wrong) can travel all throughout the body. Brain and all.
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      Sorry Rhuby. My comments after the initial hello were geared toward Tina.
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      Yes, I'm 49 I had thousands of them. And all through my skin. Like I said I did a enema water enema and you can take a fork and go through your toilet and you'll pull them out. I took him to a doctor Barfield primary care doctor. He sent me to infectious disease doctor at Meharry. Matter fact my infectious disease doctor is a professor. And yeah I'm on my 7th month of Albenza. I was mis diagnosed for scabies 5x. I was told I had lupus. Who was sent to a cancer treatment center to outru leukemia. I'm anemic and vitamin B deficiency. I was so sick. I was dying. Thank God I did the enema and took them to my primary care doctor. He saved my life. They are pork tapeworms. I have pictures of them if anybody wants to see them.
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      My doctor told me they've been around for a long time. I've called infectious disease department. They won't do nothing. And I've called the Center for Disease and control. They will not do nothing. I'll call the health department. They will not do anything either. But yet when you have them. You're crazy
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      Thank God I'm diagnosed pork tapeworms from my infectious disease doctor. Plus I got proof I've been taking Albenza for 7 months. Which cost 20000 a month. You have to get government assistance. Thats what kills me they'll give me medicine send me to the doctors. But won't warn people about this disease. I've infected my family. And people for years and didn't know it.
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      If you think they went to your brain. Go to the ER and tell them you had a seizure. So you can have a CT scan. These things do get in your brain.
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      I was diagnosed scabies over 6 months period. At 6 different hospitals. Ivermectin does not work. These things are inside you trying to come out. It's called a die off.
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      Yes the small ones look like dwarf tapeworms. They're not there pork tapeworms.
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      Hi Tina - Do they look anything like these pictures? Also, how did you first learn that you had them? Was it from doing a stool sample?
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      Hi Tina - How do you infect other people with the tapeworm? I didn't realize you could do that. Do you ever have them come out of your skin?
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      Yes, please share some pictures. I would appreciate it. I have been horribly ill for 8 years with this problem. Had to have major surgery to my scalp where they removed my entire scalp and took a amuscle out of my back to put on top and then a skin graft on top of that from my thigh. Unfortunately, it is still there in my scalp and all the way down the side of my head and neck. I have a huge open wound on my neck that the wound clinic cannot heal for 7 months of weekly visits.
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      Yes, take them to your doctor. Make sure you keep pictures. Do you see a bunch of white strings floating in the toilet
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      Tell them you want to see infectious disease doctor. You have that right
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      Make sure you put them in alcohol. Are they will dissolve.
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      Sores all over me and my hair fell out
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      That medication is so expensive, how can anyone pay for it or if they are not low income but not high income either, how can people who have this take care of it if they can't afford it.
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      Yeah , I called CDC, and they did nothing but ask me to ask my doctor to refer me to university that studies tropical medicine , they took NO documemtation , no info about where I live , ect. Interesting though that several months later an infant died of body lice and they blamed it on that the infant was at Yosemite and may have contracted by deer, I live about 40 minutes away from there.
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      Hi Ruby

      I am.just getting over a second time with this.

      Last time was 9 years ago.Fought for a H pylori test both times.

      a test for intestinal worms. Worms are worms!

      Was positive both times.

      I was treated both times with A Prev -pac. Cured and I am getting my life back and my skin looks great..

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